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What failures did Jobs experience?

1983 released by Lisa database and Apple Iie, with the prices of $9998 and 1395 respectively. However, Lisa's expensive price does not have much market, and Lisa embezzled a lot of research and development funds from Apple.

Because Jobs' business philosophy was different from that of most managers at that time, and IBM introduced personal computers to seize a large market, the general manager and directors blamed the failure on Chairman Jobs, and in April 1985, the board of directors decided to revoke his business power. After several unsuccessful attempts to regain power, Jobs left Apple on September 1985.

Personal life

Jobs is the eldest son of abdulfattah john jandali and his ex-wife joanne simpson who immigrated to the United States from Syria. When they were in college, Simpson got pregnant before marriage, but the woman's father opposed their marriage.

So, 1955, Jobs' biological mother Simpson went to San Francisco and gave Jobs to his adoptive parents Paul Jobs and Clara for adoption. Adoptive parents are blue-collar workers in California. They are very kind to Jobs and enable Jobs to receive a good education.

Two years after Jobs was born, his biological parents gave birth to another daughter, namely Mona Simpson, Jobs' sister. She became an adult writer and took Steve as the prototype in A Regular Guy published by 1998.

Refer to the above? Baidu encyclopedia-Jobs