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Classification of herbal medicine courses

There are so many herbs in the magical world. In order to make it easy to find and remember, the International Society of Magical Herbs published the draft of international herbal classification on July 5th 18+0796, and it was officially revised as the international herbal classification in the same year1October 2nd 165438. But at that time, only some countries such as Britain and France used this classification. There are also some countries that use the classification method formulated by their own Ministry of Magic. For the sake of distinction, the classification formulated by the International Association for Herbal Research is called international classification.

Until March 1805, the Ministry of International Magic stipulated that all countries with wizards in the world should use subcategories consistently, and all other classification methods should be abolished. Since then, classification has become the only classification method of herbs in the world. 187 1, the Ministry of Magic revised this classification.

Next, we will learn specific classification methods. For the convenience of understanding, I won't talk about the text content of international classification, and I will use the popular method directly.

First of all, all potions are divided into three categories.

The first kind: autotrophic species. It is a natural herb, and these herbs can grow as long as they have seeds or stems. Such as aconite. The second kind: cultivated species. As the name implies, it needs to be cultivated. It is a variety of some herbs developed later by human beings, but because it is very different from this species, it has become a separate herb. This is the grass we talked about last time. The third kind: animal species. Note that this refers not to animals, but to herbs obtained from a certain part of the animal's body. For example, gastrolith is a kind of stone found in the stomach of sheep. Herbs from animals are also an important herb.

In addition, in general, we will not mention which kind of herbs belong to in the lecture. Because the species is a large unit, it is easy to distinguish it.

After species is class.

Class is used to indicate the use of herbs. * * * There are six categories: defense, treatment, health, toxicity, synthesis and life. Many herbs have multiple uses, not just one. Generally speaking, they are classified into those that are more common or more effective. You can learn about the use of herbs through classes. This unit is very important and convenient.

Specifically, defense refers to herbs that can be used to resist attacks or protect themselves. Treatment refers to herbs that can treat diseases. Jian Kang refers to mild and nutritious herbs, which can be used to organize the body. Ming poison refers to medicinal materials with strong medicinal properties, usually toxic or burning. Synthetic medicine refers to a useful medicine that is useless in itself, but can be synthesized with other herbs. Life refers to herbs that have great uses in daily life, such as detergents and disinfectants.

Because of the large number of herbs, I won't give examples one by one. Students can pay attention to which kind of herbs belong after class.

The final classification is division. Division means the growing environment of plants.

Aquatic species: those that grow in water are divided into fresh water and seawater.

Primary area: those growing in soil are divided into rich soil area, alkaline soil area and saline soil area.

Mixed plants: They can grow in water or soil. This herb usually has different forms in different environments.

Pharmacy and Health Department: It must be planted in the prepared medicine.

Rose. Rose:

After a hundred flowers blossom.

Magic rose

Wearing roses can attract true love, drinking rose tea can predict dreams, and dreaming of roses indicates good luck and success of love, except white roses.

The rose of myth

How do roses come from? The Greek poet Aquinas said: Venus was taken to take a bath by Cupid, and her shyness turned into a rose. In early legends, Cupid was not the son of Venus, but a companion. )

In Greek mythology, the predecessor of a rose is a fairy. After her death, Caroline turned her body into a rose. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, gave it beauty, Dionysus Anish gave it sweetness and fragrance, and the west wind god blew away the dark clouds for it, making it grow and blossom under the sun god Apollo.

The rose of religion

The red rose didn't exist originally, but its origin is recorded in Jewish scriptures. Adam and Eve were banished to the world and gave birth to two children, the first named Cain and the second named Abel. One day, the two brothers dedicated the fruits of their labor to God. God chose Abel's sheep and rejected Cain's farming. Angry Cain killed Abel, and Abel's blood dyed the white rose he planted beside the altar red, so there was red in the world.

The virgin Mary is called the holy rose.

The Rose of History

1455 to 1455, Lancaster, England, fought for the throne with the York family, with the red rose as the micro-chapter and the white rose as the back chapter.

The rose of the world

The essential oil extracted from Amazon rose can promote wound healing.

Aubashi rose was deeply loved by the British in the Middle Ages.

The leaves of Xin 'an rose smell like apples.

The Charming Rose

/kloc-in the 0 th century, westerners began to extract the fragrance of roses with distillers. /kloc-In the 6th century, Persian princesses used rose toilet water for beauty, and then it became a trend to use rose toilet water for beauty. Rose toilet water not only has astringent effect, but also can moisturize, but it is not suitable for pregnant women, epilepsy patients, hypertension patients and skin sensitive person.

Plants also have high medicinal value and can treat common diseases such as acne, acne and snake bite. , can also be used in the magical world, such as petrochemical (Mandrake). There are also some plants that can protect you from enemy magic. Therefore, it is very important to know what kind of herbs are effective and how to plant and harvest them, which is the content of materia medica.

