Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Introduction to adolescent behavior

Introduction to adolescent behavior

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Jin, Liao and Liao attacked the Central Plains on a large scale. There have been wars in the Central Plains. People live in poverty. Civilian military attaché s are all on the battlefield, leaving only some old, weak and sick people in the whole Central Plains. But there was no chaos in the whole Central Plains, but the Jianghu Wulin propped up the overall situation. The five sects shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining order. So many people joined the five sects. The five sects are Kunlun, Kongtong, Emei and Qingcheng, with Huashan as the head.

Although the five sects have been trying to maintain the order of the Wulin in the Central Plains. But not long ago, disciples of five sects were killed one after another! Every three years, some disciples of various sects are killed, and now it is in front of us, so the story begins.

I, Murong Mark, a fortune teller who claims to be "not allowed to read ten hexagrams and nine hexagrams", wandered around and came to a remote town called Taohua Town, where I am going to stay for a few days.

There is no business today. I walked around the town alone. I met a man with a wig. Out of kindness, I told him that his wig would bring him bad luck He ran to find his wife without thanking me. There is a treasure chest in front of the town hotel. When you open it, there is a blizzard sword in it. The best way to deal with it is to change it into money. The man in the wig told his wife to settle accounts with me and make amends quickly. Before I finished, I saw a group of people coming to kill me. After a short pause, I saw four heads of five sects (Morey, Yang Shaochong, Ouyang Ce and Mu) chasing a girl (Zhu). Hide quickly, so as not to cause trouble. But Zhu is the girl who told her fortune 12 hours ago, and I helped her point out the way. And her pursuers found her through my guidance. Now I'm in trouble. It turned out that several leaders thought that Zhu had something to do with the killings of disciples of five sects, and asked Zhu to go back to Huashan Sect with them to argue the truth, but there was no such person in the world, which was really overwhelming. For the sake of my reputation of "ten hexagrams are not allowed", I decided to stand up and help Zhu and jointly deal with the four heads. After a fight ... Wow, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, no, I want it. ...

After a long time, I gradually woke up and saw that it was getting dark. When I asked Shi Hong, a beggar, I found a place called Ancient Paintings. I can live there temporarily, and I can meet three treasure boxes on the way. I hid here for a month. However, a few days later, Zhu found her and kept asking me to teach her martial arts, but I was a scholar. Now, let's go back to Taohua Town and find a way to make a living! Zhu Gang and I took a few steps and stopped following me. Before leaving, she told me that when I was in trouble, he would call her name and help me out. But let's go first and hurry back to Taohua Town.

Back in Taohua Town, I went to the hotel to eat a lot, but I didn't expect to lose my wallet and importune with the bartender. He finally let me out of the hotel and ran away. There seems to be no place to live here. Let's go to Qingshui Town in the south.

Go out of the town from the south of Taohua Town and come to the bamboo forest. You can find the summoner here. This pet can help me attack the enemy in future battles, which is much easier than doing it yourself. I found a clearing in the bamboo forest and sat down to rest, thinking, how did the money fall? Ah, it's Zhu. She stole my wallet. Just then, the clerk gathered a group of people to ask me for money. Fortunately, Yang Shaochong appeared, helped me out, and invited me to visit his relatives in Qingshui Town.

When I arrived in Qingshui Town, I found Yang Shaochong in Hanako's kitchen. At this time, Feng Kanglong and Zhu of Huashan School came here. Feng Kanglong came here to clarify the misunderstanding between Zhu and everyone. Everything has nothing to do with her. But Zhu hit me when he saw me and ran away without saying a few words. I'm not in the mood, I just want to leave, but in order to get away, I have to call Zhu to save me. After World War I, Yang Shaochong was defeated, but I was cheated again and fell into the secret room with him. Zhu also came down to save me. Thanks to her, we both escaped from the chamber of secrets. Now we have to find a way to detoxify, but the drugstore in Qingshui Town has no antidote.

Going out from the south of Qingshui Town, I met Mu on the mountain road. Before leaving, she gave me the eternal sword of Emei Sect. We came to Emei Sect with a sword, and Zhu "robbed" me of my position as the head, but I didn't want to be the head either. Zhu took care of the wine and meat monk who came to see Fan, and went back to their rooms to have a rest. Zhu wanted to see me at dawn and said that she would send someone to find the antidote. We couldn't stay here, so I took her to the cave.

The cave is just to the east of Qingshui Town. Zhu is very clever. At first glance, you can know that you are learning the so-called "cave-free solution." In order to walk in the Jianghu in the future, she also learned this kung fu. On the way to the cave, she can pick up another summoner, World of Warcraft, which is the strongest pet in the story and of course demanding. Then we returned to Emei Mountain, but the onset of this poison is coming. I went to Zhu and heard their conversation at the door. In order not to worry Zhu, I decided to set up a scam and leave Emei Mountain by myself, so I left. Come out from Emei Mountain and walk to a lotus pond, where you will meet a Taoist priest. This is an invincible battle. This Taoist priest wants to help me detoxify and accept me as a disciple. She took me to her Taoist temple and taught me a set of eighteen swords to chase the wind, so the poison on me was solved. One day three months later, a group of golden people outside the Taoist temple were flirting with a woman. I'll save that woman. I learned from her that there were many bullies in Qinggang town not far away, and the master asked me to drive them away. I came to Qinggang town alone to send a few minions, but Yan Yanfu couldn't beat him. At this time, the master came, easily defeated Yan Fu and drove away the Jin people. Back to the Taoist temple, Master asked me to go down the mountain to do something, so I left Master.

