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Mountain, post, delivery.

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I want to know the content of this film, thank you.


Based on Peng Jianming's novel, "Mountain Post" tells a touching story that happened in Xiangxi Mountain Village in 1980s: my father, who had been sending letters in the mountains all his life, was about to retire, and his son took over as a postman and took the mountain road that his father had taken. On the first day of shift change, the father decided to take his son on a trip. It takes three days to go back and forth by mail. Along the way, the father and son who rarely meet and communicate on weekdays have experienced a lot together, and the father and son who have been separated have begun to understand each other.

The story itself is unremarkable and even lacks basic dramatic conflicts. The conceptual confrontation between father and son was quickly resolved peacefully through compromise by one side. I don't know if it is the reason why the director deliberately avoided it. The film takes green as the keynote from beginning to end, and its rhythm is slow, which reflects the aesthetic pursuit of director Jianqi Huo:

My movies are always warmer. I don't like things that are too cruel and stressful. After all, the world is beautiful.

The theme of expressing the feelings of father and son is pleasing, and it is the specific time when the father leaves his job and the son takes over. The son embarked on the postal route that his father had traveled countless times, and began to understand his father's joys and sorrows, knowing that his father was not easy; When the father sent his son on the road, he was both happy (the son finally grew up) and worried (whether the son could bear hardships). The dog named "the second child" in the film undoubtedly has a special position. When father and son have nothing to say, they will turn to the dog for help. Dogs that have been leading the way have also played a role in guiding the audience's sight and the development of the story.

There will always be some conceptual conflicts between the two generations, such as reading letters to Wupo, delivering letters by means of transportation, and being secular with neighbors, such as the views of father and son on women in the mountains. Maybe these are too heavy, or maybe they are really "untidy and messy." The director either downplays it or perfunctory the audience. When the father asked his son if he would marry Dong's woman, the conversation between them seemed too ethereal:

"No (marry her)."

"Why? Is it because she is vulgar? "


"Do you think she has no culture?"

"Not really."

"Then why on earth?"

"I don't want her to leave the mountains like my mother and miss life in the mountains all day."

Poetry exists, but reality is obliterated. In any big city in China, whether it is Beijing or Shenzhen, we can see countless wage earners and women workers desperately walking out of the mountains. For them, the mountains represent poverty, ignorance and backwardness: there are no feasts, no cars and trains, no shopping malls and supermarkets, and even no lights and televisions. The outside world is wonderful, although it is also helpless, but full of temptation. In this respect, the film misled the audience. Of course, Mr. Rain has no intention of criticizing the director's creative orientation. A friend who was watching movies with Mr. Rain said:

"Life in the mountains is actually quite good, with beautiful scenery and good air."

A few years ago, a kind of TV prose was popular, which was packaged with TV pictures and music. The TV station also held a grand prix. Later, due to the height and poverty of the song, it seemed to go away. However, the style and fate of Shanshan Post are similar in China. Apart from winning the Best Feature Film Award at 19 Golden Rooster Award, it has never been paid attention to. No film company is willing to release the film and only sell one copy. However, after it was released in Japan in April, 20001,it not only made a box office of more than 400 million yen in just one year, but also won the first prize of five excellent foreign language films in the Japanese Film Pen Club, the fourth place in the ten best foreign language films in the ten-day newspaper and the fourth place in the ten best foreign language films on the screen. Everyday is a typical "flower inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall". Why is it popular with Japanese audiences?

Japanese audiences are very curious about movies about the lives of ordinary people in China. They want to know the living conditions and psychology of China people. The hill is completely different from what they imagined, like a distant fairy tale. In addition, the affection of the father and son in the film touched many people, especially the scene of the son crossing the river with his father on his back, which is simply unimaginable in modern Japan.

In China, the book "Biography" has also started to be mentioned by some people, but thanks to Liu Ye and Chen Hao. Although Teng Rujun's performance is deeper, Liu Ye's performance in the first film is also quite satisfactory. Chen Hao just showed off her charming face and smile. Besides, Miss Dong, who she plays, has no flesh and blood, so she fell in love with Liu Ye's son without any explanation.

Finally, the soundtrack of the movie was actually synthesized by MIDI. How stingy! The soundtrack is too rampant, and it is suspected that "the music is not enough to make up the number". It has no characteristics and cannot set off the theme, drive the development of the story and leave a deep impression on the audience. Several popular songs selected in the film, including "A Heartwarming Heart", "Like Your Gentleness" and a European and American song, are all too casual.

In 200 1 year, a beautiful China film "Mail Order" was released in Japan, which touched the hearts of countless people with its picturesque artistic conception and tortuous stories. In reality, there is also such a postman, as shown in the movie, who shuttles through the picturesque southwest mountainous area of China, but has no time to miss it and leads a hard and monotonous postal life. This man is Wang Shunyou, a postal worker in Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Sichuan Province.

