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What does chrysanthemum mean?

Chrysanthemum morifolium (commonly used chrysanthemum, Latin chrysanthemum), a perennial herb of Compositae, is a valuable ornamental flower cultivated by long-term artificial selection, also known as artistic chrysanthemum, with more than a thousand varieties. Chrysanthemum is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. It has been cultivated in China for more than 3000 years. Chrysanthemums from China were introduced to Europe in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. People in China like chrysanthemums very much. Since the Song Dynasty, there has been an annual Chrysanthemum Festival among the people. In ancient myths and legends, chrysanthemum was endowed with the meaning of good luck and longevity. Poets and painters of past dynasties in China wrote poems and painted many pictures with chrysanthemums as the theme. Therefore, a large number of literary and artistic works and chrysanthemum appreciation experiences in the past dynasties have left many excellent works for people, which will last forever.

Ornamental value

Chrysanthemum tea culture-related

Related Poems Chrysanthemum Flower Words Chrysanthemum Legend Chrysanthemum Legend 2 Chrysanthemum Flower Meeting Expert Treatment Suggestion Fang Zi chose to edit this paragraph simply.

Chrysanthemum-Primitive Plant

Chrysanthemum plays an important role in the production of cut flowers in the world. It is one of the four largest cut flowers in the world, and its output ranks first among the four cut flowers. Cut flowers should have neat patterns, flower diameter of 7- 12 cm, bright colors, no pests and diseases, dark green leaves, straight stems, height above 80cm and long water retention period. Cut chrysanthemum can be planted underground, with the plant spacing of 12- 13 cm and the row spacing of about 15cm. There are 50 plants per square meter, which need to be supported by nets to keep the plants upright. Chrysanthemum can promote and inhibit cultivation. In the season with long sunshine time, from 17 to 9: 00 the next morning, the sunshine lasts for 10 hours every day until flowering.

Huanghua, Jiuhua, Nvhua, Nissin, Jiehua, Zhuyu, Yanshouke, Yanlingke, Yin Wei, Shouke, Gengsheng, Jin Rui, Zhou Ying, Huang Rui and Jinqiuju. Xiaojin, Jiaju (another name for chamomile), Jinjing (another name for chamomile), Fuyannian, Bird Flower, Yueduo (another name for white chrysanthemum) and Guanxianghuang (another name for orange chrysanthemum).

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morphological character

Dendranthemamorifolium, a cultivated species of chrysanthemum in Compositae, is a valuable ornamental flower cultivated by long-term artificial selection, also known as artistic chrysanthemum, also known as treasure chrysanthemum. There are more than 1000 varieties. Perennial herbs. Plant height is 20-20-200cm, generally 30-90 ㎝. The stems are light green or brown, mostly erect branches except cliff chrysanthemum, and the base is semi-lignified. Simple leaves alternate, oval to oblong, with serrated edges. The head is terminal or axillary, and one or several flowers are clustered. The ligulate flower is female, and the tubular flower is bisexual. Tongue-shaped flowers are divided into four categories: flat, spoon-shaped, tubular and irregular, with rich colors, including red, yellow, white, ink, purple, green, orange, pink, brown, snow blue and light green. Tubular flowers have developed into "laurel petals" with various colors, such as red, yellow, white, purple, green, pink, multicolor and intermediate colors. Chrysanthemum (20 flowers) of various shapes and colors have different inflorescence sizes and shapes, including single petals and double petals; There are flat and spherical; There are long flocs, short flocs, flat flocs and rolled flocs; There are hollow and solid ones; There are straight, drooping, diverse styles and complex varieties. According to the flowering period, there are early chrysanthemums (from September (1 October to1month), late chrysanthemums (1February to1month), August chrysanthemums, July chrysanthemums and May chrysanthemums. According to the flower diameter, those with flower diameter 10 cm or more are called chrysanthemums, those with flower diameter 10-6 cm or less are called zhongju, and those with flower diameter less than 6 cm are called Xiao Ju. According to the type of valve, it can be divided into three types: flat valve, pipe valve and spoon valve.

Species classification

Chrysanthemum is known as "late blooming" and "Leng Xiang" because of its blooming in late autumn and rich fragrance. Classification: Compositae, Chrysanthemum-original plant.

