Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Has anyone ever met something strange that science can't explain at present?

Has anyone ever met something strange that science can't explain at present?

1July, 977, Huang slept in his home in Feixiang County, Hebei Province. I woke up the next day and found myself lying in Nanjing, Jiangsu, which is more than 0/000 kilometers away from home. In early September of the same year, Huang slept at home and woke up to find himself in Shanghai. Huang said that after he woke up, he went to Nanjing and Shanghai and felt someone flying behind him.

1977, Huang, 2 1 year-old in Feixiang County, Hebei Province, was an out-and-out farmer. Just this year, after Huang and his fiancee got engaged, they began to build a new house and planned to get married after the autumn harvest, but the day before the wedding, something strange happened.

On June 12 of the lunar calendar, Huang, who was tired all day, finished his dinner and went to bed about 10. When the sun just came out the next morning, Huang woke up and found that he was not sleeping in his bed at home, but beside a big pool without spraying water. He looked around and saw a hotel in Nanjing. (The big pool mentioned by Huang may be Xuanwu Lake in the center of Nanjing)

Huang thought it was a dream, rubbed his eyes and watched it again. It was really in Nanjing, not a dream. Huang was scared. Suddenly, he woke up and came to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province from his hometown of Feixiang County, Hebei Province. He doesn't know how he came to Nanjing or how to get there. He is afraid to go. He sat on the ground and didn't know what to do. At this time, two men in white coats and epaulettes came towards it.

The policeman asked Huang what he was doing. Huang said that he came to Nanjing from Hebei as soon as he woke up, but somehow he didn't want to go home.

The policeman said, let's buy you a ticket to Shanghai. Go to Shanghai, where there is a repatriation station. Huang, who is worried, is eager to see someone help him.

Soon, the police gave Huang a train ticket, sent him to Nanjing Railway Station, two or three hundred meters away from Xuanwu Lake, and boarded the train.

To Huang's surprise, when he arrived in Shanghai, the two policemen appeared at the railway station again, picked him up and sent him to the ninth repatriation station in Shanghai, and asked the people at the repatriation station to send a telegram to Huang's hometown and asked the village to send someone to pick him up in Shanghai.

During Huang's stay in Nanjing and Shanghai, villagers in Feixiang county and village of Hebei province all knew that Huang had mysteriously disappeared. Everyone thinks it's strange. Some kind people said he was missing, and Huang's neighbor Qin went to Huang for several days.

At about 9 am on July 28th, 1977, the day after Huang disappeared, a strange telegram was sent from Shanghai to Huang's hometown, Feixiang County, Hebei Province.

The telegram was sent by the ninth repatriation station of Shanghai Public Security Bureau, No.430 Mengzi Road, Shanghai. The telegram said that Huang was in Shanghai and hoped that the village would send someone to claim him.

But the address of the telegram is wrong. Huang lived in the village, but the telegram was sent to nearby xinzhai village. There was no yellow in xinzhai village, and the telegram was put in xinzhai village for about seven or eight days. Huang stayed at the Shanghai repatriation station for half a month, because the telegram was sent by mistake and the time was delayed.

Later, when the village learned of the telegram, it sent a family member of the villager Lu and Huang to Shanghai to meet Huang, because Lu's nephew Lu Haisheng was in an army in Shanghai and was very familiar with Shanghai.

In Shanghai, Lu, Lu Haisheng and Huang's family went to the ninth repatriation station in Shanghai, took Huang out by telegram, stayed in the army guest house, and then returned to their hometown in Hebei.

1August, 977, Huang finally returned to his hometown. He couldn't explain the strange phenomenon that he didn't take any transportation when he woke up in Nanjing. However, he always felt that two people had been flying behind him that night.

It is at least 1000 km from Feixiang County, Hebei Province to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and it is not difficult for Huang to get to Nanjing from Hebei in nine hours overnight. However, in the 1970s, there was no high-speed train. The maximum speed of the train was 80 kilometers per hour, and Huang didn't take any means of transportation, which was amazing.

If Huang says he is lying, but many people prove that he is not lying, that telegram is also a good proof. Besides, lying is not good for Huang. The woman engaged to Huang thinks Huang is a weirdo because of his bizarre disappearance and magical "flying". Besides, Huang's family is in trouble, and he has no money to go to Nanjing.

