Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Birthday Fortune Teller _ Birthday Fortune Teller Wang Tao

Birthday Fortune Teller _ Birthday Fortune Teller Wang Tao

Why are most numerologists Buddhists?

Life exists objectively, but no one's life is absolute. Do Buddhists believe in numerology? Why are most numerologists Buddhists? These are two related issues. Dr. Zheng believes that Buddhists certainly believe in numerology. The more they practice Buddhism, the more they observe life and the more they believe. Life is made by heart, so is changing life. Some people think that if the so-called fate is understood as a trend, it exists. For example, I just went upstairs, so I have the fate of coming down from upstairs. But it's up to me to fall or come down.

Numerology is karma. From the cosmological point of view, human consciousness is related to the outside world, which explains why "birds of a feather flock together", because things with similar magnetic fields will be induced to gather together. Everyone is unique, born at a specific time and in a specific environment. According to numerology, this is "fate"; According to Buddhism, this is "cause and effect", and "cause" determines the "result" of your birth in this particular cosmic information field.

Buddhists talk about "great destiny". Buddhists talk about "practice" and break away from "the six divisions in the wheel of karma". People can break the mystery of the material world through practice and let go of their attachment to the material world, so that they will not be bound by the material. Buddhists also talk about "three generations of cause and effect". If you plant a good career, you will get good results.

Numerology is about "little life". You are born of cause and effect. Eight-character numerology can only analyze this result and give corresponding suggestions, such as renaming, mascot, feng shui adjustment and so on. In order to get good results, in addition, the most fundamental way is to eliminate disasters with morality. It is conceivable that many numerology masters are Buddhist believers.

Even if there are more innate blessings, they will be used up one day, just like withdrawing bank deposits. Only by doing good deeds can we accumulate more good causes, just like saving constantly. Therefore, pay more attention to the people and things around you who need help and do your part to help others. Don't do small favors, don't do small evils. I believe everyone can get good grades! The following article is reproduced. Dr. Zheng believes that many friends will ask the following questions:

1, can life be accurate? The answer is yes. As a forecasting tool, Zhouyi does have certain accuracy, precise formula and strict logic. Whether it is accurate or not is only a matter of forecaster's level, and it can be accurate in theory. The well-known birth horoscope fortune-telling method can be mainly used to calculate the general trends and fleeting events in a person's life, and the best one can be found in Ryutsuki. There are also a variety of fortune-telling methods, such as Liuyi, Qimen, Meihua, Ziwei and Liuguiren. And some of them can be counted, such as six hexagrams can occupy lost property, stock trends and so on. From this perspective, Zhouyi Prediction is indeed a profound knowledge.

2. Since life can be calculated accurately, must it be the same? Not necessarily the same. You should know how accurate Zhouyi's prediction can be.

For example, I once met a person with my personality, but her experience was very different from mine. She is an undergraduate and I am a master. Her parents divorced, my parents didn't, but my parents didn't have a good relationship at a certain period. She has arrhythmia, but I don't. We still have many big differences, including some differences in time. So what do we have in common?

For example, in 2004, something similar happened to both of us, which was a disaster. However, I was robbed of my bag while riding on the road. I lost about 4000 yuan before and after I lost my mobile phone, and she was even more unfortunate to be stabbed by a madman. It is also a disaster, and I am obviously much luckier than her. But this matter can be explained in eight words. The problem we had in those days was that the sheep's blade was harvested. Shen can be classified as car, knife, metal, etc. In the eight characters, so for me, numerology is similar to her being robbed by a bicycle and stabbed with a knife, but the reality is quite different. What is fortune telling? Calculation is like, the golden wood fire, water, earth 10 heavenly stems 12 earthly branches are like Qian Qian, so at the same time, the fate of the living may not be exactly the same, but the general fortune ups and downs can be calculated. No one's life is absolute. Especially the eight-character fortune telling, because there are too many kinds of images, the error can sometimes be even great.

