Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does the prophecy of a lonely world mean?

What does the prophecy of a lonely world mean?

The prophecy in Lonely World is that "the emperor star is nameless, and he is alone in the world." It means: whoever can get the help of the dugu family can pacify the world.

Xiu Yuan and his party were resting in a ruined temple, the walls of which were covered with dense Chinese characters. Dugu told the emperor that the word was used for divination. Xiu Yuan was very interested, so he quickly took a divination according to Dugu's wish, which read "The emperor's stars are unknown, and he is alone on earth".

The reliability of prediction in Lonely World;

Judging from their life experiences, these three women all married excellent people in troubled times, and after experiencing the same twists and turns, they all revealed a bright but bitter life. Therefore, the three daughters of Dugu's family have actually fulfilled the prophecy of "Dugu's world". It's a pity that Sister Dugu Prajna became the most distinguished woman soon and died in childbirth. The second sister, Dugu Mantuo, became the Queen Mother and failed to start from the Queen as she wished. Only the third young lady, Dugu Galo, became a good queen in the eyes of everyone.

The three heroines in the play have different personalities, representing three types of women. Big sister chose power between love and power; The second sister is also for power, but unlike the elder sister, she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal; At first, Xiaomei was a little girl who was not sensible. She didn't like red makeup and loved armed forces. After the rise and fall of the family, she grew up to be the queen of the mother musical instrument industry and inherited her sister's mantle.