Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Need to cross the fire line desert gray back garden BUG

Need to cross the fire line desert gray back garden BUG

Prepare to go to outland.


The tribe established a new fortress Salma in Hellfire Peninsula. The south of the fortress faces Glory Road and Hellfire Castle. The new base was established shortly after a tribal expeditionary force arrived in Outland. But the expedition sent by the League to recapture the Dark Gate followed closely, cutting off their way back to Azeroth. Now, people in Salma are trapped between a rocky hill and a wasteland.

According to name, level, type and reputation requirements

Archers' Bow 100 Bow 159984 Worship

Worship of War Messenger 100 One-handed Axe 2079958

Storm Summoner 100 One-handed Sword 2 156059 Bye

Smoked spear 1 15 long-handled weapon 57054 reverence

Hellfire Arrow 1 15 bullet 500 reverence

Ancestor ring 1 15 others 175952 reverence

Dream Weaving Robe 1 15 Jabu reveres.

Yuebu cassock 1 15 Jabu reveres.

Satin hood 1 15 Jia Buzun

Evonik's Friends of Silk 1 15 Jiabu respects.

Leather gloves of opportunity 1 15 leather respect

Kodosheed Spoldes 1 15 Leather armor statue

Dragon robe 1 15 leather armor reverence

Cowhide gloves 1 15 Leather Zun

The chain guard of the stalker S 1 15 respects the chain armor.

The prophet's linked helmet 1 15 worship in chains.

Prophet's worship of chain mail 1 15 in chains.

Prophet's ring mail gloves 1 15 mail mail mail gloves respect.

Decorative stone bullet of Crusader 1 15 Respect plate armour.

Savage plate helmet 1 15 plate armor reverence

Crusader's scale guard s 1 15 respects plate armour.

Yuebu cassock 1 15 Jabu reveres.

Infantry Tomahawk 85 one-handed axe 3473 18 Respect

Prophet Ring 85 Others 1 14780 Respect

Illustration: Dawn Stone Crab 74 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Pattern: magic hunter wristband 72 leather 1600 respect

Pattern: magic hunter breastplate 72 leather 1600 respect

Pattern: magic hunter belt 70 leather 1200 friendly

Formula: Enchant Cloak-Cunning 70 Pay Magic 1000 Worship

Glyph of Flame Protection 70 Task Items 10000 Respect

Restoration of Glyph 70 Task Items 10000 Reverence

Illustration: Hard Emerald 63 jewelry processing 600 environmental protection

Pattern: vanity viper leg nail piece 73 leather making 1200 worship

Design: Magic steel shield thorn 72 forging 600 worship

Formula: synthetic skyfire diamond 70 alchemy 800 respect

Pattern: Void Proportional Ammunition Pack 70 Leather 1600 Reverence

Formula: Enchant breastplate-Excellent attribute 69 Pay magic 600 reverence

Pattern: Cobra leather leg nail 67 leather 600 respect

Formula: special agile potion 66 alchemy 500 respect

Dried fruit preserves 65 consumables 450 friendly

Formula: Enchant Wrist Brace-Super Healing 65 Pay Magic 600 Friendly

Infantry's water bag 55 consumables 200 friendly troops

Salma Badge 20 Others 100 Worship

Flame casting key 0 key 1000 respect


Senario expedition

Senario expedition mainly distributed prestige awards and provided related tasks in Senario refuge in eastern zangarmarsh. Players can gain the reputation of senario Expeditionary Camp by completing the missions of Hellfire Peninsula, Zan Gamache, terokkar forest and Feng Daoshan. In addition, some repeatable tasks also provide relevant prestige. Another main way to enhance the prestige of senario Expedition is to make a copy of "Panya Reservoir". The following suggestions can help players accumulate reputation more effectively:

Essien's Gift 105 Other 79 1 12 Worship

The treasure ball of the summoner of the wind 105 Other 79 1 12 Bye.

