Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Beauty flattery turned out to be the most unjust man in history!

Beauty flattery turned out to be the most unjust man in history!

Beauty flattery turned out to be the most unjust man in history!

There was a woman in the history of China who was beautiful enough to destroy a dynasty. Because of her Leng Yan,

An accidental smile turned the whole dynasty upside down. This woman never thought that her casual smile carried the burden of future generations.

Shame. So there was a poet named Hu Ceng in the Tang Dynasty, because this period of history is uncertain whether it is ridicule or anger.

I wrote a poem-

You can be spoiled freely, and you can be a vassal in a bonfire in Lishan Mountain freely.

I only know how to smile and pour people into the country, but I don't think Chen Hu is full of jade.

Presumably, according to this poem, everyone has thought of the story of Zhou Youwang's bonfire party "The Prince". Indeed, this is a young old man.

Everyone can hear familiar stories, but many people don't know much about the heroine who caused the stories of the princes in the bonfire drama.

Let's talk about that strange girl who lost her life to win a smile from this beautiful woman. Why not use the word femme fatale,

And call her a strange girl? This should start with her name praise and her life experience.

During the Zhou Dynasty, it was rumored that the dragon's saliva turned into a monster, and the maid-in-waiting inexplicably gave birth to a girl, which gave birth to Zhou.

The dynasty will die, and the world calls it "the disaster of national subjugation." I think many people will find it strange. What's the difference between Zan and Dragon?


Legend has it that at the end of the Xia Dynasty, two dragonflies came to the Xia Emperor and said, "We are the two kings who thanked the country."

After the dragon identified himself to Xia Di, he stayed in the palace, saying nothing and doing nothing. Xia Di is weird, so he just ...

It's deified. How to solve it? The fortune teller said it was unlucky to kill the dragon, drive it away or keep it.

It is lucky to get dragon saliva and store it. So, Xia Di obeyed, and the two dragons left their spittle.

Xia Di kept it in a box. After the demise of the Xia dynasty, it spread to the Shang dynasty, which was also destroyed by the Zhou dynasty, and dragon saliva was everywhere.

The box arrived in the Zhou Dynasty.

Although this box has been handed down many times, no emperor dares to open it. Until the last few years in Zhou Liwang, this was good.

The emperor was very curious and couldn't help opening the box. He didn't expect that if he missed the dragon's saliva, it would flow to the palace, or even

The movement around made Zhou Liwang frightened to disgrace, and hurriedly asked the palace maids, eunuchs and others to stop spitting, but it was useless.

The feeling be nasty under, Zhou Liwang let a woman naked shout saliva, magically, at this time the saliva fell to the ground.

Turned into a black lizard, frighten Zhou Liwang directly fainted. The black lizard ran to Zhou Liwang's harem again and met head-on

I fucked a maid who served Zhou Liwang's favorite princess. The maid is about seven or eight years old. She stepped on a black lizard and was scared.

After a scream, the black lizard sneaked into the harem and disappeared. A few years later, just as the people in the palace gradually forgot the black lizard incident.

At this time, trouble appeared on the maid-in-waiting who stepped on the black lizard. At this point, the Zhou Dynasty has reached the era of Zhou Xuanwang, which is the era of black lizards.

The maid-in-waiting who was frightened by the lizard just turned fifteen, and suddenly became pregnant inexplicably after the ceremony. You know, this maid-in-waiting has never been with a man.

Hold hands. The sudden pregnancy frightened the little maid-in-waiting, especially gave birth to a child without a husband.

The encounter can be imagined. When the little maid gave birth to a baby girl, everyone in the palace thought that the baby girl must be an unknown thing.

You shouldn't stay in the palace, just choose a day to let the little maid-in-waiting abandon the child on the side of the road. The abandoned baby girl is hungry,

I couldn't stop crying, but fortunately I met a couple who ran for their lives. The encounter about how the couple fled for their lives was such a coincidence.

The abandoned baby girl was found.

It turned out that on the same day that the maid-in-waiting abandoned her baby girl, Zhou Xuanwang returned to Beijing from Taiyuan and suddenly heard the street.

A group of children are singing "the moon will rise, but not during the day;" This is an arc, and this is a few weeks. "The effect is to see mulberry and bow.

The quiver made of white wood, Zhou perished. "Angry Zhou Xuanwang sent someone to catch singing children, just know.

It was a child in red who taught them to sing. Zhou Xuanwang asked the child in red where the singing child was now.

After the sermon, they sang and disappeared.

Zhou Xuanwang then asked him to explain it. After divination, he said that the child in red is a shining star, and the room is very scared.

There will be trouble. Zhou Xuanwang was even more angry, but he was angry, and the palace still wanted to go back. Later, Zhou Xuanwang appeared in the crowd.

Surrounded by everyone, they continued to walk back to the direction of the palace, saying that it was a coincidence that a couple were selling their children and singing to death.

Zhou's two things are a bow and an arrow. Zhou Xuanwang arrested and killed them, but the couple escaped.

On the way to escape, the couple saw a crying child left by the roadside and adopted her out of pity. then

The couple took their children and finally fled to Baoding to live and raise the girl. This is sold with bows and arrows.

The child raised by the convicted and escaped couple was named "Bao Si".

