Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - You have studied philosophy for so many years, you know? Dialectics is actually a low-level way of thinking!

You have studied philosophy for so many years, you know? Dialectics is actually a low-level way of thinking!

From high school to university, as citizens of a great socialist country, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't escape a course-Marxist philosophy. Marxism tells us that the world is material and we should treat it dialectically. So, we studied dialectical materialism, materialist dialectics and historical materialism. But, you know what? Dialectics, as the most practical and effective way of thinking, is only a low-level rational logic.

Speaking of philosophy, I have to mention the great German classical philosopher Hegel. Since Marxism entered China, Hegel has become a bright light in the field of philosophy in China. Speaking of Hegel, everyone has reverence and a feeling of stopping at the top of the mountain. However, we cannot help asking, how many people in China really understand Hegel's philosophy?

Hegel is indeed a master of western classical philosophy. He fills all the loopholes in traditional classical philosophy and is really a Virgo perfectionist. Perhaps it is because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder that his philosophy looks perfect, but it also exposes all the shortcomings of previous philosophy. He can't explain why there is such a thing as spirit, so he must invent an "absolute spirit". Besides, he can't really explain how the spirit exists, so he uses extremely effective but extremely old dialectics.

Here we can't help asking, what is dialectics or dialectical logic?

In fact, dialectics has changed from apes to humans. Because once we become human and walk upright from the tree, our hands will be liberated. We can't live on the fruit of the tree any more, we can only fight the wild animals with our hands. But because of our physical strength and size, we are no match for the monster beast at all, so the weapon came out. Marx said that labor creates tools. In fact, due to the complexity of information, in order to cope with the complex world, we have to expand our brain capacity and make simple judgments and decisions on facts. This is dialectical logic. In fact, dialectics is only the most primitive and primary transitional state of rational logic.

Dialectics flourished in ancient China. People in China have always called Taoism "the learning of Huang Lao", which means that dialectics has been used since Huangdi, the ancestor of oriental civilization. The Book of Changes is China's earliest classic work, which is full of dialectical thoughts. The so-called Book of Changes is nothing more than the arrangement of divination characters commonly used by later generations in primitive society, and the basic symbol "Yi" is actually nothing more than divination figures made by our ancestors with branches or leftover bones.

The west is actually the same. Many ancient Greek philosophers were dialectical thinkers, the most famous of which were Socrates and the wise school, which was also called sophistry. It can be seen that many philosophers have not regarded dialectics as a method to study philosophy. So Aristotle studied logic and put forward three laws of formal logic. Namely, identity, law of excluded middle and the law of non-contradiction. Aristotle thinks that logical contradiction is not allowed, which is a manifestation of chaotic thinking. These theories are still strictly followed by scientists until now, but they are followed on a higher level of rational logic.

We need to admit that dialectical logic is actually more advanced than formal logic. It is appropriate for Hegel to call formal logic knowledge logic. But he doesn't know that the so-called intellectual logic is only the logic of animals, and rational logic grows from the intellectual logic of animals.

Here we need to talk about how the spiritual phenomenon came about. The so-called spirit, from ancient times to now, is still considered by many people as a psychological state that only human beings have. However, if we only think from the perspective of human beings, we will never get the answer, because the theory of evolution tells us that we evolved from monkeys, and monkeys evolved from lower animals. Therefore, according to the evolutionary principle of "everything is a system", the spiritual phenomenon is just a compensatory gain product of the inductive phenomenon of primitive physics. It is an evolutionary process from the "induction" of primitive physics to the "sensibility" of lower organisms, to the "intellectuality" of metazoa, and finally to the "rationality" of late organisms.

The so-called rationality is characterized by the fact that after an animal makes an intellectual judgment, the subject needs to make a decision, but due to the complex environment, the judgment is still in a state of crisis. So he had to simplify this judgment to "concept", then continue to think on this basis, and finally continue to reason in a series of concepts, so as to draw a conclusion. This is "rationality". But at the beginning, due to the ignorance of the outside world, the intellectual judgment has been in a state of vacillation, and it is difficult to further measure the boundary between the definite connotation and extension of the concept. This is the so-called dialectics or dialectical logic.

So what is the golden mean and what is brave, between cowardice and recklessness, are actually the results of dialectical logic analysis. Hegel said that every moment of life is life and death. You see, he can't tell the essence of life in any case by discussing the problem like this. But you can't deny that this sentence does make sense, because there are cells in our bodies that are constantly dying and constantly updating. But with the passage of time, the speed of death is getting faster and faster, and the speed of renewal is getting slower and slower. This is a one-dimensional process, and it is an inevitable process towards death. Isn't this the second law of thermodynamics in modern physics? Have you ever seen the temperature of hot water return to the quilt from the air? It is really not giving face to dialectics.

I'm Brother Xiaoshige, a tribal tiger, a rational romantic.