Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What kind of people make money with their brains?

What kind of people make money with their brains?

The first law of making money: Do you want to be a sheep or a wolf?

65,438+00% people always make money, and 90% people lose money. This is the iron law of the market, and it will not change whether it is the stock market or starting a company.

If everyone makes money, then who loses money and where does the money come from?

Everyone in the world can't be rich, and everyone can't be poor!

But the rich will always be a minority, and the poor will always be a majority!

This is God's decision, and there is nothing anyone can do.

But there is always a way to make money, that is, you want 10%, not most.

To be a few rich people, you need to change your own thoughts and concepts, and have the thinking of the rich, which is different from most people.

Someone said it well: "Change the direction and you will be the first." Because most people are in the same direction, thousands of troops and horses have the same thinking and behavior, and they are all blind, just like sheep.

Do you want to be a sheep or a wolf?

Counting heroes, who owns the wealth of the world, whether it is success or failure? 10% people have 90% wealth, and 90% people have 10% wealth. If you want to become rich, you must study the ways to get rich, study the thoughts and behaviors of the rich, do as the rich do, set up your ambitions and make extraordinary achievements, and soon you will become a rich man!

"The rich think about the coming year and the poor think about the present", which is the first law of making money!

The second law of making money: money is everywhere, making money is easy!

Ask the vast earth, who is in charge of wealth! Why can he make money? Can't make money. Trace back to the source and want to make money-first of all, you should be interested in money and have a correct understanding of it, otherwise money will not come to you. Money is not evil, but the embodiment of value, performance and wisdom.

Birds of a feather flock together. You must have a strong interest in money, and find it interesting and fun to make money. You like money, and money can like you. This is by no means money worship, but the inherent law of currency operation. Do you believe those rich people like money and can play well? Look at Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and George Soros.

Money is everywhere, making money is easy. You must establish such an idea. If you find it difficult to make money, it is really difficult to make money. None of those millionaires find it difficult to make money, but it is too difficult to spend money. Remember, making money is really easy. You can make money by using your head casually. This is not to teach you to brag, it is the ideological basis of making big money and being rich, you have to believe it!

A correct understanding of money and a correct view of money are the second law of making money!

The third law of making money: the simplest way is the most profitable!

There are thousands of ways to make money in the world, but the simplest way is the most profitable.

Although all roads lead to Rome, all laws are unified, and simplicity is the best.

Complex methods can only make small money, simple methods can make big money, and the simpler the method, the bigger the money.

For example, Bill Gates became the richest man in the world just by making software. Warren Buffett specialized in stocks and soon became a billionaire;

George soros joined the hedge fund and finally became a financial crocodile; Rowling, an English woman writer, started writing in her forties. She wrote Harry Potter exclusively and became a billionaire.

Specifically, every industry has ways to make big money: in the retail industry, Wal-Mart has always adhered to the concept of "parity every day" and tried its best to win at the lowest price, with the largest result in the world; In the stock market, Warren Buffett has always adhered to the principle that "if I don't want to hold a stock for 10 years, then I won't touch it at all"; After Japan's defeat, Dr. Deming, an American quality master, was invited to Japan to give lectures to many companies such as Panasonic, Sony and Honda. He only talked about the simplest method-"daily 1% progress". As a result, these Japanese entrepreneurs really did the same thing and achieved miraculous results. It can be said that Dr. Deming contributed a lot to the rise of Japan's postwar economy. Do you think their method is simple?

Simple ways to make big money, complicated ways to make small money, this is the third law of making money.

The fourth law of making money: you must have a goal to make big money!

Spending is similar every year, and the way to make money is different.

But one thing is the same, that is, if you want to make money, you must have a goal.

The road to success is paved with goals. People who have no goals are accomplishing their goals for those who have goals.

People with big goals make big money, people with small goals make small money, and people without goals always worry about food and clothing. What kind of person are you?

Without a goal, it is sad to say that I want to rest, but I want to make money!

To make money, you must have the ambition to make money. What is ambition? Ambition is a goal, an ideal, a dream, an attempt and a driving force for action!

Look at the world's wealth heroes, all careerists, such as Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Masayoshi Son and so on. Without wealth ambition, there is no wealth.

Ambition is not a bad thing. Ambition is motivation, method and action.

The bigger the ambition to make money, the better. This is not teaching you to do bad things. The smaller the ambition to do bad things, the better.

From now on, you should "dream" immediately, be an ambitious person and set big goals for making money: lifelong goal, 10 goal, five-year goal, three-year goal and annual goal. Then make specific plans and start bold actions.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is not difficult to have goals. Creating wealth begins with setting goals. There is no unprofitable industry, no way to make money, only people who don't make money.