In 779 BC, after Zhou Xuanwang's death, he may have forgotten this nursery rhyme, which pushed him to the throne, that is, Zhou Youwang.

There will be an event soon, that is, Bao Tian's son Hong De saved his father and gave him a compliment. I have to say, this Zhou Youwang is a famous tyrant.

If he wasn't so violent and lustful, the Zhou Dynasty would be in his hands, and there might be other developments, which might unify the sky.

Not Qin Shihuang, but him, but history has no assumptions.

I can forgive God's sins, but if I commit a crime, I can't live. This sentence best describes Zhou Youwang. He is definitely

A hopeless dude, still moody, addicted to wine and wine, often appears for ten days without going to court.

It is also difficult for officials to see him. So, someone witnessed what Zhou Youwang did at this time, and then remembered that year.

What happened in Zhou Xuanwang, I was worried that the country would perish, so I sang four poems to express my concern.

A heart of anxiety. These four poems say like this: "When the name is folded, it is fragrant, and once the well is laid, the bed is recommended. The romantic son of heaven is nosy,

However, Longcheng (Pool) is in trouble. "It's not hard to see that these four poems put the worries of ministers, the romantic relationship between kings and praise.

Worry about the country's mistakes and exposure to the life experience of the admirer are all shown.

At this time, there was a small official named Bao Xiang. He was very fair and honest. He didn't like Zhou Youwang doing nothing after he succeeded to the throne.

Eat, drink and be merry all day, so he protested and dissuaded Zhou Youwang from putting national affairs first. This angered Zhou Youwang,

Even a small official dared to mind his own business and was put in prison in a rage.

Praise the family for knowing that Zhou Youwang is a beautiful woman, and praise the son Hongde for saving his father. It took a lot of money to be really beautiful.

These compliments were bought from the recommending countries, then carefully packaged and presented to Zhou Youwang. Zhou Youwang saw this beauty.

Beautiful, lovely, put down praise as soon as you are happy.

Praise was born in a bad way, but Zhou Youwang managed to put it in the palace regardless of the people around him.

After the compliment entered the palace, Zhou Youwang not only released the compliment, but also restored his rank. For praise, for thousands of pets.

In a word, instead of having fun all day, he turned a blind eye to state affairs and praised Zhou Youwang for giving birth to a son named Bofu.

In order to praise, Zhou Youwang later abolished the queen and the prince, and made him the son of praise, Prince Fu Bo.

Even though she praised the woman who became king of the country, now that she is a queen and her son is a prince, she still has a lot on her mind.

Son, when you are sad.

Why is this happening? It is speculated that the compliment may be a natural cold beauty, and her beauty is coquettish and indifferent.

It gives people a feeling of rejecting people away. For Zhou Youwang, the beauty beside her pillow praised her ability as a city.

Appearance, but she doesn't like to laugh. If she laughed, wouldn't it add a little beauty to the scenery of the whole Zhou Dynasty?

So, the absurd Zhou Youwang racked his brains and tried every means, but no matter how to coax, he couldn't coax a beautiful smile. right here

At that time, some flattering ministers thought of bonfires, so they provided Zhou Youwang with a bonfire to play the prince.

Zance really laughed at the game. But no one knows whether this smile is a compliment from seeing the princes stepping on the air.

Happy, or laugh at Zhou Youwang's stupid behavior. Whatever the reason, the compliment laughed. Anyway, her smile sent Zhou Youwang to bed.

Addicted, he regarded the bonfire as a wayward toy, and every three days, two heads went to the bonfire to play the vassal, trampling on the vassal wantonly.

Trust, the governors played with applause, so that in the end all the governors lost interest in playing with Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Youwang.

In 77 BC1year, the dog Rong attacked the capital city of Haojiang, unable to dispatch vassal aid, and was

Killed at the foot of Mount Li, the Western Zhou Dynasty ended. Subsequently, the vassal supported the deposed Prince Ji Yijiu to succeed to the throne, and then

This is the later Zhou Pingwang, known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history. As for the end of praise, some people say that she was taken away by a dog and has been depressed ever since.

Unknown; Some people say that she was killed by the dog soldiers. Anyway, praise this beautiful

The woman came with many secrets and left with them.

Later, the whole world blamed praise for the demise of the Zhou Dynasty, saying that she was a femme fatale and brought it to the Zhou Dynasty.

This disaster made the Zhou Dynasty perish during its stay in Zhou Youwang. People said it was a blessing that brought disaster, and even

The Book of Songs actually thinks so: "Hehe, Zhou Zong, there are different opinions."

In fact, we really wronged compliments, and whether there are compliments in history remains to be verified. Even if there is,

She is just a cold beauty who stays in Zhou Youwang's harem and knows nothing about failure. In that patriarchal society.

In the new era, it is absurd to accuse a "femme fatale" because of its value!

Some people may ask, if not praise, what caused the demise of the Zhou Dynasty? According to historical records,

Zhou Youwang is belligerent, and whoever refuses will be beaten. On one occasion, Zhou Youwang attacked Shen Guo, who was naturally no match for the Zhou Dynasty.

So they joined forces with the dog to attack the Zhou Dynasty, which led to its national subjugation.