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Records of ancient historical events in China.

Xia dynasty (before 2033? -/kloc-before 0/562? ) was the first dynasty in the history of China.

More than 4000 years ago, Yu, the leader of the Xia tribe, was highly valued by Yu Shun, and finally abdicated to be the leader of the tribal alliance, which was the beginning of the Xia Dynasty. After Dayu's death, his son succeeded to the throne, known as "the son of Dayu" in history, which declared the end of the "abdication system" of tribal alliance and the beginning of feudal hereditary system.

However, Xia's rule was not consolidated, and the "Boyi Rebellion" occurred in the Qi Dynasty. Kai's son, Tai Kang, also managed a country badly. During his reign, many wars took place. Finally, Yi Yin of Dongyi seized the ruling power, which was called "Taikang lost his country" in history. Like Taikang, Hou Yi was an incompetent ruler. He was addicted to hunting all day and left his political affairs entirely to Han Zhuo. After Han Zeng came to power, he killed Yi and became king himself.

Later, Sun Shaokang, Taikang's younger brother, teamed up with Bomi, an old man of Xia Dynasty, to defeat Han Zhuo and restore the dominance of Xia Dynasty, which was called "Shao Kang Zhongxing" in history. The rule of Xia Dynasty was consolidated and entered a relatively stable period. Since Shao Kang, it has been ruled by Zhu, Huai, Mang, Xie, Bu, Yi and Yin Jia for eight generations, with stable political situation and prosperous economy.

Kong Jia, the 13th king of Xia Dynasty, came to power, and Xia Dynasty began to decline. Kong Jia's "angry and disorderly intercourse" caused people's dissatisfaction and warlord's rebellion. From then on, the rule of the Xia Dynasty was in danger, and it took only four generations to lead to the disaster of national subjugation. Therefore, the history book records that "the Confucius family was in chaos in summer and fell to four" (Mandarin Zhou Yu).

Xia Jie, the last king of Xia Dynasty, was a famous tyrant in history. During his reign, a large number of people were driven away, and countless palaces and pavilions were built for him, and governors left him in succession. At this time, a barbarian tribal merchant in the lower reaches of the Yellow River prospered under the leadership of its leader and launched the war to destroy the summer in the name of crusade against tyrants. Xia Jie was defeated and died in Nanchao (now Shouxian County, Anhui Province), and the Xia Dynasty was declared dead.

The Xia dynasty has a history of about 4000 years. Because of its long history, and we haven't found any original documents and written records so far, we can only learn something about Xia Dynasty from some ancient books and legends. In recent years, we have gained a new understanding of the political, economic and cultural development of the Xia Dynasty through the archaeological work of the Xiadu site and the study of the "Xia Shang Zhou Dating Project". Erlitou culture discovered in Erlitou Village, Yanshi County, Henan Province is the representative of Xia culture. Among them, a large number of bronzes, pottery and large palace sites were found. From this point of view, the Xia dynasty has entered the bronze age from the stone age and mastered metallurgy and casting technology. Compared with the Stone Age, the level of productivity has been greatly improved. It provides favorable conditions for agricultural production. According to legend, the brewing industry also began in the Xia Dynasty. "Shiben Zuopian" records "cutting wine into wine". ) In addition, as can be seen from some classical books, the calendar of dry branches and branches has been adopted in the Xia Dynasty, and the earliest "daylight saving time" appeared in the history of China, which is a witness to the scientific and cultural level at that time.

The Xia Dynasty experienced thirteen kings and sixteen kings respectively: Yu-Qi-Taikang-Zhong Kang-Xiang-Shao Kang-Zhu-Huai-Mang-Xie-Bujia-Kong Jia-Gaofa-Xia Jie, about 47 1 year ago. Xia Dynasty is an ancient dynasty.

Shang dynasty (562 BC? - 1066? ) is the second dynasty in the history of China, and it is also called "three generations" of China with Xia and Zhou Dynasties, which plays a very important role in the history of China. According to legend, the ancestor of Shang King was one of the descendants of the Five Emperors.

About BC16th century, a clan with birds as its totem rose in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and its leader became popular. With the help of Yi Yin, Zhong You and others, the war against Jie began. First, we wiped out Ge, Wei, Gu, Kun and one of my allies in the summer, leaving only two wings, and then our army was defeated twice in the markets of Iraq and Mingtiao. After Cheng Tang returned to the city, he officially acceded to the throne, and various governors came to congratulate him.

