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What skills can college students learn in their spare time?

As an experienced person, my sister just wants to say that there are too many interesting things. If you don't try, you won't know where your interests are. Here are some things that I find very interesting, hoping to help the little guys. I hope I can give you practical advice.

1. Learn photography, whether it's a mobile phone or a camera. If you are interested, you'd better go to the library to find some photography books, or spend a few dollars to buy a curriculum system to learn composition, light and shadow, color and so on. , relatively simple. After understanding the principle, you can practice taking pictures more. I remember when I was a freshman, I insisted on taking photos with my mobile phone every day for two or three months. I have really made remarkable progress. If you go out to play, whether you are recording your life or taking photos with friends, you obviously think taking photos is more popular ~

2. learn a little later. Usually, a good photo is 7 points by shooting and 3 points by repairing. Without the post-P picture, many will be a little lacking. If the phone is naughty, I like to use snapseed. Zhihu searched a lot for related tutorials and learned some retouching skills. Your circle of friends will be a little higher ~

People who exercise can ignore many things, but only reading and exercise can't be ignored. A healthy body is the prerequisite for you to have everything, just like the first 1 in a series of numbers. Even if there are more zeros behind you, none of them are useless. Whether you are in a bad mood or something is bothering you, please be kind to your health. If you feel depressed and hesitant, go running. Life may not give you a satisfactory answer right away, but you need to stay healthy at all times to meet and seize every opportunity to fight back. A healthy body is your minimum capital. On the contrary, I'm going to work now. Many times it's not as casual as it was in college. When I was busy, I walked into the classroom facing the rising sun and then came out with the stars and the moon. Exercise time can only be arranged in the morning and evening.

Textual research is a difficult point that many people have to experience. Except CET-4 and CET-6, Putonghua Test, CET-2 and so on. Everyone needs to make an understanding plan in advance according to their own professional situation. During your college study, no teacher will urge you to plan every step for you and plan your study progress independently, which is an important step for you to become independent. If you haven't got the certificate, don't try to take shortcuts, and don't listen to others saying that a week or two passed before the exam. People usually exaggerate themselves. You don't know how many premises are omitted behind his message, but the most reliable thing is to be down-to-earth and serious. In addition, I hope everyone will cherish every opportunity to register for the exam, and don't always think that there will be another opportunity next time. Every time I give up, I lose not only the time and money I spent on reviewing in the past, but also my self-confidence. Seriously and diligently. These certificates are not difficult.

Raising one or two interesting plants brings people not only environmental comfort, but also spiritual pleasure. Buy one or two favorite plants and put them on the windowsill, expecting them to grow tall, blossom and bear fruit. Watering them carefully every day will make your heart slowly settle down, and you will feel that you are living really, because you are filled with such trifles every day. In addition, on friends' birthdays or festivals, wrap a bunch of flowers you planted and give them to important people. This kind of spiritual satisfaction will bring great happiness and joy to people. The loveliness of fleshy meat.

6. Keep reading. Everyone knows that reading is very important, but few people can keep reading every day. There are abundant book resources in universities. Whether it is paper reading or e-book reading, I suggest you choose your favorite books to read first, and then cultivate your reading habits. It can be novels, picture books, comics, etc. As long as you start reading, it will be a good start. What's your favorite book to read? Read more books and you will naturally have your own ability to distinguish. When you consciously look for excellent and good content to read, reading will gradually become your habit. You will find that there are so many interesting things in the world that you want to know every day.

7. Try to write something, only input knowledge, not output knowledge, and knowledge will soon be forgotten. It's also a good idea to try to find a notebook and write down what you feel every time you read it, or to use Weibo, which will taste different in the future. It feels like these things are fleeting. If you don't write them down, you won't remember what you once had.

8. Singing, no matter whether you sing well or not, you have to know one or two songs to get started. You really can't predict which day and which occasion you will sing a song. In order not to be embarrassed, it is better to prepare in advance.