Earth Guardian 100 Two-handed Hammer 26568 17 Worship

Design: Wild Guardian helmet 75 forged 2400 reverence

Illustration: Natural Barrier 75 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Design drawing: Yewei 2400 worships 75 forged breastplates.

Design: Joker leggings 75 forged 2400 respected

Senario Fighting Gryphon 70 Others 200000 Worship.

Observer hood 1 15 cloth armor 12737 1 reverence.

Wild Power 1 15 Others 175952 Worship

Guardian's Arrow 1 15 Bow and arrow 500 reverence

Guardian's Arrow 1 15 Bow and arrow 500 reverence

Jabu reveres

Moon cloth shoulder pads 1 15 Jabu respects.

Satin robe 1 15 Jabu reveres.

Evonik silk trousers 1 15 Jabu reveres.

Dragon skin leggings 1 15 leather armor reverence

Kodohide robes 1 15 leather armor reverence

Opportunistic leather helmet 1 15 leather reverence

Demon maggot whip 1 15 leather armor respect

Sneaker's Chain Leggings 1 15 Chain mail veneration

The prophet's link Bodes 1 15 chain mail respect.

Prophet's mail guard S 1 15 mail guard respects.

The Prophet's Armor Leggings 1 15 revered in chains.

Decorative gloves of Crusaders 1 15 Respect plate armour.

Savage plate armor guard s 1 15 Respect plate armor.

Crusader's scale leggings 1 15 plate armor reverence.

The Explorer's Staff 9 1 Staff 447982 Respect

Protector short stick 9 1 one-handed hammer 35974 Respect

Guardian's breastplate 9 1 leather armor 18 1 153 respect.

Illustration: Mu Ye Stone Cheetah 74 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Pattern: heavy split hoof coat 72 leather 1600 respect

Pattern: thick-soled split shoe 7 1 leather 1400 friendly

Pattern: heavy split hoof leggings 7 1 leather 1400 respect

Formula: enchanting cloak-stealing 70 to pay magic 1000 worship.

Scout Arrow 97 Bow 200 Friendly

Formula: enchanted gloves-spell strike 72 and magic reverence 800.

Glyph of Nature Conservation 70 Task Items 10000 Respect

Glyph of cruelty 70 mission items 10000 reverence

Formula: source hydration gas 70 alchemy 800 reverence

Formula: 60 alchemy and 400 worship of refined wisdom mixture

Pattern: vanity split hoof and leg nail 73 leather 1200 worship

Formula: Special nature protection potion 72 Alchemy 1000 Worship

Design drawing: pure gold, balance stone, 70 forging, 600 respect.

Formula: Synthetic Earth Storm Diamond 70 Alchemy 800 Respect

Design drawings: refined gold grindstone 70 forged 600 respected.

Design: Powerful Enchantment Rune 70 Forging 600 Respect

Structural drawing: 600 friendly troops of Green Smoke Bomb 67 Project

Mode: split hoof and leg nail 67 leather 600 aspect

Pattern: heavy texture net 65 tailor 300 friendly



The Naglan grassland in southern Gamache was once the home of orcs. In the northeast of Nageland, there is a village called Galadar, where a group of brown-skinned orcs live. This village belongs to a group of orcs who refuse to be corrupted by any evil force. They call themselves Mahan. Although they have undergone several great changes, they have always maintained a traditional way of life. However, Mahan is also facing a crisis.

Name, grade, type and reputation requirements

Blue riding tabu sheep reins 60 other 7000 worship

Brown Battle Tubo Sheep REINS 60 Others 10000 Worship

Silver bucket Tubo sheep reins 60 others 10000 worship

Blue war Tubo sheep reins 60 others 10000 worship

White riding Tubo sheep reins 60 other 7000 worship

Silver riding tabu sheep reins 60 other 7000 worship

White fighting Tubo sheep reins 60 others 10000 worship

Brown riding Tubo sheep reins 60 other 7000 worship

Caller's headdress 1 15 chain armor 206398 worship

Snow leggings 1 15 leather armor 2 1804 reverence

Tabu sheep leather shoulder pads 1 15 leather armor 167 132 reverence.

