Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Poetry can express meaning. What is the origin and development of poetry?

Poetry can express meaning. What is the origin and development of poetry?

The origin of poetry

In our country of poetry, poetry has been the mainstream of literary history for thousands of years.

How did poetry come into being? It turns out that before the formation of literature, our ancestors compiled rhymes in order to pass on the experience in the production struggle to others or the next generation for memory and dissemination. According to Mr Wen Yiduo's textual research, [poem] and [ambition] are originally the same word, and [ambition] belongs to [scholar] and [heart], which shows that what stops in the heart is actually memory. After the writing came into being, with the help of literature, there is no need for rote learning. At this time, all written records are called records. Desire is poetry. Have ambition in your heart and speak like a poem.

How did the title of the song come from? Poetry and songs are not the same thing Songs are produced by human labor at the same time, long before the formation of literature and long before poetry. At first, we only used sighs to express our feelings, such as ah, xi, oh, alas, and so on. At that time, these words were all pronounced with the same pronunciation: "ah". Song is a pictophonetic character, pronounced with "ke". In ancient times, [song] and [ah] were the same word, and the [ah] that people uttered in their labor was called composition. Therefore, the title of the song has been used.

Since poetry and song are not the same thing, why did they later be linked together and called [Poetry]? As long as we understand their relationship. At first, Song only used simple interjections to express emotions. With the appearance of language, people's understanding of objective things has gradually deepened and their emotions have become richer, so it is far from enough to express them with a few exclamations. So content words are added to the song to meet the needs. After the appearance of words, the combination of poetry and songs went further, and lyrics written in words appeared. At this time, a song includes two parts: one is music and the other is lyrics. Music is lyrical, and the lyrics are poetic and memorable. In other words, poetry is a song with music and a poem without music. The original poem can be sung with music. Songs are poems, and poems are songs. The combination of poems and songs has been discussed for a long time in China ancient books.

Preface to Mao's poems: "Heart is ambition, words are poetry." Emotions move in the heart and form in words. If words are not enough, lament. If there are not enough words, recite them. If there are not enough songs, I don't know how to dance. "Shangshu": "Poetry expresses ambition, but songs are silent", which vividly points out the internal relationship between poetry and songs. Because of this situation, people later called poetry and song side by side, but at present, poetry has become synonymous with poetry.

When was the first V poem?

In ancient times, poetry was originally called "chapter" or "chapter", not "head". For example, China's earliest book of songs is called Three Hundred Poems, Qu Yuan's poem is called Nine Chapters, and the poem is called First, which first appeared in the early years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At that time, there was a poet named Sun Chuo, who wrote in "Preface to Sorrow and Music": "It's better to write a poem than to mourn for death." A man named Zhitong wrote: "A poem about chatting" in Preface to Poems of Taoism. Since then, people generally call poetry the first.

The source of v poets

The word "poet" existed in the Warring States period. How can we prove it? "Nine Comments on Chu Ci" notes: "I admire the poet's legacy and hope to be vegetarian." "Zhengzitong" notes: "Qu Yuan is a poet because he is a dissolute and his writing is worrying." This is the earliest formulation of the word after the poet, and since then the poet has become a common noun used by two Han people. After the rise of Ci and Fu, the word Ci came into being. Yang Ziyun's "Fa Yan". My Zipian said: "Poets are endowed with rules, and those who make speeches are endowed with beauty and ugliness." Distinguishing poets from poets with "Ze" and "Yin" shows that in modern Han Dynasty, poets are regarded as noble and poets as lowly.

After the Six Dynasties, the society attached great importance to ci and fu, and thought that poetry could not go up and fu could not go down, so the word "poet" came into being. From the Warring States to the prosperous Tang Dynasty, poets and their titles were respected.

Five, the beginning of the two characters to eleven characters in ancient poetry

China is the kingdom of poetry. From ancient times to the present, there are tens of millions of poems, except for those lost for various reasons, which are still preserved in vast quantities. Poetry, like anything else, has a process of germination, production, development and change. Ge Tan is said to be a ballad in the era of the Yellow Emperor, recognized as a primitive social poem and the beginning of a two-character poem. The Book of Songs Youpian is the beginning of a three-character poem, that is, "Shake the heron, the heron flies, swallow the jujube and go home drunk". The Book of Changes is the beginning of the four-character poem Bao Sang. Oracle Bone Inscriptions "rain in the west, rain in the east, rain in the north, rain in the south". The Book of Songs is the beginning of a six-character poem "Auntie thinks of her gold (above the three Tian Zi, below it), and Auntie thinks of her depression". Luming Literature in The Book of Songs begins with the seven-character poem "I drink purposefully, and I have a Le Yan guest's heart". The eight-character poem "I dare not help my friend escape" in The Book of Songs is at the turn of October. "The Book of Songs" begins with a nine-character poem, "After two days, I will not dare to be king." Du Fu's poem "A teenager is old before he becomes famous" is also a nine-character poem. At the beginning of Li Bai's ten-character poem, "The Yellow Emperor cast an alchemy sand in Jingshan, and the alchemy sand became a flying dragon in Taiqing's home". The beginning of Su Dongpo's eleven-character poem "An old friend in the mountains invited me back"

Textual research on the poem titled v

The emergence of China's poems on paintings has always been considered to have started in the Tang Dynasty, and its founder is Du Fu.

