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What are the ending idioms?

What idioms are there at the end of drunken talk?

Idioms ending in drunken characters:

As drunk as a fiddler,

If you drink today, you will be drunk today.




Get drunk after drinking,

Wine doesn't make people drunk,

There is wine today, drunk today,

Tao ran was drunk,

Drunk eyes and hazy eyes,

Tasaday was misunderstood.

(2) What idioms end with hidden words?

Posture, posturing, bravado, sizing up the situation, grasping the law, taking advantage of the situation, threatening occasionally, tending to admire the situation, relying on the situation, jittery, magnificent, pressing, pressing, pressing, pressing.

③ What idioms are there at the end of Zhang?

Zhang's last idiom is:


Change the strings of an instrument to produce a more pleasant tone-adopt a new method

The sword is drawn and the bow is wound-(of a situation) becomes explosive.

go one's own way

keep secret

In order to look good in form, desperate excesses.

be arrogant and disdainful

The sun in summer is empty and hot.

Shit, bluff.

Bloody blood vessels

Brutal and arrogant

Pass the buck

Once the headrope of the fishing net is pulled up

Start over, start over.

Things are not going well.


④ What are the idioms that describe the "ending"?

Idioms describing the "ending" are:

Stop fighting, stop fighting [bà zhà n x and b and ng]

Stop or end the war.

Biography of Zhou Sheng's Awakening Marriage in Qing Dynasty.

Unbearable to read [bkān zúdú]

Unbearable: no; Pawn: over, over. Describe the miserable writing of the article, which makes people feel sad and can't bear to read it. It also means that the article is so bad that people refuse to read it.

Go away [Li Xi m: o Li Xi m: o Zhang]

End: end, end. I ended it in an endless way. It means to put things aside and finish them.

Out: Joint "Eight Records of Respect for Life": "Or ask about our life; Think before and after; Many activities; This is a worry; what can I do? Mr. Xin Zhai said,' Why not let go?' "


The lights that are about to go out, the temple fair that is about to end. Metaphor things have declined and are coming to an end.

Out: Lao She's Nie Gannu's essays-Beijing Spring Festival.

Hasty [c m: o c m: o Li m: o stone]

Cao Cao: Describe sloppy and sloppy; It's done. It's over. Hastily end this matter.

Source: Zhang Mingjuzheng's "Selected Works of Zhang Taiyue Answer to Shandong Governor He Laishan": "In the past 100 years, Zhang Qing's facts have been ignored; Appropriate and on-the-job servants; Everything is urgent; If but in a hurry; Unfortunately, this time, it is just an empty ear. "

Hasty, hasty

End: end, end. Hastily end this matter.

Haste retreat

Metaphor is so-so, ending things in a hurry.

Source: * * * "On Correctly Handling Contradictions among the People": "In the process of dealing with disturbances, we should do meticulous work, do not use simple methods to deal with them, and do not' withdraw troops hastily'."

things have come to a close

Dust: tiny dust. All the dust falls. Metaphorically, it's over.

Seal the sword and hang it [fēng dāo guà jiàn]

Metaphor means that athletes end their competitive career and no longer participate in formal competitions.

Die even worse

End: end, end. After several waiters' shifts, the conversation is still not over.

Source: Dou's "Yangzhou Painting Boat Record Caohe Record": "All this is more difficult to end."

What idioms are there at the end of the story?

Just avoid harm.

Source: "Woods Tuguo No.1": "Those who plan, so seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Meaning: just: approaching, heading for. Avoid harmful conditions and approach favorable conditions.

Bad start.


Meaning: division: army. Leon: Smooth. It didn't go well. Describe that at the beginning, things suffered a fiasco.

turn toaccount good account


Meaning: fishing: fishing. Profit: Take the opportunity to seek illegitimate rights. Take advantage of others.

good luck

Source: Ming Luo Guan Zhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the 54th time: "Kongming said,' I know what I'm here for. Reading Yi in time is a good sign. "

Moral: Very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Make good use of it, dà dàn yǐ zhòng lì.

Source: "Historical Records of the Emperor Gaozu": "Pei Gong thought it was a fraud, but he benefited from Zhang Shi and Lu Jia talking about General Qin."

Meaning: spit: eat, seduce; Weight: large and thick; Benefits: benefits, benefits. Lure or buy off people with rich interests and benefits.

Floating name and small profit fü mí ng bó l √.

Source: Song Zhao Shi Xia's "Flying Butterfly": "After one cup of washing, everything is gone, everything is gone, and the reputation is small, small."

Meaning: floating name: empty name; Small profit: small profit. Describe fame and fortune as insignificant.

The urgency of public interests and immediate interests, jí g not ng j ? n l ?

Source: Han Dong's book "Biographies of King Jiao Xi in the Spring and Autumn Period": "A benevolent person is doing his own thing, and he is not in a hurry."

Meaning: near: in front of you. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Get quick success and instant benefit, not ng jì n l ì.

Source: Han Dong's book "Biographies of King Jiao Xi in the Spring and Autumn Period": "A benevolent person is doing his own thing, and he is not in a hurry."

Meaning: merit: success; Close: immediately. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Bad time, Linian Bree.

Source: Feng Ming magnum "Awakening the World, Du Zichun's Three Visits to Chang 'an": "I think my time is not good, so I didn't enjoy myself, even so. "

Meaning: fleeting time: fortune tellers used to call it "luck" in a year; Pro: Geely. Refers to a person who has been in an unfortunate state for many years. This is called bad luck.

Clever and hypocritical, mercenary, sorry m:owēIQūLi

Source: History of Han Geography: "The mistakes of Zhou people are wonderful and false."

