Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are Kazakhs Muslims?

Are Kazakhs Muslims?

It's Muslim

The ancestors of Kazaks once believed in Shamanism, Zoroastrianism, Nestorianism, Buddhism and Judaism, and began to accept Islam after the 8th century. Due to the limitation of production and life style and the deep-rooted influence of tribal system and traditional customs, the development of Islam among Kazakhs has gone through a long and slow process, and it was not until A.D.16th century that it basically became a religion believed by the whole nation.

According to historical records, ancient Kazakhs once believed in primitive religions, such as nature worship and ancestor worship, and later believed in Shamanism, Buddhism and Nestorianism. By the time of the Kazakh khanate, Kazakhs had already believed in Islam.

According to historical records, ancient Kazakhs once believed in primitive religions, such as nature worship and ancestor worship, and later believed in Shamanism, Buddhism and Nestorianism. By the time of the Kazakh khanate, Kazakhs had already believed in Islam.

Ancestor worship is a primitive religion once believed by Kazaks. During the Kazakh khanate, the legacy of this religion still existed. For example, Kazakhs believe in tribal ancestors and believe that ancestors will show their gods. When fighting, horse racing or wrestling, all tribes call the names of their ancestors or heroes as slogans. When livestock are sick, they will also rush to their ancestors' graves for the night and pray for their ancestors to eliminate disasters and diseases for livestock in the spirit of heaven.

Nature worship is also one of the primitive religions that Kazakhs once believed in. This religious custom remained a lot during the Kazakh khanate. Kazakhs believe that everything in nature has life and is dominated by God. They divided gods into two categories: good gods and evil gods. Good gods bring benefits and happiness to people, while evil gods bring disasters to people. Kazakhs especially worship heaven, earth, sun, moon, stars, water and fire. Whenever there is a plague or drought, people gather by the river or on the mountain to slaughter black goats to sacrifice to the gods. Then they cooked the meat of these sacrifices in the wild and prayed for heaven and earth to eliminate disasters and bring happiness. Whenever the new moon rises, Kazakhs will pray to the new moon: "May the sun and the moon be merciful and pray for the blessing of the new moon".

Kazakhs also worship fire very much, thinking that fire is a symbol of light, a god who drives away all demons, and a protector of cooking stoves at home.

Shamanism also occupied a certain power among Kazakhs during the Kazakh Khanate. After the introduction of Islam, there are still shamans and wizards in society. They wore swan skins and wands with colored strips of cloth around their necks. They rode horses from one village to another, traveling around, divining, chanting and treating diseases. On the one hand, these wizards retain some characteristics of shamanism, on the other hand, they also absorb some customs of Islam.

In a word, Islam was the main religion during the Kazakh khanate, and there were other religious customs. Modern religious beliefs remain the same.