First of all, what is an inscription poem? If painting poems refer to poems inscribed on the screen, according to the existing data, it is only in the Tang Dynasty. If we don't specifically refer to painting poems, but regard indirect painting poems as painting poems, such as chanting paintings, painting poems, painting fans, painting poems and painting poems, then according to the existing data, there were painting poems in the Six Dynasties.

For example, in the poems of the Three Kingdoms in the Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, there are three poems by Ye Tao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, one of which is: "Seven treasures draw a round fan, and the moon is bright." It's summer with Lang, but you can't forget each other if you remember each other. Although it is relatively simple, it is really the singing method of painting fans.

In particular, Yu Xin, an outstanding poet from the Liang Dynasty to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, wrote 25 "painted screen" poems in the Liang Dynasty, which vividly described the beautiful pictures on the painted screen and played an important role in the development of painting poetry creation. It can be seen that China's poems on paintings were produced in the Six Dynasties.

The origin of poetry [original 2006-01-2616:13: 46 | Publisher: my sample]

There are many theories about the origin of literature and art, such as representative theory, game theory, witchcraft theory, labor theory, psychological expression theory and so on. Among them, the labor theory is the most recognized. Poetry can be regarded as the forerunner of all literary works. Before writing appeared in human society, there were oral ballads. Mr. Lu Xun believes that poetry originated from labor and religion for two reasons: first, singing while working can forget the hard work; Secondly, primitive people feared the gods out of awe, so they praised the strength and merits of the gods.

Poetry originates from the productive labor of human beings, which is specifically described in Huainanzi:

Today, those who hold big trees were called' bad promises' before, so it's time to respond. This move is also a song of persuasion.

Of course, at that time, because the production was still in the primitive stage, the language was underdeveloped, and the sound of "bad promises" issued by people in labor was monotonous, with no lyrics and no specific ideological content naturally expressed, so it could not be considered as a real poem, but just an original ballad.

It has gone through a long development process, from a ballad that only expresses sound to a poem that also expresses meaning. The chapter "Yin Chu" in Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals records a poem "Waiting for People", and the lyrics are:

Wait for someone!

It can be regarded as the simplest prototype of ideographic poetry. The word "Yi Xi" here, like "evil promise", only plays a phonetic role, while the word "successor" expresses the author's certain wish and has a simple but concrete ideological content.

With the further development of production, social life is becoming more and more diversified, and the expression form of poetry is naturally more perfect and the content is richer. Poetry in this period can not only express some personal wishes, but also reflect certain social life. In the Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu Yue, a song "Playing Songs" is recorded, and the lyrics are:

Broken bamboo, continued bamboo, flying soil, chasing far away.

In these eight short words, it reflects the whole process and vivid scenes of our ancestors hunting in primitive times. This ballad is not only complete in content and vivid in plot, but also neat in sentence structure, with every two sentences rhyming, which generally meets the general requirements of poetry.

Secondly, talk about the origin of poetry from religion. In primitive ballads, we can find many works that pray for heaven. For example, there is a wax poem in the Book of Rites, which is said to have been changed by God in farming:

The soil is bad for its house. Water belongs to its valley.

Don't make insects. The plant belongs to its house.

Literally, this ballad is obviously a prayer sent by the working people at that time to the "Heaven Emperor" because they were unable to overcome the floods, droughts and insect disasters, hoping that the disasters would not harm crops and let everyone live a comfortable life.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions was written in Shang Dynasty. Because he divined good and bad luck through religious witchcraft, he was called "Oracle bones". In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which has been sorted out, there are similar poems:

It's raining today, but it rains from the west? Is it raining in the east? It rains from the north? Is it raining in the south?

From the content, these Oracle Bone Inscriptions are not only complete in words, but also very obvious in meaning. From the form of expression, it basically has the form of poetry. If we compare the Yuefu folk song "Picking Lotus Songs" in the Han Dynasty, we have more reason to say that it is a poem:

Lotus can be picked in Jiangnan, so there is no lotus leaf. Fish frolicking among lotus leaves;

Fish hits the lotus leaf east, fish hits the lotus leaf west, fish hits the lotus leaf south, and fish hits the lotus leaf north.

It should be noted that when we say that poetry originated from productive labor and religion, we do not mean that the two are separated and unrelated. On the contrary, their relationship is very close. "Lv Chunqiu Ancient Music" has such a record:

In Ge's previous life, the three of them sang eight songs with the bull's tail: first, carrying the people, second, mysterious birds, third, grass at the end of the year, fourth, dividing the grains, fifth, respecting the sky, sixth, winning the merits of the emperor, seventh, respecting the earth, eighth, and sharing the animals together.

The specific contents of the eight poems mentioned here have been lost, but judging from their names, they are not only directly related to productive labor, but also closely related to religious superstitions at that time. In particular, the lyrics of such names as "respecting heaven" and "respecting earth" clearly reflect people's attention to natural conditions (such as climate and soil) and have a strong color of religious superstition.