Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Astrolabe combination: phase analysis of mercury and venus

Astrolabe combination: phase analysis of mercury and venus

Mercury alloy star aspect usually brings great luck in emotion, social interaction and communication. This group represents a very active social life and has strong communication skills. This trait is particularly evident in social situations. They are usually easy to make friends and communicate with people under any circumstances. They are particularly good at expressing themselves in words, and it is easy to pass on their ideas to others. On the other hand, the same influence of Mercury and Venus also means that they are highly sensitive to beautiful things. They have a strong interest in music, art and literature, so we often see these people as talented poets, artists or musicians. However, this combination sometimes means that this powerful communication ability may bring some negative effects. Sometimes, these people spend too much time in social situations, which leads to poor time management. In addition, these people have a strong desire to be recognized, and they tend to look for their sense of existence in the eyes of others, so they may also be demanding in personal relationships. Generally speaking, when Mercury and Venus meet, this combination represents a personality trait full of vitality and appeal, with strong communication skills and many talents. They are good at showing their unique charm in social situations, but they need to be careful not to sacrifice their personal time and planning.