Sometimes it is also the general name of all flower varieties in Compositae. Compositae is the largest family of seed plants, with 25,000 ~ 30,000 species, and there are many kinds of flowers, second only to orchids. There are more than 30 kinds of chrysanthemums, and 17 kinds are native to China, mainly including: wild chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, chamomile, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum and so on.

Place of production

Produced in Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan and Sichuan. Chrysanthemum in Tongxiang, Zhejiang and Florists Chrysanthemum at the foot of Huangshan Mountain are very famous. Boju produced in Bozhou, Anhui, Chuju in Chuzhou, Chuanju in Zhongjiang, Sichuan, Deju in Deqing, Zhejiang, and Huaiju in Jiyuan, Henan (one of the four major Huai medicines) all have high curative effects.

strange hobby

It is a perennial herb. I like cold, cold, growth temperature 18-2 1℃, underground roots are drought-tolerant, and waterlogging is the most taboo. I like high terrain, deep soil, rich humus, loose and fertile soil with good drainage. It can grow in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil. And Ph6.2-6.7 is the best. As a short-day plant, it grows nutritionally under the long sunshine of 14.5 hours every day. Darkness above 12 hours per day and night temperature of 10℃ are suitable for flower bud development.

Propagation and cultivation

Chrysanthemum is propagated by cutting, rameting, grafting and tissue culture. (1) Cutting can be divided into shoot cutting, twig cutting and leaf bud cutting. Cutting buds, cutting plant foot buds in autumn and winter for cutting. The standard for selecting buds is chrysanthemum, which is pink from the plant.

Far away, the buds are full. Remove the lower leaves, plant them in flowerpots or bed inserts in greenhouses or greenhouses according to the plant spacing of 3-4 cm and the row spacing of 4-5 cm, keep the room temperature at 7-8℃, and plant them outdoors after spring warming. Softwood cutting, which is the most widely used method, is usually carried out in April-May, with cuttings of 8- 10 cm as cuttings, which take root at the temperature of 18-2 1℃ for about 3 weeks, and then colonize for about 4 weeks. Insert the bed in the open field, the medium element is sand, and the bed should be shaded. All-optical spray bed is inserted without shadow. Leaf bud cutting, cutting a leaf with axillary buds from branches, is only used to propagate rare varieties. (2) Before and after Tomb-Sweeping Day, the plants were dug up, separated by roots according to their natural forms, and planted in other pots. After planting, spray a new high-fat film on the branches to make the plants survive quickly. (3) Grafting In order to make chrysanthemum grow strong, it can be used to make "Dianthus" or big chrysanthemum, and Artemisia annua or Artemisia annua can be used as rootstock for grafting. Artemisia seeds are sown in a greenhouse in late autumn, or raised in a hotbed in March. When the seedlings are 3-4 cm high in late April, they are moved to pots or planted in fields, and grafted in sunny days in May-June. (4) Tissue culture Using tissue culture technology to propagate chrysanthemum has the advantages of fast propagation, many seedlings, no virus, and maintaining variety characteristics. The basic culture medium is MS, with appropriate amount of plant hormones, pH5.8. Shoot tips, tender stems or buds of chrysanthemum are used as explants, which are cut into small pieces of 0.5 cm for inoculation. The temperature of the culture room is 25℃+65438 0℃. 8 hours a day, the light intensity is 3000-4000 lux. After 1-2 months of culture, seedlings can be induced. chrysanthemum