3. Can fate be changed? It depends on Zhouyi or Buddhism. Can Zhouyi change his life?

Many people say that changing a person's life depends on the name of geomantic omen, and I hold a negative attitude towards this. I think that even if you get a good feng shui and a good name, you still need to accumulate your own blessings to get it. For example, suddenly one day you want to change your life, but the blessing is not enough. Find a feng shui master to correct your feng shui and change your bad name. Who is to blame? The real change in life must begin with the accumulation of blessings.

4. What is the relationship between Zhouyi and Buddhism? Zhouyi is also a study of the laws of the world. Anyone who knows gossip knows the method of divination. For example, if someone asks something, you can even do a divination according to the number of words he asks, the clothes he wears, or the time he asks, and then start to break things. What is the reason? Buddhism talks about the convergence of karma, and everything is created by idealism, which is also reflected in fortune telling. Everything around us is related to our thoughts. Dr. Zheng reprinted the following article: Why do I believe in Buddhism?

The reason why I believe in Buddhism begins with my understanding of hypnosis. According to the book Past Lives written by American psychiatrist Dr. Brian L. Brian Weiss, it is literally translated as "many past lives, many spiritual masters"-note that all the names and titles I mentioned can be searched by Google or Baidu in Hong Kong, and the former can find more information. If you want to read and buy a physical book, please search for the title or author on Taobao. Here are all the books that you want to translate and publish in Taiwan Province province but are not allowed to publish in China. Hypnosis can awaken the memory of past lives, foresee the future and communicate with the spiritual world, especially with the deceased relatives. In other words, hypnosis is actually a state similar to channeling or Buddhist meditation.

I am a person with strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, so it is not difficult to imagine my strong interest in this supernatural phenomenon. As early as many years ago, I was deeply suspicious of atheism and materialism, and thought that there was nothing more superficial and rough than them in the world. Simply put, atheism believes that the spiritual world does not exist, that human beings are the noblest in the world and the sole master of all things, and that "man can conquer nature". Materialism further holds that everything in the world is first of all material, and material determines consciousness. On the contrary, theism holds that the spiritual world exists, and besides human beings, there are countless "beings" or "light bodies" far superior to human beings. These invisible "beings" are called "gods". Idealism (such as Buddhism) thinks that everything in the universe is "presented by idealism and changed by knowledge", so "we should abide by the nature of dharma and create everything by idealism"

Obviously, a direct consequence of atheism and materialism is that since people die like lights go out, people living in the world should certainly enjoy it and pursue the philosophy of "it doesn't matter if I die." Because there is no concept of reincarnation and karma, people can certainly do evil in this world. For example, even if they know that fake drugs and wine will kill people, they can still produce and sell them correctly. Therefore, atheism and materialism are actually the theoretical basis of human moral degeneration, ethical corruption and greed. On the other hand, theism and idealism emphasize reverence for gods and ancestors, self-restraint and self-restraint. The so-called "dark room is guilty, eyes are like electricity." Therefore, countries with faith and without faith (broadly speaking, there is no country without faith, because its real belief is money) have judgments on the good and evil of people's hearts, social security and environmental protection.

But we can't easily admit theism and idealism and deny atheism and materialism because of the advantages and disadvantages of "social benefits" We must also find the real evidence of the former-that is, the evidence of the existence of ghosts and gods-to convince ourselves and others. Nowadays, in the study of near-death experience, Raymond A. Moody's Life After Life (literally translated as "Life After Life", because there are many people with the same name, you sometimes need to search in English) has made a pioneering contribution, and so has Elisabeth Kübler. Ross's.

In the study of reincarnation, Professor ian stevenson spent 40 years investigating about 3,000 cases about people who have memories of past lives, and wrote Twenty Cases Suggesting Reincarnation (1966), Children who Remember Past Lives (200 1), Reincarnation and Creatures-Meet Here (/kloc- , has become a best seller in the west. In the research of hypnosis, in addition to Dr. Brian Weiss (I have read all five of his books), The Immortality of Life-Past Life Treatment Report of Psychiatrists and Through Past Life-Dr. Chen Shengying's Hypnotherapy Report can be used for reference.

