Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 1. Will God still give people dreams and visions today?

1. Will God still give people dreams and visions today?

Today, will God still send messages to people through dreams?

Don't go beyond what is written in the scripture. -1 Corinthians 4: 6

What does the Bible say?

The Bible is God's revelation to all mankind, and the dreams recorded in it are only part of this revelation. As for the Bible, 2 Timothy 3: 16 and 17 say, "The Bible is inspired by God with the Holy Spirit, which is conducive to teaching, blaming and disciplining according to righteousness, so that those who worship God can be fully competent, fully equipped and do all kinds of good deeds."

How does the Bible equip us? This book tells us everything we need to know about God. This includes the characteristics of God, his moral standards, his wishes for the earth and how we can cooperate with his wishes. Therefore, God no longer uses dreams to convey his message. If we want to know the future and what God wants from us, we should "not go beyond what is written in the Bible", that is, we should not try to seek guidance from sources other than the Bible. Besides, now almost everyone can read the Bible and study many revelations of God, including his revelation dreams.