Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does dream of eating mean?

What does dream of eating mean?

Judging people's character and destiny from the speed of eating.

People who eat less but are obese are open-minded and informal, and they pay far more attention to the quality of life than to their careers. They look down on fame and fortune, pay little attention to money, and pay more attention to spiritual things.

People who eat slowly have a gentle personality and a good temper, so they will have a lot of help from nobles. Because of personality reasons, they prefer to be casual and safe, and don't like career success.

People who eat fast have strong personalities. They can do anything for their friends and don't like to drag their feet. They talk and do things straight and don't like beating around the bush. Therefore, this person is careless and will be loved and supported by many friends.

A person who eats too much and is thin has a confused mind and will worry about many things. However, this person has good expressive ability, likes to talk and has a strong personality. But because he talks too much, he will suffer, easily offend some people, and have a great possibility of making enemies or angering others. Although he will have a career, he will bring a lot of trouble because of himself.

Dream Interpretation Story: Li Yuanzhong dreamed that he walked into his father's grave with a torch.

In Beiqi, there was a man with lofty ideals in Li Yuanzhong. The night before he was about to embark on his career, he had a strange dream. In the dream, he walked into his father's grave with a torch. It is still midnight after waking up, and there is an ominous premonition in Li Yuan's loyalty. He thought: this dream may be an ominous dream.

At first light the next day, he couldn't wait to find the teacher and tell his dream last night. The teacher could also see from Li Yuanzhong's expression that he was worried that he might be disturbed by this dream, so he continued to explain it to him. He said that this dream is a sign of good luck. You took the torch to your father's grave. Isn't this the scene? Illuminate the ancestors? Really? Sure enough, Li Yuanzhong's later career path was very smooth and he became a senior official.

Dream of the ancient tomb in the dream book, good luck. That's why it came.

Dream interpretation story: solving crimes by dreams.

Dong Feng returned to China after studying abroad for three years, but his wife was killed that night, so his wife's brother thought it was Dong Feng, so he sent Dong Feng to the government for punishment. Dong Feng was very wronged, insisting that his wife was not his fault. But who is the murderer? This is a big case of life and death. If there is a slight mistake, not only will the deceased not be repented, but another life is likely to be hurt.

Fu Rong, a guard of Beijing School, considered this matter carefully. He also felt that something was strange, so he asked Dong Feng if he had been divined. Sure enough, Dong Feng said that before the incident, he dreamed that he rode across the river, first from the north bank to the south bank, then from the south bank to the north bank, and finally from the north bank to the south bank. At the right time, the horse stopped in the water and refused to go no matter how whipped. He looked down and soaked in the water for two days. On the first day, the horse was white and wet. The right side of the horse is black and looks dry. When he woke up, he clearly remembered the scene in his dream and was very scared. He thought it must be an ominous sign. Strangely, he had the same dream the night he came back. He found a dream catcher to interpret dreams. The fortune teller told him that he was afraid of the recent prison lawsuit and warned him to stay away from three pillows and avoid taking three baths. He remembered the words of the diviner. He refused to accept the bath and pillow that his wife prepared for him that night, but he woke up the next day and his wife was killed.

