Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Have you ever heard of a knife borrower?

Have you ever heard of a knife borrower?

I once wrote a story about someone who borrowed a knife.

Let's talk about what a credit knife man is first.

People who borrow knives seem to be vendors walking around the street, carrying a car full of knives, such as kitchen knives and sickles, and then selling them in the countryside.

The difference between them and other vendors is that they don't accept cash.

Not accepting cash doesn't mean giving it to you for free.

What he means is to give you credit first, then leave a time, and then collect the money when the time comes.

But the time he left behind was not a definite date, but a rather mysterious prophecy.

For example, he would say, I'll collect the money when the lake turns green.

Besides, I will wait until the wheat turns black before collecting money.

This prediction sounds ridiculous, but sometimes it really happens.

I heard the story from a reader.

Last year, a reader added my WeChat and asked me if I had time in the middle of the night. He wants to tell me a story.

I was busy writing a manuscript, and I replied with a full stop, which meant that he was welcome to speak.

When I finished writing the manuscript, I found that he had finished it, and it was extremely long.

Generally speaking, it is really long. No one will type so many words in the middle of the night unless they really insist.

So I took a closer look.

I don't know what to say after reading it.

Because his story, to be honest, is a bit ridiculous.

I thought he wanted to contribute to make some money, so I told him euphemistically that all the stories about WeChat official account were written by myself, and I won't accept contributions for the time being.

Then I encouraged him to vote for other story numbers, which was probably successful.

I didn't expect him to reply soon, saying that he didn't contribute and had no other purpose. He just thought it was strange and wanted to ask me what I thought.

What do I think?

Let's take a look at this story written by him first.

He is from the northeast. After 80, he should feel as big as I do.

He told three stories about people who bought knives on credit.

The first story happened when he was young.

He said that when he was very young, he heard the story of the man who gave the knife credit.

It is said that this knife borrower came from Guiguzi's family and was born into the world. He is a mysterious soothsayer.

Guiguzi is definitely the person who opened the door. He is a strategist, a representative of Taoism, a master of art of war and the originator of military strategists. In addition, he is also proficient in divination and prophecy.

But this cloth door is dressed as a farmer, a peddler, and then sells knives in the fields.

Every time he sells a knife, he will leave a prophecy, and when this prophecy comes true, he will come to collect money.

When he was seven or eight years old, the swordsman came once.

It was a young man, dressed in ordinary clothes, with two knife-shaped eyebrows and a face of heroism.

He sat on the big stone at the entrance of the village, straight waist.

There is an apricot cloth in front of him, which contains all kinds of knives, kitchen knives, sickles and so on.

The young man is not good at talking. He only left a prediction that he would come back to collect money when it came true.

The prophecy he left at that time was: I will collect money when the wheat field turns black.

At that time, everyone laughed at him for being stupid, thinking that wheat could be green, yellow and white. How could it be black?

He thought it was funny, too.

Then a few years later, a big pest broke out there, and locusts swept through. Many villagers failed to harvest any grain, so everyone went to catch insects in the wheat field.

Locusts lie on the ears of wheat like arhats, bending them, and their children knock on the copper pots to scare away the insects.

He looked at the dense locusts in the wheat field and thought, Isn't this just that the wheat has turned black?

He sat at the entrance of the village, waiting for the knife seller to come and wanted to ask him what was going on.

In the evening, young people came.

The villagers were embarrassed. You have been given a knife on credit for several years. As a result, people arrived as promised, but they caught up with the crops and had no money to give him.

The young man shook his head and told everyone that he didn't come to collect money. He wants to give everyone a knife on credit again and come again next time.

This time, he still left a prophecy.

His prediction is: when your house here has the same money as food, I will collect money.

Everyone is heartless, thinking that you can understand when you say that the crops are affected. How can this house be as expensive as food?

Later, instead of going to college, I went to a technical school, learned a skill, and then left my hometown to work in Wuxi.

I was working in the assembly line of a Taiwan-funded electronics factory. After a busy day, everyone is very tired. I want to go back to the rental house to sleep.

As a result, one day, when he walked back, he saw a man sitting at the intersection.

The man sat squarely on a stone, with an apricot cloth and several kitchen knives in front of him.

When he saw it, it was the man he met when he was a child!

He was startled and ran over to see that it was really that person!

That man is still the same, nothing has changed, with two knife-shaped eyebrows and few words.

At this time, he was old and courageous, so he asked him: Is this knife for sale?

The young man said, knives are not for sale, but I can give them to you on credit. I'll come to withdraw money then.

His heart was pounding, so he asked him, When are you waiting to come?

The young man pointed to Taihu Lake in the distance: I'll get it when the lake turns green.

Everyone around us laughed and said, is this person stupid? How does Taihu Lake turn green? You think it's a cesspit!

Young people don't talk, their eyes are far away, looking at Taihu Lake in the distance.

A few years later, in 2007, he just got up in the morning and heard someone say that something had happened to Taihu Lake, and the whole Taihu Lake turned green!

Surprised, he quickly put on his pajamas and ran to the water's edge. He found a thick layer of green algae piled on the shore and the water was full of algae. Looking around, the whole Taihu Lake turned into a thick green.

He tried to throw a stone into the water and found that there was a thick layer of algae on the water, so the stone could not sink.

Later, he learned that it was called cyanobacteria. That year, a famous cyanobacteria event broke out in Taihu Lake.

