Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why can't I find the "knowledge" about mantis?

Why can't I find the "knowledge" about mantis?

Mantis, also known as knife mantis, is an invertebrate. It belongs to Insecta, Winged Subclass, Mantidae, which is a medium to large insect with a triangular head, free movement and large and bright compound eyes. The antenna is slender; The neck can rotate freely. The leg joints and tibial joints of the forefoot are prickly, and the tibial joints are sickle-shaped and often fold to the leg joints to form the forefoot that can catch prey; The anterior wing cortex is covered with wings, lacking the anterior domain, the posterior wing is membranous, and the gluteal domain is developed into a fan, which folds on the back at rest; Abdominal hypertrophy. Except polar regions, they are widely distributed all over the world, especially in tropical regions. There are about 1585 species known in the world. About 5 1 species is known in China. Among them, southern mantis, northern mantis, broad-axe mantis, Chinese mantis, European mantis and green-spotted mantis are important natural enemies of pests in agriculture, forests, fruit trees and ornamental plants in China.

Chinese name: mantis

Mbth: Mantis.

Nickname: Dao Lang, Big Dao Lang.

Double name method: Mantidea

Field: animal kingdom

Phylum: Arthropod phylum

Subdivision: A subdivision of an arthropod.

Class: Insecta

Subclass: winged subclass

Objective: Mantodia.

Family: Mantidae

Distribution area: Except polar regions, it is widely distributed all over the world, especially in tropical regions.



Feeding and collecting provenances

Feed insect

Artificial batching

Feeding and management

environmental control

Harvest processing


Attach importance to medicinal value

Biological control value


Ornamental value

Living habits

Specific related broadsword mantis

Mating situation

Related traditional Chinese medicine


Feeding and collecting provenances

Feed insect

Artificial batching

Feeding and management

environmental control

Harvest processing


Attach importance to medicinal value

Biological control value


Ornamental value

Living habits

Specific related broadsword mantis

Mating situation

Related traditional Chinese medicine

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The body is very long, mostly green, but there are also brown or spots. The head is triangular and can rotate flexibly. The compound eye was prominent, with 3 eyes in one eye. Mantis is preparing to hunt.

Chew the mouthparts, and the upper jaw is strong. Grasp the feet with the front feet, and the middle and rear feet are suitable for walking. Gradually pervert. Eggs are laid in egg sheaths, and there are 20 ~ 40 eggs in each egg sheath, arranged in 2 ~ 4 rows. Each female insect can produce 4 ~ 5 egg sheaths, which are hardened by foamy secretions and attached to branches, bark, walls and other objects. The newly hatched nymph is a "pre-nymph", and it will become an adult only after peeling for 3 ~ 12 times. Generally, in 1 generation, the life span of a mantis is about six to eight months, and some species parthenogenesis. Eating meat and hunting all kinds of insects and small animals can eliminate many pests in fields and forest areas, so it is beneficial. Sexual abuse and aggression, lack of food often lead to the phenomenon of swallowing snacks and females eating males. Individual species distributed in South America sometimes attack small animals such as birds, lizards or frogs. Mantis has protective color, and some are mimicry, which is similar to its environment, thus preying on a variety of pests. The English name is mantid. Also called mantis, mantis or mantis. There are nearly 2,000 species of large fast-moving insects in Mantidae, which are characterized by a long chest (upper part), a groove on the ventral surface of the thigh joint of the forefoot, spines on both sides of the groove, and the tibiofibular joint (lower part) can be embedded in the groove. It only eats live worms and holds its prey firmly with its prickly front feet. When you are frightened, your wings will rustle and you will show a bright warning color. Common in plants rather than on the ground, the shape can be green leaves or brown dead leaves, twigs, lichens, flowers or ants. Relying on mimicry can not only avoid natural enemies, but also be difficult to be found when approaching or waiting for prey. After mating, females often feed on males, and eggs laid in the egg sheath can protect them from bad weather or natural enemies, and egg mantis preys.

Count about 200. Nymphs (wingless adults) hatch at the same time and often kill each other. Mostly distributed in tropics and subtropics. The representatives of Europe are mantis (religious mantis [is the most widely distributed species]), Ameles, Iris and Empusa. North American genera include stagno Mantis (S. Carolina), Litaneutria (L. minor is a small western species, the only mantis native to Canada), Thesprotia (slender) and Oligonicella (slender). Mantis gracilis, Iris Millennium, Pelargonium angustifolia and Pelargonium chinense have been introduced to North America. China mantis is very common in China. Native to many places in East Asia, it is the largest mantis in North America, with a body length of 7 ~ 10 cm. The English name of "mantis" comes from Greek, which means "soothsayer", because the ancient Greeks thought mantis had supernatural power. The current name "mantid" (Greek meaning "fortune teller") also reflects this view. Mantis can stand still or swing gracefully back and forth, raise its head and stretch out its front feet as if praying, from which many myths and legends are derived. According to superstition, mantis's brown saliva can make people blind, and horses or mules eat mantis at sunset.