Cheng Tang died after 12 years in office. After his death, Waic ascended the throne. The rule from Wei to Tai Jia was very short, and the power of Shang Dynasty was actually in the hands of Yi Yin. After Tai Jia ascended the throne, Yi Yin exiled him to Tong. When he repented, Yi Yin personally welcomed Tai Jia back to continue to be in power, and the rule of Shang Dynasty showed a clear atmosphere.

After the death of Tai Jia, it was passed on to his son Wo Ding. After four generations of Tai Geng, Xiao Jia, Yong and Tai Wu, the rule of Shang Dynasty once declined. It was not until Emperor Taizu came to power that the Shang Dynasty flourished again, and the best political situation appeared after Cheng Tang. Therefore, businessmen call Taiwu "Zhongzong".

During the hundreds of years in the middle of Shang Dynasty, rulers of past dynasties moved their capital for many times because of internal disputes and economic reasons in the imperial court: Zhong Ding moved his capital to He Lv; He Tan Jia moved from the hustle and bustle to the photo; Zu Ti lives in a shelter; Nan Geng moved from refuge to election; After the election, Pan Geng moved to Yin. Since Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin, the national situation of Shang Dynasty began to rise again. After Wu Ding acceded to the throne, he made great efforts to select talents and appointed talents such as Fu Shuo, Gampan and Zuji, which conquered neighboring countries, greatly expanded the territory and population of Shang Dynasty and created conditions for the development of production. During this period, the politics, economy and culture of Shang Dynasty had unprecedented development, reaching the late Shang Dynasty.

After Wu Ding, the Shang Dynasty began to decline gradually. After Wu Ding's sons, Zu Geng and Zujia, ascended the throne one after another, they became politically incompetent and dissolute, which led to social chaos and depressed people's livelihood. The six kings after Zujia (Yan Xin, Kangding, Wuji, Wending, Diji and Di Xin) were worse than Zujia. To Di Xin (. Shang Rong, Bi Gan, Cabbage, Ji Zi and other ministers were successively abolished, and government affairs were completely handed over to Fei Zhong and other jesters. Therefore, in Shang Dynasty, not only the ministers and nobles of North Korea opposed Zhou Wang, but also the governors and countries of all parties were alienated from Germany. BC 1027 (? ), under the leadership of Zhou Wuwang, the Western Zhou Dynasty defeated the Shang army in one fell swoop at Konoha, thus ending the rule of the Shang Dynasty for more than 600 years.

After more than 600 years of development, the Shang Dynasty made great progress in politics, economy and science than the Xia Dynasty. Judging from the ruins of Yin Ruins unearthed in our archaeology, the Shang Dynasty has completely divorced from the lifestyle of primitive tribes and changed from nomadism to settlement. A large number of divining tortoise shells and exquisite bronzes and jade articles have also been unearthed in the Yin Ruins. The "Simuwu Dafang Ding" discovered in Anyang is the largest bronze ware discovered in China so far, which shows that the bronze smelting and casting technology in Shang Dynasty has reached a quite high level. Oracle Bone Inscriptions, found on tortoise shell in Oracle inscriptions, is generally regarded as the writing of Shang Dynasty, the earliest China hieroglyphics we can recognize today, which provides a strong basis for us to study Shang culture today.

The Shang Dynasty * * * experienced 17 and 31 kings, about 496 years ago.

Western Zhou dynasty (BC 1027? -77 1 year ago) was the third dynasty in China after Xia and Shang dynasties, and it was the heyday of ancient China society.

Zhou's ancestors were Huangdi. In the Xia Dynasty, the leader of the Zhou clan was abandoned as "Hou Ji" to take charge of farming. Therefore, Zhou is a tribe that is good at farming, which greatly promotes Zhou's economic development. By then, Zhou has developed into a big vassal state that can compete with Yin merchants. Zhou Wenwang was one of the outstanding rulers in the history of Zhou Dynasty. During his reign, with the help of military strategists, Zhou began. He moved the capital to Yufeng (now southwest of Xi 'an), thus completing the pincer-like encirclement of merchants. In the second year after moving the capital, Wen Wang died, and his son succeeded to the throne, the famous one, which continued the action of destroying merchants in Zhou Dynasty. In nine years, Zhou was visiting the vassals and forming an alliance with them, * * * fighting with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Since then, King Wu defeated the merchants in Konoha and captured them.

