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Who knows ancient fairy tales?

Creator: Pangu.

Legend has it that the universe was originally a chaotic ball like an egg, in which Pangu grew up. He felt uncomfortable when he grew up one day, so he stretched out his hands and feet and "crashed" to separate the chaos. It is divided into two streams of air, the light one floats to the sky and the thick one accumulates to the ground, but in some places the sea is connected, so Pangu holds the sky with his hands and feet on the ground, trying his best to make his body grow up and completely separate heaven and earth. Day after day. The ground is ten feet thick every day. Pangu's body also stretches ten feet every day. After another 18,000 years, the sky was extremely high, the earth was extremely thick, and Pangu's body was extremely long. But Pangu's life was over, so he died after completing the task of creating the world. But before he died, he created everything in the world with his last divine power: his breath became wind and clouds, his voice became thunder, his left eye became the sun, his right eye became the moon, his limbs became the four poles and five mountains of the earth, his blood became rivers, his veins became roads, his skin became fields, and his hair and beard became stars in the sky. Teeth and bones become metal minerals and rocks, semen and bone marrow become pearls and gems, sweat becomes rain, and soul becomes gods ... Pangu turned into everything in the world with his body. Different from the majesty of the creator god in other countries, Pangu gives people the image of a silent dedicated person.

Yin and God: Fuxi (Father Yang) and Nuwa (Mother Yin)

Fuxi, also known as Tai Hao, Taidi and Daisy. According to legend, Fuxi's mother, Hua Xushi, accidentally saw a big footprint of Razer when she went out. Curious Hua Xu measured the footprints of adults with his own footprints and unconsciously became pregnant. Twelve years later, Fuxi was born. Fuxi's score is: 1, launching gossip. 2. Invent fishing and hunting tools. Three-line wedding 4. Book a book publishing contract. 5. Create a calendar. 6. Make music. 7. Other achievements: established the law of divination and established divination; Set up nine departments, set up Rokutasu, and manage tribal affairs by region. In a word, the dawn of ancient civilization began to appear in Fuxi era. Therefore, Fuxi was later honored as the Yang God or the Father God, and became the God of the East, in charge of the 12,000-mile land of vilen, an oriental green soil tree, and the God of Spring.

Nuwa. It is said that after the opening of heaven and earth, there are no traces of human beings on the earth. The great goddess Nu Wa imitated her reflection in the water with loess and made them into villains. As soon as these clay figurines were put on the ground, they came to life, and Nu Wa named them "people". So there are traces of human activities everywhere on the earth. Nu Wa also matched men and women and told them to have their own offspring. In mythology, Nu Wa was also the earliest god of marriage. Later, because * * * workers and Zhuan Xu failed to become the Emperor of Heaven, they were angry and touched Tianzhu Island. Half of the sky collapsed, exposing terrible black holes and huge cracks in the ground. The forest burst into flames and the underground gushed out a raging flood. Seeing that mankind suffered such a tragic disaster, Nu Wa tried her best to mend the heavens and the earth. She first mended the hole in the sky with colored stones. He also killed a chinemys reevesii, cut off its four feet, stood on all sides of the earth to support the sky, and blocked the cross-flow flood with reed ash. Since then, the disaster has subsided and mankind has been saved.

According to another legend, Fuxi and Nuwa are a couple. After her marriage with Fuxi, she became the "ancestor" and "ancestral milk" of the Han nationality respectively.

Five emperors:

Oriental Emperor: Tai Hao (Emperor Jun) is the God of the East and the father of the sun.

Western Heaven Emperor: Shao Hao's god of gold, metallurgy and punishment, who ruled the western land and the 12 Wan Li worlds.

Nantiandi: Yandi Shennong, Vulcan and Medicine God, retired to the south after failing to fight the Yellow Emperor.

Northern Heaven Emperor: Zhuan Xu, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, is a water god. He is a Jedi expert, who prevented the free communication between man and god, defeated the workers and became the Northern Heaven Emperor.

Tiandi: Huangdi Xuanyuan is the ancestor of China. He defeated Yan Di and Chiyou successively, and became a master of the Quartet. Finally, he ascended to heaven in Lapras, Dinghu, settled down in the center of heaven and became the central emperor of heaven. The other four sides, Tai Hao in the east; The south is Emperor Yan; The west is Shao Hao; Zhuan Xu is in the north. With the establishment of the Yellow Emperor and the Four Emperors, a complete organization chart of the kingdom of God was successfully drawn.