In the study of spirit and spiritual strength, Sylvia Browne, a famous American psychic, is not only powerful, but also a prolific best-selling author. Her representative works "The other shore and the back", "Blessing from the other shore" and "Cell Memory" sell well all over the world. She and another famous American psychic, James Van Praagh, whose masterpiece is Dialogue with Heaven, have the ability to hold a "seance" in front of tens of millions of TV viewers, so that TV program participants can communicate with their deceased relatives. During this period, the "immortals" will tell a lot of privacy and details through the mouth of the psychic, even with the same tone and accent as the parties themselves. Sylvia Browne has shown extraordinary spiritual strength since he was three years old. In addition to helping people regain control of their lives and understand the meaning of life, she participates in charity activities every year, using her special functions to find missing children and help the police solve unsolved cases. She is a frequent visitor to famous American programs such as Larry King Live, Good Morning America, The Montel Williams Show, Cold Cases, CNN and Entertainment Tonight.

Edgar Keith, another world-famous American psychic, cannot be mentioned here. Kathy can not only see through the human body under hypnosis, but also see things thousands of kilometers away, and can see the relationship between people and the universe, including the relationship between past lives and this life (similar to the special function of Feng Jushi, a dead China who once lived in Canada). Kathy believes that there is an accurate causal relationship between the misery and pain of human beings in this life and the karma of previous lives, so we can find the origin from previous lives. He divided human physical karma into three types: one is boomerang karma, and the other is' boomerang' (this kind of dart can return to the thrower's original place). For example, a completely blind professor, after memory and interpretation, shows that he has four reincarnation experiences. Once he was a member of a savage tribe, he often blinded his enemies with a red-hot soldering iron.

I will be blind in this life. The second is organ karma (organo karma). This is due to the abuse of an organ in a certain life, which leads to the disease of that organ. A 35-year-old man has a very weak digestive ability since he was a child. Kathy found out that the man was the bodyguard of the emperor Louis 13 of France. He is loyal and conscientious, but cute. I have been a gourmet all my life. Because of the excessive indulgence of these two generations in diet, it is difficult to eat enough in this life and needs to be compensated moderately. The third kind is called symbolic karma. One of the typical cases is a young man with anemia since childhood, and all treatments are ineffective. It turned out that when he was in power in Peru before V, he was cruel and believed that "blood is everywhere", which led to his "anemia in this life". Cathy's treatment case shows that karma from generation to generation plays a decisive role in this life.

Although Kathy doesn't know anything about medicine and hasn't read any books on anatomy, he can make a diagnosis with anatomy and medical terms under hypnosis, and the effect is remarkable. He cured sheep epilepsy, arthritis, migraine, scleroderma and other intractable diseases, and relieved the pain for thousands of people, which made Kathy known as' the greatest psychic in America'. Kathy was finally exhausted. 1945 when he died at the age of 68, his schedule for treating others was already two years later. Today, more than 4000 recorded interpretations of/kloc-0 made by Kathy for more than 5000 people have been compiled into files for people to continue to study and use. Gina Cerminara spent 20 years analyzing and studying Casey's interpretation cases in detail, and on this basis, she wrote a book, Years: The Story of Edgar Keith's Reincarnation.

One of its final conclusions is that every soul lives not just once, but many times. It is worth mentioning that although Kathy has made great achievements in her life, she doesn't think she has any super powers. He said: "I am only a few people who can completely give up their individuality and give my soul a chance to get in touch with the knowledge of the universe." I don't think I have abilities that others don't have. The fact is that people's ability is much greater than we thought, but you must get rid of self-interest to have this ability. "Obviously, this is a complete replica of Buddhist theory. By the way, Kathy herself is a Christian.

