Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The manifestation of the sixth sense

The manifestation of the sixth sense

1. I had some dreams, which really happened.

I have been to a new place and found the scenery there familiar, but I have never set foot here.

You often know what others are going to say before they want to say it.

4. I often have a very correct hunch.

Sometimes the body will feel strange, such as tingling in the skin or internal organs or ants crawling.

6. Before the phone rings, it can be predicted that it will ring.

7. I once thought of someone I haven't seen for a long time and met within two days.

8. I once thought of some physiological reactions, such as suffocation and general weakness, and soon disaster happened.

9. I had some colorful dreams.

10. I heard some unexplained sounds.

1 1. I can feel others watching me from behind. When I am alone, there is always someone behind me. Note: you can't see this person with your eyes.

12. I can feel the money on the ground not far away.

On the scientific state of human sixth sense

The sixth sense is a state of subconscious self-prediction beyond human senses, and its standard name is "extra sensory perception" (ESP for short). This kind of extrasensory perception has a certain prediction result, which can be arranged in advance according to what will happen before. Others think that there may be another supernatural ability in the world, which can send information to the brain through feelings other than normal senses, and it can predict what will happen in the future. Our common sense includes: eyes (vision), ears (hearing), nose (smell), tongue (taste) and body (touch). In addition, the extrasensory consciousness of human body is the radiation and receiving process of brainwave information in modern science. There are different forms of material rays in the universe, which will have subconscious thinking effects on people's brains. Natural airflow, temperature and humidity, and climate change will have an intuitive impact on the human body. The sixth sense of human beings is a different form of speculative perception, and prediction and perception constitute the classic theory of "premonition" of human religious culture. For example, immortals are omnipotent and can predict the development and evolution of everything in the world. It is impossible for us humans to extend the sixth sense of the subconscious to superstitious feudal thoughts. It is people's different judgments and guesses on the evolution results of things, and it is also an early judgment on the future change results. People's sixth sense thinking consciousness comes from the network of human brain neurons. When some things in nature have a certain impact on the human body, its mentality will produce a feeling of restlessness, and this feeling often makes people feel that there is an ominous or uneasy psychological effect. People's sixth sense includes the following points:

1. The relationship between dreams and reality.

2. Unfamiliar places and familiar scenery are similar to what I have seen.

3. Predict the action state of people or things in advance.

4. Correct premonition often happens.

5. Preconception is the result of different sensory symptoms of human body.

6. Before things happen, we can predict the final answer to the evolution of things.

7. You can know the final result of things through their changing states.

8. According to the different reaction degrees of human body, the future changes of events can be predicted.

9. I have seen and heard of it.

10. I feel as if someone is always chasing me.

People's sixth sense is actually that the brain has produced a way to judge the development result of things in advance, that is, prediction and speculation. People's sixth sense is based on a mysterious and uneasy state of mind, as if there is always something in their hearts and they feel that something is going to happen. Have a premonition that it will rain, snow, and so on. The premonition in dreams will appear in the form of dreams, and the premonition in daily waking state is an extension of people's strong psychological thinking reaction.

Prediction: draw early conclusions about the outcome of things before they happen.

Prediction: according to the development process of things, unexpected changes occur, so that people can know the uncertainty in advance and take precautions. Such as weather forecast, weather forecast.

Prejudice: Nothing is related, but through a subconscious mind, it forms a daydreaming way and catches the shadow of things that haven't happened yet.

The people's sixth sense is a household name among our people. Generally speaking, people's sixth sense comes from particles entangled with their relatives, and only relatives will form mutual psychological induction. From a physical point of view, two particles of the same substance are separated and placed far away. When you touch or excite one particle, another particle will produce a cooperative state response. This is the entanglement of particles, also known as the subtle state of change of metaphysics. If this is the case, then relatives will have the same genetic conditions, and under special circumstances, human gene particles will produce related linkage patterns. Human gene particles, that is, the smallest particle structure in human gene cells. This is just a hypothesis, as long as people with the same genes will have a sixth sense state between relatives. Metaphysics and particle entanglement theory are hot topics discussed by people, which are used to explain the micro-physical phenomena in the micro-world and five-dimensional time and space.