God of Heaven: It developed from the Five Heavenly Emperors, mainly because China gradually established the autocratic kingship, so it is embodied in the myth that the original Five Heavenly Emperors merged into a supreme all-powerful ruler. The Emperor of Heaven was called the Emperor in Shang Dynasty, and the Shang King believed that the Emperor was their ancestor and omnipotent God, so the people had to accept the rule of the Shang King, the son of the Emperor, and they could not have second thoughts, otherwise they would be punished by heaven. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was simply called Heaven or God, and the King of Zhou, like the King of Shang, called himself the "Son of Heaven" with the same purpose as the King of Shang.

Tianhou: Queen Mother of the West. Her initial image is a fierce god in charge of plague punishment. She has a tiger tooth and is good at whistling, which caused a sensation in Dai Sheng. But in the end, she became a "30-year-old, short-trained, beautiful, beautiful" fairy, and her status continued to rise. Finally, he became the spouse of Hao Tianshen and the first lady of Heaven, and lived in Yaochi Scenic Area.

God of violence and war: Chiyou. In the related literature, the image of Chiyou is a tyrant and a thief, which is quite ugly. Legend has it that eighty-one Chiyou brothers, together with animal body language and bronze head and iron forehead, ate sand and made a crossbow with a staff and horse halberd, which is famous all over the world. There is no killing, no mercy. Chiyou fought against the Yellow Emperor, who ordered Ying Long to attack Jizhou wilderness, Ying Long to collect water, and Chiyou invited Fengbo Rain Master to make a scene in the Heavenly Palace. The Yellow Emperor was a goddess, and when the rain stopped, he killed Chiyou. Even so, in the ancient Han Dynasty, Chiyou was mainly worshipped as a warrior. Qin Shihuang and Emperor Gaozu both set up shrines to offer sacrifices to Chiyou, regarding him as the god of war and the "master of military strategists", and regarding war as their respect.

Water god:

* * * workers, the northern water god, failed to compete with Zhuan Xu as the northern emperor. Workers * * in a rage, knocked down Zhoushan, and broke the big pillars supporting the sky and the ropes binding the ground. The sky collapsed in the northwest, so the sun, the moon and the stars moved to the northwest; The land in the southeast subsided, so all the water and dust in the river poured into the southeast.

Ying Long, a subordinate of the Yellow Emperor, followed the Yellow Emperor in his crusade against Chiyou, and the Yellow Emperor sent Ying Long to Yuan Ye in Jizhou to resist him. Ying Long water, water flooded Chiyou.

Jiang Shen, the God of the Yangtze River

Hebo, the God of the Yellow River.

Mrs. Xiang According to legend, it was Shun's concubine and became the god of Xiangjiang River after her death.

Jiutian Xuan Nv, referred to as Xuan Nv for short, is commonly known as Jiutian Xuan NV Empress. She was originally a goddess in ancient China mythology, who taught Huang Dibing to believe in the divine symbols and subdue Chiyou. Decorated by Taoism, she was regarded as a fairy.


Suiren, also known as Huang Sui, taught people to drill wood for fire, and later with Fuxi. Shennong is also known as Huang San.

Yan Di, the Southern Heaven Emperor, is the main fire.

Zhu Rong, the southern Vulcan, assisted Emperor Yan in ruling the south, and was later ordered by the emperor to kill guns in the feather suburbs.

Fengshen: Fengbo helped Chiyou attack the Yellow Emperor.

Rain God: Rain God and Fengbo attacked the Yellow Emperor together and blocked Ying Long.

Drought God: Ji, Chiyou, please rain heavily. The Yellow Emperor is a goddess. He said that when the rain stopped, he killed Chiyou. I can't go back, and it won't rain.

