Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Tarot fool's journey

Tarot fool's journey

Tarot cards are generally composed of 22 big Akana cards and 56 small Akana cards, with a total of 78 cards, each of which has a unique and exquisite pattern and meaning. Each of the 22 Grand Akana cards represents a certain character or experience, and we must combine these characters or experiences to fully understand ourselves, so as to complete the growth of our inner world. This growing process is called "the journey of fools". The main cards are: No.0 Fool Card, 1 Magician, No.2 Priestess, No.3 Queen, No.4 Emperor, No.5 Pope, No.6 Lover, No.7 Chariot, No.8 Power, No.9 Hermit, 10 Wheel of Destiny, 18 Justice. Tower 16, star 17, month 18, day 19, trial 20, world 2 1.

The journey of fools is from the last experience to the next. Seemingly smooth and orderly progress, our learning path is not like this. We made mistakes, evaded difficulties and failed to realize our potential. Sometimes we lack courage and insight and can't explore the depths of our hearts. Some people have never heard "hermits" call them to reflect on their hearts; Some people have never experienced the crisis represented by the "tower", and this crisis experience may free them from self-defense. Many times we try to overcome difficulties, but we fail again and again. The lesson of "hanging people"-it is difficult to learn to give up and accept the feeling of failure. Before we fully understand it, we may have to face it again and again. The courses we study are often out of order. A person with a hard childhood life may learn the quality of "strength" in advance, but he must learn the dominance and control of "chariot" in the future. A person who lives in seclusion may be able to overcome the temptation of the "devil" and not pursue fame and fortune, but sooner or later he will have to make up for the "lover" class. A Fool's Journey describes many levels and patterns of life experience and summarizes the whole process of growth, no matter whether these processes occur in a certain period of life or the whole life. It can be said that a person's life is just an episode in the history of the development of our soul. No matter how we explore ourselves, A Fool's Journey tells us that life should be complete and full. If we use one sentence to guide life, then we will eventually realize our true selves and finally get a wise and fulfilling "world".

Fool (0)

Let's start with the fool (0), that is, the "start" card. A fool refers to each of us who begins the journey of life. She is called a fool because she has a simple heart and a naive attitude towards a life full of disasters and pains.

At the beginning of the journey, the fool is a newborn, inexperienced, open and spontaneous. In the picture on card 0, his arms are open and his head is held high. He is always ready to meet anything that comes to him, but he also forgets that he is standing on the edge of a cliff and needs to be crossed. A fool doesn't realize the difficulties he will encounter in starting his life journey and learning experience.

Fools are a little different from other cards in the Great Ana, and 0 is an unusual number. It is at the center of the whole digital system and the balance point of Yin and Yang. From birth, a fool is placed at the center of his own world. Strangely, she is hollow (just like the number 0), but full of desire to make progress and learn.

Magicians and Priestesses (1), (2)

At first, the fool met the magician (1) and the priestess (2), who are the most important balance forces in the perceptual world. It is the expression of the material world. As long as we define some features, we can automatically activate its opposite.

The magician stands on the positive side. He expressed the courage of an active and creative person. At the same time, he also has self-awareness. Magicians represent a kind of power, which enables us to influence the world through the control and strength of personal will. On the negative side, the headmistress expressed a mysterious wisdom and provided a breeding ground for trouble. Female leaders are our undiluted potential strength, waiting for some opportunities to get some hints.

Neither positive nor negative leads to "good" or "bad" There is no artificial difference in tarot cards. Magicians and female leaders are absolutely equal in value and importance. Any one is for the need of balance. We may think that the negative is the shadow, but without the shadow, we can't see the sun, just as we can't create without the potential soil.

Queen (3)

When a fool grows up, he will become more and more aware of his environment. Like many babies, the first thing she knows is his mother, a warm and considerate woman who cares for him. She also knows Mother Earth, and she raised him to a great extent.

Queen (3) represents nature and feelings. In the process of talking about the world, babies are very interested in what they touch, taste and smell. He can't get enough sight and hearing to confuse his perception. Naturally, Mother Earth's rich products support us, and we are very happy.

Emperor (4)

The last person a fool saw was his father, the emperor (4). He represents self-control and leadership. When a baby leaves his mother's arms, he must learn from the example in his world. Predictable, the goal can be explored. Children can get a new pleasure in the process of discovering the law.

Even fools conform to the rules. He realized that his wishes are not always the most important, and some actions are necessary for his happiness. Some people in power enforce such rules. These restrictions are frustrating, but through father's persuasion, fools begin to understand their intentions.