After the death of King Wu, his son recited the throne in order to become king. Because he was a young king, Zhou Gongdan, the younger brother of King Wu, seized power. Under his rule, Zhou wiped out all the rebels, moved the capital eastward to Luoyi, and strengthened his rule over the eastern ministries. He divided Zhou's relatives and heroes into princes and set up "Zhou punishment" to stabilize social order. Through a series of political governance, the rule of the Western Zhou Dynasty was consolidated and began to prosper. The Western Zhou Dynasty became its own king. This is a period of outward expansion. During the reign, Zhou Gongdan pacified the small eastern vassal states, while Kang Wang, Mu Wang and others also expanded the territory and population of the Zhou Dynasty, making it unprecedentedly prosperous politically, economically and culturally, reaching its peak. In the late period of Zhao Haoqi, the Zhou Dynasty began to explore the south again. In nineteen years, Zhao Haoqi led an army to attack Chu, but failed because of his unpopularity. Zhao Haoqi also died in the south.

Zhou Wang was the tenth ruler of the Zhou Dynasty and a famous tyrant in the history of China. During his reign, he oppressed the people, but forbade them to talk about state affairs, causing people to complain. Finally, angry people rushed into the palace and drove away King Li, ending his brutal rule. At this point, the Zhou Dynasty began to decline.

After Li Wang fled, the governors elected * * * Bo to be in charge of state affairs. This year is called the first year of * * * (Sima Qian began to write the Chronicle of Twelve Governors from this year, and China has an accurate chronology since then). * * * Bo is kind and kind, and enjoys high prestige among governors. He exercised power on behalf of the king for fourteen years. After his escape, he appointed some sages, such as Zhong, and gradually restored the rule of the country, and governors from all over the country appeared before the King of Zhou in succession. This period was called "Wang Xuan Zhongxing" by later generations. However, ZTE's situation did not last long, and Wang Xuan was a reclusive king. Wang You was the last emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Like Li Wang, he was also a bad king. When the troops were dispatched, a dog attacked on a large scale, and the king lit a bonfire again, but none of the ministers sent troops to rescue him. Wang You was defeated and died at the foot of Mount Li. After his death, Shen Hou, Lu Hou and Xu Wen were appointed King Ping for a long time. Pingdong moved to the east, which was called "Eastern Zhou Dynasty" in history. Since then, the Western Zhou Dynasty has been declared extinct.

The etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty is relatively sound, with its own official system, military system, criminal law, land system and etiquette system. Until the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius still advocated Zhou Li, which shows that Zhou Li had a great influence on later generations. The ancestor of the Zhou Dynasty was Xia Nong Guan, so its agricultural production technology was relatively advanced, which provided the initial material foundation for social progress. With the abundance of materials, the development of handicraft industry, commerce and natural science has also been promoted. There are specialized personnel who are responsible for observing astronomical phenomena and recording calendars, and China's traditional five lines of gossip theory probably originated in the Zhou Dynasty, which undoubtedly proved the scientific progress and development of society at that time.

The Western Zhou Dynasty lasted about 257 years and spread to eleven kings and twelve kings.

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty, also known as the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-476 BC), was the first period of great ethnic division in the history of China. Historians generally regard "Jin Sanfen" as the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period.

In 770 BC, Pingdong moved eastward and established the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. However, by this time, the Zhou Dynasty had been weakened to the extreme, and Fiona Fang ruled less than 600 miles. The separatist regime of the vassal States no longer appeared in front of the king of Zhou, and the command over the vassal States also existed in name only. During this period, the whole country was divided into 140 vassal States, among which Chu, Qi, Jin, Wu, Yue and Qin were the most important.

Qing/a surname

Chu is a country founded by Sanmiao people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, he participated in the war, and later won the Zhou Dynasty, living in Chu Danyang (now Xixian County, Hubei Province). In the early Spring and Autumn Period, Chu became more and more powerful. Before 704, Xiong Tong's name was King Wu, thousands of miles away. Because it is located in the south of China, there are often some wars between Chu State and Prince China of the Central Plains.


