Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is Gan Ming Business School Really Useful?

Is Gan Ming Business School Really Useful?

Not reliable, Qiniu Business School induces consumption.

Originally, the second half of the free live course was mainly to sell courses, but in this live course, the teacher made it clear that there was no follow-up fee. After investigation, online consumers explained that there are still advanced courses that need to pay nearly 3 thousand yuan, which is a cheating routine. This is obviously not explained to consumers in advance, which deceives consumers and belongs to cheating behavior.

Seven cattle business school false propaganda, induced consumption, no refund, involving fraud. It is reported that recently, some consumers complained about the false propaganda behavior of Qiniu Business School on the black cat complaint platform and threatened users not to refund their fees.

Users said that Qiniu Business School used various social media platforms and "casting a net" false propaganda to induce unsuspecting elderly people to enter the market step by step. By sending links, greetings, encouragement, etc., we will seize the weakness of the elderly and trick them into paying the only living expenses.

After consumer complaints, the second half of the free live course mainly sells courses, and in this live course, the teacher clearly stated that there is no follow-up fee. After investigation, online consumers explained that there are still advanced courses that need to pay nearly 3 thousand yuan, which is a cheating routine. This is obviously not explained in advance as a consumer, which is cheating.

In the live broadcast course in Gan Ming, it is suspected of using promotions such as discounts and welfare delivery to induce consumption, and it is suspected of directly linking Alipay payment with red envelopes to induce consumption, which seriously deceives consumers. After signing up for the gold card to receive the red envelope, only the registration fee of 2880 yuan will be charged. Only the benefits registered on the same day will not be so good, and there will be no such benefits in the future, but there are such benefits every day, which is false marketing.

Price discrimination, some people in the process of unwilling to pay, constantly give discounts, 2 158 yuan a year and a half, to ensure that they can make money and make new debts, 36,000 new shares a year, 30,000 new shares a year, 6,000 new debts, and the success rate of making new debts is low. They are highly skilled and play with new robots, which greatly improves the success rate. For the bonus distributed to ordinary people, Liang Yongfu, vice president of Qiniu Business School, personally promised to pay 2880 yuan to study at Qiniu Business School for free, and said that if he could not learn anything, he could get a refund!

The relevant requirements of the Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests stipulate that:

1. Where an operator provides goods or services in advance, it shall provide them as agreed. If it is not provided in accordance with the agreement, it shall fulfill the agreement or return the advance payment according to the requirements of consumers; And shall bear the interest of the advance payment and the reasonable expenses that the consumer must pay.

2. Where a business operator infringes on the personal dignity, personal freedom or personal information rights of consumers that should be protected according to law, it shall stop the infringement, restore its reputation, eliminate the influence, apologize and compensate for the losses.

3, business operators to provide goods or services, causing personal injury to consumers or other victims, it shall compensate for medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses and other reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the income reduced due to absenteeism. If it causes disability, it shall also compensate the disabled for living AIDS and disability compensation. If death is caused, funeral expenses and death compensation shall also be paid.

Using routine to induce consumption and false marketing means needs careful screening, usually accompanied by brainwashing input method, and its commodity value is far lower than the real value. Look at it rationally, and don't be cheated of big money for petty gain.