After going down the mountain, I met Ouyang Ce outside Qinggang Town, and easily snatched the position of the head of the Kongtong Sect from him. I thought it was nothing, so I went to Zhu. I didn't know Zhu had gone out to look for me until I went to Emei Mountain, but she hasn't come back yet. In desperation, I had to find her and go out along the mountain road. Sad, I cried at the stone wall and shouted Zhu's name. At this time, her voice came from far away, and I followed it. A few days later, I found Zhu at Du Popo's house, and they finally got together again. After defeating Du and her daughter Mu, we decided to have a rest in Heifeng Town. We can find ghosts' pets in the treasure chest outside Blackwind Town. When I arrived in Heifeng Town, I didn't expect to be cheated in a residential building and Zhu was taken away. I rebelled against my master and asked him to take me to save people. After I rescued Zhu, I didn't dare to stay long, so I came to Baima Town to have a rest. When we arrived at the inn in Baima Town, we asked for a room to rest. However, Zhu didn't see her at dawn, so I hurried to find her. When I walked out of Baima Town, I heard the Jiangzhou gang say that there was a wedding robbery in Lingxiao. I thought Zhu was arrested by them, so I promised them to confront him in the city.

When I went to town, it turned out that the bride was not Zhu. This is a false alarm. Since it's not, I have to keep looking for her myself. When I walked out of Lingxiao City, I met people from Jiangzhou Gang. Their leader was killed by Morey, the Lord of Lingxiao City, and he made me their leader. I agreed to their request, but I went to Zhu anyway.

After leaving Jiangzhou Gang, I decided to go to the cave. When I arrived in Heifeng Town, I realized that a friend of hers was here, and there was no news when I went to inquire. I still went to the cave to look for it. However, before we arrived at the cave, we met Zhu and Feng Kanglong talking about something. It turns out that Feng Kanglong is a really sinister man and plays well. We are no match for him yet, but fortunately Zhu is smart enough to fight him in Huashan in three months. Now, let's go back to Clearwater and have a rest. On second thought, we decided to go to the place where we first met. In this way, they had a rest in ancient paintings. Seeing that the appointment of Huashan was coming, I decided to go back to Jiangzhou Gang first, so I took Zhu to Jiangzhou Gang. However, when we visited Jiangzhou Gang, all gang members were killed. Judging from the evidence left, it seems to be related to the Qingcheng School, so we went to Morey in Lingxiao City to judge. After we arrived in Lingxiao City to avenge everyone, Huashan's date is coming. We borrowed Morey's carriage to go to Huashan.

When I arrived in Huashan, I understood the truth of everything and defeated Feng Kanglong. From then on, Zhu became the head of Huashan school, and we became relatives. At this time, the fair-weather monk appeared again. It turned out that he also wanted to be the head of the five sects. With the help of Yang Shaochong, he also learned the "solution without holes". In order to learn this martial arts, he promised Yang Shaochong to kill me. Now I am no match for him, so he gave me …, leaving Zhu alone in this world.

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There are three ways to improve the level of martial arts: if you can get a secret book of martial arts, you can change or improve martial arts quickly and at a low price; But reading can only make martial arts reach about 50 levels, and you can also improve martial arts through the contact key. However, the consumption of physical strength and internal force is far greater than reading, which can only improve the level of martial arts and cannot change the types of martial arts. Remember to bring a handy weapon when practicing; The last way to improve martial arts is to exchange the blood of the enemy for the promotion of martial arts.

In the game, you have four visible parameters: life, energy, physical strength and internal force. You can find time to improve them while walking the map; The conversion method is as follows:

Breathing: Turn your energy into physical strength. When the value of physical strength is twice the maximum physical strength, you will increase your maximum physical strength a little. Shortcut e

Meditation: Turn your life into internal force. When the internal force is twice the maximum internal force, it will increase a little. Shortcut key x

Luck: Turn internal force into life, which can be used in combat. Shortcut key o

Energy transport: converting internal force into physical strength, which can be used in combat. Shortcut key I

Yunjing: Convert internal force into energy, which can be used in combat. Shortcut key g

Keep energy and health in the game at all times. If one of the two values is 0, then the role will be declared dead. For dead characters, special props must be used to revive them, otherwise they will not be able to participate in the battle.


Props must be enough. These props represent infinite hope in the game. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as there are enough props, there is hope of victory.

When besieged, use the terrain to make multiple enemies fight with themselves as little as possible; Make good use of defensive roles to defend, and other roles attack strongly.

The increase of the maximum internal power will affect the maximum health of the character, so you should have a good habit of meditation at any time, and it is best to keep the maximum internal power near the bottleneck.

There are not many martial arts moves, but they are fine. Be cautious in practicing a martial art. You should first raise one martial art to the highest level, and then practice another. When changing the martial arts, we should pay attention to our own situation and choose the martial arts that suits our own level.

Internal skill is as important as lightness skill. The level of internal skill directly thinks of the maximum value of internal skill, so the practice of internal skill and lightness skill is also very important, otherwise it will increase the chance of failure in the battle.

Practice, breathe and meditate in the town as much as possible, which is safer and will not be attacked by the enemy.