Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Wu pinyin

Wu pinyin

Wu's pinyin is wū.

Express meaning: people who used to pretend to be ghosts to pray for others; Mountain name, in the east of Chengbu County, Hunan Province. In ancient times, the so-called people who could dance to the gods were in charge of offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods, praying for people to avoid disasters, and also in charge of divination and ephemeris. Later, it evolved into a person who specialized in defrauding property.

Part of speech: usually used as a noun in a sentence, such as subject or object.

Ex: The wizard is mumbling something, trying to anesthetize people with these tricks.

Phrase introduction

Witch, Witch, Witch God, Witch, Witch Yu Yun, * * * Go to Wushan, Witchcraft, SHEN WOO, Wu Si, Twelfth Five Peaks, Witch, Wuyang, Another Cold Witch in Chu, Wuyun Chuyu, Witchcraft Disaster, Wuyun, Witchcraft History, Wuxia, Yiwulu Mountain, Wushan.