Qi's ancestors were the clansmen of the counselors, and he was made King of Qi for helping Zhou destroy the Shang Dynasty. At the same time, Zhou rulers gave Qi a privilege-they could punish the guilty prince. With this privilege, Qi developed into an eastern power in the Western Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period, a famous politician Qi Huangong appeared in the State of Qi. He relied on Guan Zhong, an adviser, to rectify state affairs and set up various officials to perform their duties. Among them, there are six industrial and commercial townships and fifteen scholar townships. These fifteen townships are agricultural townships. People in these towns concentrate on farming in peacetime and serve as soldiers in wartime. In these years, Qi became rich and strong, and by 679 BC, Qi dominated the north. Later, in 567, the State of Qi wiped out Lai, a great country in the East, and Lai's territory more than doubled, making it a truly unique country.


Jin was originally a nomadic area in Rongdi. At the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, (676 BC-65 BC1) Jian Du Jiang (Yicheng County, Shanxi Province) began the hegemony of the State of Jin. The State of Jin has successively eliminated some small northern vassal states such as Huo, Geng, Wei, Yu and Guo, and unified the Fenhe River basin. In the first 636, it was dedicated to the public. Therefore, after he returned to China, he immediately set out to rectify his political affairs. He led the combined forces of Jin, Qin, Song and Qi to attack Chu twice in the south, occupying a large territory in the south. Jin Jun's expedition to the south promoted the further spread of Chinese civilization to the south of the Yangtze River and accelerated the pace of great integration of the Chinese nation. By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the rule of Jin was in crisis and eventually split into several independent vassal states, such as Korea, Zhao and Wei.

A country in the Zhou dynasty

Wu is a new vassal state developed in the middle and early Spring and Autumn Period. Originally a vassal state of Chu, it gradually broke away from the rule of Chu with its later strength. In 506, Wu attacked Chu with five victories in five wars. During the war, Wu Zhi conquered the capital of Chu for 200 years (now Jiangling, Hubei) and plundered a lot of materials. Wu Chu War was the first major war in the Spring and Autumn Period. As a result, Chu suffered an unprecedented disaster.

The more ... the more. ......

Yue, like Wu, is a vassal state of Chu, but its rise is later than Wu's. It was not until Yunnian that the King of Yue was called the King of Yue. Later, with the help of Wen Zi and Fan Li, the old ministers of Chu, the King of Yue repelled the invading State of Wu. Later, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, took Wu Zixu as the general, defeated Yue State and made it surrender. But Gou Jian, the King of Yue, was unwilling to fail.


Among several big countries, Qin is not the most powerful country, but with its superior geographical position, Qin became the fastest developing country in the Spring and Autumn Period. During his reign, he used Bai Lixi, an adviser, to make Qin once strong. Qin is located in the northern part of the Central Plains, and it is mixed with northern nationalities such as Rong Di and Qiang. Therefore, China governors have been using Rong Di to prohibit their alliance with the Central Plains, which gives them a good development opportunity.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, various vassal states annexed other small countries, especially big countries such as Chu and Qi. By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, most small and medium-sized countries gradually withdrew from the historical stage and were replaced by the ruling era of Qin, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qi. At this point, the Spring and Autumn Period in China's history came to an end, followed by another separatist era-the Warring States Period.

In 365 BC, Shang Yang reformed.

In 22 1 year BC, Qin unified the six countries.

Qin Shihuang's measures to consolidate reunification: (1) Politically, he established autocratic centralization; (2) Economically: unify the currency, and stipulate the unified use of round square hole copper coins throughout the country; Unified measurement, making unified regulations on size, bucket and weight; (3) Culturally: unified writing, with Xiao Zhuan as the national standard writing, and later promoted official script; (4) ideologically: strengthen ideological control, issue books burning orders, and implement "burning books to bury Confucianism"; (5) Militarily, the Huns were attacked in the north to build the Great Wall, and the Lingqu was developed in southern Xinjiang.

In 209 BC, the uprising in Daze Township broke out because of Qin tyranny. B. Corvee was heavy. C. Taxes were heavy. Criminal law was cruel. E. It was even more cruel. (2) Direct cause: More than 900 poor peasants, including Chen Sheng, were delayed by rain on their way to Yuyang to defend the Great Wall. According to the Qin law, anyone who is late will be beheaded and forced to hold it. Historical role: Their revolutionary initiative inspired millions of working people to rise up against cruel rule.