The cultivation and management of potted chrysanthemum (1) can be roughly summarized into three ways. The first-level root system cultivation method is often used in the Yangtze River, Pearl River basin and southwest China. That is, cutting in May. Pot plants in June, stop pinching in early August, strengthen fertilizer and water management to promote their growth in September,10-1flowering. There are five ways to pot chrysanthemum in different places: putting it in pots after cutting has the advantages of less root damage, positive color and long flowering period, but it is more labor-consuming; Plant the pot in a crock, cultivate the cuttings in a crock surrounded by three tiles, and dig out the pot when the flower buds are colored. This method is more labor-saving than the former, but it is easy to damage the roots when digging seedlings, and the quality of flowering period and flowers is not as good as the former; In-situ potted planting method, cuttage seedlings were planted on 20 photos of chrysanthemum bonsai in Gao Qi, and placed in a big hole pot in early July, so that the seedlings extended out of the hole, soil was added in stages, and underground roots were shoveled when the color was developed; Pot grafting method: sow Artemisia annua seedlings in March, graft chrysanthemum on Artemisia annua seedlings in May, and then manage according to pot cutting method. In this way, the plants are strong, the flowers are big and the flowers bloom early, but it takes a lot of labor. Through ground planting and pot grafting, the cultivated Artemisia annua seedlings were planted in the border in March, grafted in May, and moved into the pot when the buds were colored. Its advantages are convenient management, strong plantability and large flowers. The disadvantage is that the root injury is heavier. Two-stage root system cultivation is more common in Northeast China, and it is also applied in Jiangxi and Hunan. From May to June, after transplanting the stems, the seedlings are put into a pot after survival, and soil is added to the depth of the pot 1/3- 1/2. Stop pinching from late July to early August. After the lateral branches grow along the edge of the basin, adjust the height of the plant by the method of disk branches, fix the branches to make them evenly distributed and cover the upper part, and soon the roots will grow on the branches pressed by disk. When the branches grow to a certain height, they can be adjusted again and then fertile soil can be added. By this method, the chrysanthemum has neat and beautiful appearance, short plants, plump leaves, stout branches, large flowers and long flowering period. Because it takes root on the branches, it is called secondary root cultivation. Three-stage root system cultivation is a common cultivation method in northern China. It takes 1 1 year from winter stalk insertion to flowering in the next year. Beijing Yiju experts summarized the following four stages, namely, overwintering, primary election in late autumn and winter, cutting seedling and strong foot bud; Spring sowing: in mid-April, divide the seedlings into pots without adding fertilizer, put the common rotten leaves on the pots, fix the plates in summer, and promote the growth of foot buds by removing cores. When the foot buds unearthed in mid-July reach about 10cm, the seedlings with sound development and full buds are selected to be planted in pots and raised in autumn. In mid-July, the selected strong seedlings were moved into a pot with a diameter of 20-24 cm, and 0. Pour the chrysanthemum seedlings out of the small pot with a mound, plant them with the new buds as the center, cut off the redundant tillers, add soil to the depth of the original seedlings, and compact them. After changing pots, new plants and mother plants grow at the same time. After the new plants thrive, the old plants are cut down along with the soil. After cutting off the female parent, loosen it, fill it with common culture and add 20%-30% decomposed compost. By this time, the pot was already 80% full of fertile soil. 1 week later, the new roots of the third section came out, and the new and old sections formed strong roots. During the whole cultivation process, change pots 1 time, fill soil twice, and plant take root three times. (2) Cultivation and management of modeling chrysanthemums, that is, performing artistic processing on chrysanthemums to form specific patterns. Cliff chrysanthemum is generally selected from Xiao Ju. One end of the bent bamboo piece is inserted into the pot, and the other end is fixed on the frame. There are 20 pictures of traditional chrysanthemums in China, which make plants grow along bamboo slices and form a 45-degree angle with the ground. They are bound every 2-3 knots. The main branches are allowed to grow, and the side branches are repeatedly cored until the end of September. After sprouting, peel the buds several times and move them to a big pot for maintenance. Cliff chrysanthemum generally has a main branch about 1.5 meters long, which is placed beside the stone and on the rockery. The branches are drooping and there are many flowers, which are quite distinctive. For example, cutting must be carried out in July-August in advance, and the daily light consumption in August-March of the following year should be increased to more than 14 hour to inhibit the emergence of flower buds in that year. Because cliff chrysanthemum plants need more water and fertilizer to grow, they should be fully supplied. 