About a year ago, I saw the Buddhist Guo Qing's A Record of Modern Causality (this book is basically free in major temples, and the author Guo Qing gave up the copyright-this is a huge income because the circulation of this book is very large), and I felt very fascinated. This is probably the last step for me to convert to Buddhism. Of course, I like Buddhism for another reason, that is, its classic meaning is a great opportunity for me. The so-called "in-depth scripture, wisdom as the sea" is just that I was ignorant before and didn't know it. My mother believed in Christianity before her death and advised me to convert to Christianity many times, but I feel that the inclusiveness of Buddhism makes me more acceptable, and its theory seems to be more "real"; Therefore, although I have great affection for Christianity and am willing to be a protector of Christianity, I finally chose Buddhism. The last reason why I chose to believe in Buddhism is that I saw my mentor, the old mage, on the Internet. I was deeply impressed by the kindness of the old man. His solemn kindness to all beings, his never criticizing others or attacking other religions, his generosity in advocating religious harmony, and his constant lectures over the past 50 years are even more justified and eloquent. It can be said that I don't understand what others say, and I can't listen; I can understand and listen to the old mage's lecture. So his old man's lecture is the most suitable for me. Besides the old mage, I prefer the deceased Master Xuanhua, who brought Buddhism to America. His old man is said to be an ancient Guanyin (an ancient Buddha, not a Guanyin bodhisattva). The explanation is easy to understand. I like it.

People are used to denying all magical phenomena, even supernatural phenomena, on the pretext of "not conforming to scientific principles". I don't know that the life span of the earth is billions of years, and the history of mankind is millions of years. How many years has "modern science" been born? Compared with the ancient history and culture, the former is just an innocent child. What qualifications are there to pretend to be "science" at any time? Besides, science is constantly developing. Just a few hundred years ago, when atheism and materialism were still in their infancy, they thought that "invisible things don't exist"! For example, bacteria are invisible. Don't they exist? Air is invisible, so don't they exist? Dutch Levin Hooke first discovered bacteria in 1677, and British Rutherford first discovered nitrogen, the main component of air, in 1772, less than 400 years ago. But 2,500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha pointed to a glass of water and said that there were "84,000 insects" in a glass of water. How did he know?

Judging from the recent archaeological discoveries in paleoanthropology and geography, 12000 years ago, the scientific and technological level of mankind at that time had already far exceeded today's level. At that time, people were able to perform high-precision craniotomy and use nuclear energy on a large scale (see the interview video of Cavid Wilcock and Graham Hancock, and you can search their names on Tudou or Youku). For another example, the pyramids in Egypt were built about 4500 years ago, but people still can't copy them today. Some of the huge stones that built the pyramids weigh thousands of tons, and dozens of super cranes need to be densely surrounded to lift them awkwardly, but the builders of the pyramids can carry them at will. Moreover, the cutting accuracy of these boulders can only be achieved by today's digital machine tools under the control of computers. How did the ancients do it?

Graham Hancock is a great scientist and prolific writer with practical spirit. He is very experienced. For decades, he and his wife, Santha Faiia, have been diving and exploring all over the world, visiting civilizations and ancient buildings that have sunk to the bottom of the sea. He wrote Supernatural, Fingerprint of God, Signs and Seals, Guardian of Genesis, Mystery of Mars and Mirror of Heaven.

Dr Zheng Weijian's comment: Buddhists talk about "great destiny". Buddhists talk about "practice" and break away from "the six divisions in the wheel of karma". People can break the mystery of the material world through practice and let go of their attachment to the material world, so that they will not be bound by the material. Buddhists also talk about "three generations of cause and effect". If you plant a good career, you will get good results. The real change in life must begin with the accumulation of blessings. Numerology is about "little life". You are born of cause and effect. Eight-character numerology can analyze your life fortune and give corresponding suggestions, such as renaming, mascot, feng shui adjustment and so on. This is why Feng Shui is around us. In order to get good luck, in addition to conditioning yourself and Feng Shui, the most fundamental way is to do good and eliminate evil. Many numerology masters are Buddhist believers. No one's life is absolute, life is made by the heart, and life changes are also made by the heart.