Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Looking back on the development history of matchmaker, we can find that there are many nicknames for matchmaker. What else can they be called?

Looking back on the development history of matchmaker, we can find that there are many nicknames for matchmaker. What else can they be called?

In ancient marriage, it was emphasized that the matchmaker was the right person to get married. Even two of a kind, a man and a woman, should visit through a matchmaker and start proposing marriage until they finally enter the bridal chamber. The whole process needs an intermediary, which is what we call a matchmaker today. Because the specific work of the matchmaker is different in different historical periods or different regions, looking back at the development history of the matchmaker now, we can find that there are many nicknames of the matchmaker.

Matchmakers are generally older women and are required to be familiar with each other's family situation and accurately reflect each other's situation. It should be noted that they should not tell the whole truth as everyone thinks, but should adopt an attitude of suppressing evil and promoting good, so that even if the marriage fails, both parties will leave a good impression. This shows that the matchmaker is a job with high social evaluation. It is not difficult to imagine that no matter in which era, people will only add words of kindness and beauty. Let's look at the nicknames of several matchmakers.

One: Waco. Presumably, everyone is familiar with the famous Book of Songs, which contains a well-known sketch. In this case, the translation is roughly: how to cut the handle of the axe? Nothing can be cut without an axe. How to marry a wife? You can't get married without a matchmaker. There is an analogy here, so later scholars began to use Wako as another name for matchmaker. This is an unexpected anecdote, which spread widely among the people after it spread.

Two: Yue Lao. This estimate is too familiar to everyone. The earliest title came from a novelist named Li Fuyan in the Tang Dynasty, who created a red XiShen in charge of marriage in an engagement shop. Later, in order to express the affirmation of the matchmaker, people used some exaggerated elements to show respect for the elderly.

Three: the matchmaker. Everyone should be familiar with this, and the origin of this name also comes from a novel. There is a maid named matchmaker in the book, who conveys her heart among the ladies in love. In the long run, everything will be fine. All shall be well, jack shall have Jill, leaving a story. Later, people began to refer to matchmakers as matchmakers.

These examples are nicknames of several common matchmakers. I wonder how much you know about matchmaker? If you are interested, you can continue to discover that Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, and there are more nicknames and corresponding cultural backgrounds waiting for the right people to discover.