Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Wow, what's the biggest chance to blame [sapphire]

Wow, what's the biggest chance to blame [sapphire]

Monster drop rate category level camp activity area

Rotten soil thief 0% humanoid creature LV39,40,41Alliance Tribe Tower Nalis

Ice thistle snowman queen 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv57 alliance tribe Dongquan valley

0% humanoid creature lv47, 48 Alliance Tribe Tower Nalis.

0.00 1% wild animals lv47, 48, 49, 50, 5 1, 52, 53 alliance tribes burn plains.

Green Fire Summoner 0% Demon 53, 54 Alliance Tribe Winter and Spring Valley

Fairwood forest

Ashe valley

Zukash cave scorpion 0% NPC level 45, 46 alliance tribe Fielas.

Shrub shaper 0% elemental creatures lv45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 alliance tribe anglo crater.

Ta Nalis

Ice thistle snowman king 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv58 alliance tribe Dongquan Valley

Crazy moonkin 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 alliance tribe Dongquan Valley.

Raging Chiroptera 0% Beast Class 52, 53, 54 Alliance Tribe anglo Crater


Anglo crater, the alliance tribe of lv54, the elemental creature of 0% flame.

Ice thistle snowman 0% humanoid creature lv55 alliance tribe winter and spring valley

Chiroptera 0.00 1% beast lv501.52 alliance tribe anglo crater.

Angelo Gorilla 0.00 1% Beast Level 52,53 Alliance Tribe Angelo Crater

Woodthroat Guardian 0.005% humanoid creature lv49, 50 alliance tribe Aisara.

0.00 1% undead lv56 alliance tribe danasus


Glowing element 0.00 1% element biological grade 53,54 alliance tribe anglo crater.

Hungry curved-toothed hyenas 0% Beasts lv4 1, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Alliance Tribes Sad Swamp

Fucking land

Vanity walker 0.077% demon LV 10,1,14, 15, 17, 18, 19 alliance tribe.



Don Moreau

The land of oriental plague


Fairwood forest

From the darkness

Black coast

blackrock mountain

Blackstone abyss

Ashe valley

The Twilight Forest

Raging cracks


Ta Nalis

Tirisfa woodland

Western wilderness



Song Yin forest


Fucking land

0.00 1% humanoid creature lv501alliance tribe Aisara.

0.002% humanoid creature lv46, the cursed land of 47 alliance tribes.

Decaying corpse 0% undead 53, 54 alliance tribe Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

Regas Thief 0% Demon lv5 1, 52, 53 Alliance Tribe Aisara

Old Double Sailosaur 0.00 1% Beast lv54 Alliance Tribe anglo Crater.


0.00 1% humanoid creature lv4 1, 42, 43, 44, 45 alliance tribe Nalis.

Bihuo Hunter 0.00 1% Demon LV 5 1.52 Alliance Tribe Fairwood Forest

Black coast

Sick Skinner 0.00 1% undead level 58 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land


Tar crawler 0% elemental organism lv5 1, 52 alliance tribe anglo crater.

Giant obsidian element 0.005% humanoid creature lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Black Wings' Nest of Elite Alliance Tribes.

The Burning Plain

Blood petal flower basher 0% npclv49,50 alliance tribe anglo crater.

The 0.0 12% mud monster did not specify the location of the plague lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55 east of the alliance tribe.


Frost-edged leopard cub 0.00 1% Beast lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 Alliance Tribe Winter and Spring Valley

South China Sea looters 0% Lu, 39, 40, 4 1, 42, 43, 44, 4 alliance tribe Ta Neurisse.

Shrub Dew Collector 0% Element Organism lv43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Alliance Tribe anglo Crater.

Ta Nalis

Time Parasite 0% Beast 57 Alliance Tribe Tirisfa Woodland

Plague land in the west

Rotten worm 0.226% NPC lv50 Alliance Tribe East Plague Land

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

Mud monster 0.0 1 1% did not specify that the plague site was in the east of lv56 alliance tribe.

Sew up the Eastern Plague Land of Alliance Tribe lv58 which hates 0.00 1% undead.



Fire smoke Lord 0.00 1% humanoid creature level 44, 45 alliance tribe wasteland.

The Burning Plain

Bloody worker 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 allied tribes to the western plague land.

0.00 1% humanoid lv501Alliance Tribe Redridge Mountains.

The Burning Plain

Scorching canyon

Dongquan Totemist 0.00 1% Beast LV49,50,51,52,53,54,55 Alliance Tribe Dongquan Valley

Fairwood forest

0.004% of Ashsander travelers did not specify the lv56 elite alliance tribe silithus.

Thermal invaders 0.00 1% elemental organism lv54 alliance tribe anglo crater.


Gerrish digging scorpion 0.003% NPC lv52, 53 alliance tribe anglo crater.

0.002% humanoid creature lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 allied tribe Dongquan Valley.

Soul-less ghouls 0% undead lv49, 50, 5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55 Alliance Tribe-Aotelanke Mountains.

