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Snow Angel Tarot prophecy

Author: 0 Sakura Yuki 0

The first chapter, Tarot Snowy Night Prediction (I)

Update time 2010-3-2815: 27: 00 words: 30 15.

1, Tarot Card Prediction on Snowy Night (1)

Snowflakes falling from the sky are angels entrusted by God to send happiness to the world.

The little angels, dressed in snow-white fairy clothes, put the happy treasure box on the car first, and then set off happily from the Garden of Eden, waving their sparkling light wings as they walked. Walk patiently through the cloud bridge and you will see the noisy world. The little angels generously spread the treasure chest on the car to the world, making everyone and every corner of the world happy and happy, and making all people feel happy because of their arrival.

It began to snow before dawn, and the crystal white snowflakes were not very real under the cover of night. When a thin layer is piled up on the ground, the night can no longer hide its pearly white light. No matter the house or the car parked on the side of the road, they all put on white coats, and the crystal white snowflakes decorated a white world.

I opened the curtains in the morning and saw that it was snowing outside. Gaoxing Ye twirled around the room. She was born on a snowy day, and there is a word "snow" in her name. The love of snow can be said to be innate. Today is her 18 birthday. Last night, she thought it would be nice if it snowed heavily tomorrow. I didn't expect her wish to come true.

Ye Xifeng, my sister's birthday, of course, should be carefully arranged (Xue: Of course, if he dares to forget my birthday, he will be finished! Xifeng: I'm so pathetic! Being bullied by my sister. T_T). He specially held a small birthday party for his sister at home, and invited some classmates or friends with good friendship to play at home. ...