In 207 BC, the Battle of Julu, Liu Bang invaded Xianyang, and the Qin Dynasty perished.

In 202 BC, Liu Bang established the Western Han Dynasty.

In BC 138, Zhang Qian made his first mission to the Western Regions.

BC 1 19, Mobei Campaign, Zhang Qian's second mission to the Western Regions.

Measures for the unification of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty: (1) Politically, the weaker the vassal state, the smaller the vassal state; (2) Ideologically: accept Dong Zhongshu's suggestion, "oust a hundred schools of thought and respect Confucianism alone", regard Confucianism as feudal orthodoxy, and exclude all scholars who hold legalist and Taoist theories; (3) Culturally, set up a university in Chang 'an, take the Five Classics of Confucianism as the teaching material, and vigorously promote Confucian education; (4) militarily, fighting back against the Huns consolidated the great unity of the country. (5) In ethnic relations, Zhang Qian sent missions to the Western Regions, which further strengthened the friendly exchanges between the Han Dynasty and other countries in the Western Regions.

In 60 BC, the Western Han government established the Western Regions Duhu, which was in charge of the affairs of the Western Regions.

In 9 AD, the Western Han Dynasty perished.

In AD 25, Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In 75 AD, the Eastern Han government sent Ban Chao to the Western Regions.

166, ancient Rome sent envoys to visit Luoyang.

200. The battle of Guandu laid the foundation for Cao Cao to unify the north.

208. Battle of Red Cliffs laid the foundation for the tripartite confrontation among the three countries.

In 220, Cao Pi established the State of Wei, marking the demise of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

22 1, Shu was founded by Liu Bei.

In 222, Sun Quan claimed to be king and annexed Wu, which marked the formal formation of the tripartite confrontation between the three countries.

229, the rise of the sun

In 230, Sun Quan sent someone to Yizhou, which is Taiwan Province Province.

In 266, Sima Yan established the Western Jin Dynasty.

280. Reunification of the Three Kingdoms

3 16, the Western Jin Dynasty perished.

Why was the Western Jin Dynasty a short-lived dynasty?

(1) After the unification of the Western Jin Dynasty, the ruling collective quickly decayed; (2) The second generation emperor Jin Huidi, with low intelligence, was unable to govern the country. The emperors of the Western Jin Dynasty fought for the emperors one after another, which exhausted the national strength of the Western Jin Dynasty. (3) The immigrants took advantage of the civil strife in the Western Jin Dynasty to confront it. In short, the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty was due to the interweaving and intensification of class contradictions, ethnic contradictions and contradictions within the ruling class.

3 17, Si Marui established the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

376, the original Qin Wang Fujian series of Yellow River Basin.

383, at the battle of water

Why can Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties develop Jiangnan? How's it going? What's the impact?

Reasons: (1) Jiangnan has abundant rainfall and fertile land, which has superior conditions for developing agriculture; (2) Since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, many people fled to the south of the Yangtze River to escape the war in the north, bringing with them labor force, advanced production technology and different lifestyles; (3) There are relatively few wars in the south of the Yangtze River and the social order is relatively stable; (4) With the hard work of the working people in the north and south, the economy of Jiangnan has developed rapidly.

Situation: (1) Many water conservancy projects have been built, and large areas of wasteland have been reclaimed in Cheng Liangtian; (2) Rice is mainly planted in the south of the Yangtze River. Green manure has been used in rice fields, and your Niu Geng and manure have also been popularized; (3) Wheat planting, extending to the south of the Yangtze River; (4) During the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties, agriculture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River developed rapidly, and Fujian and Guangdong also developed to a certain extent.

Impact: The development of the south of the Yangtze River has a far-reaching impact on China's economy, laying the foundation for the gradual shift of economic center of gravity to the south.

In the late 4th century, the Northern Wei Dynasty was established.

In 439, the Northern Wei Dynasty unified the Qidan nationality in the Yellow River valley.