The queen can be fatal. The English common name "praying mantid" and scientific name "Mantis religiosa" of Mantis, as well as its German name "Gottesanbeterin", French name "prie-Dieu", Provence name "prega- Ou Di" and West Indies name "Shenma" are all related to religious piety. Other common names are devil horse and mule killer. Since all mantis are fierce carnivores, it is more appropriate to describe them as "preying" than "praying". Entomologists have different views on the classification of undergraduate courses. Although it is generally classified as mantodea of Orthoptera, it can also be classified as mantodea, or it can be classified as Netherptera with cockroaches (also with egg sheaths). The chest has 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of feet; The chest is slender, the front foot 1 double thick sickle-shaped claws, and there are hooks on the leg joints and tibiofibular joints. Two mantises are attacking each other.

It is used to catch pests, so it is beneficial. There is an auditory organ at the bottom of the hind foot. Females are bigger than males in appetite, food intake and catching ability, and sometimes they can eat males. Female insects lay eggs in a special way, neither underground nor in plant stems, but on the surface of branches. Two days after mating, females usually face down, first discharging foamy substances from the abdomen, and then laying eggs on them in turn. The foam-like substance solidifies rapidly, forming a hard egg sheath. The traditional Chinese medicine in the egg sheath is called "ootheca ootheca" or "ootheca ootheca ootheca". In the early summer of the following year, hundreds of nymphs hatched from the egg sheath. The nymph molts several times and develops into an adult. For an incomplete pervert. The common China sword mantis (Paraten-odera sinensis), commonly known as the "sword mantis", is about 8 cm long and green or yellowish brown; The spotted snail is 5 ~ 6.5 cm long and is grayish brown or dark brown.

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Leaf-backed mantis

At present, there are more than 30 mature artificial feeding techniques.

Collect provenance

Many kinds of mantis lay eggs on branches, trunks, grass stems, walls or stones for the winter. Generally, egg collection can begin from September to February of the following year. choose

When mantis (3 eggs) lay eggs, choose eggs with high quality and health, large egg mass, thick surface protective layer, strong luster, and no cracks, scratches or holes eaten by parasitic insects outside the egg mass, cut them off together with a section of adhesive branches of the egg mass and insert them into a jar containing a little water. Before the eggs in the incubation sheath begin to hatch (before the temperature rises to 20℃), preparations should be made before feeding.

Feed insect

Mantis is a carnivorous insect, and likes to catch live insects, especially small insects in motion. If there are no live nymphs, it is difficult to raise them successfully. Therefore, before mantis eggs hatch, live insect feed, such as aphids and houseflies, should be prepared. Aphids are extremely fertile and easy to raise. Cruciferae plants can be planted in flowerpots or small plastic beds in advance, and aphids can be inoculated for reproduction after emergence. Other feed insects include big wax borer, corn borer, cabbage butterfly, Eupolyphaga, Tenebrio molitor, etc.

Artificial batching

After the 3rd instar, mantis nymphs eat a lot, so it is difficult to meet their needs with limited live bait. Therefore, artificial feed must be prepared. Here are three successful artificial feed formulas: Formula 1: First, pour 250 ml of clear water into a container, take a small amount of water from it, mash 5 g of yeast slices and dissolve them in water, then pour all 50 g of egg yolk, 20 g of honey and 20 g of sucrose, fully stir them evenly, then steam them in a pot and let them cool for later use. Formula 2: Clean 100g fresh pig liver (liver of other animals can also be used) and chop it into paste, add 50g sucrose and mix well for later use. Formula 3: water 100ml, fresh pork liver 40g, aphid powder 20g, bean powder 5g, sucrose 20g, agar 20g, yeast slice1g. When using the above three formulas, great attention should be paid to hygiene and disinfection. After the prepared feed is cooled, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time and taken when needed. If it is raised in large quantities, it is best to prepare it every other day according to the dosage.

Feeding and management

Orchid mantis

Mantis has the habit of killing each other, so it is difficult to keep it in captivity. Outdoor culture should be covered with 12m× 6m× 2m. Dwarf trees and cotton should be transplanted and planted in cages for mantis to inhabit, thus reducing contact opportunities and avoiding cannibalism. At the same time, feed with artificial paste feed. The Institute of Entomology of Shandong Agricultural University feeds mantis with feed insects Tenebrio molitor larvae and flies, which can complete growth and lay eggs.

environmental control

Artificial anti-season cultivation, breaking dormancy, simulating temperature and humidity, artificially creating natural conditions, and irradiating 250 watts of infrared and ultraviolet rays every day.

Harvest processing

Harvest from autumn to the following spring. Cleaning impurities after harvesting, soaking or cooking in boiling water for 30-40 minutes, killing eggs in the egg sheath, steaming thoroughly, drying in the sun or drying to obtain the traditional Chinese medicine Ootheca Mantidis for later use or sale. You must pay attention to killing eggs, otherwise the efficacy will be reduced and the quality will be affected after hatching larvae.


Cleaning protozoa, mixing with 2%-5% salt solution, wetting, steaming for 2 hours, taking out, drying in the sun or frying with slow fire.