Meaning: Joe: treacherous. False: hypocrisy. Trend: pursuing, approaching and tending. Treacherous and hypocritical, mercenary and obedient.

Sound, color, taste and interest

Source: Zhong Zhong's Letters: "Only the king doesn't care about his appearance, and he doesn't cultivate goods."

Meaning: commodity: refers to money; Pro: refers to self-interest. Desire for singing and dancing, women, money and self-interest. Generally refers to the behavior of having fun and asking for money.

Go all out. Wú w m: ng bê l .

Source: Li Qingruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge" is the ninetieth time: "Today is poor, fortunately, the dirt is wiped out, and then the sky is bright and there is no scum. You talented women must be invincible. "

No matter where we go, we can't make mistakes. It means it works everywhere. Well done.

A profitable book.

Source: Qing Jiwen's "Voice of the City" 26 th time: "This time, I have burned my bridges and traveled long distances, but I hope to collect it."

Meaning: small capital, big profit.

small profits but quick turnover

Source: Shi Man: "The snail's horn is hollow, and the fly's head is meager."

Meaning: as small as a fly's head. Metaphor is a small profit.

Small profits but quick turnover, xi, m: o l.

Source: Shi's man: "The snail's horn is hollow, and the fly's head is meager."

Meaning: Metaphorically, the profit is very small.

The fisherman gains yú ré n zh: and l‖.

Source: "The Warring States Policy Yance II" records that the clam opens its shell to bask in the sun, and the snipe pecks at it, and its mouth is caught by the clam shell, and the two sides do not give way. The fisherman came and caught them both.

Meaning: Fisherman: a metaphor of the third party. Metaphor means that the two sides are deadlocked, both sides lose, and the third party takes advantage.

scramble for power and profit


Meaning: Fight for power and profit.

Selfish Son and Gigi Lai

Source: Biography of the Book of Jin Penny: "The connection of troubles must be out of selfishness, but it is based on desire." Liezi Yang Zhu: "Dayu is selfish, but his whole body is dry."

Meaning: selfish, only for personal benefit.

Take advantage of profits.

Source: "The Warring States Policy Yance II": "Today, I came, crossed Yishui, exposed mussels, snipes pecked at their meat, and mussels closed their beaks. ..... The two refused to give up, and the fisherman got it and became one with the bird. "

Meaning: Metaphorically taking advantage of other people's contradictions to gain profits.

6. What are the idioms that describe the "ending"?

Idioms describing the "ending" are: a good beginning and a good ending, a good beginning and a good ending, the ending of the song, and sometimes the ending, with gongs and drums. version

1, a good beginning and a good ending [shàn shǐlūng sūng]: There is a good beginning and a good ending. Describe seriously.

"Fu Qin" by San Guo Kang: "It is rich and colorful, and it starts well and ends well."

2, a good beginning and a good end [shà nsh ǐ shà nzh! Ng]: It describes that things have a good beginning and a good ending.

[Source] "Zhuangzi Grand Master": "Good and evil, good and old; A good beginning and a good end. "

3. The music ended gracefully [q ǔ zhń ng zò u y m]: The music played elegant and pure music at the end. The post-figurative article or artistic expression is particularly wonderful at the end. It is also a metaphor for a happy ending.

[Source] Sima Qian's Biography of Historical Records and Sima Xiangru in the Western Han Dynasty: "Yang Xiong thought it was a beautiful gift, advised Pepsi to become a common practice, and still hired Zheng Weizhi. The song was elegant and nothing was lost?"

4. From time to time [shí y ǒ u zh not ng sh ǐ]: refers to the process and reasons from the beginning to the end.

[Source] "Book of Rites University": "Things have a beginning and an end, and things have an end. Knowing the order is a shortcut. "

5. Stop beating gongs and drums]: Stop beating gongs and drums. The metaphor is over, it's over.

[Source] Li Qingyu's "Random Thoughts, Words and Styles": "The reunion of flesh and blood is just a laugh, and it is boring to combine gongs and drums."

⑦ What idioms end with a thousand words?

Evil travels thousands of miles, which means that good things are not easy to be known, but bad things spread quickly (including advice).

I feel a lot of feelings and feelings because of the great changes in external things.

Rejecting people from thousands of miles away to describe arrogance, resolutely rejecting others, or there is no room for discussion.

Meteorology: Scenes. Describe a magnificent and diverse scene or thing.

108,000 Li is a long distance.

Eighty-four thousand was originally the Buddha's name for many things, and later it was used to describe many things.

What are the idioms that end with horses?

The metaphor of the lost horse is uncertain.

Cheat horses and chariots, poor horses. Metaphor is poverty.

Bolexiang: According to legend, people, surnames, are good at horses. Refers to individuals or groups that discover, recommend, train and use talents.

A person is meant to go into battle alone. Metaphor action without help.

Pet-name ruby four-word idiom last piece.

In a panic,

Change course,

Make your own decisions,

At daggers drawn,

Keep quiet,



The umbrella is very high,

Fifty cents and six sheets of paper,

Finger Li retires,

Open your eyes and look at the outline,

The wolf is very concerned about Zhang.

Shit, bluff.

Hope to adopt ~ ~ ~

What idioms are there at the end of Zhang Zi?

Change course: change; Zhang: Wind the instrument. Change and adjust the strings of musical instruments to make the sound harmonious. Metaphor is to reform the system or change plans and methods.

Umbrella height: metaphor for the hot summer sun; Zhang: Expand. Describe the scorching sun in summer, which is very hot.

The nervous tension, the bow before the bow. Describe the momentum, or tense situation, which is explosive.

Arrogance: the appearance of madness. Describe a person as overbearing and arrogant.

Self-assertion refers to unauthorized disposal without the consent of superiors or relevant parties.