Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is a five-dimensional space (that is, a time plane)

What is a five-dimensional space (that is, a time plane)

Five-dimensional space research

Scientists think that the three-dimensional space model is unrealistic. Now cosmologists regard time as the fourth dimension, while the fifth dimension refers to energy without boundaries. According to the hypothesis of scientists, the universe is flat, which makes time travel possible.

Cosmologists believe that if a special time machine can be successfully built, such a trip can be completed through a black hole. Such a time machine will be able to travel from one black hole to another and suddenly appear in our predetermined future or our predetermined past. There is a possibility that it is easy to return to our space by the opposite way.

Although the time machine has not been invented, Professor Goltsev pointed out that black holes can already be produced under laboratory conditions.

Characteristics of five-dimensional space

Suppose countless time axes are assembled together, what will it constitute?

A time plane. This time plane is a five-dimensional space, which is composed of countless four-dimensional spaces along an axis. We can imagine that an object in five-dimensional space should span different time axes. We can only observe some of them on any time line.

Dark matter and the fifth dimension

The proposal of five-dimensional space is closely related to the discovery of dark matter. According to academic circles, the discovery of dark matter means that human knowledge and ability enter five-dimensional space, which is a breakthrough qualitative change. For example, five-dimensional space may help to obtain "antimatter" energy. How powerful is that energy? Scientists say that the energy released by a coin-sized mass of "antimatter" can make the existing ultra-large space operations do 60 round trips, and it is very close to the speed of light. Dark matter is everywhere in the universe, so it is desirable to obtain antimatter energy "anytime and anywhere". That is to say, in that case, not only the solar system or the Milky Way, the whole Milky Way, but even two universes crossing the time tunnel (wormhole) are not out of reach.

More significantly, once the knowledge of five-dimensional space energy is confirmed and the ability is obtained, it means opening the door to six-dimensional space. For example, the award-winning Hubble Big Bang photo is the closest observation result to the Big Bang that human beings have realized so far. Before that, what the universe was like and what happened was still a scientific guess. The "superstring" theory proves the 10 dimensional space, indicating that the six-dimensional and five-dimensional decay after the Big Bang is the key to the formation of the universe today. Realizing the proof of five-dimensional space and opening the door of six-dimensional space means breaking through the recent observation and taking a key step towards the initial state of the universe.

Does the fifth dimension exist?

Scientists try to explore the quantum universe through the particle collider and reproduce the situation after the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe about 654.38+0.4 billion years ago. Professor Harvard Beauty challenged Einstein that there was another mysterious space and world. ...

In a laboratory of Harvard University, a female professor is doing an experiment of nuclear fission. Suddenly, she found a particle mysteriously disappearing without a trace. Where will it go? The female professor boldly put forward a new idea: there is a fifth dimension in our world that human beings can't see.

This is lisa randall, a beauty professor at Harvard. She was once listed as one of the most influential people in Time magazine "100" and was recognized as the most authoritative extra-dimensional physicist in the world today.

Lisa Randall's bold idea immediately shocked the international physics community. You know, according to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the three-dimensional space of human existence plus the time axis constitutes a "four-dimensional space-time". As a result, the news that Harvard Beauty Professor challenged Einstein spread all over the world.

So, what is this mysterious fifth dimension? Our reporter contacted this beautiful Professor Lisa Randall by email.

The particles in the experiment mysteriously disappeared.

"In one of my experiments, some particles disappeared inexplicably. I think they went to another space that we can't see. They are actually not far from us, but they are well hidden. " Lisa Randall said.

Randall called this "invisible space" the "fifth dimension space".

If the fifth dimension mentioned by Randall exists, why can't we see it? Professor Randall explained: "The dimension of this extra existence is very small. If something is small enough, you can't feel its existence. "

Li miao, a researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave us an analogy. For us, it's like a line. If you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can find that it is actually another world-the fibers inside are thick and thin, and the directions are different.

This is why we can't see the fifth dimension assumed by Professor Randall, because the dimension is too small.

Professor Beauty Challenges Einstein's "Four-dimensional Time and Space"

Lisa Randall's bold ideas shocked the international physics community.

Some people think that this beautiful Harvard professor is a challenge to Einstein. Because according to Einstein's general relativity, our world is "four-dimensional".

Li miao explained that "four dimensions" is a concept of time and space. Refers to the three-dimensional space of human existence plus a time. This is a concept mentioned by Einstein in his general relativity and special relativity. Our universe is made up of time and space; The relationship between time and space is based on the structure of space, that is, a time axis is added to the three axes of length, width and height of ordinary three-dimensional space.

Professor Li Miao is one of the experts who study high altitude in China. He told reporters that Professor Randall's research should be said to be an extension of Einstein's "four-dimensional time and space" theory. The purpose of studying height space is to unify the forces we know now. For example, electromagnetic force and gravity, because in our low-dimensional space, various forces that seem to have different forms of expression may be a force in a higher-dimensional space.