He took a day off and sat in the street, waiting for a knife to get credit.

In the evening, the knife borrower came, and he quickly returned the money to him.

Then he waited for everyone to leave honestly, then bowed to the young man and asked him where his direction was.

At first, the borrower didn't answer, but simply said that he was selling knives and knew nothing.

He followed the credit knife man, pleading in every way, begging him to point out the maze.

Later, this person was entangled with him, so he was told to go to a place where Dapeng spread his wings and then invest in a small plait company. In ten years, he will have everything.

He was confused. Where Dapeng spreads his wings, he wants to invest in a pigtail company. What does this mean?

But no matter how he asked, the young man refused to say anything more.

The next day, he asked many people, and they told him that the city where Dapeng spread its wings was Shenzhen, a special economic zone called Pengcheng.

Then he resigned and went to Shenzhen with a backpack.

When he arrived in Shenzhen, he was looking for a small plait company while working.

But how do you find this pigtail company?

He inquired about the company called Xiaozizi everywhere, and later found a barber shop with this name. He tried his best to contact others and invested thousands of dollars to become a minority shareholder.

As a result, the barber shop closed down after it didn't last for half a year.

He thinks this is wrong.

Then he kept looking.

At that time, the law and order in Shenzhen was very poor, which was divided into two parts: the inside and the outside. Inside Shanhaiguan Pass, Hong Kong is small, while outside Shanhaiguan Pass, it is a blind spot. This is simply two worlds.

Even if you want to enter the customs from the outside, you must apply for a border card.

Fortunately, the temporary residence permit was cancelled in the second year, and the border defense certificate was also cancelled. He took a break and went to the customs to find a small plait company.

But he is not as big as a fly, so he can't find it.

Later, once, he got bored surfing the Internet in the Internet cafe, logged into QQ to chat with everyone, and saw a news that Tencent's market value exceeded the standard in the QQ pop-up.

He was stunned. Tencent, what company is this?

Only when I clicked on it did I know that the small QQ I had logged in before was Tencent's!

He carefully looked at this little QQ, a little penguin, wearing a small scarf, just like a little doll with pigtails!

He was going crazy at that time, thinking that the company he was looking for was him!

He checked, investing in Tencent is to buy its stock!

But it is listed in Hong Kong, and you have to open an account in Hong Kong to buy stocks!

He immediately resigned and went home, convinced his family to take out all the money from his family and the money he had saved from working in recent years, which was almost167,000!

Then he got a Hong Kong and Macao Pass and bought all the shares of Tencent!

I was shocked to hear the news.

Ten years ago, I bought Tencent170,000 RMB shares, and now there are tens of millions!

He smiled shyly and said that it wasn't that much, because it couldn't hold on, and sold some, which was almost tens of millions.

But think about it, it is also super lucky. It is really lying down to make money, which is more profitable than buying a house in Beijing. Almost textbook money.

He said that I stayed in Shenzhen for another few years. At that time, Tencent's stock was already very high, so I sold it and went back to my hometown.

I'm a little curious. Supposedly, he also has money and can afford a house in Shenzhen. Why did he go back to his hometown?

He said: because I still want to meet the knife borrower and ask him about his future.

He said that those who borrowed knives on credit left two predictions in their hometown, the first one came true, and the second one has not yet come true.

He felt that the prophecy would come true sooner or later, so he was willing to stay in his hometown and wait for him.

I think it's a little funny. What he said is that the house and the food are the same price. How is it possible that the house price is high now?

However, he said, this prediction has also come true.

I don't believe it: how is this possible?

He said: We are in Hegang. You may have seen the news. A house costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

Me: ...

He said: a piece of grain costs more than a kilo, and a room full of grain costs tens of thousands of kilos, which is really the same price as a house.

I quickly asked him: Is he coming?

He said: No. But I believe he will come.

This is the end of the matter.

Although I think it is mysterious, I still think it is a bit ridiculous. Feeling is a forced effort. What wheat fields were beaten, what blue algae broke out in Taihu Lake, and what investment in Tencent stock felt like YY novels.

So I didn't take it seriously. After all, too many readers tell me about his mysterious experiences every day, which is much weirder than him (I will tell them when I have time, and many of them are quite scary).

Last night, the reader went online again.

He told me that the knife seller had finally arrived.

The man with the knife is still dressed up, carrying a red and yellow bag, still like that, with a pair of knife-shaped eyebrows and a straight waist.

It's been 20 years since he first met someone who borrowed a knife. He's not old at all!

Then he asked the borrower about the future, hoping that he could point out the maze.

The knife borrower shook his head and told him that he wouldn't say another word to him, but he could borrow the knife on credit.

He quickly gave a credit.

Then the borrower left another prophecy.

Hearing this, he was dumbfounded, stood for a long time with a kitchen knife, and finally almost fell to the ground.

I'm a little surprised. What kind of prophecy can make him so rude?

He said he didn't dare to type this sentence, so he could only send me a voice.

He spoke for a while, his voice trembling almost inaudible.

Immediately, he retracted this sentence.

After listening to it, I didn't speak for a long time.

When I got up, I saw that it was dark outside, the wind was roaring, and lightning was criss-crossing in the sky, dancing like a golden snake, thundering and bared its teeth like hell.

Suddenly a little scared.

I hope this reader is in good health.

I hope everyone is fine.