Pope (5)

The fool finally left home and came to the wider world. He can easily accept the beliefs and rules in culture and start his formal education. Pope (5) represents a complete belief system, which surrounds and influences the growing children.

Children are cultivated in the society in which they live, and gradually form a certain cultural view and world outlook. He learned to distinguish groups and find a sense of belonging. He is willing to learn the rules of his society and shows that he can abide by them well.

Lovers (6)

Then, the fool faces two new challenges. He felt a strong attraction from the opposite sex. In the past, it was basically self-centered, but now it is beginning to feel the trend of balance. As described by lover (6), he is gradually becoming one of the lovers. He is also eager for such a relationship.

A fool's decision is also influenced by his own beliefs. In the process of his study and growth, he always follows his own beliefs well, but at some point, if he thinks he is right, he will make a decision according to his own values, and then he will begin to question the opinions he accepts.

Chariot (7)

At this point, the fool has begun to grow up and has a strong ability to distinguish and control himself. Through discipline and willpower, his self-restraint ability has been greatly improved, which also makes him very successful in the real world.

Chariot card (7) represents the career success, self-confidence and ambition of fools. In Card 7, we see a proud and condescending chariot pattern galloping triumphantly. He can tangibly control him and everything he has in these years. Fools are overconfident about the success they want to achieve, and some are self-satisfied. Usually, chariot cards represent young people with faith.

Power (8)

For a long time, fools have to face all kinds of new challenges in life, some of which will bring pain and disillusionment. So many times, he must have the courage to face the challenge. In this process, he should have the courage to solve difficulties and keep moving forward even if he encounters setbacks.

Fools will gradually develop the good qualities of patience and endurance. He realized that the way of forcibly giving orders like a chariot should be coordinated in a more elegant and friendly way. Sometimes, intense feelings can't appear on the surface, especially when a fool thinks he has everything, he should learn to control himself.

Hermit (9)

Sooner or later, fools will ask themselves the old question "why". He began to seek the answer by himself, not only out of curiosity, but also because he wanted to know from the bottom of his heart, if people died just for suffering, why should they live? Hermit (9) represents the necessity of seeking deeper truth. Fools begin to meditate, trying to understand their feelings and motives. Secular motives didn't appeal to him much, and he began to stay away from secular colorful activities and look for a moment of loneliness. At some point, he may meet a teacher or a tour guide and give him some suggestions and directions.

Wheel of Destiny (10)

After many spiritual explorations, fools began to realize how everything was related. He has his own views on the rich design, intricate things and reincarnation in the world. The wheel of destiny (10) is a symbol of the mysterious world, and every part of it is running in harmony. When a fool glimpses the beauty and order of the world, it may be just the tip of the iceberg, but if he persists so much, he will find the answer he has been looking for.

Sometimes, the experience of a fool seems to be fate. An opportunity or an incredible thing will lead to a change of fate. A fool may think that his fate is the result of a series of things, each of which pushes him to a turning point. When he feels lonely, he will be ready to change and act again. He has a broader vision, and he puts himself in a bigger plan. His purpose has been restored.

Justice (1 1)

Causality that leads to a certain point. He is responsible for his past actions, corrects his mistakes and makes the future develop in a better direction. Justice (1 1) is necessary to clear the way for the future. It's time for a fool to make a decision. He is making an important decision. Is he willing to keep a correct view, or return to a simpler road that is not closely related to future development?

Hanging people (12)

In fact, the fool bravely moved on. He is determined to realize his dream, but he also realizes that life is not that simple. He knows that one day he will face a crossroads, and the fool must now decide what these things mean to him personally. Looking back on his past life, chasing seems to be an unbearable experience. This great challenge dampened his confidence. Finally, he had no choice but to give up and let it develop.

First of all, fools will feel depressed and lost. He thought he had sacrificed everything, but what he finally learned was an amazing fact. He found that when he gave up trying to control it, everything would run as usual. Because the mind is open and vulnerable to attack, fools find incredible support in themselves. He began to learn to compromise with some experiences instead of fighting to the end. He felt a strange pleasure and began to drift with the flow.

Fools feel impetuous for a long time, lacking sense of urgency and pressure. In fact, his world has started to fluctuate and become unstable. A fool is like a hanged man (12). They are tortured on the surface, but in fact they are calm and serene inside.

Death (13)

Fools are now beginning to get rid of some old habits and ways that are easy to get tired. He neglected unimportant things because he wanted to enjoy the basic life. When he put the habits he lost in those years behind him, he will come to an end. This process seems to be dying, but just as the death of his family also promoted the growth of a new life. Sometimes, this heartless change is fatal to a fool, but in the end he will further realize that death (13) is not an eternal state. Just a new and more feasible way to change your life.

