Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Two-part allegorical saying describing the sinister evil of bad people.

Two-part allegorical saying describing the sinister evil of bad people.

What are the two-part allegorical sayings describing the wicked? Do you know that?/You know what? The following is a two-part allegorical saying that I carefully arranged for you to describe the sinister evil. Welcome to read the reference!

I lied to the Tang Priest for nothing-one plan failed and another was born.

This annotation comes from the story of Wu Ming and Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon in The Journey to the West. Bai is a monster. In order to eat the Tang Priest's flesh, he first turned into a beautiful woman and was caught by the Monkey King. Later, he became a big sister and a big father. Metaphor is scheming and unscrupulous.

Example: In order to escape legal punishment, criminals use all kinds of tricks, just like "lying to the Tang Priest for nothing." . A snake in a cesspit-poisonous and smelly.

Annotations describe people as vicious and disgusting

Example: The big dog suddenly raised his voice a little and cried, "Think about it, Second Brother. What does my big dog king do? I won't confuse people. I am a snake in a big cesspit, and people let me bite it, which one is poisonous and which one stinks. I can't bite him, I'll throw stinky dog shit at him! " (Zhang Henshui, "Qinhuai Family")

Dongwu murder-blame it on Cao.

According to the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, chapter 177: After Wu killed Guan Yu, he gave Guan Yu's head to Cao Cao in order to make Liu Bei angry with Cao Cao. Refers to transferring one's hurt or guilt to others.

Ex.: Niu Sheng Mao sighed and said, "Although you were hit hard, it was not fatal!" Hu Tao interjected, "How did it die?" The cow replied, "I see, Dongwu killed someone and blamed it on Cao." (Yan Yachu's Dragon Sense Lake)

Teeth in the stomach-what a cruel heart

Notes describe people as extremely cruel.

However, the housekeeper Wilder has teeth in her stomach-what a cruel heart! He robbed a bag of rice that Zhiqiang bought with his life and robbed the soup pot to cook. (Yan Yachu's Dragon Sense Lake)

Teeth grow in the stomach-the heart, liver, intestine and lungs are hard and hard.

Annotations describe people as vicious and mean.

Example (Ding Qingshun)

A clap of chopsticks gave a long sigh: "Alas, there is a green forest in your heart, but that * * * is arrogant and just wants to travel around the world!" " ..... This guy with teeth in his stomach-his heart, his heart, his intestines, his lungs are hard and hard, just die outside! "(Tian Yanning and others" Cowboys in the City ")

Hungry dogs gnaw at bones-they want to chew oil.

Annotation refers to the cruel search for money.

This smiling tiger is most serious about people's clothes and hats. As long as someone dresses better than himself, he is completely a mouse with a beard for the cat-trying to slip it away. For those poor people in rags, he chews bones like a Russian dog-he can't wait to chew oil. (Chen Junwei's lantern riddle)

Axillary ulcer-poison

Pay attention to armpits: armpits. Chinese medicine believes that sores are caused by poisonous gas, and the sores under the armpits are invisible, so they are "toxic". Describe a person who is kind on the surface and vicious on the inside.

Example: Cui Yongguang glared at a pair of bloodshot eyes and gnashed his teeth and scolded, "Owl's armpit really hurts and is poisonous!" " (Wu Jianqing, "Zhang Yunfei")

All black hearts. Coffin shop owner-hate people not to die

Annotation means that people are insidious and want to kill people.

Example: Li Bai 'an was so angry that he propped up his chair and suddenly stood up: "Long Island, you are the owner of the coffin shop-you hate people not to die! What do you think? I was killed by the 35 th detachment. You have a good seat in the commander-in-chief's chair, don't you? " (Qi Tianfa's "The Legend of Siming")

Coffin shop grit your teeth-hate people not to die

People in coffin shops always want to sell more coffins, hoping that others will die soon, so they hate people not to die. Describe a person with a vicious heart.

For example, Wang Gang, an illegitimate child, is always very hard on his old father, either scolding him or not giving him food. That's really "the coffin shop gnashes its teeth and hates people not to die." The wind of planting onions in dry land-scorpion tail, rich man's heart, poisonous, spicy and stinging.

Precautions Onions grown in dry land are very spicy; The wind at the door is easy to cause disease in people, which is called wind; Scorpion's tail is not only poisonous, but also has thorns. Metaphor is dangerous, vicious and hurtful.

For example, the wind of planting onions in dry land, the tail of scorpions, the heart of the rich, toxic, spicy and stinging, and the grievances of the poor have nowhere to stretch. They have served five or six families in a row, and every rich man drinks ink-and his heart is black.

Comments accuse someone of becoming vicious.

Example: "You are still reading, but you are still writing?" Cui Ling's body trembled and she choked with anger. "You ... drank ink ... blackened your heart and betrayed your ... party" (Liu Shaotang's The Second Plum)

The puffer fish is reborn-it's poisonous all over.

Puffer (blood)

Fish: that is, puffer fish, a highly toxic fish with a round head and a small mouth, a dark brown back and a white abdomen. Refers to a vicious person.

For example, even if you set a special seat for the dog, he will find fault with tofu. This kind of person is a puffer fish reborn, and his whole body is poisonous. (Mao, "Fortune Telling Chronicle")

Confucius inkstone-the heart is too dark

Confucius wrote many books, and the center of the inkstone used was also very dark. Metaphor is cruel and despicable.

