Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Praise the sadness of "laughing at the wrong country" ...

Praise the sadness of "laughing at the wrong country" ...

A complimentary introduction

Name: Unable to verify.

Place of birth: National Insurance

Person: like

The greatest happiness in life; Live with foster parents

The biggest sorrow in life: having a peerless face.

The greatest misfortune in life: "Laughing at the wrong country"

The greatest wish of life: a stable life, a safe life.

The biggest tragedy of my life: being forcibly brought into the palace of the Zhou Dynasty.

Who am I and what kind of person am I?

Looking at the sky, I am speechless and don't cry. ...

"You are a banshee, you are the scourge of the Millennium!"

"No, no, no ..."

I collapsed on the ground like rain. ...

At the end of the Xia dynasty, two dragons stopped in front of the court of the Xia emperor and said one by one.

We are two ancient kings who praised the country. ...

Xia Di was frightened, so he went to a wizard for divination and asked for good or bad luck …

"As long as you can get the dragon's saliva and store it, it will be very lucky."

Xia Di showed jade and silk, and wrote a short message inviting the dragon. ...

The dragon left, leaving saliva.

Emperor Xia packed the dragon's saliva in a box and removed the saliva traces on the ground!

The dragon's saliva didn't bring any good luck to Xia Dynasty. ...

Soon the Xia Dynasty perished, and the box spread to the Shang Dynasty. ...

After the demise of Shang Dynasty, this kind of box spread to Zhou Dynasty. ...

This box has been handed down for three generations, and no one dares to open it. ...

"If you go against the gods, you will be damned!"

It happened that Zhou Liwang didn't believe in evil. He took advantage of people's surprise and opened the box without permission. ...

The dragon's saliva flowed into the palace and could not be removed.

Zhou Liwang was frightened and ordered the women to yell at it naked. ...

The saliva suddenly turned into a black lizard and fled to Zhou Liwang's harem. ...

Everyone in the harem can't escape, except a seven-year-old maid-in-waiting who doesn't know the depth ...

It was the seven-year-old maid-in-waiting who spat on the black lizard. ...

In Zhou Xuanwang's time, when a seven-year-old maid-in-waiting came of age, she was pregnant before she got married. ...

Giving birth to a child without a husband, the maid-in-waiting was very scared. She abandoned the newborn child …

"The bow made by Sang Mu and the quiver made of white wood will destroy the week."

In the street, a little girl sang a song by Song Like. ...

Zhou Xuanwang was shocked when he heard this song, and ordered all the people who sold mulberry bow bags to be put to death. ...

A nursery rhyme turned out to be a human tragedy!

There happened to be a couple selling mulberry bows and arrows, and soldiers in Zhou Xuanwang were catching mulberry bows and arrows everywhere. ...

"What crime have we committed, and the king wants to kill us?"

The couple cried and fled all the way. ...

On the way to escape, they met a strange girl who was crying. ...

The couple sympathized with the baby girl and took her in.

The couple fled to the country of praise with their baby girl in their arms. The baby girl they adopted was called praise. ...

This is the most popular story in the world. ...

I am a compliment from that strange girl.

Is this story true?

I tell you, that story is false, everything is a lie made up by later generations. ...

They made up this story to prove that I was born Uber. ...

The truth of the matter is one after another.

I am a child in bad karma. Abandoned by parents since childhood. Fortunately, I was adopted by a kind couple before I grew up.

Adoptive parents live in a country of praise, and their families are poor and lack food and clothing. ...

Although my family is poor, my adoptive parents love me very much and treat me as one of their own.

This is the happiest time in my short life …

I like flowers. I like to go to the mountains and see azaleas everywhere. ...

The cuckoo cries blood, and the blood flows eastward. ...

As a vassal state of the Zhou Dynasty, the monarch of the praise country offended the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, and his life was at stake. ...

In order to save his father, Prince Guobao asked a beautiful woman to save his father.

