Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The comb is broken (it will be bad luck if the comb and chopsticks are broken)

The comb is broken (it will be bad luck if the comb and chopsticks are broken)

Last week, we launched a "sign" collection activity and received a lot of information. First, Amy found that some fans may have misunderstood the meaning of the logo.

For example, this is "what goes around comes around"

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This is a curse:

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What is a "sign"? In fact, it is a sign revealed in advance. The content of the following fan's message can basically be determined as a "sign".

Although it seems a bit unreliable, this sentence is really not wrong.

When some children are tired, the moisture in the delicate eyelids is reduced, and there will be a situation in which a single eyelid is folded into a double eyelid. Therefore, the child's single eyelid becomes a double eyelid, which may not be far from illness.

However, what people are really interested in are those mysterious and even strange signs. You can't even judge: is this a sign or not?

How to judge "signs"?

For some symptoms, we can infer the results through scientific explanation and empirical judgment. So, these signs are signs. For example, the example of the single eyelid above, there is another example:

Dragonflies flying low is a sign of rain.

However, the world is very complicated, and the profound connection between all things is far beyond our cognition and judgment. It is not easy to understand the real "signs"!

Four false "signs", let's meet.

Before we know how to judge "signs", we might as well keep our eyes open and look at four false "signs".


Always complaining and looking for trouble.

It should be emphasized that the so-called symptoms, the first condition must be abnormal.

What happened to the following fan? "overslept" and "dropped contact lenses" are actually quite normal and can't be regarded as a sign.

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Psychological suggestion, scare yourself.

Many abnormal things may become positive or negative psychological hints, affect personal behavior and lead to certain results.

For example, this fan said that he dropped his pen and failed the exam. The reason why there is such a result is probably a psychological suggestion. Actually, there is no causal relationship.

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Many fans say that they often see numbers like 144.

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Amy believes that it may be just a coincidence at first, but after many times, the impression deepened and lingered. Another explanation is that it has something to do with people's magical biological clock.


Bad feng shui, disaster resolution.

Many fans mentioned that the bracelet worn was broken, or the gourd hung at home was broken, and then everything went wrong.

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In fact, the damage and destruction of feng shui objects is probably not a sign, they are just to protect people from disasters. Then without their protection, disaster will happen.

(Click this picture to see the taboo of wearing jade. )


Things happen unfortunately, causing associations.

Many so-called "signs" are actually coincidences. These things may not attract attention when they happen. The reason why it is recognized as a "sign" is probably because it is known in hindsight.

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It is difficult for ordinary people to analyze the subtle relationship between symptoms and results, and it is also impossible to distinguish symptoms from ordinary abnormal events. Judging from the signs, it still depends on "Meng" in most cases!

The so-called "coincidence", in the comments of fans, there is one thing that is too coincidental!

Jeremy thinks that "the handle is broken" after "thinking about the monitor" is probably a sign. But this is from the result (the death of the monitor). Who knows when it happens?

Encountering these two things is likely to be a "sign"!

It is not completely impossible to judge a sign: there are two things that are very likely to be signs once they happen.

For a period of time, the same abnormal events occurred repeatedly.

This kind of thing is actually rare. There is only one message in the background, which is completely in line with this situation.

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Butterflies fly to17th floor, and the inner balcony and windows are closed, which is unusual. For 6 days in a row, each time it was a pair of butterflies, indicating that it happened repeatedly for a period of time; If there is nothing special about butterflies at home, it is probably a sign. Unusual things that have nothing to do with you happen and successfully attract your attention.

The key words are "abnormal", "irrelevant" and "noticeable", which are quite common.

Wang Yangming has a saying that "there is nothing outside the heart", for example, the flowers in the mountains have blossomed and fallen, and they have not yet entered the spiritual world of people.

If people don't appreciate and pick flowers for no reason, but notice the abnormal phenomena of flowers (such as no wind blowing, butterflies disturbing people and falling for no reason)-two "no complaints" meet together, probably because: in the dark, there is fate! Then, falling flowers is a sign.

But such a sign, the corresponding result, is generally only related to what you see, not to the viewer.

"Symbol" in Folk Custom

In our folk letters, there are many sayings about symbols. Our fans also met a lot.

Magpies bring good news, crows bring bad news.

Magpies are almost as bad as crows. They are actually close relatives, belonging to the family Corvidae. Everyone eats pests and destroys crops, which makes people love and hate each other.

However, the cultural attributes of magpies and crows are quite different: China people believe that magpies can bring good luck, while crows are unlucky.

However, some fans put forward the opposite view, saying that "when you see a magpie or a particularly beautiful wild bird, someone at home will leave ... crows are lucky ..."

What do you mean?

In fact, in Japan, magpies and crows have the opposite fate. The Japanese regard crows as divine birds, crows are overwhelming, and many people are not afraid of people; Magpies in Japan are very rare. If the crow is really an ominous symbol, can Japan still develop today?

Dogs get rich and cats get poor.

As for the saying that "dogs come rich and cats come poor", this fan is very insightful and sounds quite convincing.