Etiquette cloak 1 15 cloth armor 126329 bye

Hellscream 1 15 Two-handed axe 522358 Bye

Ancestor Soul Ring 1 15 Others 175952 Worship

Split-hoofed cowhide rocket launcher 109 rocket launcher 1000 statue

Pattern: Wrath of the Void boots 70 leather 1200 reverence

Pattern: nude rage leggings 68 leather 1200 respect

Pattern: Wrath of Vanity Belt 68 leather 1200 friends

Formula: 70 alchemy, 800 reverence.

Pattern: recycled 70 leather drums 1600 sides

Pattern: speed drum 69 leather 1600

Pattern: Reinforce 65 miners' bags and make 500 faces of leather.

Mahan Badge 20 Others 100 Worship


Astral consortium

Consortium (consortium)

The cosmic goblin mentioned above. Void people, handsome and ghosting, are worthy of the name. The void man's own history is also a lot of bad debts. Simply put, it's a bit like the silver dawn in space: the home of the void man was invaded by a cosmic monster (a creature similar to the warlock blue fat man), and the home was ruined and the people died. The former leader Yitai Fang began to plot revenge, but the revenge failed. He was in a coma like a bloody crusader and broke up with six parents. Two forces rebelled from it. A group of people continue their revenge plans, but keep a clear head and protect them; The other faction completely gave up their hatred of the country and began to seek benefits, that is, consortia, consortia (damn, the setting of these empty people can become a game independently). The biggest plan of the consortium in Outland is to excavate the holy mountain Shu Gen, an orc of Nageland, which is regarded by the consortium as "the largest known whole diamond in the universe, with great value".

Name, grade, type and reputation requirements

Vanity walker hood 105 cloth armor 627777 worship

Haramed's Contract 105 Necklace 79 1 12 Worship

Correze's Cunning 100 Dagger 1995 172 Worship

Star Alliance shotgun 1 15 gun 344063 reverence

Storm steeple coat 1 15 cloth armor 167 172 reverence

Nomadic Leggings 1 15 Leather Armor 23 189 Worship

Smuggler's ammunition package 103 ammunition package 1000 respect.

Gift of Virtual Spirit 94 One-handed Sword 348580 Respect

Vanity fragment 94 dagger 349938 respect

Illustration: Cruel Earth Storm Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Illustration: Cruel Earth Storm Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Illustration: Empty Rune Pendant 72 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Pattern: magic leather leggings 70 leather 1400 reverence

Pattern: magic boots 70 leather 1400 respect

Pattern: magic leather gloves 68 leather 1200 friendly

Illustration: Exquisite blood garnet 65 jewelry processing 600 respect

Illustration: Yicaibi Lunatone 65 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Formula: Enchanting Cloak-Spells penetrate 65 spells and 400 friends.

Illustration: Heavy Delano Gold Diamond 63 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: cunning Delano shadow diamond 63 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: luminescent garnet 6 1 jewelry processing 500 environmental protection

Illustration: Inspiration Land Storm Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Reverence

Illustration: Powerful Land Storm Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Respect

Illustration: Fast Skyfire Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Respect

Formula: Make Ring-Strike 72 gain 1000 reverence effect.