Huang's bizarre disappearance and "flying" have made people feel incredible, but one night soon, Huang disappeared again.

1at the beginning of September, 977, I went to bed at night 10. When he woke up the next morning, he found himself sleeping in Shanghai Railway Station. Overnight, he inexplicably arrived in Shanghai from his hometown in Hebei, and still felt that there were two people flying behind him. This time, the names of Shandong people Gao and Gao were written on the wall of his room.

Huang, who woke up at Shanghai Railway Station, didn't know where to go. He thought of Lu Haisheng in Shanghai, but he didn't know where Lu Haisheng lived. Just when he didn't know what to do, two policemen appeared around him, and the police took him to Lu Haisheng's house.

When Lu Haisheng came out to open the door, he did see two soldiers standing outside. Although they wear similar military uniforms, the clothes and hats don't fit, especially the hats are very big.

After Huang entered the door, Lu Haisheng asked him if he had eaten. Huang said he didn't, so Lu Haisheng made a catty of paper for Huang to eat.

Huang seems to have eaten nothing for several days. He ate a catty of paper strips at once and then went to bed. Lv Haisheng looked at Huang. He seems to have stayed up all night. No matter how to call him, he won't wake up.

The next afternoon, Lu Haisheng put Huang on the train home. This time, Lv Haisheng was more careful. Lv Hai dare not take Huang to the car. Huang jumped out of the car and followed him back. So, Lu Haisheng watched on the platform, and he didn't turn around and go home until the train left.

Lu Haisheng said that he was very surprised and surprised by Huang's arrival. In order to go to Shanghai, he had to change trains. From Shanghai Railway Station, he has to take bus No.65 to the Bund, take the ferry from the Bund, and then take bus No.81to Gao Qiao. Gao Qiao took a rural line called Gao Gao Line to reach his camp. It is inconvenient for city people to go to his house, and it takes a long time, not to mention it is yellow.

Huang Qiuyan mysteriously disappeared twice and came back safe and sound. The villagers are full of doubts and puzzles about his strange behavior, but Huang, like a mute eating coptis chinensis, can't tell what happened and how it happened.

Huang's two mysterious disappearances have always made people feel incredible and incredible. However, half a month later, on the evening of September 20th, 1977, Huang finished his job evaluation and was about to go home. He suddenly felt dizzy, then fell to the ground and lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was already in Lanzhou.

Huang said that this time he spent the longest time and went to the most places. Within 9 days, the two fliers flew behind his back, first to Lanzhou, and then to 8 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Fuzhou and Xi 'an. He flew more than ten thousand kilometers. Every time he goes to a city, he spends an hour or two on the road. Everywhere he went, the two men told him what it was and said

However, Huang's third flight, unlike the previous two, had no witnesses and other verifiable clues.

Ji Jianmin, the former member of UFO Research Association of China and the president of UFO Research Association of Feixiang, Hebei Province, was the first investigator of Huang Qian's two bizarre incidents from rural Hebei to Jiangsu, Suning and Shanghai overnight. Personally, he thinks it is an alien who moved to the earth. After the investigation that year, he wrote a report about "Aliens took him roaming", and at the same time, he also wrote a complete material about the Huang incident.

At that time, a county leader, after reading the materials written by Ji Jianmin, was also convinced that aliens came to earth for activities, because there was a lot of evidence, such as the time and evidence that the parties pressed their fingerprints and went to Shanghai to meet Huang, the time and evidence that the neighboring village received a telegram, the evidence that a leading cadre in Shanghai met Huang, the evidence of the public security department, and Huang's narrative.

Unfortunately, the evidence in the later materials, Ji Jianmin, was only kept for five years. When the official didn't come, it was no longer kept, but fortunately, these witnesses are still alive.

As for the telegram, Ji Jianmin has never seen it or found it, but he entrusted the Shanghai UFO Research Association to check it at the receiving station. The receiving station did receive it, and the receiving time was the same as that of the telegram.

Entrusted by Ji Jianmin, Qi Lin, former director of the UFO regular meeting in China, went to Shanghai to verify the date of the telegram. At that time, Qi Lin didn't see the telegram when he went to investigate, but the propaganda minister of the county party committee said that he saw the telegram.