1-2 years carefully cultivated large flower varieties with strong branches and soft branches, each plant can open dozens to thousands of flowers, suitable for exhibitions and halls. Power is cultivated by cutting. Extra-large chrysanthemums are generally grafted with mugwort and cultivated in long sunshine for 2 years. The key points of cuttage cultivation are as follows: In September, the robust foot buds with a length of 5- 10 cm are dug and inserted into shallow pots, and after rooting, they are moved to pots with a diameter of 12 cm to overwinter indoors. June 5438+the following year 10 moved to great basin. When the seedling has 7-9 leaves, leave 6-7 leaves for coring. Leave 3-4 lateral branches on the upper part, then leave 4-5 leaves on each lateral branch, and repeat coring. Planting plants after warm spring, coring every 20 days 1 time, and stopping at the beginning of August. Plant insert 1 thin bamboo, the trunk is fixed, and 4-5 bamboo poles are inserted around to tie the side branches. Moved into the big basin in early September. After beginning of autumn, we strengthened the management of water and fertilizer, and often peeled and peeled. When the diameter of the bud reaches 1- 1.5cm, make a flat-topped or hemispherical bamboo ring with bamboo pieces and tie it firmly to each post, and then tie it evenly to the pen ring with thin lead wire to continue maintenance. Chrysanthemums cultivated in this way can produce hundreds of flowers per plant. chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum morifolium (Caryophyllum odoratum) grafted chrysanthemums with different patterns and colors on Artemisia annua with a height of 3-5 meters. The main branches of the rootstock were not cut and allowed to grow, and the side branches were grafted layer by layer, which was dry and revolutionary. All kinds of flowers bloom at the same time, colorful and spectacular. When selecting scion varieties, attention should be paid to the coordination of flower pattern, color, flower size and the similarity of flowering period, so that the whole plant can be harmonious. The table chrysanthemum is short and big, which can be used to decorate the hall and several cases. It has the advantages of small floor space, short growth period and long viewing time. There are three main points in chrysanthemum cultivation: variety selection, timely seedling raising and hormone treatment. Short varieties with big flowers, plump patterns and thick leaves should be selected for Taiju, such as Lv Yun, Green Peony, Qi Shuai and Dancer under the Lamp. The suitable time for cutting seedling is August-September. When the root system is strong, move it into a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, apply sufficient fertilizer after 1 week, then gradually increase the fertilizer concentration, and stop applying fertilizer when the flower buds are transparent. Don't pour too much water every time. After the cuttings survive, they are treated with 2% chlormequat B9(N-2 methylaminobutyric acid) water solution, and treated every 10 day until the color appears, which can achieve dwarfing for 4-5 times. (3) Cultivation and Management of Cut Chrysanthemum The cut chrysanthemum ranks first among the "four cut flowers" in the world, accounting for about 30% of the total. Stamp chrysanthemum photo album (9 sheets) The annual supply of cut chrysanthemum flowers and the output of fresh cut chrysanthemum flowers must reach a balance every year. There are spring chrysanthemum, Xia Ju, autumn chrysanthemum and winter chrysanthemum (cold chrysanthemum) cultivated conventionally, and there are many varieties. In the month when chrysanthemums don't bloom, the supply problem is solved by artificially delaying the flowering period. The flower bud differentiation and flowering of chrysanthemum are related to the number of leaves, plant height, sunshine and temperature. Flower bud differentiation needs to grow to about 10 leaves, the plant height is more than 25 cm, and it takes 45-60 days to bloom. Generally, the flower buds of autumn chrysanthemum and winter chrysanthemum differentiate rapidly in short days (10-15 days), but not in long days. However, the flower buds of Xia Ju varieties can be differentiated under the condition of long-term old photos. Under conventional cultivation conditions, Xia Ju's latest flowering varieties in Guangzhou are June Yellow, June White, Guifeihong and so on. However, due to the high temperature in summer and strong daily use, these varieties should also be placed in the shade when they bloom. The earliest flowers of autumn chrysanthemum are Zaohuang, Zaobai, Baixiezhao and Huangnijin, which usually bloom in late June of 1 1 or early October of1. July, August, September, June, 5438+ 10, artificial lighting or shading, temperature and humidity adjustment, etc. It can make the autumn chrysanthemum blossom ahead of time and delay the flowering in Xia Ju, so that the production of cut flowers can be balanced in batches throughout the year. For artificial lighting, generally, 65438 000-watt or 60-watt bulbs are hung at 65438 0 meters above plants, and the lighting area of each lamp is 4 square meters. There are three methods of lighting and shading: one is intermittent or short-term lighting, that is, adding 0.5- 1 hour in the dark, and the other is dark treatment for several hours during the day (shading during the day); Third, add light in advance in the morning and evening to increase the sunshine hours, or shade to extend the dark time. Beihai chrysanthemum exhibition

