Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The last word of a four-character idiom.

The last word of a four-character idiom.

1. How many words do you say in the last word of the four-character idiom? 1. Idiom: Empty talk.

Pinyin: k! Five-Animal Exercise

Explanation: If others don't listen, it's no use talking.

Source: Feng Ming magnum "Warning" Volume 33: "A servant has a plan, which is very convenient for his brother. I'm afraid my brother may not be able to drown in the love on the pillow mat, which will make my servant waste words and ears!

2. Idiom: Function words are sophistry.

Pinyin: letters

Explanation: virtual: false; Trick: fraud. Lies.

Source: Historical Records Biography of Sima Xiangru: "Although there are many empty words, they should be attributed to frugality, which is different from the admonition in the Book of Songs."

3. Idiom: prophecy.

Pinyin: xi m: o y á n xi m: o Shu bu

Commentary: small: small. Refers to remarks or gossip that are not worthy of attention.

Source: Qian's "Poetry of Visiting the Classroom": "Speaking on the street can be remembered and widely heard, or it can't be three."

2. The four words of divination are uncertain: divination and estimation. Whether it is life or death, it is unpredictable.

Good luck is uncertain: good luck: good luck, extended to misfortune, success or failure; Divination, extended to prediction. Whether this is a blessing or a curse, success or failure, is unpredictable.

Ask God for divination: When superstitious people encounter difficulties, they turn to ghosts and gods for help, or rely on divination to solve them.

Holding millet out of divination: later used to refer to praying for the blessing of the gods and giving bad luck.

A radish and a pit: Metaphorically, a person has a position without redundancy. It also describes doing things practically.

Shao Bu, an old doctor: Shao Bu, a young fortune teller. Old doctors are experienced, and young fortune tellers are brave in making decisions. Metaphors have their own strengths and cannot be neglected.

Life and death are uncertain: the result of life and death is still difficult to determine.

Neighborhood: it means to choose a neighbor when looking for a house.

The last sentence is yes. Four-character idioms abound: one by one. Can be seen everywhere, description is extremely common.

Equal to each other, everywhere. Describe many similar things or situations.

Better than better: auxiliary words are meaningless; W: Just; Yes: So. It's not just that. In other words, not only that.

Nothing is done a hundred times, and nothing is done right. The descriptions are all wrong. It's useless.

Everything is eye-catching: eye contact. Anywhere you can see with your eyes.

Nodding is a sign of approval or affirmation.

Nodding is a sign of approval or affirmation.

Independence means: yes. No matter what others think, just do what you think is right.

Eyes and ears are abnormal.

Bow down: bow down, bend over; Namely: just. Just lower your head and pick it up. It's everywhere. A lot of descriptions, easy to get.

It's everywhere. Just lower your head and pick it up. It's everywhere. A lot of descriptions, easy to get.

* * * The country doing business is: the major policies of the country. * * * Discuss national policies and guidelines.

Go your own way: do it, do it; Yes: that's right. Do what you think is right. The metaphor is different.

Accumulated achievements refer to long-term mistakes, which are usually considered correct.

I looked up and saw everything. Describe a large number.

Nothing is nothing: compromise. It means that there are differences of opinion and it is impossible to decide which side to take.

Mo Mo: No, still; Intention: compromise, conclusion; Yes: right. I don't know which one is right Describe differences of opinion, no consensus.

I can't decide which is right. Describe differences of opinion, no consensus.

People are not things, which means that people have changed and the scenery has not changed.

Paradoxically, seemingly contradictory or contrary to common sense may actually be right.

Seeking truth from facts refers to starting from the actual object, exploring the internal relations of things and the regularity of their development, and understanding the essence of things. Usually refers to doing things according to the actual situation.

The teacher's heart is the teacher's heart: taking the heart as a teacher means only believing in yourself; Naturally: act according to your own subjective intentions. Describe being self-righteous and refusing to accept the correct opinions of others.

It's everywhere. It's everywhere. Refers to the ubiquity of a person or thing.

The world is full of floods, everywhere. Metaphor is widespread social chaos. It also means that there are some kind of low people or bad atmosphere everywhere.

Xi Feicheng is used to some wrong things, but thinks it is right.

Learning is not victory: habit; Not: wrong; Yes: correct. Accustomed to some wrong things, I think it is right.