Ji Jianmin believes that after Huang disappeared for the second time, the names Gao and Gao left on the wall were written when aliens came. These two aliens can write Chinese characters and speak Chinese.

Zhang Jingping, former director of the investigation department of China UFO Research Association, disagreed with Ji Jianmin, saying that these two names may come from Earth, China and Shandong. Because these two people thought that people didn't know them, they wrote the provinces and names on the wall, which provided some clues for relevant researchers to find them, and their names and ages were probably true, which was an important clue to find these two flying people.

Experts are also invited to hypnotize Huang, hoping to recall more content through hypnosis. After experts hypnotized Huang, criminal investigation experts drew two portraits according to Huang's description of Gao and Gao. From the portrait, Gao and Gao are both human beings like ordinary people.

But humans have no ability to fly. Could it be that the zodiac told some strange things and made up a big lie?

In the face of yellow test results, unacceptable. He firmly believes that someone is behind him.

In this case, Huang also firmly believes that this is a deviation from the normal thinking logic, which is often the case when encountering some problems in the psychiatric department. Part of what he said is true, and part is some imaginary processing. For example, Huang has been to Shanghai and someone has seen him there. How did he get there? Huang described that aliens took him.

What does Huang think of aliens? According to Huang, he heard from the UFO Research Association. He didn't think of aliens. As for whether aliens or earthlings carried him, he didn't know. He doesn't know what aliens are like, but the two people he saw are basically the same as the people on earth.

Huang remembers the places he has been very clearly, especially the third flight. Huang said that he asked the two men why they wanted him to fly with him, but they didn't say anything. He told them to teach him some skills, then he could fly without their backs, but they said no.

However, Huang said that on the third flight, he was awake, not dreaming. In this regard, experts said that Huang's sobriety should be questioned, because sometimes he fell asleep, but in his dreams, he thought he was awake. He dreamed that someone was carrying him back to the flight, which may be a brain problem, causing some hallucinations, such as epilepsy.

Experts also said that in the past hundred years, those incidents that claimed to have been kidnapped by aliens were later confirmed by investigations by relevant departments. These kidnappings are nothing more than two situations, one is having nightmares and the other is sleepwalking. So is the yellow incident one of these two situations?

Experts said that Huang's first two experiences were typical. He woke up and went somewhere else, but he couldn't remember it in the middle. This situation is similar to sleepwalking (sleepwalking) in clinical manifestations, that is, he walks in sleep, and sleepwalking can also occur in brain epilepsy.

In order to check whether there is something wrong with Huang's brain and whether it is epileptic sleepwalking, xuanwu hospital performed an MRI examination of Huang's brain organs. The examination results show that Huang's brain is normal, and Huang's sleepwalking is not epileptic sleepwalking.

Huang has a healthy brain, so why does he persistently search for the words and deeds of these two mysterious people, and how to explain it?

The deputy chief physician of psychiatry said that Huang had no epilepsy or brain trauma, and his condition could only be considered as paranoid and moderately paranoid.

Huang accepted the judgment of moderate paranoia. How did Huang's paranoia come from?

The doctor said that this is related to Huang's personal quality and the inducing factors of the surrounding environment, that is, in Huang's life circle, some people like to study UFOs or aliens, and always remind him that his three bizarre disappearances have nothing to do with aliens, and the words Gao and Gao on the wall are probably written by Huang in his sleepwalking. In the final analysis, Huang's three bizarre disappearances are just an abnormal activity in his sleepwalking state after longing for urban life.

Huang finally accepted the doctor's statement.

Although the doctor's conclusion is that Huang suffers from paranoia, Huang has become one of the three unsolved UFO cases in China.

This is Wang Gang's story "Who is driving me to fly". After watching Huang's flight show, I was really surprised.

Although the doctor gave an explanation and conclusion for Huang's three flights, this explanation and conclusion was meaningful for Huang's third flight, but not for Huang's first two flights. Even if Huang sleepwalks, it is impossible to run from Hebei to Nanjing or Shanghai overnight in the 1970 s when the traffic is underdeveloped.