The characteristics of the sixth sense: people's mentality is abnormal, always wondering if something will happen, and it is difficult to calm down inside. Sometimes, my mouth is still muttering something, and I feel very annoyed. If you have a bizarre dream during sleep, then this dream is likely to have a linkage with the genetic particles of your loved ones, thus forming an early prediction of things, which is also the transmission process between human life information codes. On the question of the sixth sense, we will continue to explore the mystery and mystery inside.

The main research direction of modern physics is the material changes in the micro-world, looking for the basis of the instantaneous material evolution process of BIGBANG and deciphering the material forms in multi-dimensional space. Our living space is in four-dimensional space-time, and multi-dimensional space is an unimaginable mysterious space for us humans. In a particle collision test, scientists found that a particle was missing. They wanted to know where it flew and whether it drifted to four-dimensional space. This incident was published in foreign natural science magazines, and then caused a great sensation, recognizing the multidimensional nature of the universe. In the era of rapid development of modern science, five-dimensional space-time symbolizes our mythical world. Is there really a fairytale paradise? So far, our scientists have not found conclusive evidence. However, only theologians have confirmed the existence of God and lived in the glorious holy land illuminated by God. What kind of space is five-dimensional space-time? However, just for us humans, this is really an unimaginable mystery. Above, we also talked about the problem of multidimensional space, so we won't describe it in detail here.

Is there any interaction between human sixth sense and five-dimensional time and space? Why do you say that? Because we human beings are material bodies living in three-dimensional space, it is really hard to imagine what kind of state it is for the material model of four-dimensional space. If you add one-dimensional time to the four-dimensional space, what kind of material structure is this five-dimensional space-time However, so far, we humans have not been able to judge the changes and forms of motion of matter. With the continuous development of human science and technology, I estimate that in the near future, we humans will be able to discover the law of material change in five-dimensional space-time. The human sixth sense is completely different from the body's feeling, speculation, prediction and prediction. People's sixth sense comes from the subconscious virtual feeling (pre-feeling) state of what will or will not happen. I felt close to it before it happened, and it will definitely happen.

Hypothesis: We have discussed the sixth sense of human beings, and I want to talk about the sixth sense state of human beings during sleep.

This is another real dream about the human sixth sense. One night, this comrade had a very strange dream: "An unpleasant thing happened in front of the staff dormitory in the mining area under his jurisdiction. I wonder who poured a toilet full of human excrement into the tap water pool. It makes people feel disgusting. " After waking up, I didn't care about the dream scene last night, but I still had an ominous premonition in my heart. After getting up, he washed and rushed to the mining area office in advance. As soon as I entered the door, I met an employee who came to reflect the problem: "Hello, Director! Last night, I don't know who poured the toilet in front of the dormitory regardless of everyone's interests, and at the same time pulled a bubble on the roadside. " He pondered for a while and said, "I see. I'll let the cleaner clean it in a minute. " Isn't that strange? How can this be so coincidental with last night's dream? Does this have anything to do with the quarrel between husband and wife in the mining area yesterday? Before going to bed, I always feel uneasy about the management of the mining area, fearing that something unexpected will happen. Because of this unstable mentality, it led to this bizarre dream after transformation, but what a coincidence! Moreover, the virtual space-time scene of human excrement in the dream is consistent with the actual situation the next day, which is amazing! Is this the human sixth sense? Is there a state of information communication between the person who pours urine and the on-site leader? Is it the cause of hostile brain wave radiation? Therefore, the field owner unconsciously received the transmission of this magnetic wave information at night and produced a fantastic sixth sense feeling, and predicted this unpleasant thing in advance. However, this is only a virtual speculative state of human sixth sense!

When people enter a special state, the radiation intensity of microwave magnetic field in the brain's thinking consciousness will increase, which can form the transmission of space electromagnetic field, produce * * * vibration effect and interfere with other microwaves in the human brain. We call this state human microwave radiation, which is the transmission of human premonition (sixth sense) information. In fact, people's sixth sense is not a very mysterious thing. People's sixth sense in dreams is also a virtual state of affairs that shows foresight through dreamlike scenes in sleep. This state of affairs may have a process relationship with the next day or the future. The virtual mirror image in the dream is processed by the information usually stored in the brain, and then synthesized with the entanglement (sixth sense) magnetic wave information between the smallest particles of neuron cells to form a new dream plot. The sixth sense of human beings is a mysterious thing, and an invisible premonition state will be formed between relatives thousands of miles away. Today, we humans must find out the reason for this relationship. Whether the quantum entanglement theory of modern science can explain this mysterious phenomenon for thousands of years is a supernatural reason. There are many unexplained natural phenomena in our natural society, such as man and soul, ghost dreams, ghost possession, and many unknown factors between religious and scientific circles. I don't know what kind of material entanglement leads to those special functions of the human body, such as qigong, fortune telling, dream prediction and so on. Appear among people. We can only continue the development of nature, wait for the new beginning of science, and then explore this mysterious country of human sixth sense.