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But according to this statement, the arrival of cats and dogs is only the actual reflection of family wealth, not a sign of the future.

"Dogs get rich" may have some truth: dogs can guard homes, keep away from thieves and have the function of keeping money.

But saving money is not the same as "the way to make money". What's more, many people just treat dogs as pets now and don't expect them to look after the house.

A broken string has a reason?

People think that the sudden disconnection of items is also an unlucky sign.

For example, when using a pencil, the lead is broken; When combing your hair, your teeth are broken; The string broke while playing an instrument. These things are irreversible, symbolizing the "disharmony" in personnel and the need to start over.

There are also many such examples in fan messages:

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Amy thinks lead cores, combs, strings, etc. They are all daily consumables, and it is normal to age and break down naturally.

However, "breaking" is not a good thing after all, and it will inevitably cause bad emotional reactions. In fact, the old ones don't go, and the new ones don't come. If it doesn't mean anything, it's good to break something and replace it with a new one!

Don't burn incense indiscriminately.

The broken fragrance of thread or stick is called "broken fragrance", which sounds quite unlucky.

Folks believe that if you offer broken incense to the Buddha, you will be rewarded. When burning incense, it is considered ominous that the incense suddenly breaks or falls off during burning.

A fan left a message saying:

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In fact, it is a good thing that the Buddha and Bodhisattva ancestors are merciful and pious. It's neither a big rape nor a disaster?

So you may encounter broken incense just because its quality is not good, or it is not inserted correctly in the incense burner.

Please pay special attention to:

Signs and events in folk popular letters are often only one hundred signs. As long as there is a "fulfillment", it is easy to spread, so that the relationship between symptoms and results is infinitely magnified.

Therefore, there are basically not many signs in folk popular letters.

But what needs to be added is that if you encounter something bad, even if it is not a bad omen, but it violates the folk taboo, you should also pay special attention.

For example, when a ritual Buddha burns off incense, the incense can be buried in incense ashes, or it can be directly thrown into the incense burner to melt it. Anyway, don't insert it again.

We should always fear folk taboos.

Folk taboo itself is a part of cultural tradition; Not committing taboos is a manifestation of cultural identity. It's not a terrible thing to violate taboos, but it will inevitably be criticized by others, and it may also produce negative self-suggestion, and the result will never be good.

Good number of clubs, 100% accurate!

The topic of "signs" is attractive because we are full of fear of the unknown future: what kind of results do signs correspond to? Is it good or bad? Who will it happen to?

Therefore, the interpretation of the logo is a very important thing. Today, Mi will introduce a commonly used interpretation method-plum blossom easy counting.

▲ Shao Yong and Plum Blossom Yi Shu ▲

The number of plum blossoms is changeable, which was created by Shao Yong, a Yi scholar in Song Dynasty. It is based on the mathematics in the Yi-ology, combined with "iconology" for divination. According to legend, when Shao Yong used it, every hexagram was sure to hit the target, and it always worked.

Why is it called "plum blossom"?

During the celebration of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shao Yong watched plum blossoms in the yard on December 17th. At this time, two sparrows fell to the ground for a branch. This abnormal event, which has nothing to do with Shao Yong himself, successfully attracted his attention.

He immediately calculated that a woman would lose her flowers and hurt her stocks tomorrow night according to the number of hexagrams on the year, month, day and hour. Then it really came true.

Because it started with plum blossom, it is called "plum blossom". The method he created is called "plum blossom easy counting"

Don't think that Shao Yong can draw a conclusion by counting his fingers. Viewing beauty occupation is the most basic occupation method, but it is also very complicated.

Year, month, day and hour

Take the year, month, day and time of the event as the basis of divination, then convert it into numbers, then into divination images with special divination rules, and finally judge and predict good or bad luck.

Year: aged, the corresponding figure is 5.

Month:1February, corresponding to the number 12.

Date: 17, corresponding number 17.

Time: Shen Shi, corresponding to the number 9.

Elephants are everywhere. In addition to this method, there are things, sounds, people, feet, animals, still life and so on.

The external response is mysterious!

When you start and break divination, clear your mind, calm down and observe everything, and you will feel all kinds of things outside. At this time, "external response" can be taken.

External applications are widely used. When predicting, we should directly infer good or bad luck from external application, or combine the comprehensive judgment of divination and images, or even directly start divination and divination according to external application.

External pressures are generally divided into ten categories.

When can magpies give good news?

Taking animal reactions as an example, different animals correspond to different divinatory symbols, such as:

The horse is dry, the cow is Kun, the chicken is Xun, and the pig is Kan. ...

You can also ignore these five elements:

Magpies bring good news, crows bring bad news, geese have letters, and snakes and insects are poisonous. ...

It should be noted that external prediction is different from symptoms. External use is only useful if divination is broken. If you only look up at magpies on weekdays, you can't say happiness!

How many kinds of divination methods are there?

How to start and break hexagrams?

How to get an external application?

Can plum blossom instrument be used to measure people?

Are you already curious about these questions? Amy is thinking a little bit about uncovering the mystery of the easy number of plum blossoms. Fans who want to see it, please speak out your thoughts in the message area ~