"People are poor and burn incense, but they are short-sighted." To make money, you must have goals and ambitions. This is the fourth law of making money.

The fifth law of making money: you must use your brain to make money!

The world is famous all over the world. In the age of wealth, you must use your brain to make money.

Have you ever seen anyone make a lot of money by limbs? Some athletes make a lot of money, but Michael Jordan said, "I don't play with my limbs, I play with my brain." Using limbs instead of brains can only be tools of others, slaves of others' brains, and can't make big money!

You can only make small money with your limbs, but you can make big money with your brain.

People's imagination is too big. Einstein said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge", and Jack Welch, former president of General Electric Company of the United States, said: "An idea is a hero". Humans are like unimaginative apes and chimpanzees.

Making money starts with ideas, and rich people's money is "ideas"!

Looking back, how did Bill Gates know how to make software and how to make windows, because he thought, as he himself said, "I have a good eye." Masayoshi Son, the richest man in Asia, invented the translation machine while studying in the United States and sold it for one million dollars at a time. Later, he opened a software bank, and his mind and vision were also great. Song Zhenghai, the boss of Good Boy Group, got his start by selling invention patents. The first invention sold for 40 thousand, and the second invention offered 80 thousand, but he didn't sell it and put it into production himself. As a result, he became the king of baby carriages in the world.

Some people do make money by talking, but you must think about what to say before you speak. Some people want to make money by their ears, but they don't use their brains and ask for information everywhere, especially in the stock market. They buy when they hear an inside story today, sell when they hear a gossip tomorrow, follow the trend, and finally lose money. Most investors are like this now, and they don't know what their brains are for!

All the rich people in the world are the best at making money with their brains. You just turn him into a poor man, and he will soon become rich again, because he can use his head. Rockefeller once said, "If I take all my property and throw it into the desert, as long as a camel team passes by, I will soon become rich." Let's look at melatonin and gold partner again. Shi Yuzhu's comeback inspires us that if we use our brains, we will succeed if we fail, and it is not a problem to make money again.

I solemnly tell you: if you want to make money, think about it, and act when you think about it, so that you can have a good harvest.

Shakespeare said in Hamlet: "Even if you shut me in a walnut box, I am a monarch with unlimited imagination." Spread your imaginary wings. The fifth law of making money is to use your brain to make money!

The sixth law of making money: if you want to make a lot of money, you must dare to act!

Wealth flows around the world, see if you dare to ask. How tempting money is, but if you want to make a lot of money, you must dare to act!

There is no free lunch, and there is no pie falling from the sky.

You can't make money without action, and you can't make big money without action. Dare to think and do, dare not take risks, can only make a small fortune.

I am rich! Let's see, all the wealth heroes in the world are courageous, knowledgeable and motivated. Think about how courageous and self-motivated Bill Gates was when he gave up his studies at Harvard University and started Microsoft from scratch. Mike Dell, the youngest American billionaire, assembled computers and sold them in college. How admirable it is to start a computer company when he is not satisfied.

Ellison, the boss of Oracle Bone Inscriptions Company, not only earned $26 billion by sending him to Harvard to study, but also went back to Harvard to give a speech, encouraging students to drop out of school and was dragged down by the police. There are Netease Ding Lei, Jianlibao Zhang Hai and Shide Xu Ming. They are what they are today because they dare to take risks and take action.

Do you dare to have money? Most people dare not! In fact, most people don't want to be rich, let alone dare to be rich.

Nowadays people talk more and more about wealth, but many people talk more and do less.

You should know: "Say you are a servant, and do what you say is a master". Many of our economists are talking about wealth, but which one of them is rich? The stock critics in China talked about a lot of stocks, but who among them made a lot of money by trading stocks? If they can make a lot of money, they won't be stock critics! So if you want to stock, don't trust stock critics!

German activist philosopher Fichte said: "Action, action, this is our ultimate goal." If you want to become rich, then act quickly, don't be afraid, take one small step first, then one big step. Remember: "Profit is in direct proportion to risk".

The seventh law of making money: if you want to make a lot of money, you must learn to make money!

There are many smart people in the world, but why are most smart people not rich? In the era of financial wisdom, if you want to make big money, you must learn to make money!

Have you ever learned to make money? Most people don't, so most people won't make money yet. We didn't learn how to make money in primary school, middle school or university. Even financial universities can't learn the knowledge of making money. It seems that our education really has a big problem!

Smart poor, your IQ is high, but your financial quotient is too low, and you are so poor! However, Gorky said: "Self-study is a university without walls", and you can make money by yourself.