Now the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is Zhou Youwang, who is greedy for money and lustful, and has three thousand harem beauties. ...

Zhou Youwang heard that there was a beautiful woman to send, and immediately promised not to kill the monarch who praised the country for the time being.

Praise the prince for sending people to collect beautiful women everywhere ...

One girl after another was taken away. ...

But none of them meet the requirements. ...

My adoptive parents are worried. They are worried about my future. ...

"I know, there is a farmer who has a beautiful daughter ..."

Beauty is unlucky, since ancient times. ...

Prince Bao sent someone to my house to explain his purpose to my adoptive parents. ...

the arm is no match for the thigh—the weak cannot contend with the strong ...

How can a right-hand man resist the court!

I hid behind my adoptive parents and my skirt was wet with tears. ...

The man sent by Prince Bao threw a bag of money at my adoptive parents and forcibly took me away.

"It's really a stunning beauty!"

Praise the prince and look at me, his eyes are shining. ...

"Well, if it weren't for saving my father, I would ..."

Prince Zaphod looked at me greedily. ...

I'm ashamed!

"Somebody, take this girl down, dress up, and send people from the palace to teach her manners and teach her to sing and dance."

A wave of praise to the prince led me down. ...

The ladies in the palace taught me to dress up, to sing and dance, and to be charming, but these are not the most important things.

"You were ordered by the king of Zhou to save the country. You must learn how to capture a man's heart. "

"Hey, give me a glad eye, hurry up, don't be ashamed!"

The female teacher reprimanded severely ...

"I'm just a gift ..."

Every time I think about it, I feel unbearable!

A few months later, I was trained to be a charming girl. ...

"A smile, all kinds of customs!"

The female teacher was satisfied and the prince was proud. ...

My heart is crying. ...

"I want to leave this place and never see my parents again!"

Along the way, I was crying. ...

"I can only repay my parents' kindness in the afterlife!"

Finally, I bumped all the way to the capital. ...

I met Zhou Youwang, praised by the prince, the king of a country that rules the world!

"It's really absolute beauty!"

Zhou Youwang was surprised at me the first time he saw me. ...

"The decree immediately releases the monarch of the praised country and returns to China. Let bygones be bygones!"

Praise the prince to get what he wants. ...

I was locked in the palace wall and lost my freedom. ...

Zhou Youwang really dotes on me. ...

"Beauty, you are my pride. As long as you smile, I will give you whatever you want. Beauty, smile, beauty ... "

Zhou Youwang goes on strike every night and spends a lot of money trying to make me laugh. ...

Even with a thousand dollars, it's hard to sell a smile!

I miss my parents, my hometown and all the countries that praise me. ...

Zhou Youwang is older than my father. He just longs for my beauty. He doesn't understand my sadness!

I was so lonely in the palace that I didn't even have anyone to speak my mind. How can I not be sad?

I don't like Zhou Youwang. I don't like him at all. ...

I am a young girl, but I was given as a gift to an old man, an old man I don't like. ...

I am getting thinner every day. When I am bored, only the flowers in the yard can make people forget the sorrow. ...

"azaleas all over the mountain!"

I often stand in front of flowers and miss my hometown and my parents. ...

"Mom and Dad, you are fine in your hometown, and your daughter misses you every day!"

If only time could go back!

Zhou Youwang built a palace for me, bought beautiful clothes and gave me jewels. ...

I still don't laugh. ...

"What can I do if the beauty doesn't laugh?"

I don't know where Zhou Youwang heard that I like to hear the sound of tearing silk and satin. ...

"Tears, tears, Sarah ..."

The ladies-in-waiting are in my residence, tearing at silks and satins. ...

The sound of satin tearing is endless. ...

I am utterly confused, and the tearing of satin makes me more upset. ...

I closed my eyes and tears fell silently. ...

"It's too much for a king of a country to spend thousands of dollars for a woman!"