The most important thing is to choose fertile sandy loam with good drainage. There are about 6,000 cut flowers per mu in the auxiliary field, that is, 8-9 plants per square meter. Leave 5 branches per plant, pick the heart 20 days after planting, peel off the lateral buds frequently, and peel off the buds in time at the budding stage. About 30,000 cut flowers can be harvested per mu. Common diseases include brown spot, black spot, powdery mildew and root rot. The pathogens of the above diseases are fungi, which are caused by high soil humidity and poor drainage and ventilation. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a place with good ecological conditions for cultivation, pay attention to drainage, remove diseased plants and leaves, and burn residual roots. Potted soil should be disinfected with 1: 8 formalin solution, and bordeaux solution, 80% wettable zineb solution or 50% wettable thiophanate solution should be sprayed during the growth period. Pests include aphids, red spiders, inchworm, crested tiger, grubs, liriomyza sativae larvae and so on, which can be controlled by artificial killing and spraying.

Variety classification

There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, and flower heads can be used as medicine. They taste bitter, slightly cold, dispel wind, clear away heat and detoxify. This is medicinal chrysanthemum. According to the shape of dried flower heads and the length of tongue-shaped flowers, medicinal chrysanthemums can be divided into four categories, namely, chrysanthemum morifolium, chrysanthemum morifolium, chrysanthemum morifolium and chrysanthemum morifolium. In each category, it is named after the country of origin. Among the white chrysanthemums, Bo Chrysanthemum produced in Bo County, Anhui Province has the best quality, followed by Huai Chrysanthemum in Wuzhi, Henan Province, Chuan Chrysanthemum in Zhongjiang, Qi Chrysanthemum in Anguo, Hebei Province and De Chrysanthemum in Deqing, Zhejiang Province. chrysanthemum

Because of the long history of chrysanthemum cultivation, there is a general record and classification of chrysanthemum varieties in China in the past dynasties-the emergence of Chrysanthemum Spectrum. 1967, Tang Zhonghao put forward a relatively complete classification of chrysanthemum varieties. According to the size of flower diameter, he divided them into two areas: starry sky and big flowers. Then, according to the ratio of the number of tongue-shaped flowers and tubular flowers in the head, he divided them into tongue-shaped flowers and tubular flowers in various regions, and finally divided them into categories and types according to the type and degree of petals. There are three and four types of tongue-shaped flowers in Mantianxing area: flat petal type: ① flat petal Xiao Ju type; Spoon type: ② Spoon type Xiao Ju type, ③ Honeycomb Xiao Ju type; Valve type: ④ Xiao Ju valve type. Disc flower system has 1 type and 2 types: supporting column type: ⑤ flat column Xiao Ju type, ⑤ tubular column Xiao Ju type. There are four types of ligulate flower system in large flower area, 2 1 type: flat petal type: ⑦ wide petal type, ⑧ peony type, ⑨ rolled petal type; Stipules: ⑩ rosette type, (1 1) rolling type, (12) dancing lotus type, (13) spherical type, (14) dancing ball type; Valve types: (15) disc type, (16) sparse type, (17) spherical type, (18) feathery type, (19) dry needle type and (20) twisted type. There are three types of disc-flower system: flat-petal supporting column; (28) flat-petal supporting column; Spoon type: (29) Spoon type; Tubular valve support column; (30) Pipe flap pillar type. 1982 The classification seminar of chrysanthemum varieties of China Horticultural Society Flower Bonsai Association made a unified definition of the classification of chrysanthemums, which was divided into 5 categories and 30 types. They are: (1) flat petals: broadband, lotus, peony, flat, rolling and overlapping balls; (2) Spoon petals: spoon lotus, sparrow tongue, beehive, rosette, roll and spoon ball; (3) Tube petals: single tube, feather tube, tube disc, pine needle, sparse tube, tube ball, silk wool, flying flower, hook and loop, bead tube and needle tube; (4) Cinnamon: Osmunda japonica, Osmunda japonica, Osmunda japonica and Osmunda japonica; (5) Deformed valve: African claw, burr and shear. Taxonomists have different views on the ancestors of chrysanthemum, either that wild chrysanthemum is the ancestor of chrysanthemum, or that Dendranthema Lavan-chamomile is the ancestor. The origin of chrysanthemum is not a unit, which can not be summarized by simple phylogenetic method. Note: There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, but they should not be mixed, otherwise it will be easy to cross-plant and affect the quality.