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Medicinal value

Ootheca Mantidis, a traditional Chinese medicine, is the egg sheath of mantis insects. Ootheca mantidis contains 18 amino acids, of which 8 are essential for human body and 7 are phospholipids. Ootheca mantidis has the effects of anti-urinary frequency and convergence. Phospholipids can alleviate atherosclerosis and promote the development of red blood cells and the synthesis of other cell membranes. Ootheca Mantidis is sweet, salty, warm and nontoxic, and enters the liver and kidney meridians. Has the effects of tonifying kidney, strengthening yang, consolidating semen and reducing urine. Indications include enuresis, nocturnal emission, frequent defecation, lumbago due to kidney deficiency, and neurasthenia. It is also suitable for women with leukorrhagia and irregular menstruation. The market price of ootheca mantidis has reached 60-80 yuan/kg. Besides ootheca mantidis, mantis can also be used as medicine, that is, dry adult mantis can be used as medicine. Mantis has the functions of nourishing and strengthening the body, tonifying kidney and essence, relieving convulsion and spasticity. Indications: impotence, nocturnal emission, convulsion, enuresis, hemorrhoids and neurasthenia. Clinical application is mainly combined with other drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Biological control value

Mantis can prey on more than 40 kinds of pests, such as flies, mosquitoes, locusts, nymphs, eggs, larvae, naked pupae, adults and other small insects, while mantis preys on geckos.

Large insects such as cicadas and migratory locusts.


Mantis is a nutritious and high-protein edible insect.

Ornamental value

Through artificial anti-season cultivation, people can enjoy mantis all year round. Mantis is also a good material for building small zoos and wild insect gardens.

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Close-up photo of mantis

Mantis, invertebrates, Insecta, mantodea insects. The body is medium or large, the head is inverted triangle, the compound eye is big and bright, and the antenna is slender; The neck can rotate freely. The body is tan, taupe or green. The chest has 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of feet; The chest is slender, the front foot is 1 pair of thick sickle-shaped feet, and there are hooks and thorns on the leg joints and tibial joints, which can catch pests, so it is a beneficial insect. There is an auditory organ at the bottom of the hind foot. Females are bigger than males in appetite, food intake and catching ability, and sometimes they can eat males. Female insects lay eggs in a special way, neither underground nor in plant stems, but on the surface of branches. Two days after mating, females usually face down, first discharging foamy substances from the abdomen, and then laying eggs on them in turn. The foam-like substance solidifies rapidly, forming a hard egg sheath. The traditional Chinese medicine in the egg sheath is called "ootheca ootheca" or "ootheca ootheca ootheca". In the early summer of the following year, hundreds of nymphs hatched from the egg sheath. The nymph molts several times and develops into an adult. For an incomplete pervert. The common China green mantis (Paraten-odera sinensis), commonly known as "big knife mantis", is about 8 cm long and green or yellowish brown; The spotted snail is 5 ~ 6.5 cm long and is grayish brown or dark brown. Mantis belongs to Mantidae, a winged subclass of Insecta. It is a medium to large insect with a triangular head and can move freely. The leg joints and tibial joints of the forefoot are prickly, and the tibial joints are sickle-shaped and often fold to the leg joints to form the forefoot that can catch prey; The anterior wing cortex is covered with wings, lacking the anterior domain, the posterior wing is membranous, and the gluteal domain is developed into a fan, which folds on the back at rest; Abdominal hypertrophy. Except in extremely cold regions, it is widely distributed all over the world, especially in tropical regions. There are about 1585 species known in the world. About 5 1 species is known in China. Among them, southern mantis, northern mantis, broad-axe mantis, Chinese mantis, European mantis and green-spotted mantis are important natural enemies of pests in agriculture, forests, fruit trees and ornamental plants in China. Mantis is very long, mostly green, but also brown or spotted. The compound eye was prominent, with 3 eyes in one eye. Chew the mouthparts, and the upper jaw is strong. Grasp the feet with the front feet, and the middle and rear feet are suitable for walking. Gradually pervert. Eggs are laid in egg sheaths, and there are 20 ~ 40 eggs in each egg sheath, arranged in 2 ~ 4 rows. Each female insect can produce 4 ~ 5 egg sheaths, which are hardened by foamy secretions and attached to branches, bark, walls and other objects. The newly hatched nymph is a "pre-nymph", and it will become an adult only after peeling for 3 ~ 12 times. Generally 1 year 1 generation, some species parthenogenesis. Eating meat and hunting all kinds of insects and small animals can eliminate many pests in fields and forest areas, so it is beneficial. Sexual abuse and aggression, lack of food often lead to the phenomenon of swallowing snacks and females eating males. Individual species distributed in South America sometimes attack small animals such as birds, lizards or frogs. Mantis has protective color, and some are mimicry, which is similar to its environment, thus preying on a variety of pests. Because mantis's body color can be divided into green and brown, its growing environment is different. Most green mantis feed on green trees and plants, prey on small insects and so on, but they all live in protective colors.