People are not born to know, who is born to make money? Financial quotient is different from IQ, which has a natural component. 100% financial quotient needs to be improved the day after tomorrow. Millionaires such as Sun Zhengyi, Li Ka-shing and Shi Yuzhu were not born to make money, but they all have two common characteristics: one is a strong desire to make money, and the other is a strong learning ability. It is precisely because they are good at learning to make money that they surpass ordinary people and climb the peak of wealth.

Cleverness is not equal to wisdom. Wisdom can't make money, but wisdom can make a lot of money. A truly self-made rich man may not be highly educated, but he must be wise. They are best at learning to make money. They all have an extraordinary course of learning to make money. They learned the law of making money through study, mastered the doorway of making money and became wealth heroes!

Heroes start with grass, and heroes don't ask where they came from. It is the readers who really make money. Do you want to be a rich man? Do you want to step into the ranks of wealth heroes? Then you should learn to make money quickly: read books and newspapers that make money, listen to lectures that make money, learn from rich elites, ask experts around you and so on. For example, in stock trading, you should learn from Warren Buffett, especially his simple investment philosophy. To start a business, you should learn from Sun Zhengyi. He read 4000 books in two years (I don't know how to read them). And Li Ka-shing, in order to start a business, stole works of art from other companies. Learn from the winners, learn from the winners, increase your wisdom, improve your financial quotient, and summarize the secrets of making money, and you will soon become rich.

The eighth law of making money: you must choose to make big money!

The tables have turned, and I will come to your house today. Now money is everywhere, and there are many ways to make money, but you must choose to make big money.

Choice is fate, and choice is wealth. If you don't choose, you will get lost, and wealth will pass you by.

You are the master of fate, and you are the god of wealth. More than 20 years ago, a boy of 17 years old in America, with messy hair, dirty clothes and a pair of glasses with high myopia, chose to write software and started a software company. It is because of this choice that we have today's Microsoft and today's Bill Gates!

Sun Zhengyi, the richest man in Asia, started his business at the age of 19, and made 40 business plans in one year, but he only chose one of the best plans-starting a software bank, thus climbing the ladder of wealth!

In the era of accelerated market diversification and more and more segmentation, only choice can succeed. Wal-Mart only chooses retail goods, Coca-Cola only sells drinks, KFC and McDonald's only sell hamburgers, and Panasonic, Sony and Sanyo in Japan only make electrical appliances.

The purpose of choice is singleness and concentration. Many well-known large enterprises in China are now taking the road of diversification, including Haier. In fact, the road to diversification is full of dangers and is likely to fail. The failure of Stone, Dragonfly and Qingqi is an example. Shi Yuzhu is very successful in making health products, but once diversified, it fails. Now he has learned his lesson and succeeded in making health care products.

You want to start a business, how do you choose? According to the analysis of the world's wealth elites for many years, most rich people are involved in stocks and real estate. In fact, more than 60% people in America and Europe invest in stocks.

Stock trading also needs choices, such as what investment ideas and principles to choose, long-term or short-term, what stocks to choose, portfolio investment or exclusive investment.

Now many people are keen on short-term speculation, frequent access to the stock market, stock exchange. They are busy all year round, much like a trader. As a result, they not only can't make money, but also get caught up in it, which is hard and sad.

Stocks must be single-minded, just like your wife. The big winners of Chinese and foreign stock markets are rarely short-term experts, but mostly long-term old cows, among which Warren Buffett is the most famous. He told us: "If I don't want to hold a stock for 10 years, I won't touch it at all"; "Don't diversify your investment, put all your eggs in one basket and pay close attention." Some domestic bookmakers have been specializing in several stocks for many years, and some even speculate on only one stock for two or three years, making great profits.

Don't worry about investing in stocks. Choose stocks carefully and love her. She will lay golden eggs for you.

Friends, maybe you still have many questions and disapprobations about benefiting the people of China, so I want to tell you sincerely here: "If you are a person who needs opportunities and wants to succeed". It must be worth your time to get to know the people of China and China. You would rather give up explicitly than miss it in the fog. The decision lies in understanding and striving for a good opportunity. When I learned about this profession, no one told me how good it was. I analyzed it myself. This is called grasping and fighting for your own life. This pudding shows that I don't advocate blind joining, let alone speculative mentality. Worth your understanding. It is a warm reminder of affection.

Do what you like in your own time, no time, no space, no finance. Life is not about how much money you have, but about how many valuable and meaningful things you have done to make this life worthwhile. Willing to communicate with friends who are full of pursuit of a better life. If you have a goal, you are sailing; No goal is wandering-people without goals are achieving goals for those with goals.

Life course: actively strive for opportunities, seize opportunities, seize opportunities, and don't passively wait for opportunities, miss opportunities, and give up opportunities.