Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Xiaoxian fortune-telling

Xiaoxian fortune-telling

What does Pan Ludeng's fairy mean?

Pan Lv Deng Xiaoxian refers to the five conditions for men to "get light". Now it refers to the five elements that men attract women, or the five conditions that men need to have to chase women. That is to say, a man who is as beautiful as Pan An, as powerful as a donkey and as rich as Deng Tong, the monopoly of the Han Dynasty, should take good care of women, be considerate to them and spend more time with them. Ximen Qing, a representative of ancient Pan Ludeng's filial piety.

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The word "Pan Ludeng's Little Fairy" comes from the twenty-fourth chapter of "The Water Margin". "Wang Po said that he was greedy and bribed, but Brother Yun was angry and made a tea shop". The original text is as follows:

Wang Po: "Listen to me, officer. But who gets the light, two words:' the hardest'. You need five things to get it. First, the emergence of Pan An; Second, the big goods of donkeys; Third, as rich as Deng Tong; The fourth thing, small, requires patience; Fifth, ask for leave. These five works are called "Pan, Donkey, Deng, Xiao and Xian". If you have five pieces, you will get it. "