Temperance (14)

Since believing the hermit's words, the fool has swung back and forth in the emotional world. Now, he realizes the importance of moderation (14), which can bring balance, coordination and enhance stability. He found true balance and equality. After experiencing some extreme states, he appreciated reason more. A fool combines all aspects of himself into one center. Better maintain a healthy mental state. Compared with the powerful and strict ruler on the chariot (Card 7), which angel on Card 14 is more elegant and gentle? It takes a long time for a fool to realize a harmonious life.

Demon (15)

The fool is now healthy, calm and elegant. What else does he need? Fools should be brave and continue to pursue the highest realm of personality. He will fight the devil at close range soon (13).

The devil is not an evil thing, it is not far away from us. He is a combination of ignorance and despair, and each of us exists to some extent. The lure of the material world attracts us so much that we often don't realize that we are his slaves.

If our experience is limited and we don't realize that the illustrious world is the real tradition. A pair of cards 15 are locked together, but both of them agree that they are easy to get rid of, but they don't understand that they are bound. They look like lovers, but they don't realize that their love is confined to a very narrow range. The price of this ignorance is the essence of despair.

Tower (16)

How can a fool break free from the devil's clutches? Can he use his influence? A fool may be liberated by an accidental opportunity, which is represented by the tower (16). This tower is our inner fortress. The fortress is dark, cold and strong. It seems to protect us, but it is actually a prison that imprisons itself.

Sometimes, just an extraordinary event can generate huge energy to destroy towers. On the card 16, we can see a strong light shining on the tower, directly on the residents in the tower. He is teetering and seems to be dying soon. The crown implies that they used to be proud of being rulers, but now they look humble in the face of greater power.

Fools need such drastic changes if they want to liberate themselves, but it turns out that this painful experience is worthwhile. The darkness in despair disappears instantly, and the light of truth shines on people.

Chen Xing (17)

The fool's heart is full of peace: the beautiful sight on the star (17) proves this peace. The woman on the card 17 is naked, and her soul is no longer disguised. The stars shine in the cloudless sky of Wan Li, just like a beacon of hope and soul.

Fools sincerely pray that trust completely replaces the negative power of the devil. He is confident and full of confidence in the future. His heart is full of gratitude, and his only wish is to share his generosity with the rest of the world. He has an open mind and selfless dedication to love. For fools, the calm after the storm is an incredible moment.

Moon (18)

What will disturb this peace? Does the fool have to face another challenge? In fact, it is his own prayer that makes him vulnerable to the illusion of the moon (18). A fool's happiness is just an emotional state. His positive feelings are not real and clear. In his dreams, people tend to fantasize, and the description of reality is easily distorted. The moon inspires creative imagination. It urges people to have strange and beautiful fantasies unintentionally, and at the same time, it also produces deep fear, doubt and anxiety. These phenomena may cause people to feel lost and confused.

Sun (19)

The brightness of the sun (19) will guide the imagination of fools. The sun shines on every sheltered place. He dispelled the dark clouds of fear and doubt. It will glow and heat. Fools can not only feel but also understand the beauty of the world.

Now, he is content with his energy and enthusiasm in generate. The fool in Card 19 is a naked baby, happily facing every new day, and there is no challenge to make him cringe. The fool felt the exuberant vitality, and he began to participate in some noble undertakings and devoted himself wholeheartedly. He can realize his greatness.

Trial (20)

Fools are born again. He abandoned his false conceit, radiant and showed his true self. He realized that the center of life is happiness, not fear.

The fool felt saved. He forgave himself and others, and he thought his true self was precious. He may regret his past mistakes, but he also knows that these mistakes all come from ignorance in human nature. He feels that his soul has been washed, rejuvenated and ready for a new beginning.

It's time for a fool to make a deeper judgment on his life. The date calculated by myself is coming. Because he can really see himself now, he can make necessary decisions about the future. He can choose wisely which values to cherish and which to discard.

The angel on the card 20 is a fool's deeper self. Call on him to improve himself and fulfill his promise. He found his real job, which is why he entered this state of life. Doubt and hesitation disappeared, and he was ready to work hard to realize his dream.

World (2 1)

The fool enters the world again (2 1) but this time he has a more comprehensive understanding of life. He fused his different things together and reached a unified state. He entered a new realm of happiness and satisfaction.

A fool's life experience is complete and meaningful. The future is full of endless promises. He follows personal principles and actively integrates into the world. By exerting one's unique wisdom and talents, one can contribute one's strength in one's own field of endeavor and strive for success. Because what he did came from the heart, the whole world witnessed that his efforts were rewarded. He achieved a lot (the first card).