Structural drawing: 800 reverence for the 70-project of element explosion salt bomb

Illustration: Bloody Sunset 70 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Illustration: Julio's Heart 70 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Formula: Enchant Weapon-Special Effect Strike 68 Pay Magic 600 Respect

Pattern: jewelry bags 68 tailors 400 minimum order

Astral Alliance Badge 20 Others 100 Worship



The corresponding two camps, similar to the bleak centaur, can only choose one (there are ways to change it, but it is very troublesome, and basically choosing one is a lifelong matter). Aldo is a group of Delaney victims. They went into hiding when Chatterras was slaughtered. After sensing the arrival of Naru, they returned to Chatteras. Scryer literally translates as a fortune teller. They are the blood elves sent by Prince Kyle to attack the city after the reconstruction of Chatteras, but they collectively laid down their weapons and defected at the gate-because they learned about Kyle's plot and felt that only Lu Na and the Holy Light were the way to save the blood elves. Both factions are loyal to Lu Na, but they don't like each other. Aldo thinks Skril has a criminal record of being a traitor. On the other hand, Scrill can't stand that aldo always pretends to be an orthodox Lu Na believer. Aldo focused on fighting the Burning Legion, while scryer focused on fighting Adan's blood elves.

Since it is a choice, naturally both sides have their own advantages, and because it is a prestigious group, there are many rewards. I suggest you analyze and study according to your own situation, and I will make up my own experience research in the future. Roughly summarized: scryer is partial to PVP, Austrian anti-natural anti-installation, tank; ; Aldo partial PVE, flame resistance and dark resistance, physical dps.

crystal ball

Oracle Badge 105 Other 79 1 12 Worship

Blade of Attendant 100 Dagger 208372 Worship

Hand of the chosen guard 1 15 plate armour 16892 reverence

Crystal blood diamond 1 15 others 175952 reverence.

Prophet vine 1 15 staff 5693 15 reverence.

Waiter's leg protectors 1 15 leather armor 226 120 reverence

Illustration: pendant 72 jewelry processing 1200 reverence

Glyph of Powerful Sword 70 Task Item 8 Worship

Glyph of Powerful Knight 70 Task Item 8 Worship

Inscription of Powerful Oracle 70 Task Items 8 Worship

Inscription of Powerful Sphere 70 Task Item 8 Worship

Formula: special flame potion 69 alchemy 600 reverence

Illustration: Glare turquoise 65 jewelry processing 600 respect

Knight 64 Task Item 2 Respect the Inscription

Oracle Bone Inscriptions Inscription 64 Task Item 2

Glyph of Sword 64 Task Item 2 Respect

Orb 64 Task Item 2 Respect the Inscription

Legend: Rune Blood Garnet 63 Jewelry Processing 600 Friends

Pattern: Rune Moline 75 Tailor 3600 Worship.

Design: Demonizing Pure Gold Leggings 73 Forging 800 Worship

Design: Demonizing pure gold breastplate 72 forging 600 reverence

Design: Magic Pure Gold Belt 7 1 Forging 600 Friendly Forces

Design: Demonizing Pure Gold Boots 7 1 Forging 600 Respect

Pattern: demonize split hoof leggings 70 and make skin 800 worship.

Pattern: Magic split hoof gloves 70 leather 800 reverence

Pattern: demonizing evil scales, leggings, 70 leather, 800 worship.

Pattern: Magic Split Boots 70 Leather 800 Respect

Pattern: Demon evil scales gloves 70 leather 800 respect

Pattern: Devil evil scales boots 70 leather 800 reverence

Pattern: secret method Moline 67 tailor 600 respect.

Pattern: 65 pieces of armor and 500 pieces of respected leather armor made by the magic teacher.

Crystal Badge 20 Others 100 Worship

Aldo (M.)

Name, grade, type and reputation requirements

Medal of Light 105 Other 79 1 12 Worship

Shoujiang Brand 100 One-handed Sword Worship 2072720

Halo Guardian 1 15 Others 284 10 Worship

Garrison armor 1 15 plate armor 3 12042 reverence.

Scholar robe 1 15 cloth armor 179594 respect.

Ogini employee 1 15 employee 563267 reverence

Illustration: Shadow Tail Pendant 72 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Glyph of Powerful Revenge 70 Mission Item Worship

Inscription of Firm Belief 70 Worship of Task Items

Glyph of Strong Commandments 70 Task Items 8 Worship

Glyph of Strong Guard 70 Mission Item Worship

Glyph of Revenge 64 Respect for Mission Items

Inscription of Faith 64 Respect mission items

Discipline 64 Inscription of Task Item 2

Inscription of Guard 64 shows respect for mission items.