The fifth dimension leads to another unknown world.

In Professor Randall's theory, if the fifth dimension really exists, there is probably another mysterious three-dimensional world.

In other words, we humans live in an infinite five-dimensional space, but we can only perceive four of them-space and time, but we can't see the other dimension. However, there is another unknown three-dimensional world in the space composed of these five dimensions.

Randall told reporters that the material composition of that "world" will be completely different from the world we can perceive-its chemical composition and the power of existence are completely different from ours. The only thing it shares with us is gravity. Only the energy generated by gravity can travel between two different "worlds".

At present, scientists are trying to find other substances that can cross two different "worlds" besides gravity. In this way, we can discover the world that exists in the five-dimensional space, and even discover that it is just a visit. However, Randall believes that human beings are not capable of leaving the world they live in.

The "fifth dimension" will be verified.

If the fifth dimension is discovered, it can solve a mystery that has always existed in physics: why is gravity so fragile compared with electromagnetic force and other forces? For example, a small magnet can hold a paper clip. You know, the opponent of the magnet is actually the whole gravitational planet!

Randall revealed that as soon as next year, she will be able to turn the "fifth dimension" from a hypothesis into a brand-new theory.

This is because CERN is currently building the world's largest large particle collider at a depth of more than 100 meters on the border between Switzerland and France. After the particle collider is officially put into use, it can be observed whether any particles disappear and enter the "fifth dimension" invisible to human beings.

The report of the fifth dimension earth people

What is the fifth dimension? What happened there? How will mankind finally get its own liberation? Amazing and intelligent stories are thought-provoking.

Length, width and height represent a three-dimensional space, which is three-dimensional. Together with one-dimensional time, it represents the four-dimensional space-time we live in to describe our past, present and future. What is the fifth dimension?

Who am I? Must what I saw be true? Where will we go in the future? Will we evolve? If it can evolve, what will it evolve into? Is this how our universe works? Are there other types of universes? Are there any more advanced intelligent creatures? They are watching what they are going to do to us ... We live in a four-dimensional space, and a report from a five-dimensional space tells us all about it.

Can fate be predicted?

White light passing by

"Sir, five days ago, you left a river map and a book for the earth. Now they have gone through more than 5000 years and are close to this mystery. What should we do next? " "Yes, for us, this is enough. For them, it is so far away. A thorough understanding depends on their own consciousness ... by the way, what are the results of your investigation into the evolution of people on earth? "

"I brought the research report of the people of the earth on Huturo's book, and their wisdom is not far from us."

"Well, let me take a look at this research report. This trip to the earth has aged you a lot. Go get well and have fun with the children. "

The white light flashed, and the patriarch was left alone in the room. He picked up the report of the earthlings. In front of my eyes, I saw the meeting place where the earth people read the report: the meeting place was solemn and silent. People from all over the world listened to the meeting synchronously through TV and computers, or looked up or listened to it. The speakers at the meeting place made a generous speech:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Don't you find it strange? Why does the universe we live in look like this and not like other things? Everything is created, so weird, just choose this model?

When things are created, there should be a probability of existence among various possibilities, that is to say, all kinds of cosmic survival modes can be created, and our universe is just one of them.

Since there are various possibilities for the creation of the universe, how many possibilities are there? There can be no limit.

After classification, the most obvious possibility is the pros and cons, just like as long as a coin is born, there will be pros and cons. When one thing happens, there must be ups and downs. The probability of both parties being born at the beginning is also 50%. The more things you start to create, the more average this possibility will be. With the continuous development, this balance will be broken. But with the infinite development, the probability of positive and negative aspects will basically remain at about 50% respectively. Just like we have been tossing a coin, the probability of positive and negative is basically the same.

Ladies and gentlemen, theoretically speaking, there should be two opposite universes, and we live in one of them. So, what is the other universe like? How do these two diametrically opposed universes connect and communicate? Let's try to explore:

We are familiar with the universe in which we live, at least in our daily life.

Since these two universes are diametrically opposed, we can infer the model of the other universe from the universe we are in now, and the model of the other universe should be contrary to our existing universe everywhere. You know, at the beginning of creation, the probability of things is the same, and there is no reason to generalize.

There is a saying: if you want to be unknown, you must be the last. As long as you do one thing, you will leave a clue. That's how clever criminals are found.

Ok, friends, let's be Sherlock Holmes and find out the true face of another universe from the clues of daily life. As the saying goes, rather critical. Step on the frost and you will know that the cold and hard winter is not far away.

Every progress in science means the liberation of mankind and the enhancement of human strength. From thinking that the earth is a static, flat and solid object to knowing that the earth is a moving, circular and floating water polo, we have entered space and can move through land, sea and air. How will mankind be liberated in the next step and how will it gain outstanding strength? Humans want to control the future, but the future is chaotic. Humans turn to divination as if it can help us solve this problem. Let's take a look at the process of divination. [ 1]?