Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to teach yourself Feng Shui and Feng Shui Dont Ask For Help?

How to teach yourself Feng Shui and Feng Shui Dont Ask For Help?

Find a master, or you won't understand. Self-study can fool people, but you can't learn well. It is difficult to learn Feng Shui through books. Many people have the problem that these books are too painful to read and many sentences can't be read. Often there are more words you don't know than you know in one sentence. How to learn? Yes, I read it painfully, but I know why. Let's analyze why there is no way to popularize these traditional skills at present. As we know, the magic numbers handed down from China at present are basically derived from Zhouyi, a book of the Zhou Dynasty with a history of nearly 3,000 years. These books are what we ancient people called ancient prose. How can we ordinary people understand it? Secondly, the Book of Changes was handed down because of the protection of Li Si, the prime minister of Qin Dynasty, and was classified and preserved by divination books. In fact, I personally estimate that divination accounts for at most one-tenth of the Book of Changes, and Li Si should also know the meaning of this book, otherwise Li Si would not risk beheading for no reason to protect this book "only looking at houses and graves to tell fortune". Since the tricks come from Zhouyi, how can we easily find the tricks we want to learn from a pile of huge information? Simply put, can you draw a tiger easily by giving you a tiger tail? Therefore, if you don't understand the essence and theoretical thought of Feng Shui, you can't understand Zhouyi. Third, the Book of Changes has been annotated by experts throughout the ages, and various classics around it are endless, but experts are not gods no matter how high they are. Why should their labels be correct? All kinds of misleading must exist, so do we have the confidence and ability to falsify the truth? I can't anyway.