Herbs have been used in medicine and magic for thousands of years. The systematic study of herbs can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians. They defined the medicinal value of coriander, thyme, laurel and many other plants. To this day, these plants are still planted in our garden. Compendium of Materia Medica is China's first book on materia medica, which was written in 2800 BC and recorded the pharmacological effects of 366 plants. The ancient Romans and Greeks used plants as medicines, condiments, cosmetics, incense and dyes. Some superstitious people even make herbs into amulets and tie them in bags under their necks to prevent evil diseases, ghosts and angry neighbors from cursing themselves. In Homer's epic Odyssey, the hero is used to resist the attack of theseus's spell. In mythology, magical herbs are always associated with witches in Hecate or Medea. Because they use these herbs to make poisons as gifts for people they love, or use these poisons to poison people they want to destroy.

In the Middle Ages, almost everyone knew that local "wizards" and "witches" used herbs to treat diseases or injuries. In addition, herbs can also be used to find solutions to this kind of life difficulties. Herbal medicine has a wide range of applications: it can not only wake up dry wells, but also be used to deal with difficult mother-in-law (? ! )。 This is handed down from generation to generation in the form of herbal treatment. Many kinds of treatment methods are based on the principle that God has an intuitive impression of the role of each plant in medicine when designing, so you can judge what it should be used for by observing its appearance. The color of flowers, the image of roots or leaves, and the texture of petals or stems may indicate the medicinal value of this plant. For example, plants with yellow flowers like autumn unicorn can treat jaundice. Plants with red leaves or roots can treat blood diseases or injuries. Iris plants with purple stems are made into paste and used to treat contusions. If a plant looks like a human organ, people think it can treat the organ. The herb for treating lung got its name because its leaves look like human lungs, so it is also used to treat lung diseases. However, Swertia trilobata is used to treat liver diseases because of its shape like liver. Poplar leaves are used to treat shivering symptoms such as paralysis, while plants with butterfly-shaped flowers are used to treat mosquito bites.

It is believed that many diseases are caused by supernatural forces. But there are also ways to treat this kind of disease. A local witch or herbalist may suggest that you wear a blackberry wreath to prevent evil spirits; Put fennel in the lock of your door to prevent ghosts from entering your house; Sprinkling foxglove juice on the floor can protect yourself from the fairy. The magical effects of herbs can also be used in other more practical places. For example, if a traveler is worried about falling asleep in the carriage, he should bring a basket of lettuce, which is sure to help you refresh yourself. Treasure hunters should carry chicory with them to help them open locked doors and cabinets. A woman who wants to have a baby should plant parsley around her. If a person wants to,

Knowing the uses of various plants is only half the job. It is also important to know when and how to collect these herbs. Many herbalists believe that the properties of plants, like human personality, are directly influenced by constellations. A fanatic of plant astrology insisted: "If you don't collect herbs according to astrology, it will be useless." People think that plants are related to Saturn. Hemlock and belladonna, for example, can only be collected when Saturn reaches a certain position in the sky. Another common principle is to collect herbs at night, and it is most effective to collect herbs under the full moon. This is why Hermione must strictly abide by the requirements when collecting dysentery grass to make drugs.

But many plants also have their own rules. For example, if you want to open the lock with blue chicory, you must cut it with a gold blade at noon or midnight on St. James's Day on July 25. If you open your mouth in the process, you will die. If you want to use peony flowers to protect your livestock and crops from storms, you should be careful not to let woodpeckers be around when harvesting. Legend has it that if these birds see your behavior, you will become blind.

I'm afraid there are not many plants that need the gardener to wear earmuffs to maintain, but it seems strange to wear earmuffs when learning Mandrake, but in fact, what she does is closely related to hundreds of years of traditional habits and beliefs. In Europe, everyone thinks that when the root of Mandrake is pulled out of the ground, it will make a shrill scream, and the person who hears it will be deaf. But because this plant has many medicinal effects and is considered to have magical power, it is still valuable to plant and harvest it.

Its roots can grow to 3 to 4 inches long underground. It has several branches at the root, and anyone with a little imagination will think it looks like a human body. Many books about animals and plants divide Mandrake into men and women like people. The roots of the male Mandrake are like bearded men, while the female Mandrake seems to have long hair. If you carve it with a knife again, it will highlight the characteristics that Mandrake looks like a human. This characteristic certainly explains why people think that Mandrake will howl when it is pulled out of the ground, just like waking people up from a warm bed.

The safety of mandrake

In modern Europe, the story of Mandrake's horrible scream can be a household name, so many people who are going to use it have to hesitate again and again, fearing that they don't know what will happen when they pull it out. Most people who are so worried will look up the book Herbs, which is about thousands of plant uses. In this book, they will find a solution to this dilemma. Many people put forward similar suggestions: fix one end of the Mandrake root with a rope, then put the other end of the rope around the dog's neck, then retreat to a safe distance, plug your ears and let the dog run towards you, so that the Mandrake root can be pulled out safely.

In addition to Mandrake, there are many flowers and plants with high popularity and medicinal value in magic and the real world. Here are two more examples (I am more interested because it is related to the demon witch).