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The chemical constituents of flowers include adenine, choline, stachydrine, buddleine (acacia -7- acacia -7- glucoside), luteolin -7- glucoside, cosmosiin, Robinia pseudoacacia -7- glucoside and bougainvillea. It also contains volatile oil, mainly including pyrethrone, borneol, bornyl acetate and so on. It also contains anthocyanin -3- propionyl glucoside (6-c- propionyl-β-glucopyranoside). Physical and chemical identification: take this product 1g, slice it, and add it. Ultrasonic treatment for 65438 00 minutes, removing petroleum ether, volatilizing residue, adding dilute hydrochloric acid 65438 0 ml and ethyl acetate 50ml, ultrasonic treatment for 30 minutes, filtering, evaporating the filtrate, adding methanol 2ml to dissolve the residue, taking chlorogenic acid as reference substance, adding ethanol to make a solution containing 0.5mg per 65438 0 ml. As a control solution, 0.5 ~ 1 μ l of the above two solutions were absorbed on the same polyamide membrane, and the upper solution toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid-glacial acetic acid-water (2:30:2:2:4) was used as the developing agent, which was unfolded, taken out, dried and examined under an ultraviolet lamp (365nm). 0.lmol/l sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer [take 15.6g sodium dihydrogen phosphate (nah2po4.2h20) and add water to 1000ml to make 0. Lmol/l solution, adding proper amount of human phosphoric acid to make pH 2.7]- methanol (70:30) as mobile phase. The detection wavelength is 328 nm ... According to the chlorogenic acid peak, the theoretical plate number should be no less than 2500. Preparation of Reference Solution Accurately weigh the appropriate amount of chlorogenic acid reference substance, put it in a brown volumetric flask, and add water to make a solution containing 0.65438±0mg per 65438±0ml. The product was obtained (stored below 65438 00℃). Preparation of test solution: Take this product powder (passing through 1 sieve) about 1g (and take this product powder for moisture determination at the same time), weigh it accurately, put it in a conical flask, add 50ml of methanol accurately, weigh it, heat and reflux for 2 hours, cool it, weigh it again, make up the weight loss with methanol, shake it evenly, and filter it. Evaporating to dryness, adding 5ml chloroform to the residue, soaking for 3min, discarding chloroform solution, volatilizing chloroform in the residue, adding appropriate amount of water to dissolve, transferring to 5ml volumetric flask, adding water to scale, shaking well, and filtering with microporous membrane (0.45μm) to obtain the product (which should be determined on the same day). Determination method: Accurately suck the control solution and the test solution 10gl respectively and inject them into the liquid chromatograph. This product contains chlorogenic acid (C 16H 18O9) not less than 0.20%. Research progress of component analysis: slightly pharmacological action 1. Antibacterial effect: 100% decoction is prepared by plate trenching method and used to treat Shigella sonnei, Proteus, typhoid Bacillus and paratyphoid Bacillus. 100% decoction has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus B, and 1:50 decoction has inhibitory effect on human tuberculosis. 2. Cardiovascular effect: The decoction has obvious effects of dilating coronary artery and increasing coronary flow in isolated rabbit heart perfusion, and it increases with the increase of dosage (when the dosage is 65438±0g, the coronary flow of in vivo dog heart increases by about 40% on average, and the myocardial oxygen consumption increases by 27%. It can alleviate the ST segment depression of ischemic ECG caused by stimulating the brain center of rabbits, but the ECG heart rate and R wave amplitude are either unchanged or slowed down and strengthened. Intravenous injection of 2.0 ~ 5.6g/kg chrysanthemum water extract (alcohol precipitate) can obviously alleviate the degree of myocardial ischemia in anesthetized rabbits, and intraperitoneal injection of 2g/kg can improve the tolerance of mice to decompression and hypoxia.