The environment is hard

Muli County is located in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, on the edge of Shangri-La. Blade-like ridges are intertwined side by side in the territory, and deep valleys with huge gaps are formed between mountains. Deep rivers such as the Longhe River flow here, covering a large area of virgin forest.

Although the scenery here is beautiful, the mountains are steep and the roads are rugged. The postman had to rely on mules and horses to deliver letters over long distances. This postal route is called "Banma Postal Route". Wang Shunyou's "Banma Post Road" is 360 kilometers long from Muli County to Baidiao Miao Township, Ju 'ai Township and Luobo Township. It takes 14 days to climb more than a dozen peaks and cross four rivers, and you have to walk twice a month. For 20 years, he has been pulling mules and horses to deliver letters in this remote mountain, with a total journey of 260,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to walking around the equator for six and a half times.

In Muli mountain area, the road is just a stone nest trampled by mules and horses in the rocks, with mountains on one side and endless cliffs on the other. The road is only as wide as a horse.

"There are four seasons in one mountain, and there are different days in ten miles", which is how our geography textbooks describe the climate in Hengduan mountain area. In spring, Chaerwa Mountain is covered with snow and ice, the air is thin and the temperature is MINUS ten degrees. And crossing the Chaerwa Mountain and reaching the Yalong River Valley, the temperature immediately exceeded 30 degrees, and it was full of summer heat. Wang Shunyou, walking in the mountains, sweated into ice for a while, and sweated like rain for a while, repeatedly experiencing the angular ridges and changeable weather of the Hengduan Peak.

Deep in the mountains, I often walk for a day or two without seeing anyone. Here, loneliness is more terrible than fatigue. At night, deep in the forest, Wang Shunyou often sets up a tent around a bonfire, stirs a bowl of Ciba (traditional Tibetan fried noodles) or bakes a few potatoes for a meal, and then sings his own folk songs. Anyone familiar with Wang Shunyou knows that he has two hobbies: singing folk songs and drinking. In the "cold wonderland" in the wood, this is his best way to resist loneliness.

Full of danger

Wang Shunyou took the reins from his father Wang Youcai and embarked on the postal route. He still remembers that one night in the winter when he was eight years old, his father knocked down the door with a ponytail and fell to the ground and said, "The snow burned my eyes." Mother found herbs to boil and smoked his father's eyes. The next morning, my father said that he saw the dawn, so he wrapped the mail on his horse and set off again.

Wang Youcai is the first postman in Muli. He has been running in Banma for 30 years. At the age of 45, Wang Youcai could no longer walk, so Wang Shunyou, 20, took over the post. During this period, Wang Shunyou was often called "Wang Dadan" by villagers, because this postal route was too dangerous.

On the postal route, there is another place called turn ninety-nine. This is a narrow path, turning on a cliff that goes straight up and down. Look up, cliffs; Bow your head, the waves are rough, you will fall off the cliff if you are not careful, and even the body can't be found. This road is the only way for Wang Shunyou to deliver letters.

1995 1 1 One day in June, he followed the mule to turn 99. Suddenly, a pheasant flew out of the Woods, which made the mule jump around. Wang Shunyou hurried forward to pull the reins, but the mule suddenly lifted two hind hooves and kicked him in the stomach. He put his hands on his stomach and fell to the ground with a sharp pain. However, after a while, he took the mule on the road again. Nine days later, Wang Shunyou finally delivered the mail. When he was taken to the hospital by his fellow villagers, he was already dying, and his abdominal cavity was opened, full of pus and blood. The doctor said that if you came two hours late, your life would be lost. After four hours of operation, he woke up, but his health was not as good as before.

On another occasion, Wang Shunyou sent a letter to a suspension bridge on the Yalong River. Ten meters ahead, a caravan has passed on the bridge. At the moment, the thick steel cable on one side of the suspension bridge suddenly broke, and the bridge body instantly turned 90 degrees. People walking on the bridge and mules and horses fell into the river and were swallowed up by the cold and swift river ... This heart-wrenching scene made Wang Shunyou stunned when he walked in the mountains every day.

This is not the first time that such a thing has happened. I used to cross the Yalong River with a zip line. On one occasion, when Wang Shunyou on the rope was approaching the other side, the rope suddenly broke and he fell from the air more than two meters high. Luckily, he landed on the river bank, but the mail bounced off his back into the river. Without thinking, Wang Shunyou grabbed a branch and jumped into waist-deep water to get the mail. The swift current, coupled with * * *, finally dragged the mail ashore, and Wang Shunyou people fell.