God of War: Xingtian and Xingtian are famous mythical heroes. They fought against the Emperor of Heaven and were beheaded after defeat, but they still did not stop fighting. The Yellow Emperor defeated Emperor Yan with great force and sat on the throne of the Central Heaven Emperor. Emperor Yan was forced to retreat to the south. However, Emperor Yan's men were unwilling to fail, and Xingtian vowed to compete with the Yellow Emperor for the throne. Holding a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, he launched a fierce battle with the Emperor of Heaven. They came all the way to Changyang Mountain, and the Yellow Emperor took the opportunity to cut off Xingtian's neck with a sword, and Xingtian's huge head was cut off. Xingtian was furious when he saw that his head had been cut off. He did not show weakness, two nipples as eyes, navel as mouth, waving weapons and continuing to shout. Although Xingtian failed, he was indomitable and his heroic spirit of fighting to the end was often praised by later generations. Tao Yuanming, a great poet in the Jin Dynasty, once praised the beheaded hero with the poem "Dancing with the fields, with unfulfilled aspirations".

Li Shen: Kuafu. That is, the Kwai family, he set a great ambition and was determined to catch up with the sun, but Kuafu finally died because of it. His two sons were so powerful that they could move Taihang Mountain and Wuwangshan Mountain.

Shoot the gods: Hou Yi, when Emperor Yao was in power, the sky rose for ten days, and Hou Yi led a bow to shoot the next nine days.

Sun: The son of the Eastern Emperor, a three-legged grandson, originally had ten brothers, but Hou Yi shot him to death.

Moon: Chang 'e, the wife of Hou Yi, rose to the Moon Palace because of taking the fairy medicine by mistake. Later, Li Shangyin lamented Chang 'e in a poem: "Chang 'e should regret stealing the elixir, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the night is bright. "

Tattoo: Cang Xie, a historian of the Yellow Emperor. After the Yellow Emperor unified China, he felt that the knotting method could not meet the requirements, so he ordered the historian Cang Xie to find a way to make Chinese characters. Therefore, Cang Xie carefully observed the characteristics of various things, such as the sun, the moon, stars, clouds, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, as well as various animals and birds, and applied utensils to draw graphics and create many hieroglyphs according to their characteristics. Cang Xie dedicated these hieroglyphs he made to the Yellow Emperor, who was very happy. He immediately called the chiefs of Kyushu and asked Cang Xie to teach them these hieroglyphs, so these hieroglyphs began to be used.

Saturnalia: Hou Ji, the ancestor of Zhou and the son of the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, inherited Ji's surname. Legend has it that Hou Ji's mother, Jiang Yuan, was the queen of Yuan Pei, Di Ku. Once she went on a field trip and was very happy to see the footprints of courtiers, so she stepped on them. Then she moved like a pregnant woman and soon gave birth to a boy. This child is the later Hou Ji. When Hou Ji grew up, he became an agricultural official of Yao and taught the people to cultivate crops. Later generations honored him as the "god of agriculture" and gave him the surname Ji, becoming the ancestor of Zhou.

Prison God: Hao Tao, it is said that he is the taxi driver (that is, the warden) in charge of criminal law in Yushun. He is fair and honest, and an official. Later, he was honored as a prison god.

Silkworm God: The legendary Princess Yuan of the Yellow Emperor, the pioneer of sericulture, was honored as the silkworm god by later generations.

God of Marriage: Yue Lao is the media god who specializes in marriage in China myths and legends.

Respondent: dyzxdsl | Level | 2007-1-1715: 09 | Report.