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

Deep Blue Dragon Master 0.00 1% Dragon lv57 Elite Alliance Tribe Dongquan Valley

Wooden Throat Warrior 0.002% humanoid creature lv47, 48 Alliance Tribe Aisara.

Qumu moss eater 0% elemental creature level 52, Alliance Tribe Fairwood Forest level 53.

Plague Dog 0% Demon lv55 Alliance Tribe East Plague Land


Raging Luna 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 alliance tribe Dongquan Valley.

Moonlight moonkin 0.00 1% humanoid creatures lv43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 allied tribes Dongquan Valley.

Bloody wanderer 0.00 1% humanoid lv55 elite alliance tribe Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

0% humanoid creature lv5 1, 52 alliance tribe Aisara.

Naga Explorer 0% Humanoid 42, 43, 44 Alliance Tribe Thorn Valley

Giant Lava Spider 0% humanoid creature lv4 1, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Alliance Tribe Burning Canyon

Blackstone warrior 0% humanoid creature lv56 alliance tribe Hongqiao Mountain range

Nest of black wings

The Burning Plain

Gardiner 0% Demon 50,51Alliance Tribe Fairwood Forest

Winter and spring bear monster 0.00 1% humanoid creature lv57 alliance tribe winter and spring valley

Black Slaughterer 0% Beast lv4 1, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Alliance Tribe Sad Swamp

Fucking land

Slave workers 0% humanoid creatures 45, 46, 47 alliance tribe scorching canyon

Blackstone Killer 0.00 1% humanoid race level 57 alliance tribe burning plains

Gardner hound 0% demon level 53 alliance tribe Felwood forest

Rotten Gargoyle 0% Undead Level 54 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land



Plague land in the west

Poisonous plague Bat 0.00 1% Beast lv49, 50, 5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55 Alliance Tribe East Plague Land.



Frost-edged female leopard 0.002% Beast lv58 Alliance Tribe Winter and Spring Valley

Fairwood forest

Scourge Warrior 0.00 1% Undead 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 Alliance Tribe East Plague Land.


Skeleton Monk 0% Undead Level 56 Alliance Tribe Aotelanke Mountain

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

Green Mud Monster 0.00 1% NPC 46, the hinterland of 47 alliance tribes.

The evil ooze monster 0.00 1% did not specify the demon forest of lv53 alliance tribe.

The evil branch elite guards 0.00 1% humanoid creatures lv45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 5 1 elite alliance tribe arash highland.


Giant Plague Bat 0.002% Beast lv58 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land



Scorching ghoul 0% undead level 55 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

0.00 1% humanoid creature lv46, hinterland of allied tribes.

Dead zombie 0% undead level 52, alliance tribe wasteland level 53.

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

Double Sailosaur 0% Beast LV 5 1.52 Alliance Tribe anglo Crater

Blue-maned orangutan 0.00 1% Beast lv4 1, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50 Alliance Tribe Thorn Valley

South China Sea Pirates 0.00 1% humanoid creatures lv40, 42, 43, 44, 45 alliance tribe Ta Neurisse.

Winter and spring pathfinder 0% humanoid creature 53, 54 alliance tribe winter and spring valley

Fairwood forest

Rotten scream 0.004% undead lv5 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Alliance Tribe East Plague Land.



Akram Wise Man 0.00 1% humanoid lv55 Alliance Tribe Aisara

Hammer warlock 0% humanoid creature lv54 Alliance Tribal Cursed Land

Evil Sect Craniotomy 0% Humanoid 46, 47 Alliance Tribe Hintland

Skull Executioner 0% Undead lv54 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land

Tirisfa woodland

Plague land in the west

South China Sea Thief 0% humanoid creature lv4 1, 43, 44, 45 Alliance Tribe Tower Neurisse.

Ice wind Chimera cub 0.00 1% beast lv53, 54 alliance tribe Dongquan valley.

Looting dragon 0% beast 48, 49 alliance tribe anglo crater

Ta Nalis

Deep Blue Baby Dragon 0% Dragon lv54 Alliance Tribe Dongquangu

Crypt Killer 0.003% Undead 59 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land


0% humanoid creatures lv52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 allied tribes in the western plague land.

Natural disasters guard 0.003% of the undead, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and the eastern plague land of the alliance tribe.

Dead Whip Scorpion 0.002% Beast lv54 Alliance Tribal Wasteland

The Burning Plain

Woodthroat Totemist 0.002% humanoid creature level 47, 48, 49 Alliance Tribe Aisara.

0.002% humanoid creature lv46, the cursed land of 47 alliance tribes.

Hate singer 0% undead lv56 Alliance Tribe Eastern Plague Land


Evil Whip Officer 0.002% humanoid lv54 Alliance Tribe Aisara

Angelo orangutan 0.00 1% beast lv501alliance tribe Angelo crater.

Furious plague dog 0.00 1% demon lv58 alliance tribe east plague land



Fire scale dragon 0.003% dragon lv0, 57 elite alliance tribe burning plain.

..... This is the conclusion of NGA database. ...

Dig for silver honestly.

Dig fuses in Dongquan ... I often produce sapphires there.