Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Wow, should I choose Camp scryer or aldo for riding defense?

Wow, should I choose Camp scryer or aldo for riding defense?

Choose aldo.

Aldo is a follower of light, and forgiveness and salvation are their teachings. But they can't forget what Skrill did under Kael'thas. In fact, the wizards who are now serving the people of Lu Na have killed many members of aldo.

The temples and other buildings in Aldo are located in Adal Heights, west of Saudi Arabia, overlooking the city. As the sacred place of Aldo, the temple only allows those who are accepted to enter.


Ghost Wolf: Makes you a wolf and run faster. When you are in wolf form, you can't cast spells or use mounts, but you can buy and sell and visit banks. Ghost wolves are not faster than mounts, but this skill can be used indoors.

Astral teleportation: Shaman priests can use this spell to return to the Hearthstone binding point. Easy to buy and sell, do tasks, meet people and so on.

Rebirth: The cross of rebirth is carried in the backpack, which can be resurrected after accidental death. This is an invaluable ability and is very helpful to the team. However, the newly resurrected shaman was very weak and recovered quickly with healing spells.