Illustration: Royal Delano Shadow Diamond 6 1 500 pieces of jewelry processing

Illustration: Soft light Delano diamond 6 1 jewelry processing 500 friendly

Pattern: Golden Moline 75 Tailor 3600 Worship

Design drawings: 73 forged 800 revered fire-fighting breastplates.

Design drawing: 72 forged 600-face fire-fighting gloves.

Design drawing: fire helmet 7 1 forging 600 worship

Pattern: flame scale leggings 70 leather 800 worship

Pattern: heart of fire wristband 70 tailor 600 friendly

Pattern: explosion-proof boots 70 leather 800 reverence

Pattern: explosion-proof shorts 70 leather 800 worship

Pattern: flame scale belt 70 leather 800.

Design drawing: 70 fire-fighting wristbands forge 600 friendships

Pattern: heart of fire coat 70 tailor 1000 worship

Pattern: explosion-proof belt 70 leather 800 respect

Pattern: flame scale boots 70 leather 800 reverence

Pattern: heart of fire gloves 70 tailor 800 respect

Pattern: Silver Moline 67 Tailor 600 Respect.

Pattern: Garrison officer 65 leather 500 revered armor plate

Aldo Badge 20 Others 100 Worship



In the lower part of the city of Satas, refugees from all walks of life from other places gathered here to take refuge and make a living. Compared with the sacredness of chartres, Sculley/aldo's intrigue, slums are another scene. Although the traces of the war are heavy, people who survived the robbery are still trying to survive. The task of players is to help them manage all kinds of things, big and small. But look down on it, this prestige is the last of the four prestige.

The fastest brush guide:

When the terokkar forest slaughtered birdmen-the shedding rate was good, but only 30 birds had a reputation of 250-they went down to Setek Hall and Ogington Tomb. Both are small copies, only two Boss are transitional, and the unpopular team is not good. After reaching reverence, I began to do the task, collected more than half of it, and then kept brushing the shadow maze to worship and worship.

-hand in 30 feathers, in addition to prestige, and give away several scrolls, bottles of potions and a green suit at random.


Hammer of Hidden Secrets 100 One-handed Hammer 50484 1 Worship

Banished tribal halberd 100 long-handled weapon 2505080 worship

Shapeshifter Badge 100 Others 197528 Worship

Prayer Book in Slums 1 15 Others 175952 Worship

Skettis exile leggings 1 15 cloth armor 17443 bye

The rescuer's breastplate 1 15 is revered.

Dream Weaving Cloak 1 15 Jia Buzun

Moon cloth mittes 1 15 Jabu respects

Satin leggings 1 15 Jabu reveres

Evonik's silk cow 1 15 is revered by Jabu.

Opportunity of leather Tunisia 1 15 leather armor reverence.

Kodohide gloves 1 15 leather statue

Dragon helmet 1 15 leather armor reverence

Demon maggot skin leggings 1 15 leather armor reverence

The chain helmet of the stalker 1 15 chain armor worship

Prophet's link armguard S 1 15 chain armor respect.

Prophet's mail leggings 1 15 worship of chain armor

The Prophet's Armor-protecting Chest 1 15 Armor-locking Worship

Decorative leggings of Crusaders 1 15 worship of plate armor

Savage plate shoulder 1 15 Respect plate armour.