Laziness has nothing to do with right or wrong and discussion. With "idle is idle".

It's the same again: again, again. This is also the case.

Yesterday is not right or wrong today: wrong, wrong; Yes, that's right. What is right now is wrong in the past.

Non-literature, with gorgeous appearance but no corresponding essence.

The last word is exhausted. The last word is exhausted. Four-word idiom 65: Money is exhausted.

Metaphor life into an embarrassing situation. Eliminating evil: evil; C: Yes.

To get rid of bad people, bad things must be clean and thorough. Wealth does its best. Both money and strength are used up.

Metaphor life into an embarrassing situation. Endless Toona sinensis: There is a big Toona sinensis in ancient legend, which has a long life.

Live as long as Toona sinensis. Often used as a word to wish people a long life.

Make up lessons until the end: infer something similar; Extremely accurate. Refers to making full inferences about things.

The word "exhausted" means that you can't find any reason and have nothing to say. Rhetorical poverty: rhetoric; Poor: it's over, it's over.

There is nothing to say and no reason to argue. The money in the bed is used up.

A metaphor for running out of money and being sleepy. The car iron polished all the iron pins.

Describe a long journey. Can't finish eating: get through "wearing" clothes.

Food and clothing are inexhaustible. Metaphor is rich in life.

Can't finish eating: dress. Food and clothing are inexhaustible.

Metaphor is rich in life. The knife is broken: it is broken; Arrow: Arrow.

The knife is broken and the arrows are used up. Describe fighting to the end, unable to fight again.

Lonely lamp loneliness: loneliness; Pick it up: the wick is burnt out. The wick is burnt out, and so is the lamp.

Refers to a person who can't sleep at night alone in the light. This also means that life is hard and stressful.

There is no end to gratitude. Describe very grateful.

It is even more difficult to describe many people or things, and the number cannot be counted. With "how many servants are hard to count."

Fatigue of war drums: the sound of war drums; Decline: weak. The drums are weak and the strength is exhausted.

Describe the horror when the war is close to failure. It also describes the slack at the end of the article.

A machete is a metaphor for the loss of combat effectiveness, and there is nothing to think about. All organs are counted: a careful and ingenious plan.

Metaphor is exhausted. Organ failure: an elaborate and ingenious plan.

Metaphor is exhausted. Jiang Lang Depletes Jiang Lang: A Guide to Flooding Rivers.

Originally, there were not many literary names for Jiang Yan, and there were no good sentences in his later years. Metaphor talent decline.

The wine cellar is full of enthusiasm: exhausted; Xing: Fun, bragging. After drinking the wine, the fun is gone.

Exhausted: tired, tired. Mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion.

Describe mental and physical fatigue, exhaustion, mental fatigue and exhaustion. Describe extreme mental and physical fatigue.

Counting the poor means counting the exhausted. With "a few poor people are extremely worried."

Fatigue: strategy; Poverty and frustration: exhaustion. Tactics and strength are used up.

Jiang Yan of the Southern Dynasties did his best in Liang Jiangyan, and was called Jiang Lang by the world. There are no good sentences in poetry in his later years, which people call exhaustion.

Later, it was often used to describe the decline of talents. Door-to-door refers to the death of the whole family.

The people are poor and the wealth of the country is exhausted. The fur robe is torn and the money is used up.

Metaphor is difficult. Qiu Jin Jin Qiu Jin: Leather clothing.

The fur coat was worn out and the money was used up. Metaphor living in poverty.

Eliminate evil: get rid of; C: Absolutely. We must wipe out the bad guys completely.

Metaphor can't tolerate bad people. The handle of the axe for chopping wood has rotted.

This is a metaphor for a long time and changes in the world. Guizhou donkey skills: Guizhou.

The limited skills of metaphor are also used up. A person's luck is exhausted: fate.

Describes people who are dying, dying or lifeless. Love to the extreme is friendship to the extreme.

Despair means extreme unpopularity. When people's hearts are endless and selfishness is not satisfied.

Renyi: extreme, the most; Do it: use it all. Do your best.

Refers to the kindness and help of people who have done their best. Sweeping the floor means complete destruction.

More refers to the loss of some cultural relics and spirits. Sweeping the floor means being completely clean and leaving nothing behind.

