Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Seek a short story with profound philosophy

Seek a short story with profound philosophy

(1) Stupid bird

Nowadays, in front of the window of an uninhabited house, an unknown bird always visits on time every day. From a distance, I saw it standing on the windowsill, hitting the glass window with its head, and then it was always knocked back to the windowsill. But it persisted, hitting it for ten minutes every day, then falling back to the windowsill and leaving at once. People were curious and guessed that it was probably to enter that room, and next to the windowsill where the bird stood, another window was wide open, so they came to the conclusion that it was a big stupid bird.

It was not until one day that a nosy person brought a telescope that the truth came out: the window glass was covered with the bodies of small fireflies, and the birds ate happily.

Everyone was in an uproar. People always like to impose their own way of thinking on others, self-righteous.

(2) Fate

One day, the angel of God came to this world, and he met a monk who was divining the future for two children. I saw the monk pointing to one of the children and saying "No.1 scholar" and pointing to another child and saying "beggar".

Twenty years later, the angel of God came to earth again and saw the two children. As a result, he was puzzled: the original "champion" has now become a beggar, but the original "beggar" has become a champion.

So the messenger went to ask God.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone only determines one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it."

Life is like this. ...

(3) be quiet.

Someone gave two painters a question entitled "Quiet" and asked them to draw a picture expressing the same theme.

The first painter drew a lake, very calm, like a mirror. In addition, he drew some flowers and plants from distant mountains and lakes to make them reflect in the water.

The second painter painted a waterfall with a small tree and a bird's nest on its branches. There is a bird in the nest. The bird is sleeping peacefully.

People naturally say that the second painter painted very well, because it really understood the meaning of silence; The lake painted by the first painter is still, but it is just a stagnant pool.

Life is the same.

Many times, life needs us to keep a calm heart, but if our heart is like a lake, it will inevitably hide evil people and be distorted. On the other hand, a bird can sleep quietly by a rushing waterfall. It must be arrogant, saving its strength and waiting for an opportunity to fly.

Even in a busy city, you can keep a calm heart, be arrogant, obedient and have no regrets. This is the great realm of life.

Please do not open the wrong window.

A girl is lying on the windowsill of her bedroom. What she saw was that her neighbor was burying a puppy. This puppy is so cute that little girls often play with it. Seeing the tragic death of the puppy, the little girl could not help but burst into tears and was heartbroken. When her grandfather saw this scene, he took the little girl to another room and opened another window. Looking out from this window, it is a rose garden, sunny and fragrant with birds and flowers. The little girl's melancholy dark clouds were swept away and her mood suddenly brightened up.

The old man lovingly said to his granddaughter, "Son, you opened the wrong window."

In the journey of life, don't we often open the wrong window?

(5) Busy

A lumberjack found a job in a timber factory with good salary and working conditions. He cherishes it and is determined to do it well.

On the first day, the boss gave him a sharp axe and demarcated the logging area for him. On this day, the workers cut down 18 trees, and the boss said, "Well done!" "The worker was a little carried away: the next day, he worked harder, but only cut down 15 trees; On the third day, he redoubled his efforts, but only cut down 10 trees.

The worker felt ashamed and ran to the boss to apologize, saying that he didn't know why, as if his strength was getting weaker and weaker.

The boss asked, "When was the last time you sharpened an axe?"

"sharpen an axe?" The worker said in surprise, "I am busy cutting down trees every day, so how can I have time to sharpen my axe?"

(6) Cost

One day, the dog wandered on the road and passed a butcher shop. The butcher dropped a bone. The dog excitedly took the bone and walked aside, enjoying it. When the dog wandered for the second time, he came to the butcher's shop again, and the butcher still threw him a piece of meat.

At this point, dogs like it here, because every time they pass by, there is something delicious.

One day, the dog came here with a happy mood. Unexpectedly, the butcher threw a trap for it this time. The trap strangled the dog, and soon the dog suffocated.

The dog's soul floated to the sky, and when he saw the shop, he cried sadly, "God, why did the owner treat me so well when I passed the butcher shop twice before, but hurt me the third time?"

God sighed and replied, "First of all, you should ask yourself why you took advantage of it twice and returned it."