Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune teller

Fortune teller

Yuan Tiangang visited this man at different times. Of course, the results of the visit are different. The person who asked Yuan Tiangang to see a fortune-teller three times was called Dou Gui, once before, ten years after and once during the Tang Gaozu period, so the fortune-telling results in different periods were of course different.

Yuan Tiangang, a fortune teller in Sui and Tang Dynasties, was very famous. In the early years, before the demise of the Sui Dynasty, Yuan Tiangang set up a stall in a fixed place on the street to visit fortune-teller. At that time, he met Dou Gui. Dou Gui was originally an official's son, but his family came down, and eventually he became an outside rental house with Yuan Tiangang. Dou Gui felt that life at that time was particularly confused, so he asked Yuan Tiangang to show him a photo. Yuan Tiangang carefully looked at Dou Gui's face and said? Your forehead is prominent, and the hairline can extend to the acupoints of the jade pillow at the back of your head. Plus the chin is big and round, you can become a general in ten years and become rich or expensive? . Dou Gui was very happy after hearing this, and said that if it is as you said, I will never forget you.

Ten years later, Dou Gui worked as a servant in Yizhou. Immediately after taking office, he ordered Yuan Tiangang to be taken to his mansion as a guest. At the moment I saw Yuan Tiangang, Dou Gui's special maneuver was due to Yuan Tiangang's words and Dou Gui's special efforts and courage in recent years. So DouGui let Yuan Tiangang see face again. Yuan Tiangang looked at his face carefully and said, There are too many bloodshot eyes, because you killed too many people, so angry. There will be no big trouble if you don't kill people indiscriminately in the future. . After hearing this, Dou Gui promised not to kill anyone.

Yuan Tiangang's third visit to Dou Gui's fortune teller was in the period of Tang Gaozu. Dou Gui received a letter from the imperial court asking him to go to Beijing at once. When Dou Gui saw it, he kept playing drums. I don't know why, so he invited Yuan Tiangang. When Yuan Tiangang saw Dou Gui's face was shiny, he said to him, Don't worry about going to Beijing. This is a good thing. Will the emperor give you a promotion? After hearing this, Dou Gui.