Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What do you mean, close the door?

What do you mean, close the door?

Shut the door, also known as "sit absolutely", comes from Buddhism. In Buddhism, "building a car behind closed doors" means that one or several people are together, and they concentrate on practicing Zen behind closed doors or several people are together, and concentrate on practicing Zen or reading scriptures, confessing, writing, etc. And cut off all affairs and personnel exchanges. The shortest closing time is three or seven days, and the middle 21 days, 49 days or three months, and the elderly can reach one year or even three years. Generally speaking, seclusion means living alone in a room or a small yard, while practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism live alone in caves. People take care of their daily lives, which is called "protecting the customs and letting the plexus crack", and it is called "protecting the law" in martial arts novels. After entering the customs, the entrance of the cave or the main part must be closed, leaving only a small window for delivering food. Only when the internship expires can we get through. It is obvious that it is easy for people who break up to improve their spiritual skills quickly in a short time and even go deep into various meditations through the custom of breaking up.

Legal analysis: Feudal superstition is not a legal concept, but a specialized term established by convention after liberation in China, which refers to people's thoughts and behaviors of believing in astrology, divination, leading witch doctors, geomantic omen, signs of life, ghosts and gods, etc. In China, superstitious activities are not protected by national laws. However, those who use feudal superstition to disturb social order and harm the health of others should be punished according to the situation.

Legal basis: Article 27 of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on Public Security Administration Punishment commits one of the following acts, and shall be detained for more than 10 and less than 15, and may also be fined less than 1000 yuan; If the circumstances are relatively minor, they shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) Organizing, instigating, coercing, enticing or inciting others to engage in cult, cult or superstitious activities, disrupting social order and harming the health of others; (2) using religion or qigong to disrupt social order and endanger the health of others.