Liao (Khitan State)

1Early 20th century

Baoji (Liao Taizu)

Go to Beijing (now Bahrain Zuozu in Inner Mongolia)

Signed an alliance with the northern song dynasty, and the two sides have maintained long-term peace since then; Then it was destroyed by gold.

Han (ha)

Northern Song Dynasty

In 960,

Zhao Kuangyin (Song Taizu)

Tokyo (now Kaifeng)

1 127 was destroyed by gold.

Tangut, Tangut


165438+ Early 20th century


Make peace with the Northern Song Dynasty; It was later destroyed by the Mongols.



1Early 2nd century

Akuta (Jin Taizu)

Xingqing (now Yinchuan)

It was later destroyed by the Mongols.

Han (ha)

Southern Song Dynasty

1 127

Zhao Gou (Song Gaozong)

Huining (now Acheng, Heilongjiang)

Peace was negotiated with Jin, and the two sides rowed from Huaishui to Dasanguan, and the confrontation between Song and Jin was formed. Later, it was destroyed by the Yuan Army in 1276.

the Mongol nationality



Temujin (Genghis Khan)

Yuan dynasty (1206- 1368)

127 1 year

Kublai Khan (Yuan Shizu)

Dadu (now Beijing)

The Yuan Dynasty was unified shortly after the destruction of the Southern Song Dynasty, ending the long-term division since the late Tang Dynasty. 1368 was destroyed by the Ming army.


Late Jin Dynasty (16 16- 1636)

16 16 years

Aisingiorro Nurgazi

Hetuala (later moved to Shengjing)




huang taiji

Shengjing (later moved to Beijing)

/kloc-entered the customs in 0/644 and gradually established the rule of the whole country.

Review Outline of Unit 2 of Grade Seven History (Part Two) 2007- 10-27 16:02

What are the measures to develop agricultural production in Yuan Shizu?

A: Agriculture: (1) It has been repeatedly ordered to prohibit Mongolian aristocratic circles from occupying farmland for grazing; (2) Harnessing the Yellow River; (3) pushing cotton.

Why did the Yuan Dynasty implement the system of "keeping books in China"? What is the content of this system? What's the impact?

Answer: Content: (1) Set up provincial libraries in the central and local areas, referred to as "provincial libraries"; (2) Strengthening the jurisdiction over Tibet; (3) Strengthen the jurisdiction over Ryukyu.

Influence: The establishment of provincial administrative regions in China began in the Yuan Dynasty. Since then, the provinces have become the local administrative organs of China, and they have remained so far.

Why is the unification of the Yuan Dynasty promoting national integration? What are the main aspects of ethnic integration in the Yuan Dynasty?

A: After the reunification of the Yuan Dynasty, large-scale population movements promoted the economic and cultural development and integration of all ethnic groups.

(1) Many Han people came to the frontier and contributed to the development there;

(2) A large number of ethnic groups in the border areas, including Mongolians, moved to the Central Plains and Jiangnan, where they lived together with the Han nationality.

(3) The Khitan, Nuzhen and other ethnic groups who first entered the Yellow River valley have lived together for a long time, and there is no difference with the Han nationality;

(4) Forming a new nationality-Hui nationality.

7 What are the "four great inventions" in ancient China (including name, time, process and influence)? What leading scientific and technological achievements did China have in the Song and Yuan Dynasties?



Invention process


make paper

Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-25 AD)

Paper made of hemp is also the earliest paper known in the world.

This is a great contribution of the Chinese nation to the development of world culture.

Eastern Han Dynasty

Eunuch Cai Lun summed up the experience since the Western Han Dynasty, and used bark, rags, hemp heads and old fishing nets as raw materials to make paper, thus improving papermaking.


Sui and Tang Dynasties

Existing engraving printing

Northern Song Dynasty

After woodblock printing appeared, China published a large number of exquisite books. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng invented dialect printing.


Warring States period

People discovered the characteristics of magnets indicating north and south, making Sina the earliest guiding instrument in the world.

Northern Song Dynasty

Made a compass and began to use it in navigation.



In the books of the middle Tang Dynasty, the formula of gunpowder has been recorded.

late tang dynasty

Gunpowder began to be used in the military.

Song and Yuan Dynasties

Gunpowder weapons are widely used in war, mainly muskets, rockets and artillery.

The world's leading technologies are gunpowder, printing and compass (Twelve Calendars).