Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What kind of mentality or personality is a girl who is almost superstitious about constellations?

What kind of mentality or personality is a girl who is almost superstitious about constellations?

Ha, I can see from your topic that you know nothing about constellations. Since you know nothing about this subject yourself, how can you analyze their mentality or personality?

"University" said: Things have a beginning and an end, and knowing their sequence is a shortcut. To know why they believe in astrology so much, you must first know something about the constellations yourself, even above them, in order to know their mentality and personality.

In fact, no one will believe the constellation of 100%. The reason why they think so is just a habit and belief they have developed for a long time. Women believe in fate and are easy to guide at the same time. They believe in constellations, because constellations are a stepping stone to dealing with interpersonal relationships, especially love. When a girl believes in the constellation, she can almost tell that she is full of longing for love and always thinks about how to meet her destiny takes a hand's other half.

This curiosity is beneficial in itself. It's a bit much for you to say that they are close to superstition.

The valuation of women is different from that of men. They rely on feelings rather than reason. Constellations can provide a standard for their feelings, so that they can unconsciously classify people's personalities and act according to the picture. Such girls are usually simple, with high quality and less material requirements.

Therefore, to understand their mentality and personality, we must first have a general understanding of the constellations. Don't try to explain what they are thinking in theory. It is out of the question. Only by making them trust you can you get to know them better.