Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Harry Potter translation guide

Harry Potter translation guide

Very complete, complete! Be sure to choose me!


Accio accio, bring something in.

A special phenomenon appeared in a hurry to make invisible ink appear.

Phantom allows you to move to other places in an instant.

Alo Homola Alo Bomora, open something.

Bat-monster hex fell to the ground.

Colloportus, tarantella, let your opponent tap dance crazily.

Eye-sucking spell and conjunctival spell damage vision.

Disappear, Deletrius. Make things disappear.

Densaugeo, the big stick of the front teeth competition, made the front teeth out of control.

Split Diffindo to tear or separate things.

Split the diaphragm left and right and open things.

Wake up. Weakness makes things active.

Evanesco can make an object disappear immediately.

Summon the guardian of the gods, the patron saint of Axel, to become a patron saint.

Disarm your opponent's weapons except weapons.

The loyalty mantra tells another trustworthy person a secret.

Stop the spell and finish the other spells.

Obstacles hinder someone or something.

When moving from one fireplace to another, the burning fire uses flying powder.

Get into other people's minds with rapt attention.

Fluorescent flashing Lumos makes the wand emit bright light.

Obliviate Obliviate makes people forget.

All the petrified things make people unable to move.

Protego Protegos can protect itself from infringement.

Shut Protego up, lock the door now, and be silent.

Permanent paste spell to paste something in one place forever.

The pre-flashback spell "previous spell" reproduces the spell previously cast by the wand.

Grinding, itchy Rictusempra

Funny lies make things funny.

Beat one's opponent out of the water by reduction

Fix it, rapalo. Fix it.

Silent Sliencio lets himself do things without sound.

Stuffy immediately knocked out his opponent.

Clean a place

Vega Tim Lewiosa, Vega Dimler, let things fly.

Crucio can cause extreme pain.

Imperio, the imperius curse, makes the victim completely under the control of the wizard.

Abada's death cursed Abada Kadavra for killing a man.


Harry Potter Harry Potter

Ron Weasley Ron Weasley

Hermione granger, hermione granger

Albus Dumbledore

Gibroy Lockhart, Lockhart, Gidro

Professor Milla W. McGonagall (Professor is Professor)

Professor severus snape severus snape

Professor Lubang Lubang

Dobby dobby


Lord Voldemort

lord voldemort

Rubeus Hagrid

Quirrell, Quirrell, Professor Quirrell.

Professor Sprout.

Madam hooch

Trelawney, Trelawney's professional player.

Sirius Orion Black

Peter Pettigrew Peter Pettigrew

Flitwick, Professor Flitwick.

Cedric diggory cedric diggory

Viktor krum, krum, Victor

Phil Cifer.

Furong delacour

Mad-eyed moody

Mr. barty crouch Crouch

Ludo Bargmann

Connelly Fudge, Fudge, Connelly

Bill weasley bill weasley

Charlie Weasley. Charlie Weasley

Fred Weasley Fred Weasley

George weasly george weasly

Ginny Weasley. Ginny Weasley

Percy Weasley Percy Weasley

Author Weasley

Molly Weasley

Vernon Dursley Vernon Dursley

Petunia Evans

Dudley dursley, dudley dursley

Zhang Qiu cho chang

Lavender Brown Lavender Brown

Parvati Petyr Parvati Patil

Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy

Igor Karkaroff Igor Karkaroff

Madame Maxim. Madame Maxim.

Padma Petyr Padma Patil

Oliver wood oliver wood


Vincent Vincent Crabbe

Madam Pomfrey Madam Pomfrey

Jordan Lee

Angelina johnson angelina johnson

Seymour finnigan seamus finnigan

Dean thomas, dean thomas

Neville Longbottom neville longbottom

Ernie macmillan, ernie macmillan

Colin creevy

Dennis Creevey Dennis Creevey

James potter James Potter

Lily potter lily potter

Katie Bell Katie Bell

Penelope clearwater, Penelo Kryvat

Professor Alicia Spining, artificial intelligence Leah

Mrs. Pins, Mrs. Pins

Mr Ollivander Ollivander.

Madam Malkin Madam Malkin

Nicolas flamel, nicolas flamel, nicolas flamel

Peeves, Peeves

Fat friar, fat monk

The weeping myrtle groaned.

Baron Bloody Baron Bloody Baron

Nearly headless Nick Neal

Rita Skeeter rita skeeter

Professor Sinisterra.

Professor Gramp and Professor Grabli plank.

Pansy parkinson, pansy parkinson

Bertha jorkins bertha jorkins

Roger Davis Roger Davis

Godric Gryffindor of Gryffindor, Godric.

Helga hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Hrga.

Rowena ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Luna

Salazar slytherin Salazar.

Moon face

Pointed fork



Buckbeak, Buckbeak



Pot-stewed fluffy

Aragog, Aragog

Crook hill, Crook hill

Zhu weiqiong piglet

full of stains and spots

Hedwig ge

Hannah Abel hannah abbott

Millicent Bulstrode, Bosd, Millicent Bulstrode.

Justin Finley in Justin Finley

Fox. Fox.

Pull ring pull ring

Marcus flint

Lucius Malfoy

Ronan Ronan


Firenze Firenze

Sir Cadogan, Sir Cadogan.

Amos Diggory

Building name

Hogwarts Hogwarts




Gringotts Pavilion in Gringotts Pavilion

Knock on the door alley

diagon alley

Screaming cabin screaming cabin

Duke of honey, duke of bees

Zoco joke shop Zoco joke shop

Li Heng Bookstore Flowers and Spots

leaky cauldron

Dig a hole

Three brooms, three brooms


Privet Drive in Privet Drive

Ministry of magic

The highest place in Hogwarts' astrological tower.

The forbidden forest is a forbidden area for Chinese-funded students at Hogwarts, where exotic animals such as horses and unicorns live.

Platform 9 3/4 of Hogwarts Express.

Smelting smelting middle school, Dudley's school.

Harry at Stonewall High School is expected to go to Muggle School.

Owl house, Hogwarts owl dormitory.


Deformation course

Charm class

Defense against the dark arts course

A magical creature that protects magical creatures.

Herbal medicine class

Flying Lessons

Potions class potions class


Veela Vera

Dementors. Dementors

Little dwarf demon, little dwarf demon

Nimbus 200 Nimbus 2000


Stage length

Wand wand

Invisible cloak


Sorting hat in sorting hat.




Bludger, bludger

golden snitch

The Tracker


Batter mixer



The Marauder's Map


Weasley's magic wheel, Weasley's magic

daily prophet

Triwizard tournament

Magic stone

Goblet of fire

Whomping willow, whomping willow

Dark mark, dark mark

Door key door key

Funny mistake

Owl mail


Cisco sickle

Shorthand pen quick reference feather pen