There was a voice of censure inside and outside the court. ...

"Praise must be a witch, and the country is unfortunate!"

When I heard these words, my heart was filled with infinite grievances. ...

I didn't ask the king to do anything for me. Everything is in the hands of the king. Why does everyone blame me?

I'm sad, my eyes are blue. ...

"Praise is an apple polisher, which makes me angry!"

Shen Hou is Zhou Youwang's wife and harem queen. ...

Zhou Youwang spoiled me, snubbed Shen Hou, and hated me after Shen Hou ...

"Your father was fascinated by a witch named Bao Si. Son, our mother's life is really bitter! "

Shen Hou's son was named Yijiu, and everyone called him a prince.

Prince Yi was angry at his mother's crying. ...

"Don't be sad, mom. The child will definitely find a chance to teach this bitch a good lesson! "

Shen Hou was cold to me as soon as he entered the palace. She blamed me for not paying tribute to her. ...

"I didn't understand etiquette when I first entered the palace. The queen doesn't blame her. "

Zhou Youwang defended me. ...

After the application, he looked at me with hatred and hatred!

I know I didn't mean to offend the queen, and I panicked. ...

Since then, I have visited God every day. ...

However, Shen Hou still didn't really look at me …

I never want to compete with anyone, but those women who have fallen out of favor regard me as an enemy!

Helpless, I had to swallow all the bitter water by myself. ...

One year after I entered the palace, I gave birth to a child named Bofu.

Zhou Youwang loved my son very much and held a grand banquet for him, which became another big crime for me!

I look at my son, this is my own flesh and blood!

"Beauty, we have a baby, just smile!"

Zhou Youwang hugged me and said. ...

I wanted to laugh, but I shed tears. ...

"I have a son who will hate me even more after applying."

Son, why were you born in this royal family?

When I feel bored and tired, only flowers in the garden can solve my troubles. ...

The garden in the palace is my safe haven!

However, one day, this safe haven was no longer quiet. ...

Prince Yi took advantage of his father's absence to bring a group of people to the garden.

"What are you still doing? Give me a good beating and give me these damn flowers! "

Dial, dial, dial hard ...

What's wrong with flowers What a disaster!

"Your Highness, this is a flower that praises the goddess. You can't dial it."

A maid-in-waiting came forward to persuade Prince Yi. ...

"Dad, what flowers praise the empress? I dialed her flowers."

Prince Yi slapped the maid-in-waiting hard!

"Praise the empress is not good. It's appropriate for the prince to take someone to dial all the flowers in the garden! "

I was surprised when I got dressed. I hurried to the garden. ...

The garden is a mess, and there are fallen flowers all over the floor. ...

"My poor flower!"

I couldn't help crying. ...

"Bitch, you shameless bitch!"

Prince Yi suddenly jumped out, grabbed my hair, punched and kicked. ...

"I killed you, a basket case. You just praise the slaves of the country. What are you wearing? Today, the prince will teach you a lesson! "

Punch, punch, punch. ...

I was beaten all over with stars, and the pain was unbearable. ...

"Prince, be merciful!"

They panicked and knelt down for mercy. ...

"I hurt the goddess, and the handmaiden can't afford it!"

Prince Yi stopped them one by one.

"Bitch, you are cheap today, syren ..."

Prince Yi swaggered away with a group of people. ...

I was beaten black and blue and disheveled. ...

The ladies-in-waiting helped me back to my residence. ...

I looked at the scars on my body and cried. ...

Zhou Youwang came, and when he saw me like this, he was shocked.

"Who bullied my beauty? Say it! "

The ladies-in-waiting dare not hide, but tell everything. ...

I was angry, too, but I threw myself into Zhou Youwang's arms and sobbed one by one.

"Your Majesty, you must be my master!"

"Bitch, the key! I can't spare you. "

In a rage, Zhou Youwang abolished Shen Hou and Prince Yi. ...