"When I came, the contact was not broken."

Muli County is inhabited by 17 ethnic groups, with 9 people living for generations. The largest population is Tibetans, Yi and Miao, and 90% of the population lives in small villages deep in the mountains, with an average of only 9 people per square kilometer.

This fairy-tale lifestyle makes transportation and communication difficult, and there are no telephones or highways in many places. But since 1976, all towns and villages in Muli have postal services. Moreover, the 15 postal route is 2,303 kilometers, all of which are "Banma postal routes". People's contact with the outside world depends entirely on rural postal worker Rainbow Shunyou climbing mountains and wading. Here, the postage for each ordinary letter is 0.8 yuan, but the average delivery cost reaches 29.84 yuan, so the small Muli County Post Office loses more than 1 10,000 yuan every year.

1In August, 1998, Muli was hit by a torrential rain and debris flow that never happened in a century. All roads and small bridges entering Luobo Township were washed away, and all simple bridges on rivers were washed away by floods. The whole Luobo township suddenly became an island completely isolated from the outside world.

Just as everyone was worried by the roaring river, suddenly someone shouted, "Look, Lao Wang is coming." I saw Wang Shunyou walking step by step covered in mud. His white mule turned into a mud mule, and only the package on the mule's back was clean-wrapped in plastic sheets for several layers. Everyone gathered around to ask him if he was hurt. He said, "Nothing, the road was too slippery and I fell a few times. The bridge was broken, and I pulled the Mawei bus all the way. " The villagers said, "Lao Wang, it has been raining for several days. You can avoid and wait. It is too dangerous. " Wang Shunyou said, "I dare not delay. There are newspapers and two students' admission notices in the package. Moreover, I am here, which means that the connection between here and the county is not broken. " This sentence touched everyone present.

It is said that he brought not only emails but also his own thoughts to the villagers of ethnic minorities.

Chicken Maodian in Sancha Township and Mozigou in Radish Township are both mountainous areas, and people's food is very monotonous. Wang Shunyou taught them the techniques of growing vegetables on high mountains and sent them new vegetable seeds. Now, the villagers in these two villages have their own vegetable gardens and can eat fresh vegetables even in winter.

It's inconvenient for mountain people to buy things, so Wang Shunyou often helps villagers buy some salt, tea and medicine when they go out to work, and once brought fine rice and vegetables from the city with his own pocket, so that mountain people who used to have monotonous food can eat vegetables in winter. When the villagers took the parcel and smiled, he felt that he was the happiest person.

Five people, three homes.

There are five people in Wang Shunyou's family: his wife, Hansa, his son and daughter. Besides, he regards mules and horses as his family. Because he spends twenty or thirty days with his wife and children and 365 days with mules and horses every year. Mules and horses are his closest companions.

In the past 20 years, he used more than 30 mules and horses. The hard work of the postal route makes the service period of mules and horses short, and a good horse cannot run on the postal route for several years. At this time, Wang Shunyou will send the mules and horses that can't run back to their hometown to raise them until they die.

Wang Shunyou said that he has three homes: one with a wife and children, one in Baidiao Township, and one with mules and horses walking alone on the postal route. He lives with his wife and children in Yinpan Formation outside Muli County, a village with only two families halfway up the mountain. There are three acres of fields, three cows, a dozen sheep and four yellow-brown houses rammed with stones and mud at home, which is simply a paradise.

Wang Shunyou got married the year she started working. How long has this family been established, how long has he been running the postal route, and how long has his wife Lufthansa been waiting for him at home. Today, the wrinkles on this thin woman's face are pressing the wrinkles, but she is only 46 years old. She occasionally drinks in loneliness. When her husband sleeps alone in the mountains, Lufthansa is even more lonely. Only she knows how many tears Lufthansa shed after drinking wine. In Wang Shunyou's folk songs, many love songs are sung to Lufthansa. He once taught Lufthansa to sing: "If you don't see my face for three days, it will be dozens of days." Lufthansa just laughed and didn't learn.

Now, Wang Shunyou's greatest wish is that every township in Muli can get on the highway and run cars, so that the "Ban Ma Mail Road" can be replaced by "Car Mail Road". This is also the wish of Muli County and the local postal department. In 2005, all roads leading to the countryside in Muli were completed, and Muli Post Office also opened more bus and mail lines to improve the working conditions of postmen.

Small data

At present, China Post 1/3 employees, 2/3 postal routes and 3/4 outlets are distributed in rural and remote areas. The total length of one-way distribution route in rural areas is 353 1 1,000 km. Due to the limitation of traffic conditions, there are currently more than 9,000 postal routes and more than 200 postal routes in Banma. A large number of couriers, Rainbow Shunyou, dedicated their youth to the goal of local postal service.