Everyone is familiar with UFOs and aliens. I don't know if Huang's first two flights were made by aliens, but personally, I think it is unreasonable to explain them with current scientific knowledge, at least it is not completely convincing. I look forward to more scientific progress, and one day I can really solve the mystery of Huang's first two flights.

Let me give you one!

In our hometown, I have a child. We are peers and neighbors. We grew up together and studied together until we graduated from junior high school. It is impossible to be familiar with familiar things!

After graduating from college, he worked as a doctor in Hebei, and I stayed in Beijing, and the two had relatively little contact. Plus, I can't see you when I go back to my hometown every year, that is, I can meet you once or twice in a hurry during the New Year.

The year before last! Last year, the epidemic control began in the first day of Hebei Province. The year before last, I went to his house for a drink on the second day of the second lunar month, and met his sister, a married woman with children, only three years younger than him. ...

The point is, my impression of his sister is too vague. As I said before, my family and his family are neighbors. I'm in my thirties, but I don't remember a neighbor sister who is only three years younger than me.

When I got back, I asked my parents. My parents made it very clear that this woman got married, but when she was a child, she only said a few words. She also said with a smile, how can we remember other people's children clearly when they are young?

Later, I had dinner with several junior high school students and accidentally mentioned it. What surprised me most was that two junior high school students left their hometown without going to school. They all asked doubtfully, when did XXX (the junior high school student next door) have a sister?

Lie in the trough! We grew up playing together and didn't know there was such a woman outside. At home, we only know the little sister's marriage clearly, and everything from childhood to pre-marriage is very vague.

What happened? Can science explain what happened to this seemingly sudden woman?

We have a kind of person here called Yin-Yang Eye.

Yes, my personal experience shows that when my mother was in Tomb-Sweeping Day, she was probably possessed by a ghost when she was hospitalized.

In the past, my mother had diabetic nephropathy, and she was hospitalized in a Chinese medicine hospital in Guangzhou, just in time to catch up with Tomb-Sweeping Day. In Tomb-Sweeping Day and Guangdong, it is still an important festival. Most doctors in the hospital are on holiday, and only one resident is on duty at night. It was just after 9 o'clock, and my mother should go to bed every night. But that day, my mother was very upset and always felt uncomfortable. I went to the doctor and measured her blood pressure and blood sugar, which were normal. The doctor thinks.

But my mother just doesn't feel well, and there's nothing I can do. The doctor gave her an electrocardiogram, and there was no problem. The doctor monitored his heart for 24 hours and found nothing. Later, my mother felt uncomfortable and had to cupping. We went to see a doctor, and the doctor said that diabetes can't be cupped. It's not easy to heal if there's a wound, but my mother really feels bad. My father also told the doctor that she used to cupping. If she doesn't pull it out, the doctor will be tempted to help her pull it out. My mother stopped for an hour, but after the jar was pulled out, my mother was still uncomfortable and didn't sleep. She tossed and turned, which made the blood pressure of patients in one of our wards high. She is the director of pediatrics in this hospital, and her blood pressure suddenly rose to 190, so she had to go to the nurses' lounge to rest.

By midnight, my mother was already a stranger. She hugged my father and said that she would kneel for him and let him take her home. She said that she had suffered too much here. I'll talk to my mother. She doesn't know me at all. I have no choice. My father pinched my mother's person and felt my mother's eyes suddenly wake up. Then she asked us, what are you doing? Why don't you sleep? Then she lay down to sleep by herself.

Wait until the next day and ask her if she remembers last night. She has no memory at all. Only I know how terrible my mother is. People say that the hospital is not clean, the lights are bright at ordinary times, there are many doctors, and it's nothing. Just in time for the Qingming holiday, there are fewer people. My mother is the kind of person who easily loses face, so that happened that day.

This matter can't be explained by normal thinking, because my mother usually behaves normally. She never did that day and will never do it again.

