Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the pronunciations and explanations of these two words?

What are the pronunciations and explanations of these two words?

"Yi+Zhou" is an uncommon word, see online dictionary /zd/zi2/ZdicE3ZdicA8Zdic84.htm Pinyin: zhào tiáo zhūu not u. 1, zhào Stingo. 2. Tiao. 1 pick2. 3. Zhu dialect, lifting or lifting heavy objects from one side or one end. The above pronunciations and definitions: ① See Chinese Dictionary 1902; (2) see "China Ci Hai" on page 346; ③ Dictionary of Chinese Dialects (5365 pages).


Pinyin: shé dié yè


Basic word meaning

1, ancient yarrow was counted to predict good or bad luck.

2. accumulate.

3. take it.

Detailed word meaning


1, change a few things according to a fixed number and divide them into equal parts. In ancient times, yarrow count was often used as divination to predict good or bad luck.

Yes, read it. From Shuo Wen

"Four times" is like four times. -"Yi copula"

2. Another example is yarrow. The ancients used the divination method of counting the stems of yarrow to predict good or bad luck, which was called "Gege" and "Hammer" (describing the cry of crickets)

3. The word "she". Give up the piano [abandon; Give up]

Is there such an unreasonable thing? "Desperate to know him! -"Surprise moment"

4. See also Dieu.


Basic word meaning

1, fold: "Idle ~ dance clothes are not returned, come to the anvil at night."

Detailed word meaning


1, fold [fold]

If you don't return your leisure dance clothes, you will come to the Sixth Palace at night. -Don Liu Jia's "Nagato Complaint"

2. Same as "[trot]".

3. See also shé.

used at the end of a sentence

Basic word meaning

1, dustpan tongue (refers to the plate extending forward at the bottom of dustpan).

2. Make the object thinner.