After listening to Dong Feng's dream, Fu Rong deciphered it himself, and finally concluded that the murderer of Dong Feng's wife was a man named Feng Chang. He deciphered Dong Feng's dream image in this way: Fu Rong transformed Dong Feng's dream image into the divinatory image in Zhouyi: the symbol of water is Kan, and the symbol of horse is Li; Because the horse walks from north to south and from south to north in the water, its route is tortuous; Thus, Dong Feng's dream can be transformed into a barrier. The shape of the ridge is three, and after the three hexagons change together, it becomes the third separation form. Separation is a middle-aged woman with two masculine bodies and a feminine body, and the ridge is a middle-aged man with two feminine bodies and a masculine body. Dong Feng saw two days in the water, symbolizing two men involved, one is Dong Feng and the other is unknown. Pei is also a symbol of law enforcement and should be used in the world. Thus, the auspicious divination was formed from top to bottom. According to this precedent of divination, Wang Wen met it and was envied by prisoners. If the defendant is reasonable, he can end up in prison. According to the theory that the horse in the dream is wet on the left, it should be water on the left and a horse on the right. Together, it is wind. The weight of two days is often. Therefore, the criminal who really killed Dong Feng's wife should be another person, Feng Chang. Although the process of deciphering was complicated, when the government arrested Chang Feng on this basis, Chang Feng really confessed. According to the murderer, the only object he wanted to kill was Dong Feng, who was scheduled to use a new pillow as a symbol, but he didn't know that Dong Feng didn't use a new pillow that night, so he killed his wife by mistake.

The example of this dream is translated from the original text recorded in Jin Shu Rong Rong's biography. In the story, the analysis of Dong Mengmeng is used to break the prison and solve the case, which can be said to be painstaking. However, even from the professional perspective of dreams, there are many explanations that are too far-fetched.

Introduction of dietary knowledge

Dining details

Paying attention to small details can make you lose weight healthier! Pay attention to details.

1, put the oil last when cooking.

Eat white bread. It's not very delicious, but it can lose weight. Starch food itself is not a good diet food, not hungry and tasteless. Many people will choose a variety of fillings or pigments. The added delicacy may be the chief culprit of your weight gain.

3. Eat pizza picky

Go out to eat western food, only eat pizza stuffing, not the bottom layer and crust. Can reduce calorie intake: 150 calories.

5. Eat less meat and more vegetables

6. change to a small red wine glass

7. New rare treasures help to stimulate appetite.

Zinc can act on taste and appetite through its zinc-containing protein, thus promoting appetite. Zinc can participate in the mobilization of liver vitamin A, maintain a constant concentration of vitamin A in plasma, and play an important role in maintaining normal dark adaptation ability.

Zinc is also necessary for skin health. In addition, zinc can also promote wound healing and enhance the body's resistance.

Zinc deficiency in human body, especially in growing children, is more obvious. Its clinical manifestations are: growth retardation, loss of appetite, dull or even loss of taste, poor healing of skin wounds, easy infection and so on.

Comparison of common zinc supplement products:

1 generation inorganic zinc:

Main representatives: zinc sulfate, zinc chloride, zinc nitrate, etc.

The absorption and utilization rate of zinc in the original zinc supplement products is very low (only 7%). They combine with gastric acid in the body to produce zinc chloride, which is a strong corrosive agent, has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and is easy to cause nausea and vomiting. Now the representative of this generation of zinc has basically been eliminated by the market, which is rare and is mostly used for surgery to promote wound healing.

Second generation organic acid zinc:

All belong to weak acid and weak base salts, and the absorption and utilization rate of zinc is about 14%. When combined with gastric acid in the body, zinc chloride can still be produced, so it has certain side effects (such as nausea and vomiting). It can only be taken after meals to reduce gastrointestinal irritation, and has high zinc content, which can antagonize the absorption of other trace elements such as calcium and iron. Long-term use will lead to calcium deficiency, anemia and other symptoms, so be sure to follow the doctor's advice. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.

The third generation protein zinc (also known as biological zinc);

Main representative: a new rare treasure-zinc selenium treasure

Zinc selenium treasure is protein combined with zinc, which is delicious (egg roll flavor), crisp and delicious. The absorption rate of protein zinc is as high as 90%, which is 2-3 times higher than that of common zinc agent.

The zinc content of zinc selenium treasure is very low, almost equal to that of food. It is absolutely safe and has no side effects on human body. You can take it before meals.

High activity, can effectively promote the absorption and utilization of various nutrients by human body, and will not antagonize the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and iron, so as to finally achieve the effect of supplementing various nutrients from the diet. It may be the best new-generation zinc supplement preparation with high activity in China at present.

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