Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The problem of Diablo's character name

The problem of Diablo's character name

Druids can control angry storms, gentle power of the rising sun, clever foxes, powerful bears and so on. But druids don't pretend to be masters of nature like urbanites. On the contrary, they gain the power of nature by blending in with it. If you dare to invade the holy land of Druids and annoy them, you can clearly understand this matter. Druids in Blizzard did play such a role. As powerful allies of the night elves, they also have a good background in reality. The word druid can be understood separately. The first half is related to the Greek word drus, which means oak, and the second half is similar to the suffix "-wid" in Indo-European languages, which means understanding. Druids regard acorns as sacred fruits, so it is speculated that the ancient meaning of Druids is people who know oak trees. Little is known about druidism, mostly from ancient Roman and ancient Greek documents, or occasionally from forests, shrines, temples and other relics to find some clues. Regarding the famous Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain, there is a saying that before Christianity was introduced to Great Britain, the temple built by Celtics who believed in Druids may also be the place where Druids were hanged. The earliest records of Druidism in history books are mostly in the works of the great historians of ancient Rome, Julia Caesar and Tacitus. Most of them describe the madness and terror of druidism. Caesar reported to the Senate during his expedition to Gaul: "Druid priests have an important position and power in the local area, such as arbitration and chief sacrifice, and are proficient in physics and chemistry. They live in the Woods, cut down sacred acorns with golden sickles, and even use the living. But in most cases, druid priests are recognized as guardians of ancient wisdom, with lofty moral cultivation and good opinions on natural science and theology. Some historians have compared Druid priests with Brahmins, Magi, priests and shamans in India. Druid priest was a Celtic scattered in Gaul, Britain, Ireland, Europe, Asia Minor and the Balkans from 5th century BC to 1 century. He is a priest, mage or prophet in the clan and has a high status. Around the year 1 century, the Roman Empire sent troops to crusade against the growing Celts. Tacitus recorded that in this battle, the druids dressed in black jumped in the Celtic army, growled the names of the gods and cursed the Roman Empire severely. After the defeat of the Celtics, Druidism was bloodbath by the Romans, and the bodies of priests were abandoned in the sacred forest of Druidism. Since then, their prestige has fallen to the status of ordinary wizards for centuries, and their former glory is gone forever, so they can only recite sad elegies alone.