China ancient myths have a long history. They are not only recorded early, but also have many ancient myths, which are still circulated orally among the people. Especially in the Central Plains, some famous ancient China myths, such as Dayu, Huangdi, Nvwa 、 Fuxi, Pangu, Kuafu, etc., are still circulated orally in Henan and other regions. There are also myths about Shun, Chiyou, Houyi and Qi, which are still circulating in Henan, Hebei and some southern provinces. Because of their long circulation, these myths are different from those recorded in ancient documents in specific plots, and there are many variations. What is particularly obvious is the fusion and localization between myths. For example, combining the myth of "Survive the flood and rebuild mankind" with the pioneering myth, it points out the local remains of some ancient mythological figures. Some have been integrated into some religious concepts of later generations. These myths, which are still circulating today, are naturally different from the original classical myths after evolution, but they can prove and subsidize the materials recorded in the literature, which is really beneficial to the study of China myths, especially to understand the ancient and modern forms of myth development. China myth is the creation of many nationalities. In ancient times, the ancestors of all ethnic groups in China began their life, reproduction and production activities. Xia people in the Yellow River valley of the Central Plains, Dongyi people in the Huaihe River valley in the east, Sanmiao people in the Yangtze River valley in the south, people in the northwest and people in the meat porridge (Shanrong and Yaoxian) in the north and south of the desert are all participants in creating the ancient history and culture of the Chinese nation. Today, besides the Han nationality, there are 55 ethnic minorities in China. The myths of these ethnic groups are rich and colorful, which constitute an important part of the myths of China. Some of them are recorded in national historical classics, such as Dongba Jing, Southwest Annals, Secret History of Mongolia, etc. Some of them are preserved in the memories of people of all ethnic groups and are still passed down orally. There are many myths about ethnic minorities in China, such as the myth of land reclamation, the myth of floods, the myth of the sun and the moon, the origin of animals and plants, and some myths about the origin of ethnic surnames. Due to the differences in the history, culture and economic development of all ethnic groups, most of these myths have distinct ethnic characteristics, showing the characteristics of multi-ethnic and multi-source.

The creation myths of all ethnic groups are rich in imagination and the plot is quite tortuous. The famous ones are the creation myth of Naxi nationality, the Lian of Manchu nationality, the myth of Buluotuo and Liu Jia sisters of Zhuang nationality, the myth of □ nationality, the war between man and stone and the creation of the world. In Creating the Earth, four creative gods hold up the sky with four copper pillars, and sweep the four sides of the sky with four brooms, so that the world is thousands of miles apart. In addition, there is a Buyi myth that rhinoceros horns are used to support the sky and sapphires are used to fill the sky (Naxi). In the myth of recreating human beings, apart from brother and sister getting married and reproducing human beings, there are many pioneering gods who tear off their own flesh and throw them into the sea to become human beings (Gaoshan people), strangers with their knees rubbing against each other (Yamei people in Taiwan Province Province), stone people and bamboo people. Some myths often have the content of national origin, and regard national origin and human origin as the same time.

Respondent: Qianman | Level II | 2007-1-1715:1| reporting.

Aries constellation

King Atamas of Filja married Princess Nipera, and they gave birth to twins. However, the king had an affair with Princess Ginova of Tebe, drove Princess Niepera out of the palace and welcomed Nova as the new princess.

When Princess Khynova had a child of her own, she decided to kill the only twin left by her predecessor, Princess Niepera (the elder brother is Prica and the younger sister is Hurley). She bribed the fortune teller to complain to the king: If the children born to the former princess are not sacrificed to Zeus, the gods will be furious and there will be famine this year. When Nipola knew about it, she asked Zeus for help, so Zeus sent the golden Aries in the sky to take her two brothers and sisters to heaven. On the other hand, because of the speed, my sister fell into the sea, and Aries looked back at her sister and guarded her brother, thus forming today's Aries.

Taurus constellation

One day, Zeus, the god of heaven, wandered in a certain country and suddenly saw that the princess in this country was very beautiful, which made Zeus unconsciously take a fancy to the god. After returning to heaven, he still remembers this beautiful princess. In the country where the princess belongs, there is a large beautiful pasture where countless cows graze and play. The princess often comes to this pasture to play with these lovely cows.

On a sunny morning, the princess appeared on the pasture as usual. While she was having fun with the cows, she suddenly found a singing cow among the cows. Its singing is very pleasant, like nature, attracting the princess to come to him unconsciously.

The princess fell in love with the cow as soon as she saw it. Because he not only sings perfectly, but also looks equally good. Just as the princess slowly leaned against the cow and sang with him, the cow suddenly picked up the princess and flew into the sky.

After a long flight, the cow finally stopped in a beautiful land, and then became a person to express his love to the princess. It turns out that this cow is the incarnation of Zeus. Because I couldn't help thinking about the princess day and night, I decided to confess to her.

The beautiful princess accepted Zeus' love and they returned to heaven to live together. Zeus named this land after the princess Europa to commemorate the land of confession. That land is today's European continent. The mythical story of Taurus is the love story depicted by the first of the twelve constellations, which breaks the common misunderstanding that Taurus lacks romance.