I didn't expect my temporary anger to cause such serious consequences, and it's too late to regret it!

"Beauty, I have decided to make you queen and our son Boff prince."

Let me be a queen and my son a prince. ...

This is not what I want, but it is not up to me to decide. ...

I became the Lord of the harem, and there was still no smile on my face. ...

"Those people in the palace will hate me more. I have no power and no potential, and my future is worrying! "

I am not happy, only sad. ...

In ten years in the palace, I never laughed. ...

Who doesn't like to laugh, but I really can't laugh. ...

Zhou Youwang made up his mind to make me laugh. ...

"As long as anyone can make a smiling face, reward!"

Counselor Guo Shifu was greedy for money and gave advice to Zhou Youwang. ...

"Beauty, I'll take you to a good place."

Zhou Youwang came at me and walked up the wall. ...

I stood beside him like a fool without saying a word. ...

"Beauty, you know? This is a beacon tower. Once I light the bonfire, all the princes will come to Beijing. Do you believe it? "

"Is it true?"

I can't help but ask curiously ...

"Beauty, if you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

Zhou Youwang immediately ordered people to light the beacon tower. ...

For a time, drums sounded and smoke was everywhere. ...

Four governors dispatched troops to Beijing for rescue. ...

In the dead of night, four governors arrived at the beacon tower. ...

"The enemy? Where are the enemy troops? "

The governors looked around and looked at each other. ...

"No enemies, you all go home!"

Zhou Youwang laughed. ...

I looked at the railing and saw the crowds surging at the gate. You pushed me and squeezed me, and I was flustered. ...

I have never seen such a scene, and I can't help laughing. ...

"Smile is charming, and the makeup of the sixth palace fades into nothing!"

"The beauty finally smiled, and my beauty finally smiled!"

Zhou Youwang danced happily and rewarded Guo Shifu!

Since then, Zhou Youwang, as if possessed, often ordered the soldiers to light bonfires and tease the princes. ...

"Beautiful expectations, wonderful!"

I'm so stupid. I don't know what it means to light a bonfire casually ...

After the application, Taiziyi was angered.

He is Shen Hou's father. ...

"Bad king, witch girl, I will never let you go."

In order to help her daughter and grandson vent their anger, Shen Hou colluded with dogs and attacked the capital. ...

"Big king, the capital is in an emergency, the capital is in an emergency ..."

The battle report rained down on us. ...

"A bonfire, go to a bonfire! Rescue, rescue ... "

Zhou Youwang's feet are jumping. ...

The soldiers were ordered to light a bonfire, and there was smoke everywhere. ...

The gate was empty and no one saw it. ...

"I will die!"

Zhou Youwang took my son and me running all the way. ...

I held my son in my arms and I was frightened. ...

The pursuer went to the foot of Mount Li and killed Zhou Youwang. ...

My son Boff was not spared!

"My child is in bad karma!"

Although I don't love Zhou Youwang, my son is my own flesh and blood!

Dog Rong captured me. ...

What will happen to my fate?

No one will care about my fate, they only know that I am a witch in a chaotic country and a femme fatale. ...

Everyone hates me for messing up your country, but who can know my grievance?

"Like a smile and a mistake!"

Will smiling be a mistake?

Is joking a crime?

The peerless appearance brought disaster!

I am not me, and you are not you. Have you ever been alone? ...

There is no place for me in the world, nor in the beautiful mountains and rivers!

I am a dust between heaven and earth, a humiliating dust. ...

If there is an afterlife, I would like to exchange my beauty for a stable life. ...

Just, is there really an afterlife in this world?

About the author-(ten thousand? ): A woman who likes reading and is obsessed with history, and a little woman who loves writing articles. I don't know what a good article is. I only know that writing an article means writing what I want to say and write. This is me, the secular world, why worry about the deep valley sky, orchid fragrance!