Sweeping the floor means complete destruction. It is also a metaphor for losing face and prestige.

Being exhausted means having no strength or skills. At the end of the mountain, the mountain and water are at the end.

Metaphor has no way out. There is no way out.

Metaphor is despair. It's all gone, all gone.

Mutually assured destruction: the end. Mutually assured destruction or mutually assured destruction.

The endless metaphor is as continuous as running water. Use "inexhaustible".

Endless poverty: the end. There is no end, no limit.

Deliberate means knowing the beginning and end of a thing in great detail and thoroughly. Oil-dried lamp is a metaphor of impending death.

The same is "the oil is exhausted and the grass is withered." The oil is dry and the fire is gone.

A glance: look. At first glance, everything comes into view.

Speak seriously and earnestly, without reservation. Sincere and sincere, without reservation.

Sweep it away and clean it up immediately. Metaphor is completely clean.

I can't say anything. I will speak my mind without reservation. Catch it all at once, or destroy it completely.

Big mouth: drink. I drank it all at once.

Describe drinking quickly. It's a long story to describe the twists and turns of things, which can't be explained clearly in one sentence (used for bad things).

Still unfinished: return. I haven't finished my speech, and I haven't finished what I want to say.

All wisdom and love: metaphors of beauty and evil. Zhiaitong was burned.

Metaphor good and bad mutually assured destruction. Bell leaks: dripping water, ancient timer.

The morning bell has rung, and the water in the leaky kettle is about to run out. Metaphor is old and weak, and has reached old age.

It also means late at night Wisdom is exhausted, and intelligence is exhausted.

Know everything, know everything. As long as you know, there is nothing you can't say.

5. The last word of the four-character idiom query is a word game with a thimble and numbness, and it goes back and forth. Like idioms solitaire.

Chaos is like hemp: hemp ball. Staggered and messy like a mess.

Summer described the quiet life in the countryside.

Killing people like hemp: countless like hemp. The death toll is like a mess. Describe countless people who have been killed.

I am a mess. I described my inner anxiety at random.

Sadness: A feeling of sadness. Ma: It's a mess. Sad thoughts are like a mess. Describe extreme worry.

Muscle weakness and numbness (1) describe fatigue. (2) describe the appearance of extreme fear.

Cutting hemp with a sharp knife is a metaphor for decisiveness, taking resolute and effective measures to solve complex problems quickly. Use "cut the gordian knot".

I'm still confused. Describe my inner anxiety.

Mop, wear linen, wear mourning clothes, and do funerals. Jude Pima Dai Xiao said.

Dragging cloth and hemp, wearing mourning clothes, mourning. Jude Pima Dai Xiao said.

6. What are the waves of four-character idioms in which the last word is cheng? Waves describe the ups and downs of the article; Age: indicates that the article is very sophisticated. Describe the magnificent momentum of the article and the exquisite sentences.

Great success: career; Tell: announce. Refers to the completion of a huge project or an important task.

A late bloomer is an early bloomer: metaphor for great talent. It means that people who can take on heavy responsibilities have to go through long-term exercise, so their achievements come late. It is also used to comfort those who have been frustrated for a long time.

Dandan's metaphor is very effective.

Horizontal balance: flat; Success: success. It turns out that Yu succeeded in harnessing water, and the creatures in the sky also succeeded. Later, it was often said that everything was arranged.

A tree cannot be a forest. Metaphor personal strength is limited, can't do great things.

Success is failure: approach, approach. Things failed when they were about to succeed.

It is difficult to have a good dream when sleeping, and it is not easy to have a good dream. This is a beautiful fantasy, which is difficult to become a reality metaphor.

Hate iron not to produce describes the disappointment and lack of progress of people who are dissatisfied with expectations and are eager to make him better.

Describe the poem's rigorous and natural structure, and there is no trace of axe chisel in the words. It also describes human talent, virtue, perfection and nature.

Eager for success, eager for immediate results.

Nine turns into one turn: the cycle becomes China. Originally Taoist, it refers to nine turns to elixir. Later, it is often compared to success after long-term unremitting efforts.

Long-term imprisonment is a deeper metaphor than the world.

The boss has accomplished nothing. Boss: Old. I am old and have accomplished nothing.

