Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - If Doraemon really exists, when do you want to go back?

If Doraemon really exists, when do you want to go back?

If Doraemon really exists, it will give you a time machine. When do you want to go back to the previous moment and why?

I want to go back to my childhood, which was the best time of my life. At that time, there was nothing to think about, no need to go to work, and no need to help children with their homework. It's simple.

With the growth of age, everyone becomes busy, bound by many realities, and even forgets that all of us were children and had a childlike innocence.

If I could go back in time, I would probably buy some lottery tickets and then buy several properties in the north, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou. Then live a carefree life, hahaha, just like dreaming.

Well, the first contact with this concept was probably in the moonlight box of a Chinese odyssey starring Master Xing. In order to save Bai Jingjing, the sovereign treasure in it must go back to the past, travel through time again and again, and finally travel back to 500 years ago, and then the classic story of the Great Sage Wedding. But can time really go back?

If time can really go back, maybe everyone will not be what they are now, and the world will not be what they are now.

If time can go back, anything is possible.

But the fact is, at least with current technology, it is impossible to go back to the past. At most, slow down or go to the future. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, if you move near the speed of light, your time flow rate will be very slow compared with that of people living on the surface of the earth. When you travel at this speed for six months, the earth will have passed about 50 years. At that time, wherever you landed was the future, and it was an unrecognizable world for you.

If time can really go back, it is possible that a more advanced civilization would have mastered this technology long ago. They are at least four-dimensional, five-dimensional or higher-dimensional civilizations. Then the problem is coming. How can they watch human beings master their core technology in this way in the long river of time? They are even constantly adjusting human history, just like editing a movie, modifying it over and over again, and watching it over and over again. For example, will the disappearing Mayan civilization be erased by such advanced civilization? It's really scary and chilling.

Since time is so difficult to arrive, don't always think about going back in time. Taking every step now is the basic standard of being a man. As long as you take every step, one step at a time, you won't have so many regrets when you are white-haired. Why bother thinking about going back to the past?

But sometimes there are still ideas, always summing up the past and spurring the future. So, if you could go back in time, what would you think or change?