The sixth sense of human beings

In foreign countries, human mind or telepathy is called human sixth sense, also known as extrasensory ability (ESP in English). Let's look at the following example. Kiel Igurus, an employee of an advertising company in New Jersey, USA, asked others to cover his eyes with a leather blindfold. He walked15km by bike in the crowded street through telepathy, without encountering any obstacles. Afterwards, Agus said that the secret of his completion of the test was that he received a "decisive wave" from three people who followed. Swan (then 43 years old), an ESP person who was tested at Stanford Research Institute in the United States, is said to be able to see through all parts of the world with an accuracy rate of 90%. With his keen eyes, he drew the secret base of the United States on Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean, which was more accurate than the photos taken by reconnaissance satellites. He also correctly judged the location of the Nike missile base in the United States, which made the military stunned.

Mrs. Crozilde Nachling, a female boss who runs a stroller factory in Switzerland, often uses her special functions to help the police solve crimes. A deaf-mute teenager, Arbel Bahrain (14 years old), is missing. The female boss pointed to a place searched by the police on the map and said, "The child must be here." The search team went out again and finally found the boy who was unable to move because of the rock. A young couple's money was stolen, and the thief was hidden in the boiler in the basement, and she also saw it. She said that her right hand seemed to act as an antenna, and she seemed to feel some special radio waves.

John Hansdington, a professor of physics at Buckbay University, gave a brain test to Julie Pinocchio, a 5-year-old girl from Britain. If she touches the nozzle with her hand, the thin copper rod sealed in the glass tube will bend it by 6 degrees. Connect the metal hook to the wire of the electronic dynamometer. When she focuses on the hook, the pointer of the instrument will swing violently. Cross two straws, put them in a glass bottle, and cover the bottle cap from above. It took her five minutes to rotate the straw 60 degrees. /kloc-Lena Firth, a 0/7-year-old Danish college student, took a rigorous ESP test in Aldin, the authoritative College of Physics of Copenhagen University. She touched the bolt with her hand and it bent 45 degrees. Put the nail in a glass bottle. When she touches the bottle outside, the nail can bend 10 degrees. She holds the back of the thermometer and the temperature indicator will automatically rise by 9 degrees. When she looks at the magnetic needle or the hour hand, it will swing violently.

From June 1975 to June 1978, she took the exam every two months and succeeded every time. This surprised Dr. Richard Madak, an American scholar at the institute.

Japanese TV once showed a performance by Kawasaki Elementary School's fifth-grade student Chuan Tian Zhen. She can soften the hat on her head like magic, and bend and straighten the hands and feet of the hairpin and the iron wire full-skeleton cotton doll on the table at will. She did it on purpose, and she could make most of the cans open 40 degrees automatically. In the 1980s, the United States, the Soviet Union and other big countries spent millions of dollars to study ways of trying to engage in espionage and war with pure minds. NASA invested $8 million in Stanford Research Institute, a leading American think tank, to study the use of ESP to detect spacecraft failures in advance. The US Army Missile R&D Command also spent $3 million to research killian photography for discovering life "OLA" (a kind of life energy). Killian photography was invented by Xie Miaoang-Killian and Valentin-Killian of the Soviet Union. It is a photographic method that uses high voltage and high frequency current instead of light.

Nowadays, the reports about these magical special functions are increasing day by day, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Thirty years ago, the United States conducted a survey of psychologists (90% are university professors) to investigate their views on ESP. At that time, only 17% of the respondents thought it was necessary and possible to have. However, a survey conducted by new york State University psychologist Dr. Mullen Vakuna on 2,400 professors in American universities in the late 1970s showed that 16.3% people had a positive attitude towards-ESP, 49.3% people thought it was likely to exist, and 19.4% people did not exist, only/kloc.