The devil's favorite

Magic yarrow

A spell for love and marriage. Wearing it can ward off evil spirits, and drinking yarrow tea before divination can improve the impression. Yarrow is considered as one of the devil's favorite plants, so it is called devil's nettle.

Love yarrow: cut the yarrow stem and the first letter of your future partner's surname will appear on it.

Yarrow: Americans used yarrow mixed with banana leaves to paste wounds until the Civil War.

Indian yarrow: American Indians use yarrow root decoction to strengthen muscles.

Verbena verbena: the holy medicine of tuidi order

Witch's Verbena: Verbena is a plant widely used by witches. For Italian witches, vervain is the sacred grass of Diana, the goddess of the moon. It is an essential material for making ointment, brewing fruit juice and love medicine.

Magical vervain: The ancients believed that vervain could make people invisible. The Romans used it as a ritual to clean plants. Hanging vervain on the bed can drive away nightmares. It is used for love and protection spells.

Verbena can bring good luck and inspiration.

Mythical verbena: Verbena is also the sacred grass of Thor, Saturnalia and God of War in Nordic mythology.

Religious verbena: Verbena is not only related to witchcraft, but also related to Christianity. Early Christians called vervain (the herb of the cross) because they believed vervain was used to stop bleeding for Jesus Christ who was crucified. For this reason, verbena was widely used as an exorcism in the Middle Ages (with many identities).

Sage, the English name of sage, is a common name in biology (everyone should know the classification level of bounded, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species in biology), that is to say, the word "sage" can actually refer to all salvia plants.

There are many members of Salviaceae, among which Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, Salvia ganxi Bunge and Salvia Huangshan Bunge are common in China. ), Salvia officinalis and Salvia officinalis in SCL area.

Generally speaking, China commonly uses perilla and sage, and the English names are Clary Sage and Garden Sage. These two species of salvia belong to two subgenus of Salvia. The main difference between them is that Salvia officinalis contains a large amount of arborvitae, which is a neurotoxic chemical (except Salvia lavandula, a Spanish variety), so it can't be used as essential oil, while Clary Sage is widely used as essential oil, and of course the Spanish variety of sagebrush can also be used.

What has to be explained here is that the names of many members of the Sage family have been confused in the domestic market. Some people refer to Perilla as "Sage" and red sage as "Sage". Others call perilla "sage" and sage "sage"; Others call sage "Garden Sage" because its English name is Garden Sage ... so you must recognize the Latin name when you buy it.

Now, let's look at the usage of sage.

The first is the most basic medicinal value. This is not our focus today, so we just mentioned that sage can strengthen the nervous system, relieve fever, strengthen the body, promote digestion, eliminate headaches, improve sleep and quickly enhance memory function. You can make tea or essential oil.

Sage is suitable for making tea with lemon or honey. Add a spoonful of sage to a cup of hot water and brew for ten minutes. Sage itself has mint flavor, very fragrant, but a little bitter. You can add lemon or honey to taste according to your own taste. Attention: Epilepsy patients and pregnant women should avoid drinking alcohol!

The use of essential oil is also introduced.

Sage contains ingredients that can make people feel happy, so many people burn sage and breathe smoke near it. The effect is a non-addictive psychedelic drug. Canada has considered listing sage as a drug. But normal use will not cause harm to human body, and there are different kinds of salvia miltiorrhiza. As mentioned earlier, some varieties cannot be used as food and essential oil.

We are now entering the focus of today, which is the wonderful use of sage.

Sage has always been a favorite plant of wizards because it is used in many ceremonies. The sage's role is to create an environment conducive to communication with the gods within a certain range, so it will be used in many expulsion ceremonies and summoning ceremonies.

Generally speaking, when there is a ghost in the house, such as the ghost of the deceased, the wizard will burn sage, communicate with the ghost and ask them what they want. In practice, this is the most common usage. Other things can be supplemented according to the actual situation. In addition, after a crystal or similar object produces a spiritual body and affects its owner, you can also burn sage and communicate with the target through meditation or similar means.

Speaking of which, you may think of another plant "hemp". Marijuana can strengthen the communication ability between individuals and gods, so shamans and wizards in many places will use marijuana to make themselves "crazy" before communicating with gods, but these wizards don't often use marijuana, only on important occasions.

Note that the usage of marijuana and sage is different. Sage is used for burning in ceremonies, or smelling with essential oil, while marijuana is used for smoking. In other words, they have similar functions in magic, but they are used in different ways.

There are also regional differences. Western wizards are used to sage, shaman wizards or shaman priests are used to marijuana.

Maybe it's caused by psychological differences. After smoking marijuana and making himself "crazy", he showed that this man was simply crazy, talking nonsense and acting crazy. But if you use sage, you can still maintain a good image. Western wizards usually think it should be elegant.

There are differences in magical ways. Shamans achieve their goals by talking to their gods or souls. As long as you are in the state of "forgetting me", you can successfully communicate to achieve your goal (pay attention to the fact that when the body is frantic, the spirit feels God, as if the soul is absent and the body is out of control). Western wizards still need to finish some work after creating the environment, so they should keep a clear head. Inferior/secondary