Crusader's Scaled Corset 1 15 Plate Armor Worship

Illustration: Magic Steel Wild Boar 74 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Illustration: Snow melting pendant 72 jewelry processing 1200 reverence

Formula: Enchant cloak-dodge 70 to pay magic 1000 worship

Glyph of Shadow Protection 70 Task Items 10000 Respect

Formula: special shadow energy potion 70 alchemy 800 reverence

Glyph of exile 70 mission items 10000 reverence

Colorful protective glyphs 70 mission items 10000 respect

Illustration: High-energy garnet 65 jewelry processing 600 environmental protection

Formula: Polyantibody Mixture 60 Alchemy 400 Worship

Formula: Enchant Ring-Attribute 75 Pay Magic 2000 Respect

Pattern: Arcane Dodge Cloak 70 Tailor 600 Respect

Illustration: Meteor Stone 70 Jewelry Processing 1200 Worship

Pattern: Thousand Feathers Arrow Bag 70 Leather 1600 Reverence

Slum Badge 20 Others 100 Worship

Okini Key 0 Key 1000 respect


Chatal language

Chatar is a group of Luna people who came to outland. They are the rebuilders and leaders of Chatteras (meaning "the house of light"), and they are also the loyal objects of Sculley and aldo. The spiritual core of all ethnic groups in outland against the Burning Legion and the Egg Army Major League. This group is one of the four famous groups.

The fastest brush guide: while rushing to the reputation of scryer/aldo, it will also rush to the reputation of Chatal. After respect, I started to do the task, half done (the tribe said too much), and then I started to run three storm fortresses, with a reputation of 1500. It is more difficult and more prestigious to ban prison. Run four or five times and you will be revered.


Chatal coat of arms shield 105 shield 1344928 worship

Adal's Order 105 Other 79 1 12 Worship.

Pure light hammer 100 One-handed hammer 2003650 worship

Blessing Scaly Belt 1 15 Chaijia 13288 reverence

Gift from Kirkley 1 15 others 175952 reverence.

Dream Woven Leggings 1 15 Jia Bu reveres

Moon cloth hood 1 15 Jabu reveres

Satin cloak 1 15 Jia Buzun

Longpi crossbow 1 15 leather armor respect

Evonik's silk armguard 1 15 Jiabu respects.

Kodohide helmet 1 15 leather armor reverence

Opportunity leather leggings 1 15 leather armor reverence

Demon maggot fur robe 1 15 leather armor reverence

Sneakers' mail armour 1 15 mail armour respect.

The link armor of the Prophet 1 15 worship of chained armor.

Prophet's mail helmet 1 15 worship of chain mail.

Prophet's ring mail shoulder pad 1 15 mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail mail.

Crusader decorative helmet 1 15 plate armor worship

Savage plate chest piece 1 15 plate armor reverence

Crusaders' scales and shoulders 1 15 respect plate armour.

Illustration: Processing of Jade Owl 74 Jewelry 1200 Reverence

Pattern: Drum 73 Leather Making 1200 Worship

Illustration: Arcane Shield Ring 72 Jewelry Processing 1200 Respect

Formula: Enchanting gloves-threatening 70 payment 1000 for worship.

Formula: source gas turns to fire 70 alchemy 800 reverence

Glyph of Arcane Protection 70 Task Items 10000 Respect

Glyph of powerful energy 70 mission items 10000 reverence

Formula: Enchanting gloves -70 special treatment, 600 respect.

Formula: Enchant Weapon-Special Effect Healing 70 Pay Magic 600 Worship.

Formula: Titan mixture 60 alchemy 400 worship

Formula: Enchant ring-healing energy 74; Enchant 1000 reverence.

Illustration: Insight into Earth Storm Diamond 73 Jewelry Processing 1200 Friendly

Formula: alchemy 70 alchemy 800 reverence

Illustration: Gloria Rose 70 Jewelry Processing 1200 Respect

Illustration: amber blood 70 jewelry processing 1200 reverence

Chatal Badge 20 Others 100 Worship

Star ship key 0 key 1000 respect


The eye of violet and the scale of quicksand

Because these two reputations are raid copies, the way to get rewards is relatively simple and there is not much content, so they are put together.

Eye of Violet

A secret organization set up by Qilinto to investigate Medivh and monitor his activities.