Sophisticated, sophisticated and steady.

Youth and maturity originally mean that people are young but sophisticated. Now it also refers to the lack of vitality of young people.

7. The last sentence of the four-character idiom in the Idiom Dictionary is: Love things and benefit people.

Love the people and strive to benefit them.

Reading is beside the point, and it is difficult to see results.

Looking for something in a room without lights. Metaphor reading is irrelevant and difficult to see results.

Look down on everything

Hu: strabismus. Look at everything sideways. Describe supercilious, look down on everything.

Arrogant, arrogant, disagreeing with ordinary customers.

Thing: others or environment. Despise the world and look down on others. Also refers to arrogance.

Waste God's good gifts wantonly.

Violence: destruction and abuse; Hey: extinction; Celestial body: refers to natural creatures. It means destroying all natural things. After that, I spoil things at will and don't know what it means to cherish.

I have nothing but ...

Something long: something superfluous. Nothing but a suit. The original meaning is frugal life. Now describe poverty.

Achieve every achievement and surpass itself.

If you have achieved something, you should also make everything other than yourself achieve something.

Ugly and evil things

Refers to the bad guys.

The way one gets along with others.

Things: people, people. Contact with others.

A thief's things.

Plantation: the name of a person, who is said to be the leader of the rebel army in the pre-Qin period. In feudal society, it was called stealing feet, which means bad people. Thing: thing. Refers to something taken away by a thief.

Laws, etiquette, systems and valuable things left over from past dynasties.

Refers to the laws, etiquette, systems and valuable things left over from past dynasties.

Ambitious people will do great things eventually.

Not a small animal that lives in a pond for a long time. Metaphorically, people with lofty aspirations will eventually do great things.

truly great man

Romance: handsome and outstanding. Refers to people who have a great influence on an era. Sometimes it also refers to a person who is handsome or used to flirting.

Influential people

Refers to a person who is active for a while and whose words and deeds can affect the overall situation.

8. What are the four-character idioms whose last word is one?

Kindness can only be repaid in a way without hesitation.

fight with one's back to the river/wall—fight a life-and-death battle

Think one thing and do another.

Think and act in the same way


Untidy or inconsistent.

Chapter 11 is

Contradictory and confused




Combine the two into one

Combine the two into one

Receive different comments

Predicate consistency

Fair representation


And the enemy

Although many people are not used to it.

Be consistent throughout.

Yes, stop.

Say one is one.

The best in the world-unparalleled

There is absolutely nothing wrong.

Essential pure specificity

Shallow knowledge

merge into an organic whole

Say one thing and do another.

Speak one's mind

Talking and Doing Quan Yi.

A person's words and deeds are inconsistent.

People coming out of it

Always the same.

The ending is the same.

More categories, more than one.

Many people say so, agree or disagree.

9. The last word of this four-character idiom is "long". What are the common obstacles: wall, home. Good as ever.

Law-abiding: duty; Keep: keep; Chang: Ordinary. Be honest, do your duty and stay out of trouble.

Anshi is as quiet and comfortable as ever, as always. After some changes, it is back to normal, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Love and hate are changeable, and their feelings are unpredictable.

Changing the ancient chaos often changes or disrupts the traditional laws of ancestors.

Changing the past often changes the traditional legal system and norms.

Changes often change the traditional legal system and norms.

Impermanence means that things change frequently and irregularly.

Impermanence: There is no normality. Of things constantly changing and having no regularity.

Old habits: old routines and habits. Don't stick to the rules.

Beyond reasonable or acceptable limits, extremely unfair, rude or unfair.

Appearing and disappearing are irregular and unpredictable.

Unpredictable appearance and disappearance, no certainty, unpredictable.

In and out: to appear; No: disappear. Appearing and disappearing are irregular and unpredictable.

Take it easy, advance and retreat, and keep a normal heart.

Following old habits often means doing things according to old rules and methods. It's the same as "learning from the past".

What is static and what is constant: routines, rules. There is a certain routine in both movement and static. Refers to the behavior conforms to the standard.

Repeatedly, not often: over and over again. There is no stable state in the constant change, and there is no certainty in describing the change.

Volatility refers to uncertainty.

Invert impermanence, impermanence, and change when you say it.