9. The difference between watching movies, documentaries and TED speakers usually depends on two things: one is what you eat every day, and the other is what you watch every day. The former determines your health, while the latter determines your vision and horizon. Don't ignore the information quality of this kind of entertainment. Even for entertainment, we should look for the best documentary in the world, and even for variety shows, we should watch the best and broaden our horizons. If you don't know, you can go to Douban and search in Zhihu. Once you have this awareness, the world in your heart will become very different.

10. Chasing TV series and cartoons. In fact, I don't know what watching TV plays or cartoons can help a person learn and grow, but life can't be everything we say is useful. We need some expectations. The pursuit of drama is such an expectation. Take it as a reward after a day's study. I think it is a skill about happiness. Recently, I have been chasing the English drama "The Dreys", and the scenery in Corfu Island is really beautiful. Each frame is like a painting, expressing warmth and tranquility with colors and light. There is no need for scenic spots or routes on this island. You don't even need a brain. Give your body to this island.

1 1. Hand-painted, many people yearn for painting, but they don't have the courage to write, for fear of making a mistake in the first stroke. I used to be in this state. Later, it was found that the painting was wrong, and it was no big deal. It doesn't matter if it's not professional. The most important thing is to like the feeling that painting brought you at that time.

12. Anyway, practicing calligraphy is also idle. Writing is cultivation. I haven't been practicing for a while before. Now I can only secretly regret my laziness when I see my little friend who practiced with me at that time.

13. Learning makeup includes beauty, hairdressing and manicure, each of which is enough for you to toss for half a day. Although it is tossing, it will be beautiful and worth exploring.

14. You can try any street dance, Latin dance, folk dance, ballet and ballroom dance.

15. Learning musical instruments, the movie "The Son of Tomorrow" really earned enough attention. I have to say, boys/girls who can play musical instruments look super cool. You can choose many musical instruments, such as guitar/piano/ukulele/violin/thumb/flute. Find a favorite instrument and practice it every day. You can also be the brightest star. To tell you the truth, I bought a Creary specially, and I'm practicing hard. It's just that my finger hurts.

16. Before learning Adobe software such as Ps, Ai and Pr, I thought I would do a lot of work, but later I found that these are really basic skills. Don't say you can be like a professional, but this is the basic tool you must know how to use. After work, do some simple watermark processing and title making with ps, which can be completed in a few minutes without asking for help everywhere.

17. python is recommended for programming, which can capture a lot of data and download all kinds of things on the website for free.

18. Tarot cards, astrolabes and Tarot cards are really profitable now. As long as you learn to a certain extent, you can give orders in your circle of friends. Some people around me are doing well.

19. All kinds of knitting manuals. You can knit scarves, hats, blankets, and make all kinds of hair accessories and bracelets. In addition to spending time, you should also do things with a sense of accomplishment, master methods, and make gifts several times a year for your loved ones. We must be sincere. Learn to make flower buckles for the first time. Some time ago, into the pit knitted a red rope. Only after I got started did I find that a small red rope actually has so many knots: diamond knots, flat knots, snake knots, four-strand twists and so on. This is really lamenting the profoundness of China culture. But after knitting twice, my back hurts and my eyes are fine, so I don't want to continue.

20.DIY carpentry, rubber seals, pottery, etc. You can try. Recently, you started to use baking-free clay. This is a duckling that was caught recently. Is it cocoa and love? I love it.

2 1. Nothing is happier than someone feeding and drinking each other. So you'd better find someone you like.

22. There are many kinds of competitions in universities. As long as you are good at your field, you must participate confidently. You will learn a lot in the process of participating in the competition, and you will also have the opportunity to meet a few like-minded friends.

I think so much for the time being, and welcome friends in the comment area to add. I also want to know what else is new and interesting. I am your good friend, a dream girl who loves reading and learning as her life creed. If you want to know me better, you can pay attention to me. I will share more of my dry goods with you and grow with you. Don't forget to praise = ('three' =) before you go. Oh, your encouragement is my greatest motivation for progress. I'll give you a better answer next time. Welcome to visit again. I always believe that everyone who has a dream will shine.