About ten years old, at noon in winter, I went to my neighbor's house and borrowed an iron sledge to pull water. I can't open the door of that house. It's a big wooden door that can be opened with a twist from the outside. At this time, I saw a man in a long black cotton robe coming out of his house, but he couldn't see his head and feet. Just when I tried to find my head and feet through a gate with my flat fingers, he came to the door, separated from me by a meridian. Looking up and down from the crack of the door, I still can't see my head and feet. After I stood apart from him for a minute or two, I didn't say anything, thinking that he would open the door for me, but he ducked to the left of the tent. I'm scared because there is no sound! Fortunately, at this time, my partner who is two years older than me came. I asked her to open the door and accompany me in. I followed him to the left and saw that the wooden shed was empty! When I got home, I told my mother and grandmother that they didn't believe me and said I was presbyopia. How to go to hell in broad daylight? Oh, I really saw it! My neighbor's yard has a long neck. I've been staring at him since he came out. It took a few minutes! Besides, no one has worn a big robe here for more than seven years! I haven't been there since. After decades, I will still think of that scene. I also wonder what would happen if I said something to let him open the door? Fortunately, I didn't say a word! I thought he would open the door for me, so I looked at it under the door and wondered! [Cover your face] [Cover your face] [Cover your face]

I am 52 years old. When I was 12 years old, there was no electric fan, air conditioner or TV in every household. On summer nights, we children will do what we can for our families, that is, splash water on the land in the yard to cool down. Then parents or big brother will move out of the bamboo bed and put it in the yard. At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, we will see bamboo beds on the road and in the yard, and all families will spend the night outside. I live in one house and four families live together. The living room is four kitchens for everyone. There is a back door and a front door. The four families have a very good relationship. That night, my mother and I slept on a bamboo bed and listened to the adults chatting. My mother fanned the fan for a while to repel mosquitoes. Did four brothers and sisters go to the nearby post office to watch the Hong Kong martial arts TV series Huo Yuanjia or The Legend of the Condor Heroes? I can't remember any plot either. At about ten o'clock in the evening, Uncle Hu, a cancer patient next door, quietly patted my father on the bamboo bed next to me, "Dad is the captain of the militia" and said something in his ear. Dad got up at once and quietly called the other two uncles who were sleeping in the yard. Four of them and five men each took a pole, a hoe, an axe and a shovel in the yard and went into the living room together. I'm surprised that I don't know what they are doing. They worked hard for a long time, and then came out to sit together and chat, which probably made me understand. It turns out that Uncle Hu's anti-cancer Chinese medicines are all under the bed. He must boil medicine before going to bed. At that time, every household had a large population and the house was very crowded. There are many things under the bed. Uncle Hu's living conditions are better than ours. There are several big watermelons under his bed. When he lowered his head to get the medicine, he saw a man's body under the bed. He saw the man's legs and feet, presumably a thief, and pretended to take out the medicine as if nothing had happened. Then I found my father, and they went to his house to catch thieves, but my father and his people couldn't find anyone. The back door was bolted inside and everyone slept outside. The man just couldn't fly, so he disappeared out of thin air, so everyone sat together without sleeping, drinking tea and discussing what the problem was. I don't know what's going on. There are all kinds of speculations. Did mom say that your third son stole watermelon? But even the third son can't find anyone else. Later, my brother and sister who watched TV came back to prove that they had been together. Everyone is confused. The next day, Uncle Hu's third son refused to go to school, complaining of a headache. The adults said he was just lazy, so find an excuse not to go to school. Uncle Hu slapped him with a cane, but no matter how he smoked, he still complained about his headache every day, and sometimes his head rolled on the ground, so he was taken to check. As a result, he found that the tumor in his brain was very large, and the brain cancer was advanced and could not be cured. More than three years later, Uncle Hu also left because of ineffective cancer treatment.

First, you can't say who will appear during the day.

I remember when I was in high school, I went to physical education class once, and we girls liked to wait for class under the shade. Then I told a girl friend of mine, my name is XXX now, will he really appear?

Then my girlfriend said, XXX! Come out right away.

As a result, the boy rushed over with a football! Before and after the difference 1 minute.

Second, coincidence.

Going out to play in junior high school is organized by the school. A group of us were in a room that night, and a boy told a ghost story.

Hardly had he finished when the doorbell rang.

At this time, the real "Ding Dong" appeared outside.

We all screamed, and several boys bravely opened the door.

The doorbell is the fat man who didn't come to listen to the story in the next class.

So, he was defeated by us.

But then the doorbell rang. What a coincidence. I can't communicate in advance

Third, the sixth sense.