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Traditional Top Ten Classic Chrysanthemum Green Peony Moju (Mohe) Qi Shuai Lv Yun Red Skirt Green Skirt Ten Curtains West Lake Liu Yue Phoenix Jin Woo Huangshigong Yuhuchun Other famous products are: Snowstorm Moon, Golden Light, Golden Back Red, Xinyu Peacock, Yutang Golden Horse, Independent Cold Autumn, Wheat Wave, Spotted Jade Bamboo Shoots, Wofuchen, Fangxiqiuyu, Taizhen Xiaoxiao, Xuegaihongmei, Huangyingcui and Lang Mai. In addition, there is a famous chrysanthemum in Europe and America, whose name is unknown ... The last article of Notes on Nest Forest lists excellent varieties, namely: Huang Wei, Hongzhuang, Zizhuang, Pine Needle, Duanjin, Crane Ridge, Pine Seed, Bee Bell, Lion Man, Crab Claw, Golden Nest, Yin Chao, Mipo, Moonlight, Qingxinbai and Pinzi. Chrysanthemum (16 petal chrysanthemum) was designated as the national flower by the Japanese royal family. In addition, the national flower of Italy is daisy, the national flower of Germany and Malta is cornflower, the national flower of Denmark is cornflower, and the national flower of Latvia is cornflower.

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For the public.

Chrysanthemum is cool, people with qi deficiency and stomach cold, people who eat less, and people with diarrhea should use it with caution.

Sexual taste orientation

Bitter, sweet and bitter; Slightly cold. Enter lung meridian and liver meridian. ★ Note: This flower head is toxic to a certain extent, and it is also true for human beings. But the good news is that although touching chrysanthemums can make people feel a little pain and swelling, doctors will only treat it as a general allergy or inflammation. Chrysanthemum and wild chrysanthemum are different, and their medicinal properties are very different. Chrysanthemum indicum is slightly toxic, which can cause loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. This is chrysanthemum, not wild chrysanthemum. Its function is to dispel wind and clear heat, calm the liver and improve eyesight. Used for wind-heat cold, headache, dizziness, red eyes, swelling and pain, blurred vision. Efficacy 1 chrysanthemum hawthorn tea: Take chrysanthemum 10g and add hawthorn and honeysuckle 10g to drink tea, which can remove blood stasis and reduce blood fat, cool and reduce blood pressure, lose weight and keep fit, and is suitable for patients with obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. There are three kinds of scented tea: chrysanthemum, honeysuckle and jasmine. Soaking tea in water can clear away heat and detoxify, and is suitable for preventing and treating wind-heat cold, sore throat and carbuncle. And even if you take it often, it can reduce the fire, and it has the effect of calming your mind and thinking quietly. 3 chrysanthemum honey drink: 50 grams of chrysanthemum, 20 ml of water, simmer for 30 minutes, filter, add appropriate amount of honey, mix well and drink. Has the effects of nourishing liver, improving eyesight, promoting fluid production, quenching thirst, clearing away heart fire, strengthening brain, and moistening intestine. Chrysanthemum tea made from chrysanthemum tea and fine oolong tea is a necessary tea for office workers who are exposed to electronic pollution every day. Because this kind of tea has the function of detoxification, it has the function of resisting and eliminating harmful chemicals and radioactive substances accumulated in the body. 4 Take chrysanthemum 10g and tea 3g and brew them together to prevent and treat early hypertension. 5 Take chrysanthemum 10g, mulberry leaf 5g and loquat leaf 5g, grind them into coarse powder, and brew them with boiling water instead of tea, which can prevent autumn bath and is suitable for eating after symptoms such as fever, dry throat, dry mouth and cough caused by autumn dryness invading the lungs. It can also prevent influenza, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, mumps and chickenpox. 6 chamomile, its taste is sweet, especially the big white chrysanthemum or small white chrysanthemum produced in Suzhou and Hangzhou, drink with about 3 grams of tea every time. You can also use chrysanthemum and honeysuckle to decoct tea, which has the effects of calming the liver and improving eyesight, clearing away heat and detoxifying. After a meal, five or six chrysanthemums can quench thirst and produce saliva. Eight-treasure chrysanthemum tea: honeysuckle 15g, dried tangerine peel 5g, boat-fruited Sterculia 1 piece (unnecessary, because it will cause loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea), a little rock sugar, a little hawthorn, 5g organic green tea and two red dates, which can be eaten after soaking in boiling water for 5 minutes, calming the liver and improving eyesight, and clearing away heat and toxic materials (available in supermarkets) 9. Dense Chrysanthemum Bath "Beauty for Chinese and Foreign Women" Boil chrysanthemums in water, add a few drops of honey for 20 minutes and take a bath. It can moisturize and wrinkle.