For example, Zhou Pipi bullied the village, which caused great resentment. They all scolded him behind his back, saying that he was Confucius' inkstone and his heart was too dark. Sprinkle water on the wheat bran-there is no sound.

Note that when water is spilled on the chaff, it will seep down quickly and there is no sound, so it is "silent". Metaphor is expressionless.

For example, you usually sprinkle water on wheat bran silently, but you kill people behind your back, bullying the weak and ignoring the whole thing. (Li Mantian's "Water Flows East")

Slap a child who is not yet full moon-he can do it easily.

Notes refer to human cruelty.

Example: "Just kidding, it's really hard to slap a child without a full moon!" Cai Chunjing was distressed for a while. "These three melons will take a few days to ripen. Why don't you pick it without listening? " (Liu Shaotang's "Four or Five Smoke Villages")

Scorpion-more poisonous

Note] Ba Li: Dialect, as quiet as a mouse. More vicious

Example: When Geng Erquan saw that there was no one around, he pulled her over and whispered for a while. Spicy sister-in-law said happily, "God, scorpions are more poisonous. This move is so fucking' damaging'. (Gao Jinghe et al. "Governing Bageng" skillfully governs Li Fucai)

Ginger spicy hand

Pay attention to ginger, it's spicy. Of a heartless person.

For example, Jinlian said, "... the thief turtle also hit the grave by mistake." Ask these pages at home, who dares to watch him smile and talk about it? " Scold a few words if you like; If you don't like it, pulling it to his master is a fight. Thief, bastard, inferior. Did you piss him off? Ginger, you haven't touched him yet! "("Jin Ping Mei ")

Yamaraja's running dog in the Fifth Hall-the life of an important person.

Note Yamaraja: Buddhism is called the God in charge of hell. There are ten halls in hell, and the fifth hall is Yamaraja Hall. Legend has it that the ghost soldiers in Yamaraja are responsible for leading the souls of dying people to hell, so they are called "important life". The description is very powerful and can kill people.

When he was angry, all our boys shook their heads. He is a liar. Everyone calls him Mr. Wu behind his back. He is really a bad dog in the five halls of Yamaraja. He is killing people. (Ai Wu's Inn for the Blind)

Hit someone with a rubber stick-there's no trace of the injury.

Pay attention to the toughness of rubber. If you hit someone with a rubber stick, you will suffer internal injuries, and there is no trace of flesh, so it is called "no trace of injury." Metaphor is dangerous and sinister.

Example: Brother Xing grabbed Hiroko and said, "Be careful what you say. That man can be killed. If you hit someone with a rubber stick, you can't see the trace. You must beware of him. " Scorpion's tail-vicious

Pay attention to the scorpion tail poison hook. Describe someone as dangerous and insidious.

For example, Xin-er, the lamb, threw the whip in her hand and scolded, "Damn, it's really the scorpion's tail-vicious!" (Xiao Chi's Before the Final Battle)

Scorpion tail poison

Note that the scorpion's back and abdomen are slender, like a tail, with a poisonous hook at the end, so it is "poisonous". Describe a heartless person.

For example, Ertou also agreed with Xiangzi: "Yes, I really divorced him. Don't look at him. It's really a scorpion's tail. It's poisonous. Whoever annoys him is unlucky. " Scorpion's tail and stepmother's heart-the most poisonous.

It used to be said that stepmother abused illegitimate children in a way as vicious as scorpion's tail. Describe people as vicious.

I don't know how many bad things Diao Laocai has done. Everyone in the village hates him. Recently, he is playing tricks on Wang Laoqing's second daughter. It's really the scorpion's tail and stepmother's heart, which is the most poisonous. (Ma Feng's Biography of Liu Hulan)

Scorpion plaster-black is poisonous

Pay attention to black: this refers to the color of plaster, referring to bad people and cruel people. Poison: this refers to uncovering the poison in the poison hook, which means that people are vicious. Metaphor terminating, means fierce.

At some point, van mule's alcohol came up again. He waved the flashlight in his hand and directly shone on Hu Guoqing's face! Said: "Hu, you, you can do it, you can do it. You're ... you put waist-high water on the plane-pee for miles! Scorpion plaster-black and poisonous! ..... "Fan mule ... Even when drunk, it's the same thing. ("Sheep Gate" by Li)

Hide the sword in your sleeve-kill without showing your face

Note: Jianfeng is homophonic with "wind". Wind: wind. The way to describe harm is both dangerous and vicious, and doing bad things quietly or without leaving a trace.

For example, another person next to him was unconvinced: "You can't be smart enough to fool a fool, because ... a smart person is' a knife in the sleeve, killing people is not thin (wind)'." (Liu Qing's "Planting Valley")

It's also like a knife in the sleeve-a dog that doesn't choose to bite won't bark-sneaking in.

Annotations describe doing evil in secret.

He smiled grimly. "I don't see you have such skill. Biting dogs don't bark, come secretly! What did the dictatorship of the proletariat do to you? You are so annoying, come on up! Come on up! Come to Shangling! " (Zhang Xianliang (love story in the dungeon))