When my father was visiting the United States, one night I suddenly told my mother, is the gas off?

My mother was sleepy and said, turn it off.

But I insisted that she see it.

It really didn't turn off.

I care about my family once every ten thousand years.

How amazing this sixth sense is.

Many things can't be explained by science. For example, fate is gone, and some people are still doomed to love.

Let me tell you something. When I was a freshman in high school, my grandmother was sick, vomiting and diarrhea, and the hospital refused to accept it. I don't remember being in my sixties. My aunt and my mother discussed looking for a doctor to see deficiency syndrome. If you can't see it in a general hospital, seeing a witch is the last hope. My mother can't ride a bike. There was no class on Saturday afternoon, so I carried my mother to another village five miles away from our village. It was windy that day, and I was not tall enough to carry it. My mother said, why don't you go back? The doctor said no. I don't think there is any problem. I was curious that I had never seen a witch, so I encouraged my mother to say that we pushed the car and got off the ground not far. My mother agreed.

As a result, as soon as she came in, the witch said, hey, I don't want to come halfway, so my mother quickly admitted her mistake. Later, the witch said that there is a water cage ditch beside your grave (for watering the ground and running water). Just plug the leaking place, and you can eat it tomorrow without pulling. If it is good, something will happen.

We were dubious, and the next day we were naive. Later, my grandmother died at the age of 78. I went to see a witch and said I didn't have a birthday. Some things can't be believed.

I've met it.

It was a summer when I was 12 years old. After lunch, it was very hot. I simply took a bath in the river, and then turned around and sat on the stone next to my pigsty to enjoy the cool. At that time, there was a modest pig in the pigsty. The pig fell asleep under the arbor. I looked at the pigsty and suddenly found a small taupe snake more than three feet long lying beside the pigsty. There are two rows of small claws on the snake's stomach, and each claw has three little fingers. It looks like the dragon claw in the picture, but it is much shorter than the dragon claw. I was curious and shouted, "Come and see, this snake has feet!" " "People came running curiously, but in the blink of an eye, the two rows of feet of the snake disappeared and the snake slipped away.

When my parents knew this, their hearts were sweating and their faces showed extreme fear and anxiety. Later, my aunt told me that people can't see the feet of snakes. If anyone sees them, there will definitely be trouble or great trouble. I was scared, too. I've been worried that something bad will happen to me. In the later days, although I didn't suffer much disaster, there were always minor disasters. Maybe it's because I saw the snake's legs that day.

I don't know, but I haven't found the answer to this matter yet.

When I was a child, my grandfather got esophageal cancer, went to Baoding People's Hospital for a few days, and then pulled it back with an ambulance.

My grandmother said that the hospital said there was no cure and told me to go home and prepare for the funeral.

Our custom here is that sick people try to die at home.

There is also a custom that if a person is seriously ill, he will find a fortune teller to check whether his "life" has arrived.

My grandmother and my mother came back from the inspection and said to everyone, "Because my grandfather has done a lot of good things, although there is no food for him, it is not time yet." What year is it now, and we have to wait for the ghost king to find out how many good things he has done. "

At that time, my grandfather was already very weak and could only eat liquid food. Every time he eats, he spends a long time choking and vomiting, showing a strong desire to survive.

I have always insisted on drinking Chinese herbal medicines prescribed by rural doctors.

In this way, amazing progress!

From illness to death, he lived for another fifteen years. At that time, my uncles were married, had children and separated. Before he died, he said, "I have come to inform you that my life has come."

At that time, when I was studying, I always thought my grandfather was incredible. Now I have gone through too many vicissitudes to understand where superstition is and where unscientific is. Obviously, grandparents had no choice but to play a game.

At that time, my uncles were not married. If I go bankrupt to treat my grandfather, I may drag the whole family into the abyss, and I may lose all my money in the end.

My grandfather must have made a plan to sacrifice himself to save everyone. He was afraid that the villagers would blame my grandmother and children, which was a lie he had to tell.

Sure enough, as they hoped, no one in the village doubted anything and no one made irresponsible remarks. Until now, I still take this as an example to educate young people not to be superstitious.

Looking back at the so-called bad things in the world that science can't explain may be the same, including too many necessities, right?