This reputation corresponds to a copy of Karazhan. As long as you kill monsters in it and complete the task, you can increase your reputation, and this is the only way.

In addition to rewarding equipment and drawings, the blacksmith in Karazan's copy will repair your equipment after you are friendly.

The scale of quicksand

It belongs to the secret organization of Bronze Dragon Corps, led by Nozdom's closest partner Solidomi.

At present, the acquisition method is unknown, and it is speculated that the reputation is enhanced through the copy of the hole of time.

Eye of Violet

Name, grade, type and reputation requirements

Mysterious Arrow 120 Bow and Arrow 100 Worship

Mysterious bullet 120 bullet 100 reverence

Illustration: Ice Eye 75 Jewelry Processing 1200 Respect

Design: Ice Guard helmet 75 forged 2400 respect

Design: Ice Guard Leggings 75 Forged 2400 Revered

Design drawing: Ice Guard 2400 75 forged breastplates.

Pattern: Shadow Ranger breastplate 73 leather 2400 reverence

Pattern: dark cloak 70 leather 500 worship

Glyph of Endurance 70 Mission Items 3000 Respect

Formula: Colorful Miracle Mixture 70 alchemy 400 respect

Formula: Enchant Weapon-Powerful Agility 70 Pay Magic 300 Worship

The scale of quicksand

Eternal bullet 145 bullet 200 respect

Eternal Arrow 145 Bow 200 Respect

Illustration: 600 pieces of hot shadow Song Ziyu 75 jewelry processing

Illustration: Teardrop chisel 75 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: Royal Shadow Song Purple Jade 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Statues

Illustration: Evil Burning Stone 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: Simple Chishi 75 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: 75-dense sapphire jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: reflective stone burning 75 jewelry processing 600 respect

Illustration: Round lion's eye stone 75 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: Tianping Shadow Song Ziyu 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Statues

Illustration: 600 pieces of cracked emerald 75 ornaments are processed.

Illustration: Fu Guang Haibo Emerald 75 jewelry processing 600.

Illustration: Shining Lion's Eyes Stone 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Illustration: Inspiring Shadow Song Yu Zi 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: Extraordinary Sky Sapphire 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Illustration: Glare Wave Emerald 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: Soft light lion's eye stone 75 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: Exquisite Chishi 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Illustration: Heavy lion's eye stone 75 jewelry processing 600 friendly

Illustration: Spark Sky Sapphire 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Illustration: Rune Chishi Stone 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly Forces

Illustration: Glowing Burning Stone 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: Hard Wave Emerald 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Respect

Illustration: High-energy burning stone 75 jewelry processing 600 respect

Illustration: Bright Chishi 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Illustration: Mysterious Chishi 75 Jewelry Processing 600 Friendly

Design: reckless Pyrestone 75 jewelry processing

Design: fast lion's eye 75 jewelry processing

Design: stable aquamarine 75 jewelry processing.

Design: powerful sea prayer emerald 75 jewelry processing.


Times guardian

The Time Cave, located in the center of Nalis desert, is the home of bronze dragons. Nozdom and its bronze dragon corps are here to guard the flow of time and prevent people from destroying the fragile fate process. Recently, an evil force has infiltrated into the river of time. These mysterious enemies may rewrite world history and even time itself.

The keeper of time found that several key historical events in Azeroth's history were threatened by tampering. The mysterious enemy tried to stop Sal from escaping from Dunhold Castle, so as to prevent the son of Dulongtan from liberating his compatriots and becoming the greatest orc chief in history. The same enemy tried to erase the fuse of the first orc war, which plunged Azeroth into a key event in a turbulent era: Medivh opened the door of darkness. In addition, the battle between orcs, humans and night elves against the Burning Legion-the battle of Mount Hyjal may also be rewritten.

So the Bronze Dragon Corps called all the heroes together to defend the stream of time. Please go to the time cave to help the time keeper. Now is the critical moment, and time is running out.