Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The evolution of Chinese characters is urgent! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1

The evolution of Chinese characters is urgent! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1

According to legend, Cang Xie was an official under the Yellow Emperor. Officials at that time were not imposing, just like ordinary people, but with different division of labor. The Yellow Emperor assigned him to be in charge of the number of livestock in the fence and the number of food on the chariot. Cang Xie is a smart man. He does everything with all his heart. He soon becomes familiar with the animals and food he is in charge of, and has a good mind, so he seldom makes mistakes. But slowly, the storage of livestock and food is also gradually increasing and changing, and my head alone can't remember it. At that time, there were no words, let alone paper and pens. What shall we do? Cang Xie was puzzled.

Cang Xie tried to find a way all day and all night. First, he tied a knot on the rope, using different colors of rope to represent different animals and food, and using knots to represent each number. But over time, it won't work. It is easy to tie a knot on the rope for this increased number, but it is troublesome to untie a knot on the rope when reducing the number. Cang Xie thought of winding the rope and hanging all kinds of shells in the circle, instead of what he was in charge of. If it increases, a shell is added; if it decreases, a shell is removed. This method works best and has been used continuously for several years.

Seeing that Cang Xie was so capable, the Yellow Emperor put him in charge of more and more things, such as the number of sacrifices each year, the distribution of hunting and the increase or decrease of tribal population, all of which were called Cang Xie. Cang Xie has made another mistake, which is no longer a matter of hanging a shell with a rope. How can I not make mistakes?

On this day, he took part in collective hunting and came to a fork in the road. Several old people were arguing about which way to take. An old man insisted on going east, saying there were antelopes; An old man wants to go north, saying that he can catch up with the deer not far ahead; An old man insisted on going west, saying that there were two tigers, and if they were not killed in time, they would miss the opportunity. Cang Xie, it turns out that they are all looking at the footprints of underground beasts. Cang Xie suddenly felt happy: Since a footprint represents a wild animal, why can't I use a symbol to represent what I am responsible for? He ran home happily and began to create various symbols to represent things. Sure enough, manage things well.

When the Yellow Emperor knew it, he praised it and ordered Cang Xie to teach this method to all tribes. Gradually, the usage of these symbols has been popularized. In this way, the text is formed.

Cang Xie made a word, and the Yellow Emperor attached great importance to him. Everyone praised him, and his reputation is growing. Cang Xie's mind was a little hot, and his eyes slowly moved to the top of his head. No one looks down on him, his handwriting is very scrawled.

This word reached the ears of the Yellow Emperor, who was very angry. Courtiers have no room for deterioration in his eyes. How did Cang Xie realize his mistake? The Yellow Emperor called the oldest old man around him to discuss. The old man has tied more than 120 knots on his long beard, which shows that he is over 120 years old. The old man hesitated and went to Cang Xie alone.

Cang Xie is teaching people from all tribes to read. The old man sits quietly at the end and listens as carefully as everyone else. After Cang Xie finished speaking, everyone else dispersed, and only the old man was still sitting in his old place. Cang Xie was a little curious and asked him why he didn't go.

The old man said, "Cang Xie, your words have become a household name, but I am old and dizzy, and a few words are still unclear. Will you teach me again? " Cang Xie looked at such a tall old man and respected him very much. He is very happy, urge him to speak quickly.

The old man said, "Are there four legs in the words horse, donkey and mule?" ? Cows also have four legs. Why didn't you invent the word' cow' with four legs and only one tail? "

Cang Xie was a little flustered when he heard this: when he first coined the word "fish", it was written like a cow, and when he coined the word "cow", it was written as a fish. It's all my own carelessness, and I actually taught it backwards.

The old man went on to say, "The word' heavy' you made means that you have to pronounce the word' out' from a long distance away, but you taught people to pronounce the word' heavy' as weight. On the other hand, the word "out" when two mountains are combined should be the word "heavy" for weight, but you have taught it to be the word "out" when going out. These words really puzzle me, so I have to ask you. "

At this time, Cang Xie was ashamed and knew that he had made a big mistake because of his pride. These words have been taught by all tribes and spread all over the world and cannot be changed. He quickly knelt down and expressed his regret with tears.

The old man took Cang Xie's hand and said sincerely, "Cang Xie, you have created words, so that the experience of our older generation can be recorded and passed on. You have done a great thing, and people will remember you from generation to generation. You can't be arrogant! "

From then on, every time Cang Xie made a word, he always scrutinized the meaning of the word, but he could ask people's opinions, and he was not careless. Everyone agreed, then decided, and then gradually spread to every tribe.

(PS: In ancient times, because there was no invention of writing, everything was recorded with knotted ropes. One day, Cang Xie asked a subordinate named "Ermu" to exchange a horse for two cars. Ermu tied one end of the rope with a knot, then tied two knots at the other end of the rope, and then led the horse to the market. After Ermu found the boss who sold the car, he replaced the two horses he brought with a car and happily went back to work with his master.

However, after returning home, Cang Xie saw how he changed two cars, but only got a new one ... He was wondering what was going on and was going to ask Ermu! Smart boy, do you know why? Wow! It turned out that Ermu tied the rope, but he wrote down what he wanted to buy backwards. He changed the original "one horse for two cars" into "one car for two cars", which made the market owner gain a horse for nothing, made many mistakes, offended many people, and made Cang Xie feel terrible! Having suffered this, Cang Xie thought, how can we solve the immediate problem?

Cang Xie doodles and writes on the beach every day, which is very annoying ... One day, Cang Xie saw a string of fish hanging on the windowsill, and suddenly he was inspired. Clever Cang Xie had a brainwave, and hieroglyphics similar to "fish" gradually emerged in his mind. A series of words came to mind one by one, and he suddenly realized that the sun was the word "day", the field represented the word "field", and "mouth, eyes and ears" were also transformed from graphics. He found that everything has graphics to express its meaning, and the words transformed from scenery are called ".

Cang Xie said to himself: a tree is "wood", and more trees are "forest"; One stone represents one stone, and three stones represent many stones, that is, the word "thunder"; A person resting under a tree is the word "Hugh"; In ancient times, people thought that women were most at ease at home, so they invented the word "An", and put two words together to form a word, which has another meaning, called "knowledge". It is really interesting! The words created by the principle of "referring to things" can make you see the meaning immediately. For example, up and down, two people fighting with a knife is the word "fight"; Later, because of the lack of words, pictographs were added with symbols of shape or sound, which became pictographs. Like carp, the word "Li" and the word "fish" combined to become "carp"; In addition, there is a word "Zhuanzhu", that is, using words with similar sounds, forms and meanings, such as Yi and Yi. Another word "borrow" is homophonic, meaning different, like an exam, old! Cang Xie picked up branches and painted on the ground. He gained more and more experience. Finally, he found the knack and essentials of taking notes in words, that is, the six principles of China writing, which are called "Six Books"-pictographic, indicative, knowing, phonetic notation, phonetic notation and borrowing. Tai Chi and Tai Chi called Chinese characters on the side are really great, and they are very happy!

The news that Cang Xie could create characters reached the palace. One day, the Yellow Emperor summoned Cang Xie to the palace, and Cang Xie explained the origin and representative significance of the characters to the emperor one by one: "The sun has just risen, and this is the word' Dan'; He drew the word "hand" and added the word "eye". He put his hand on his eyes and added the word "eye" to make it look. The Yellow Emperor smiled, so he asked Cang Xie to concentrate on word-making in the future. Since then, Cang Xie has worked harder every day to create more Chinese characters to benefit the public. This is the origin of Chinese characters in China! )