Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the functions of psychological suggestion in daily life?

What are the functions of psychological suggestion in daily life?

Hints in my heart must have a great influence on people! Speaking of psychology, the first way people think of setting up a stall is fortune telling. Once upon a time, psychology became metaphysics in the eyes of the public. In a few words, you can know the happiness of this life, solve the mystery and get the secret of transshipment.

You can even easily ask a psychologist, "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

In fact, whether it is astrology or palm reading, it is often the role of psychological suggestion that really affects people.

What is psychological suggestion?

Psychological suggestion refers to "the psychological characteristics that people accept the influence of the wishes, ideas, emotions, judgments or attitudes of the outside world or others". It is a common psychological phenomenon, and about one third of people in the crowd have strong suggestive and self-suggestive functions.

We constantly accept various hints from ourselves or others every day. This influence sometimes brings us joy and confidence, and sometimes makes people feel depressed.

Pessimists see some kind of worry at every opportunity; An optimistic person can see an opportunity in every trouble.

There is a famous psychological effect called Murphy's Law, which points out that "if you are worried about something, it is more likely to happen", that is, the more you are afraid, the more likely it is to happen.

Super psychological suggestion effect

Positive psychological suggestion can help people succeed, while negative psychological suggestion often makes people get into trouble.

1On the afternoon of June 29th, 995, Seoul, South Korea suddenly made an earth-shattering roar. Sanfeng department store collapsed instantly, and nearly a thousand people were buried under the rubble. However, in this inevitable catastrophe, 27 people survived after exceeding the "death limit", creating a "Seoul miracle" in the history of human disasters. Especially the last survivor, who was buried in the ruins 16 days, miraculously survived.

The medical staff asked curiously, "What do you eat to survive?" Her answer turned out to be "nothing, not a drop of water." This made some people present dumbfounded and unbelievable.

She said: "I have an extraordinary belief: I can never die, I am still young, I love life, and I know my parents, family, relatives and friends are eager for me to live." I've been imagining how they want me to live. In addition, I also believe that I will never die, because I am convinced that rescuers will do their best to dig and find. "

It is this positive psychological suggestion that enabled her to overcome her fate, create a miracle, and generate unexpected strength even for herself.

A worker was locked in the cold storage after work and was found frozen to death the next day. Surprisingly, there was no electricity at all that day, and the cold storage only had room temperature!

What on earth killed this worker? It is his constant self-psychological suggestion: "it's over, it's MINUS tens of degrees Celsius here, and I'm sure I'll freeze to death!" " "So I looked at the closed iron gate and came to the end of my life.

The famous "pygmalion effect" in psychology also talked about the influence of psychological suggestion.

Psychologist Rosenthal found through experimental research in the late 1960s that teachers' expectations of students would have an impact on students' academic performance. If teachers think that some children are smart and have positive expectations for them, then in a few months, their academic performance will be significantly improved compared with other students.

This expectation effect is also a positive psychological suggestion for students, thinking that they are smarter will make them face difficulties and challenges with a more positive attitude.

Positive self-psychological suggestion method

We can give others psychological hints and accept them, but it is more important to learn positive self-psychological hints.

It is the communication medium between the conscious part and the subconscious part in people's psychological activities. It is an inspiration, reminder and instruction, which will tell you what to pay attention to, what to pursue and how to act, thus dominating and influencing your behavior. We need to constantly adjust ourselves and keep ourselves in a positive state.

The following kinds of happy self-psychological hints can help us face life more optimistically.

(1) Always use affirmative sentences to talk to yourself.

In daily life, we will hear a lot of affirmative statements, and we will also hear some negative hesitation statements, giving people a completely different feeling. For example: "I am great!" "I'm cute!" "I am a popular person!" Always affirming yourself and constantly strengthening your positive beliefs will help you build up your self-confidence and get rid of your inferiority complex.

(2) express your inner feelings in words.

There is a kind of "introspection method" in psychological research, which is to let people observe their hearts calmly and then tell the results truthfully. For example, when you feel nervous, you might as well say to yourself, "I'm nervous now, I'm shaking, I'm sweating." In this way, the tension will be released and you will feel more relaxed.

③ Don't always emphasize negative results.

We always remind ourselves inadvertently, such as "I fell down here last time" and "There are frequent traffic accidents on this road" ... The more this happens, the easier it is for us to be nervous, so we should avoid warning ourselves with too many lessons of failure and use more positive hints, such as "Stay steady and don't fall down" and "Slow down". Try to give yourself more positive hints and guidance.

(4) Treat every failure as the worst and the last time.

Everyone will have a bad day and try to say to themselves when they are unhappy and fail: "This is the worst thing, and nothing worse will happen." Now it's the bottom of the valley, it's time to turn around and have a bright future, so adjusting your mentality can help you build your inner sense of security.

⑤ Surround yourself with happy elements.

Surrounded by negative energy, we can easily fall into a state of doubt about life and need to let life be infected by happiness at any time. For example, collect some joke websites or funny videos, listen to some relaxed and cheerful music after work, and interact with cheerful and enthusiastic colleagues. Create a happy environment for yourself and let your mind feel happy all the time.

6. In one's own state