Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is the fox mask from China or where does the Japanese fox mask come from?

Is the fox mask from China or where does the Japanese fox mask come from?

1, the fox mask is Japanese.

2. In Japan, the fox is regarded as the God of Millian, the messenger between man and God, and has the custom of divining fortune. Wearing a fox mask is what I hope to have this power. Fox is an animal belonging to the canine family of Carnivora. Foxes are also called red fox, red fox and grass fox. Their flexible ears can accurately locate sounds and have a keen sense of smell. Their slender legs can run very fast, and the top speed can reach about 50km/h, so they mainly feed on small animals such as fish, mussels, shrimps, crabs, rats, birds and insects, and sometimes eat some plants.

3. In fact, foxes are the general name of this kind of animals, and there are many kinds, such as arctic foxes, red foxes, silver-black foxes and sand foxes. Smart and timid, he often appeared as a "fox fairy" in ancient mythology. Although he used to be a totem in ancient times, he never appeared in formal sacrifices because of his "indecent image", and was mostly associated with cunning and cunning.