Therapeutic value

The flower head of Chrysanthemum morifolium in Compositae. Also known as chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, chamomile, chrysanthemum, stevia, medicinal chrysanthemum. Widely cultivated in central, eastern and southwestern China. Huai Ju produced in Henan, Chu Ju or Bo Ju produced in Anhui, Hang Ju produced in Zhejiang and Chuan Ju produced in Sichuan. Harvest in autumn when flowers bloom, dry in the sun or evaporate; Fresh products are also acceptable. 【 Description 】 It tastes slightly pungent, bitter and slightly cold. It can disperse wind and heat, clear liver, improve eyesight, calm liver yang and detoxify. [Reference] Contains inulin, adenine, amino acids, stachydrine, choline, flavonoids, vitamin A-like substances and vitamin B1; Contains volatile oil, mainly pyrethrone, borneol, bornyl acetate, etc. Has sedative and antipyretic effects. It has inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus B, Shigella, Typhoid Bacillus, Paratyphoid Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, human tuberculosis and influenza virus. It can obviously dilate coronary artery and increase blood flow. Can enhance the resistance of capillaries. Chrysanthemum glycoside has antihypertensive effect. [Usage] Used for treating common cold, wind-heat, fever and dizziness; There is heat in the liver meridian; Red eyes and tears, or liver and kidney yin deficiency, blurred vision; Hyperactivity of liver yang, dizziness and headache; Pain and swelling. Modern is also used for coronary heart disease and hypertension. [Usage] Make tea, decoct soup, soak in wine, or take pills or powder. [Attachment] 1, Sangju mint tea: chrysanthemum 6g, mint 9g, honeysuckle 10g, mulberry leaf 10g, soaked in boiling water instead of tea. This prescription uses chrysanthemum, mulberry leaves and mint to dispel wind and clear heat, clear heat and benefit brain, and honeysuckle clears heat and detoxifies. Used for colds, fever, dizziness, red eyes and sore throat. 2. Chrysanthemum cassia seed tea: Chrysanthemum 10g, fried cassia seed 12g. Soak in boiling water. The compatibility of chrysanthemum and cassia seed has good effects of clearing liver, improving eyesight, calming liver and suppressing yang. For liver heat, red eyes, shame, tears, dizziness; Or hyperactivity of liver yang, dizziness. 3. Ju Jing Pill: Chrysanthemum120g, Lycium barbarum 90g, Cistanche deserticola 60g and Morinda officinalis 30g. Grinding into fine powder, refining honey into pills, 6g each time, and taking with warm water. From Hutchison Fang Ju. Lycium barbarum is an important medicine for nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, while Cistanche deserticola and Morinda officinalis can nourish liver and kidney essence blood, which can be seen when injected into the eyes and help to improve eyesight; Chrysanthemum and medlar are used together, which has the effect of nourishing the liver and improving eyesight. Used for liver and kidney deficiency and blurred eyes. 4. Mulberry hawthorn tea: chrysanthemum 5g, honeysuckle 5g, hawthorn 5g, mulberry leaf 10g. 3~4 times, each time soaked in boiling water, without tea. This prescription uses mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum and honeysuckle to clear away heat and calm the liver, and hawthorn to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; Mulberry leaves, chrysanthemum and hawthorn can lower blood pressure, chrysanthemum and hawthorn can dilate coronary artery and increase blood flow, and hawthorn and honeysuckle can lower serum cholesterol. Can be used for treating coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis with liver fever. 5. Chrysanthemum and licorice soup: chrysanthemum 120g, licorice 12g. Decoct in water for 3-4 time. Originated from ten techniques. This recipe uses chrysanthemum and licorice to clear heat and detoxify, so it is used in a large amount for fear that the efficacy is not enough. Used for furuncle swelling and pain.