Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How did Liu Bowen die? Li Shanchang?

How did Liu Bowen die? Li Shanchang?

Liu Bowen died of illness and Li Shanchang was executed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

1, Liu Bowen

In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), Liu Ji caught a cold. When Zhu Yuanzhang knew about it, he sent Hu to see the doctor. The physician made a prescription, and he came back to decoct the medicine according to the prescription. He felt as if there were some uneven stones crowded together in his stomach, which was very painful.

A few days later, Liu Ji knew that the future was numbered, so he found two sons to explain the aftermath.

Finally, he died in his hometown on April 16 of the lunar calendar at the age of 65. In June, he was buried in the summer countryside.

2. Li Shanchang

In the twenty-third year of Hongwu (1390), Li Shanchang was 77 years old and could not restrain his subordinates because of his old age. I want to build a mansion, and I borrowed 300 guards from the Duke of Xin Guo, Tanghe. Master Tang quietly told him what he heard.

In April, someone in Beijing was sent to the frontier by collective punishment, and Li Shanchang repeatedly asked for pardon of his relative Ding Bin. Mao was furious and convicted Ding Bin.

What did Ding Bin do in Hu's family? He confessed the past contacts with Hu and others. So Mao ordered the arrest and interrogation of Li Cun's righteous father and son, and their confessions were implicated in Li Shanchang, so they remonstrated with each other to impeach Li Shanchang.

And Li Shanchang's slave Lu Zhongqian. , also report Li Shanchang and Hu bribed each other, often whispering. These testimonies show that although Li Shanchang is a relative of the country, he knew there was a plot of rebellion, but he didn't expose it. But wandering aside, at both ends of my heart, rebellious.

At that time, it happened that someone said that there would be a star change and a disaster, and the result of divination was that disaster would befall the minister. Therefore, Mao was executed with his wife, daughter, brother, nephew and more than 70 other family members.

Extended data:

The Outcome of Other Founding Heroes in Ming Dynasty:

1, aquamarine

In the 26th year of Hongwu (1393), Jin Yiwei instructed Jiang Xiang to report the sapphire rebellion. After he was imprisoned, the supervisor was called Tong Jingchuan Hou Cao Zhen, He Shouyi, Tiaohou, Dingyuan Bi, Dong Jianbo and He Rong, the official department minister.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who is consolidating and strengthening centralization, is deeply disturbed. He was arrested and imprisoned for treason, deprived of grass property, and the three clans were destroyed. He was involved in killing about 15,000 people, from public officials to civil and military officials.

2. Hu

In September of the 12th year of Hongwu (1379), Zhanchengguo came to pay tribute, but Hu and others did not report to Zhu Yuanzhang. When the eunuch came out and saw it, he went to the palace to tell Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and ordered the ministers of the provinces in Zhongshu to be punished. Wei Yong and Wang Guangyang kowtowed to make amends, but secretly they blamed it on does, and ministers of does blamed it on Zhongshu. Zhu Yuanzhang was even more angry. He locked up all the officials and questioned the person in charge of this matter.

Soon, he died, and his concubine Chen died with him. When Zhu Yuanzhang asked if Chen was the daughter of the demoted official, he flew into a rage and said, "The demoted official's woman is only for the hero's family. How did civil servants get it? " He issued an order asking the Ministry of Justice to investigate.

Therefore, all six subordinate officers of Hu should be found guilty. In the first month of the following year, Sister Tu reported the disaster, but it was useless to report it. In the Imperial History, Cheng Shanghao was demoted as a provincial official in the Chinese book at that time, and he also denounced the conspiracy of mediocrity.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and ordered the courtiers to take turns to interrogate him. His words even involved vestbo and Tu Jie. The courtiers said, "Tu Jie was also involved in the plot, but when it was revealed, he was going to sue for chaos and had to kill him." So Hu, Chen Ning and Tu Jie were killed.

3. Wang Guangyang

In the 12th year of Hongwu (1379), in December, the case of Liu Ji poisoning Hu was held in Tujie, Zhongcheng. When Zhu Yuanzhang asked about it, Yang Guang replied that he didn't know. Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and rebuked Yang Guang's cronies for cheating you and demoting Yang Guang to Hainan.

When the ship sailed to Taiping, Zhu Yuanzhang poisoned yang xian by a letter on the grounds that he harbored Zhu Wenzheng in Jiangxi and failed to expose his plot in Zhongshu Province.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Li Shanchang

Baidu encyclopedia-Liu Ji